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Touch.FrameReported Kejadian


Terjadi saat pesan sentuhan dikirim.

 static event System::Windows::Input::TouchFrameEventHandler ^ FrameReported;
public static event System.Windows.Input.TouchFrameEventHandler FrameReported;
member this.FrameReported : System.Windows.Input.TouchFrameEventHandler 
Public Shared Custom Event FrameReported As TouchFrameEventHandler 
Public Shared Event FrameReported As TouchFrameEventHandler 

Jenis Acara


Contoh berikut menangani FrameReported peristiwa. Ketika sentuhan menekan , CanvasTouchDevice diambil ke Canvas. Ketika sentuhan diangkat, dilepaskan TouchDevice . Ketika sentuhan bergerak melintasi Canvas, Id dicentang. Jika pemindahan berasal dari sentuhan pertama, lokasinya akan direkam. Jika gerakan berasal dari sentuhan kedua, garis digambar dari posisi sentuhan pertama ke posisi sentuhan kedua.

Contoh ini adalah bagian dari contoh yang lebih besar yang tersedia dalam Touch gambaran umum kelas.

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    // Variables for tracking the position of two points.
    Point pt1, pt2 = new Point();
    public MainWindow()
        Touch.FrameReported += new TouchFrameEventHandler(Touch_FrameReported);

    void Touch_FrameReported(object sender, TouchFrameEventArgs e)
        if (this.canvas1 != null)
            foreach (TouchPoint _touchPoint in e.GetTouchPoints(this.canvas1))
                if (_touchPoint.Action == TouchAction.Down)
                    // Clear the canvas and capture the touch to it.

                else if (_touchPoint.Action == TouchAction.Move && e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(this.canvas1) != null)
                    // This is the first (primary) touch point. Just record its position.
                    if (_touchPoint.TouchDevice.Id == e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(this.canvas1).TouchDevice.Id)
                        pt1.X = _touchPoint.Position.X;
                        pt1.Y = _touchPoint.Position.Y;

                    // This is not the first touch point. Draw a line from the first point to this one.
                    else if (_touchPoint.TouchDevice.Id != e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(this.canvas1).TouchDevice.Id)
                        pt2.X = _touchPoint.Position.X;
                        pt2.Y = _touchPoint.Position.Y;

                        Line _line = new Line();
                        _line.Stroke = new RadialGradientBrush(Colors.White, Colors.Black);
                        _line.X1 = pt1.X;
                        _line.X2 = pt2.X;
                        _line.Y1 = pt1.Y;
                        _line.Y2 = pt2.Y;
                        _line.StrokeThickness = 2;

                else if (_touchPoint.Action == TouchAction.Up)
                    // If this touch is captured to the canvas, release it.
                    if (_touchPoint.TouchDevice.Captured == this.canvas1)
Class MainWindow
    ' Variables for tracking the position of two points.
    Private pt1, pt2 As Point

    Public Sub New()
        AddHandler Touch.FrameReported, AddressOf Touch_FrameReported
    End Sub

    Private Sub Touch_FrameReported(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.TouchFrameEventArgs)
        If (canvas1 IsNot Nothing) Then
            For Each _touchPoint In e.GetTouchPoints(Me.canvas1)

                If _touchPoint.Action = TouchAction.Down Then
                    ' Clear the canvas and capture the touch to it.

                ElseIf _touchPoint.Action = TouchAction.Move Then
                    ' This is the first (primary) touch point. Just record its position.
                    If _touchPoint.TouchDevice.Id = e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(Me.canvas1).TouchDevice.Id Then
                        pt1.X = _touchPoint.Position.X
                        pt1.Y = _touchPoint.Position.Y

                        ' This is not the first touch point; draw a line from the first point to this one.
                    ElseIf _touchPoint.TouchDevice.Id <> e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(Me.canvas1).TouchDevice.Id Then
                        pt2.X = _touchPoint.Position.X
                        pt2.Y = _touchPoint.Position.Y

                        Dim _line As New Line()
                        _line.Stroke = New RadialGradientBrush(Colors.White, Colors.Black)
                        _line.X1 = pt1.X
                        _line.X2 = pt2.X
                        _line.Y1 = pt1.Y
                        _line.Y2 = pt2.Y

                        _line.StrokeThickness = 2
                    End If

                ElseIf _touchPoint.Action = TouchAction.Up Then
                    ' If this touch is captured to the canvas, release it.
                    If (_touchPoint.TouchDevice.Captured Is canvas1) Then
                    End If
                End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Class


Bingkai adalah satu dari serangkaian pesan multitouch atau titik sentuh. Anda dapat merespons sentuhan dengan menangani FrameReported peristiwa dan mengakses detail TouchPoint dari TouchFrameEventArgs data peristiwa.

Peristiwa ini FrameReported tidak menggunakan model peristiwa yang sama dengan peristiwa input WPF lainnya, seperti TouchDown dan TouchMove. Alih-alih diekspos sebagai peristiwa khusus elemen yang berpotensi merutekan melalui pohon objek UI, peristiwa tersebut FrameReported adalah peristiwa tunggal yang ditangani di tingkat aplikasi. Oleh karena itu, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan sender parameter penanganan aktivitas untuk menentukan elemen apa yang disentuh.

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