Tutorial: Memperbarui Definisi Instans Alur Kerja yang Berjalan

Pembaruan dinamis menyediakan mekanisme bagi pengembang aplikasi alur kerja untuk memperbarui definisi alur kerja dari instans alur kerja yang bertahan. Perubahan wajib ini bisa untuk menerapkan perbaikan bug, persyaratan baru, atau untuk mengakomodasi perubahan yang tidak terduga. Langkah dalam tutorial ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan pembaruan dinamis untuk memodifikasi instans persisten dari alur kerja tebakan angka v1 agar sesuai dengan fungsionalitas baru yang diperkenalkan dalam Tutorial: Menghosting Beberapa Versi Alur Kerja Berdampingan.

Dalam topik ini

Untuk membuat proyek CreateUpdateMaps

  1. Klik kanan WF45GettingStartedTutorial di Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Tambahkan, Proyek Baru.

  2. Di node Terinstal, pilih Visual C#, Alur Kerja (atau Visual Basic, Alur Kerja).


    Bergantung pada bahasa pemrograman yang dikonfigurasi sebagai bahasa utama dalam Visual Studio, node Visual C# atau Visual Basic mungkin berada di node Bahasa Lainnya di node Terinstal.

    Pastikan .NET Framework 4.5 dipilih di menu drop-down versi .NET Framework. Pilih Aplikasi Konsol dari daftar Windows. Ketik CreateUpdateMaps ke dalam kotak Nama dan klik OK.

  3. Klik kanan CreateUpdateMaps pada Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Tambahkan Referensi.

  4. Pilih Kerangka Kerja dari node Assemblies di daftar Tambahkan Referensi. Ketik System.Activities ke dalam kotak Assembly Pencarian untuk memfilter assembly dan menjadikan referensi yang diinginkan lebih mudah dipilih.

  5. Centang kotak di samping System.Activities dari daftar Hasil Pencarian.

  6. Ketik Serialisasi ke dalam kotak Assembly Pencarian, dan centang kotak di samping System.Runtime.Serialization dari daftar Hasil Pencarian.

  7. Ketik System.Xaml ke dalam kotak Assembly Pencarian, dan centang kotak di samping System.Xaml dari daftar Hasil Pencarian.

  8. Klik OK untuk menutup Pengelola Referensi dan tambahkan referensi.

  9. Tambahkan pernyataan using (atau Imports) berikut di bagian atas file dengan pernyataan using (atau Imports) lainnya.

    Imports System.Activities
    Imports System.Activities.Statements
    Imports System.Xaml
    Imports System.Reflection
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Activities.XamlIntegration
    Imports System.Activities.DynamicUpdate
    Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Activities.Statements;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Xaml;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Activities.XamlIntegration;
    using System.Activities.DynamicUpdate;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using Microsoft.CSharp.Activities;
  10. Tambahkan dua anggota string berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1).

    Const mapPath = "..\..\..\PreviousVersions"
    Const definitionPath = "..\..\..\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_du"
    const string mapPath = @"..\..\..\PreviousVersions";
    const string definitionPath = @"..\..\..\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_du";
  11. Tambahkan metode StartUpdate berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Metode ini memuat definisi alur kerja xaml yang ditentukan ke dalam ActivityBuilder, lalu memanggil DynamicUpdate.PrepareForUpdate. PrepareForUpdate membuat salinan definisi alur kerja di dalam ActivityBuilder. Setelah definisi alur kerja dimodifikasi, salinan ini digunakan bersama dengan definisi alur kerja yang dimodifikasi untuk membuat peta pembaruan.

    Private Function StartUpdate(name As String) As ActivityBuilder
        'Create the XamlXmlReaderSettings.
        Dim readerSettings As XamlReaderSettings = New XamlXmlReaderSettings()
        'In the XAML the "local" namespace refers to artifacts that come from
        'the same project as the XAML. When loading XAML if the currently executing
        'assembly is not the same assembly that was referred to as "local" in the XAML
        'LocalAssembly must be set to the assembly containing the artifacts.
        'Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
        'to an absolute path.
        readerSettings.LocalAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(
            Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(mapPath, "NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v1.dll")))
        Dim fullPath As String = Path.Combine(definitionPath, name)
        Dim xamlReader As XamlXmlReader = New XamlXmlReader(fullPath, readerSettings)
        'Load the workflow definition into an ActivityBuilder.
        Dim wf As ActivityBuilder = XamlServices.Load(
        'PrepareForUpdate makes a copy of the workflow definition in the
        'ActivityBuilder that is used for comparison when the update
        'map is created.
        Return wf
    End Function
    private static ActivityBuilder StartUpdate(string name)
        // Create the XamlXmlReaderSettings.
        XamlXmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XamlXmlReaderSettings()
            // In the XAML the "local" namespace refers to artifacts that come from
            // the same project as the XAML. When loading XAML if the currently executing
            // assembly is not the same assembly that was referred to as "local" in the XAML
            // LocalAssembly must be set to the assembly containing the artifacts.
            // Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
            // to an absolute path.
            LocalAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(
                Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(mapPath, "NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v1.dll")))
        string path = Path.Combine(definitionPath, name);
        XamlXmlReader xamlReader = new XamlXmlReader(path, readerSettings);
        // Load the workflow definition into an ActivityBuilder.
        ActivityBuilder wf = XamlServices.Load(
            as ActivityBuilder;
        // PrepareForUpdate makes a copy of the workflow definition in the
        // ActivityBuilder that is used for comparison when the update
        // map is created.
        return wf;
  12. Selanjutnya, tambahkan CreateUpdateMethod berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Langkah ini membuat peta pembaruan dinamis dengan memanggil DynamicUpdateServices.CreateUpdateMap, lalu menyimpan peta pembaruan menggunakan nama yang ditentukan. Peta pembaruan ini berisi informasi yang diperlukan oleh runtime alur kerja untuk memperbarui contoh alur kerja yang bertahan yang dimulai menggunakan definisi alur kerja asli yang terkandung dalam ActivityBuilder sehingga selesai menggunakan definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui.

    Private Sub CreateUpdateMaps(wf As ActivityBuilder, name As String)
        'Create the UpdateMap.
        Dim map As DynamicUpdateMap =
        'Serialize it to a file.
        Dim mapFullPath As String = Path.Combine(mapPath, name)
        Dim sz As DataContractSerializer = New DataContractSerializer(GetType(DynamicUpdateMap))
        Using fs As FileStream = File.Open(mapFullPath, FileMode.Create)
            sz.WriteObject(fs, map)
        End Using
    End Sub
    private static void CreateUpdateMaps(ActivityBuilder wf, string name)
        // Create the UpdateMap.
        DynamicUpdateMap map =
        // Serialize it to a file.
        string path = Path.Combine(mapPath, name);
        DataContractSerializer sz = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(DynamicUpdateMap));
        using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Open(path, FileMode.Create))
            sz.WriteObject(fs, map);
  13. Tambahkan metode SaveUpdatedDefinition berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Metode ini menyimpan definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui setelah peta pembaruan dibuat.

    Private Sub SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf As ActivityBuilder, name As String)
        Dim xamlPath As String = Path.Combine(definitionPath, name)
        Dim sw As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(xamlPath)
        Dim xw As XamlWriter = ActivityXamlServices.CreateBuilderWriter(
            New XamlXmlWriter(sw, New XamlSchemaContext()))
        XamlServices.Save(xw, wf)
    End Sub
    private static void SaveUpdatedDefinition(ActivityBuilder wf, string name)
        string xamlPath = Path.Combine(definitionPath, name);
        StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(xamlPath);
        XamlWriter xw = ActivityXamlServices.CreateBuilderWriter(
            new XamlXmlWriter(sw, new XamlSchemaContext()));
        XamlServices.Save(xw, wf);

Untuk memperbarui StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow

  1. Tambahkan CreateStateMachineUpdateMap ke kelas Program (atau Module1).

    Private Sub CreateStateMachineUpdateMap()
    End Sub
    private static void CreateStateMachineUpdateMap()
  2. Lakukan panggilan ke StartUpdate lalu dapatkan referensi ke aktivitas StateMachine akar alur kerja.

    Dim wf As ActivityBuilder = StartUpdate("StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml")
    'Get a reference to the root StateMachine activity.
    Dim sm As StateMachine = wf.Implementation
    ActivityBuilder wf = StartUpdate("StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml");
    // Get a reference to the root StateMachine activity.
    StateMachine sm = wf.Implementation as StateMachine;
  3. Selanjutnya, perbarui ekspresi dua aktivitas WriteLine yang menampilkan apakah tebakan pengguna terlalu tinggi atau terlalu rendah sehingga mereka cocok dengan pembaruan yang dibuat di Tutorial: Menghosting Beberapa Versi Alur Kerja Berdampingan.

    'Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
    'results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
    'Then and Else action of the If activity in sm.States[1].Transitions[1].Action.
    Dim guessLow As Statements.If = sm.States(1).Transitions(1).Action
    'Update the "too low" message.
    Dim tooLow As WriteLine = guessLow.Then
    tooLow.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too low.""")
    'Update the "too high" message.
    Dim tooHigh As WriteLine = guessLow.Else
    tooHigh.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too high.""")
    // Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
    // results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
    // Then and Else action of the If activity in sm.States[1].Transitions[1].Action.
    If guessLow = sm.States[1].Transitions[1].Action as If;
    // Update the "too low" message.
    WriteLine tooLow = guessLow.Then as WriteLine;
    tooLow.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too low.\"");
    // Update the "too high" message.
    WriteLine tooHigh = guessLow.Else as WriteLine;
    tooHigh.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too high.\"");
  4. Selanjutnya, tambahkan aktivitas WriteLine baru yang menampilkan pesan penutup.

    'Create the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
    Dim wl As New WriteLine() With
        .Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String) _
            ("Guess.ToString() + "" is correct. You guessed it in "" & Turns.ToString() & "" turns.""")
    'Add it as the Action for the Guess Correct transition. The Guess Correct
    'transition is the first transition of States[1]. The transitions are listed
    'at the bottom of the State activity designer.
    sm.States(1).Transitions(0).Action = wl
    // Create the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
    WriteLine wl = new WriteLine
        Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is correct. You guessed it in \" + Turns.ToString() + \" turns.\"")
    // Add it as the Action for the Guess Correct transition. The Guess Correct
    // transition is the first transition of States[1]. The transitions are listed
    // at the bottom of the State activity designer.
    sm.States[1].Transitions[0].Action = wl;
  5. Setelah alur kerja diperbarui, panggil CreateUpdateMaps dan SaveUpdatedDefinition. CreateUpdateMaps membuat dan menyimpan DynamicUpdateMap, dan SaveUpdatedDefinition menyimpan definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui.

    'Create the update map.
    CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.map")
    'Save the updated workflow definition.
    SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml")
    // Create the update map.
    CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.map");
    // Save the updated workflow definition.
    SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml");

    Contoh berikut adalah metode CreateStateMachineUpdateMap yang telah selesai.

    Private Sub CreateStateMachineUpdateMap()
        Dim wf As ActivityBuilder = StartUpdate("StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml")
        'Get a reference to the root StateMachine activity.
        Dim sm As StateMachine = wf.Implementation
        'Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
        'results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
        'Then and Else action of the If activity in sm.States[1].Transitions[1].Action.
        Dim guessLow As Statements.If = sm.States(1).Transitions(1).Action
        'Update the "too low" message.
        Dim tooLow As WriteLine = guessLow.Then
        tooLow.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too low.""")
        'Update the "too high" message.
        Dim tooHigh As WriteLine = guessLow.Else
        tooHigh.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too high.""")
        'Create the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
        Dim wl As New WriteLine() With
            .Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String) _
                ("Guess.ToString() + "" is correct. You guessed it in "" & Turns.ToString() & "" turns.""")
        'Add it as the Action for the Guess Correct transition. The Guess Correct
        'transition is the first transition of States[1]. The transitions are listed
        'at the bottom of the State activity designer.
        sm.States(1).Transitions(0).Action = wl
        'Create the update map.
        CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.map")
        'Save the updated workflow definition.
        SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml")
    End Sub
    private static void CreateStateMachineUpdateMap()
        ActivityBuilder wf = StartUpdate("StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml");
        // Get a reference to the root StateMachine activity.
        StateMachine sm = wf.Implementation as StateMachine;
        // Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
        // results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
        // Then and Else action of the If activity in sm.States[1].Transitions[1].Action.
        If guessLow = sm.States[1].Transitions[1].Action as If;
        // Update the "too low" message.
        WriteLine tooLow = guessLow.Then as WriteLine;
        tooLow.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too low.\"");
        // Update the "too high" message.
        WriteLine tooHigh = guessLow.Else as WriteLine;
        tooHigh.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too high.\"");
        // Create the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
        WriteLine wl = new WriteLine
            Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is correct. You guessed it in \" + Turns.ToString() + \" turns.\"")
        // Add it as the Action for the Guess Correct transition. The Guess Correct
        // transition is the first transition of States[1]. The transitions are listed
        // at the bottom of the State activity designer.
        sm.States[1].Transitions[0].Action = wl;
        // Create the update map.
        CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.map");
        // Save the updated workflow definition.
        SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml");

Untuk memperbarui FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow

  1. Tambahkan CreateFlowchartUpdateMethod berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Metode ini sama dengan CreateStateMachineUpdateMap. Dimulai dengan panggilan ke StartUpdate, memperbarui definisi alur kerja diagram alur, dan selesai dengan menyimpan peta pembaruan dan definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui.

    Private Sub CreateFlowchartUpdateMap()
        Dim wf As ActivityBuilder = StartUpdate("FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml")
        'Get a reference to the root Flowchart activity.
        Dim fc As Flowchart = wf.Implementation
        'Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
        'results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
        'True and False action of the "Guess < Target" FlowDecision, which is
        Dim guessLow As FlowDecision = fc.Nodes(4)
        'Update the "too low" message.
        Dim trueStep As FlowStep = guessLow.True
        Dim tooLow As WriteLine = trueStep.Action
        tooLow.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too low.""")
        'Update the "too high" message.
        Dim falseStep As FlowStep = guessLow.False
        Dim tooHigh As WriteLine = falseStep.Action
        tooHigh.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too high.""")
        'Create the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
        Dim wl As New WriteLine() With
            .Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String) _
                ("Guess.ToString() + "" is correct. You guessed it in "" & Turns.ToString() & "" turns.""")
        'Create a FlowStep to hold the WriteLine.
        Dim closingStep As New FlowStep() With
            .Action = wl
        'Add this new FlowStep to the True action of the
        '"Guess = Guess" FlowDecision
        Dim guessCorrect As FlowDecision = fc.Nodes(3)
        guessCorrect.True = closingStep
        'Add the new FlowStep to the Nodes collection.
        'If closingStep was replacing an existing node then
        'we would need to remove that Step from the collection.
        'In this example there was no existing True step to remove.
        'Create the update map.
        CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow.map")
        'Save the updated workflow definition.
        SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml")
    End Sub
    private static void CreateFlowchartUpdateMap()
        ActivityBuilder wf = StartUpdate("FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml");
        // Get a reference to the root Flowchart activity.
        Flowchart fc = wf.Implementation as Flowchart;
        // Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
        // results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
        // True and False action of the "Guess < Target" FlowDecision, which is
        // Nodes[4].
        FlowDecision guessLow = fc.Nodes[4] as FlowDecision;
        // Update the "too low" message.
        FlowStep trueStep = guessLow.True as FlowStep;
        WriteLine tooLow = trueStep.Action as WriteLine;
        tooLow.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too low.\"");
        // Update the "too high" message.
        FlowStep falseStep = guessLow.False as FlowStep;
        WriteLine tooHigh = falseStep.Action as WriteLine;
        tooHigh.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too high.\"");
        // Add the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
        WriteLine wl = new WriteLine
            Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is correct. You guessed it in \" + Turns.ToString() + \" turns.\"")
        // Create a FlowStep to hold the WriteLine.
        FlowStep closingStep = new FlowStep
            Action = wl
        // Add this new FlowStep to the True action of the
        // "Guess == Guess" FlowDecision
        FlowDecision guessCorrect = fc.Nodes[3] as FlowDecision;
        guessCorrect.True = closingStep;
        // Add the new FlowStep to the Nodes collection.
        // If closingStep was replacing an existing node then
        // we would need to remove that Step from the collection.
        // In this example there was no existing True step to remove.
        // Create the update map.
        CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow.map");
        //  Save the updated workflow definition.
        SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml");

Untuk memperbarui SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow

  1. Tambahkan CreateSequentialUpdateMethod berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Metode ini mirip dengan dua metode lainnya. Dimulai dengan panggilan ke StartUpdate, memperbarui definisi alur kerja diagram alur berurutan, dan selesai dengan menyimpan peta pembaruan dan definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui.

    Private Sub CreateSequentialUpdateMap()
        Dim wf As ActivityBuilder = StartUpdate("SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml")
        'Get a reference to the root activity in the workflow.
        Dim rootSequence As Sequence = wf.Implementation
        'Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
        'results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
        'Then and Else action of the "Guess < Target" If activity.
        Dim gameLoop As Statements.DoWhile = rootSequence.Activities(1)
        Dim gameBody As Sequence = gameLoop.Body
        Dim guessCorrect As Statements.If = gameBody.Activities(2)
        Dim guessLow As Statements.If = guessCorrect.Then
        Dim tooLow As WriteLine = guessLow.Then
        tooLow.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too low.""")
        Dim tooHigh As WriteLine = guessLow.Else
        tooHigh.Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String)("Guess.ToString() & "" is too high.""")
        'Create the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
        Dim wl As New WriteLine() With
            .Text = New VisualBasicValue(Of String) _
                ("Guess.ToString() + "" is correct. You guessed it in "" & Turns.ToString() & "" turns.""")
        'Insert it as the third activity in the root sequence
        rootSequence.Activities.Insert(2, wl)
        'Create the update map.
        CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow.map")
        'Save the updated workflow definition.
        SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml")
    End Sub
    private static void CreateSequentialUpdateMap()
        ActivityBuilder wf = StartUpdate("SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml");
        // Get a reference to the root activity in the workflow.
        Sequence rootSequence = wf.Implementation as Sequence;
        // Update the Text of the two WriteLine activities that write the
        // results of the user's guess. They are contained in the workflow as the
        // Then and Else action of the "Guess < Target" If activity.
        // Sequence[1]->DoWhile->Body->Sequence[2]->If->Then->If
        DoWhile gameLoop = rootSequence.Activities[1] as DoWhile;
        Sequence gameBody = gameLoop.Body as Sequence;
        If guessCorrect = gameBody.Activities[2] as If;
        If guessLow = guessCorrect.Then as If;
        WriteLine tooLow = guessLow.Then as WriteLine;
        tooLow.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too low.\"");
        WriteLine tooHigh = guessLow.Else as WriteLine;
        tooHigh.Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is too high.\"");
        // Add the new WriteLine that displays the closing message.
        WriteLine wl = new WriteLine
            Text = new CSharpValue<string>("Guess.ToString() + \" is correct. You guessed it in \" + Turns.ToString() + \" turns.\"")
        // Insert it as the third activity in the root sequence
        rootSequence.Activities.Insert(2, wl);
        // Create the update map.
        CreateUpdateMaps(wf, "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow.map");
        // Save the updated workflow definition.
        SaveUpdatedDefinition(wf, "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml");

Untuk membangun dan menjalankan aplikasi CreateUpdateMaps

  1. Perbarui metode Main dan tambahkan tiga panggilan metode berikut. Metode ini dijelaskan di bagian berikut. Setiap metode memperbarui alur kerja tebakan angka yang sesuai dan membuat DynamicUpdateMap yang menjelaskan pembaruan.

    Sub Main()
        'Create the update maps for the changes needed to the v1 activities
        'so they match the v2 activities.
    End Sub
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create the update maps for the changes needed to the v1 activities
        // so they match the v2 activities.
  2. Klik kanan CreateUpdateMaps pada Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Atur sebagai StartUp.

  3. Tekan CTRL+SHIFT+B untuk membangun solusi, lalu CTRL+F5 untuk menjalankan aplikasi CreateUpdateMaps.


    Aplikasi CreateUpdateMaps tidak menampilkan informasi status apa pun saat berjalan, tetapi jika Anda melihat di folder NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_du dan folder PreviousVersions, Anda akan melihat file definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui dan peta pembaruan.

    Setelah peta pembaruan dibuat dan definisi alur kerja diperbarui, langkah selanjutnya adalah membangun rakitan alur kerja yang diperbarui yang berisi definisi yang diperbarui.

Untuk membangun assembly alur kerja yang diperbarui

  1. Buka instans kedua Visual Studio 2012.

  2. Pilih Buka, Proyek/Solusi dari menu File.

  3. Navigasi ke folder NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_du yang Anda buat di Tutorial: Host Beberapa Versi Alur Kerja Berdampingan, pilih NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.csproj (atau vbproj), dan klik Buka.

  4. Di Penjelajah Solusi, klik kanan SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml dan pilih Kecualikan Dari Proyek. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml dan StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.xaml. Langkah ini menghapus versi definisi alur kerja sebelumnya dari proyek.

  5. Pilih Item yang Sudah Ada dari menu Proyek.

  6. Navigasi ke folder NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_du yang Anda buat di Tutorial: Menghosting Beberapa Versi Alur Kerja Berdampingan.

  7. Pilih File XAML (*.xaml;*.xoml) dari daftar drop-down File jenis.

  8. Pilih SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml, FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml, dan StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow_du.xaml, lalu klik Tambahkan.


    CTRL+Klik untuk memilih beberapa item pada satu waktu.

    Langkah ini menambahkan versi definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui ke proyek.

  9. Tekan CTRL+SHIFT+B untuk membangun proyek.

  10. Pilih Tutup Solusi dari menu File. File solusi untuk proyek tidak diperlukan, jadi klik Tidak untuk menutup Visual Studio tanpa menyimpan file solusi. Pilih Keluar dari menu File untuk menutup Visual Studio.

  11. Buka Windows Explorer dan arahkan ke folder NumberGuessWorkflowActivities\bin\Debug (atau bin\Release tergantung pada pengaturan proyek Anda).

  12. Ganti nama NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.dll menjadi NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v15.dll, dan salin ke folder PreviousVersions yang Anda buat di Tutorial: Menghosting Beberapa Versi Alur Kerja Secara Berdampingan.

Untuk memperbarui WorkflowVersionMap dengan versi baru

  1. Beralihlah kembali ke instans awal Visual Studio 2012.

  2. Klik dua kali WorkflowVersionMap.cs (atau WorkflowVersionMap.vb) pada proyek NumberGuessWorkflowHost untuk membukanya.

  3. Tambahkan tiga identitas alur kerja baru tepat di bawah enam deklarasi identitas alur kerja yang ada. Dalam tutorial ini, digunakan sebagai WorkflowIdentity.Version untuk identitas pembaruan dinamis. Identitas alur kerja v15 baru ini akan digunakan memberikan definisi alur kerja yang benar untuk instans alur kerja yang dipertahankan secara dinamis.

    'Current version identities.
    Public StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity As WorkflowIdentity
    Public FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity As WorkflowIdentity
    Public SequentialNumberGuessIdentity As WorkflowIdentity
    'v1 identities.
    Public StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1 As WorkflowIdentity
    Public FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1 As WorkflowIdentity
    Public SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1 As WorkflowIdentity
    'v1.5 (Dynamic Update) identities.
    Public StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15 As WorkflowIdentity
    Public FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15 As WorkflowIdentity
    Public SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15 As WorkflowIdentity
    // Current version identities.
    static public WorkflowIdentity StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity;
    static public WorkflowIdentity FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity;
    static public WorkflowIdentity SequentialNumberGuessIdentity;
    // v1 identities.
    static public WorkflowIdentity StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
    static public WorkflowIdentity FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
    static public WorkflowIdentity SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
    // v1.5 (Dynamic Update) identities.
    static public WorkflowIdentity StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15;
    static public WorkflowIdentity FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15;
    static public WorkflowIdentity SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15;
  4. Tambahkan kode berikut di akhir konstruktor. Kode ini menginisialisasi identitas alur kerja pembaruan dinamis, memuat definisi alur kerja yang sesuai, dan menambahkannya ke kamus versi alur kerja.

    'Initialize the dynamic update workflow identities.
    StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = New WorkflowIdentity With
        .Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
        .Version = New Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
    FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = New WorkflowIdentity With
        .Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
        .Version = New Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
    SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = New WorkflowIdentity With
        .Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
        .Version = New Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
    'Add the dynamic update workflow identities to the dictionary along with
    'the corresponding workflow definitions loaded from the v15 assembly.
    'Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
    'to an absolute path.
    Dim v15AssemblyPath As String = "..\..\..\PreviousVersions\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v15.dll"
    v15AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(v15AssemblyPath)
    Dim v15Assembly As Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(v15AssemblyPath)
    // Initialize the dynamic update workflow identities.
    StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = new WorkflowIdentity
        Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
        Version = new Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
    FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = new WorkflowIdentity
        Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
        Version = new Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
    SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = new WorkflowIdentity
        Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
        Version = new Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
    // Add the dynamic update workflow identities to the dictionary along with
    // the corresponding workflow definitions loaded from the v15 assembly.
    // Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
    // to an absolute path.
    string v15AssemblyPath = @"..\..\..\PreviousVersions\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v15.dll";
    v15AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(v15AssemblyPath);
    Assembly v15Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(v15AssemblyPath);
        v15Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
        v15Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
        v15Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);

    Contoh berikut adalah kelas WorkflowVersionMap yang telah selesai.

    Public Module WorkflowVersionMap
        Dim map As Dictionary(Of WorkflowIdentity, Activity)
        'Current version identities.
        Public StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity As WorkflowIdentity
        Public FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity As WorkflowIdentity
        Public SequentialNumberGuessIdentity As WorkflowIdentity
        'v1 identities.
        Public StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1 As WorkflowIdentity
        Public FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1 As WorkflowIdentity
        Public SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1 As WorkflowIdentity
        'v1.5 (Dynamic Update) identities.
        Public StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15 As WorkflowIdentity
        Public FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15 As WorkflowIdentity
        Public SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15 As WorkflowIdentity
        Sub New()
            map = New Dictionary(Of WorkflowIdentity, Activity)
            'Add the current workflow version identities.
            StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(2, 0, 0, 0)
            FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(2, 0, 0, 0)
            SequentialNumberGuessIdentity = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(2, 0, 0, 0)
            map.Add(StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity, New StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow())
            map.Add(FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity, New FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow())
            map.Add(SequentialNumberGuessIdentity, New SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow())
            'Initialize the previous workflow version identities.
            StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1 = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(1, 0, 0, 0)
            FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1 = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(1, 0, 0, 0)
            SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1 = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(1, 0, 0, 0)
            'Add the previous version workflow identities to the dictionary along with
            'the corresponding workflow definitions loaded from the v1 assembly.
            'Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
            'to an absolute path.
            Dim v1AssemblyPath As String = "..\..\..\PreviousVersions\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v1.dll"
            v1AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(v1AssemblyPath)
            Dim v1Assembly As Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(v1AssemblyPath)
            'Initialize the dynamic update workflow identities.
            StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
            FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
            SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = New WorkflowIdentity With
                .Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
                .Version = New Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
            'Add the dynamic update workflow identities to the dictionary along with
            'the corresponding workflow definitions loaded from the v15 assembly.
            'Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
            'to an absolute path.
            Dim v15AssemblyPath As String = "..\..\..\PreviousVersions\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v15.dll"
            v15AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(v15AssemblyPath)
            Dim v15Assembly As Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(v15AssemblyPath)
        End Sub
        Public Function GetWorkflowDefinition(identity As WorkflowIdentity) As Activity
            Return map(identity)
        End Function
        Public Function GetIdentityDescription(identity As WorkflowIdentity) As String
            Return identity.ToString()
        End Function
    End Module
    public static class WorkflowVersionMap
        static Dictionary<WorkflowIdentity, Activity> map;
        // Current version identities.
        static public WorkflowIdentity StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity;
        static public WorkflowIdentity FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity;
        static public WorkflowIdentity SequentialNumberGuessIdentity;
        // v1 identities.
        static public WorkflowIdentity StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
        static public WorkflowIdentity FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
        static public WorkflowIdentity SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
        // v1.5 (Dynamic Update) identities.
        static public WorkflowIdentity StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15;
        static public WorkflowIdentity FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15;
        static public WorkflowIdentity SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15;
        static WorkflowVersionMap()
            map = new Dictionary<WorkflowIdentity, Activity>();
            // Add the current workflow version identities.
            StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
                // Version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0),
                Version = new Version(2, 0, 0, 0)
            FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
                // Version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0),
                Version = new Version(2, 0, 0, 0)
            SequentialNumberGuessIdentity = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
                // Version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0),
                Version = new Version(2, 0, 0, 0)
            map.Add(StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity, new StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow());
            map.Add(FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity, new FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow());
            map.Add(SequentialNumberGuessIdentity, new SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow());
            // Initialize the previous workflow version identities.
            StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1 = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
                Version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)
            FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1 = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
                Version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)
            SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1 = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
                Version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)
            // Add the previous version workflow identities to the dictionary along with
            // the corresponding workflow definitions loaded from the v1 assembly.
            // Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
            // to an absolute path.
            string v1AssemblyPath = @"..\..\..\PreviousVersions\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v1.dll";
            v1AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(v1AssemblyPath);
            Assembly v1Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(v1AssemblyPath);
                v1Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
                v1Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
                v1Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
            // Initialize the dynamic update workflow identities.
            StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow",
                Version = new Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
            FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow",
                Version = new Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
            SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15 = new WorkflowIdentity
                Name = "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow",
                Version = new Version(1, 5, 0, 0)
            // Add the dynamic update workflow identities to the dictionary along with
            // the corresponding workflow definitions loaded from the v15 assembly.
            // Assembly.LoadFile requires an absolute path so convert this relative path
            // to an absolute path.
            string v15AssemblyPath = @"..\..\..\PreviousVersions\NumberGuessWorkflowActivities_v15.dll";
            v15AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(v15AssemblyPath);
            Assembly v15Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(v15AssemblyPath);
                v15Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
                v15Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
                v15Assembly.CreateInstance("NumberGuessWorkflowActivities.FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow") as Activity);
        public static Activity GetWorkflowDefinition(WorkflowIdentity identity)
            return map[identity];
        public static string GetIdentityDescription(WorkflowIdentity identity)
            return identity.ToString();
  5. Tekan CTRL+SHIFT+B untuk membangun proyek.

Untuk menerapkan pembaruan dinamis

  1. Klik kanan WF45GettingStartedTutorial di Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Tambahkan, Proyek Baru.

  2. Di node Terinstal, pilih Visual C#, Alur Kerja (atau Visual Basic, Alur Kerja).


    Bergantung pada bahasa pemrograman yang dikonfigurasi sebagai bahasa utama dalam Visual Studio, node Visual C# atau Visual Basic mungkin berada di node Bahasa Lainnya di node Terinstal.

    Pastikan .NET Framework 4.5 dipilih di menu drop-down versi .NET Framework. Pilih Aplikasi Konsol dari daftar Windows. Ketik ApplyDynamicUpdate ke dalam kotak Nama dan klik OK.

  3. Klik kanan ApplyDynamicUpdate pada Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Tambahkan Referensi.

  4. Klik Solusi dan centang kotak di samping NumberGuessWorkflowHost. Referensi ini diperlukan sehingga ApplyDynamicUpdate dapat menggunakan kelas NumberGuessWorkflowHost.WorkflowVersionMap.

  5. Pilih Kerangka Kerja dari node Assemblies di daftar Tambahkan Referensi. Ketik System.Activities ke dalam kotak Assembly Pencarian. Langkah ini akan memfilter assembly dan membuat referensi yang diinginkan lebih mudah dipilih.

  6. Centang kotak di samping System.Activities dari daftar Hasil Pencarian.

  7. Ketik Serialisasi ke dalam kotak Assembly Pencarian, dan centang kotak di samping System.Runtime.Serialization dari daftar Hasil Pencarian.

  8. Ketik DurableInstancing ke dalam kotak Assembly Pencarian, dan centang kotak di samping System.Activities.DurableInstancing dan System.Runtime.DurableInstancing dari daftar Hasil Pencarian.

  9. Klik OK untuk menutup Pengelola Referensi dan tambahkan referensi.

  10. Klik kanan ApplyDynamicUpdate pada Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Tambahkan, Kelas. Ketik DynamicUpdateInfo ke dalam kotak Nama, lalu klik Tambahkan.

  11. Tambahkan dua anggota data berikut ke kelas DynamicUpdateInfo. Contoh berikut adalah kelas DynamicUpdateInfo yang telah selesai. Kelas ini berisi informasi tentang peta pembaruan dan identitas alur kerja baru yang digunakan saat instans alur kerja diperbarui.

    Public Class DynamicUpdateInfo
        Public updateMap As DynamicUpdateMap
        Public newIdentity As WorkflowIdentity
    End Class
    class DynamicUpdateInfo
        public DynamicUpdateMap updateMap;
        public WorkflowIdentity newIdentity;
  12. Tambahkan pernyataan using (atau Imports) berikut di bagian atas file dengan pernyataan using (atau Imports) lainnya.

    Imports System.Activities
    Imports System.Activities.DynamicUpdate
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Activities.DynamicUpdate;
  13. Klik dua kali Program.cs atau Module1.vb di Penjelajah Solusi.

  14. Tambahkan pernyataan using (atau Imports) berikut di bagian atas file dengan pernyataan using (atau Imports) lainnya.

    Imports NumberGuessWorkflowHost
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Imports System.Activities.DynamicUpdate
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
    Imports System.Activities
    Imports System.Activities.DurableInstancing
    using NumberGuessWorkflowHost;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Activities.DynamicUpdate;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.Activities.DurableInstancing;
  15. Tambahkan anggota string koneksi berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1).

    Const connectionString = "Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=WF45GettingStartedTutorial;Integrated Security=SSPI"
    const string connectionString = "Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=WF45GettingStartedTutorial;Integrated Security=SSPI";


    Bergantung pada edisi SQL Server Anda, nama server string koneksi mungkin berbeda.

  16. Tambahkan metode GetIDs berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Metode ini mengembalikan daftar ID instans alur kerja yang bertahan.

    Function GetIds() As IList(Of Guid)
        Dim Ids As New List(Of Guid)
        Dim localCmd = _
            String.Format("Select [InstanceId] from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[Instances] Order By [CreationTime]")
        Using localCon = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
            Dim cmd As SqlCommand = localCon.CreateCommand()
            cmd.CommandText = localCmd
            Using reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
                While reader.Read()
                    'Get the InstanceId of the persisted Workflow
                    Dim id As Guid = Guid.Parse(reader(0).ToString())
                    'Add it to the list.
                End While
            End Using
        End Using
        Return Ids
    End Function
    static IList<Guid> GetIds()
        List<Guid> Ids = new List<Guid>();
        string localCmd = string.Format("Select [InstanceId] from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[Instances] Order By [CreationTime]");
        using (SqlConnection localCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
            SqlCommand cmd = localCon.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = localCmd;
            using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
                while (reader.Read())
                    // Get the InstanceId of the persisted Workflow
                    Guid id = Guid.Parse(reader[0].ToString());
                    // Add it to the list.
        return Ids;
  17. Tambahkan metode LoadMap berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Metode ini membuat kamus yang memetakan identitas alur kerja v1 ke peta pembaruan dan identitas alur kerja baru yang digunakan untuk memperbarui instans alur kerja yang sesuai.

    Function LoadMap(mapName As String) As DynamicUpdateMap
        Dim mapPath As String = Path.Combine("..\..\..\PreviousVersions", mapName)
        Dim map As DynamicUpdateMap
        Using fs As FileStream = File.Open(mapPath, FileMode.Open)
            Dim serializer As DataContractSerializer = New DataContractSerializer(GetType(DynamicUpdateMap))
            Dim updateMap = serializer.ReadObject(fs)
            If updateMap Is Nothing Then
                Throw New ApplicationException("DynamicUpdateMap is null.")
            End If
            map = updateMap
        End Using
        Return map
    End Function
    static DynamicUpdateMap LoadMap(string mapName)
        string path = Path.Combine(@"..\..\..\PreviousVersions", mapName);
        DynamicUpdateMap map;
        using (FileStream fs = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open))
            DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(DynamicUpdateMap));
            object updateMap = serializer.ReadObject(fs);
            if (updateMap == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("DynamicUpdateMap is null.");
            map = updateMap as DynamicUpdateMap;
        return map;
  18. Tambahkan metode LoadMaps berikut ke kelas Program (atau Module1). Metode ini memuat tiga peta pembaruan dan membuat kamus yang memetakan identitas alur kerja v1 ke peta pembaruan.

    Function LoadMaps() As IDictionary(Of WorkflowIdentity, DynamicUpdateInfo)
        'There are 3 update maps to describe the changes to update v1 workflows,
        'one for reach of the 3 workflow types in the tutorial.
        Dim maps = New Dictionary(Of WorkflowIdentity, DynamicUpdateInfo)()
        Dim sequentialMap As DynamicUpdateMap = LoadMap("SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow.map")
        Dim sequentialInfo = New DynamicUpdateInfo With
            .updateMap = sequentialMap,
            .newIdentity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15
        maps.Add(WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1, sequentialInfo)
        Dim stateMap As DynamicUpdateMap = LoadMap("StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.map")
        Dim stateInfo = New DynamicUpdateInfo With
            .updateMap = stateMap,
            .newIdentity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15
        maps.Add(WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1, stateInfo)
        Dim flowchartMap As DynamicUpdateMap = LoadMap("FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow.map")
        Dim flowchartInfo = New DynamicUpdateInfo With
            .updateMap = flowchartMap,
            .newIdentity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15
        maps.Add(WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1, flowchartInfo)
        Return maps
    End Function
    static IDictionary<WorkflowIdentity, DynamicUpdateInfo> LoadMaps()
        // There are 3 update maps to describe the changes to update v1 workflows,
        // one for reach of the 3 workflow types in the tutorial.
        Dictionary<WorkflowIdentity, DynamicUpdateInfo> maps =
            new Dictionary<WorkflowIdentity, DynamicUpdateInfo>();
        DynamicUpdateMap sequentialMap = LoadMap("SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow.map");
        DynamicUpdateInfo sequentialInfo = new DynamicUpdateInfo
            updateMap = sequentialMap,
            newIdentity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v15
        maps.Add(WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1, sequentialInfo);
        DynamicUpdateMap stateMap = LoadMap("StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow.map");
        DynamicUpdateInfo stateInfo = new DynamicUpdateInfo
            updateMap = stateMap,
            newIdentity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v15
        maps.Add(WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1, stateInfo);
        DynamicUpdateMap flowchartMap = LoadMap("FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow.map");
        DynamicUpdateInfo flowchartInfo = new DynamicUpdateInfo
            updateMap = flowchartMap,
            newIdentity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v15
        maps.Add(WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1, flowchartInfo);
        return maps;
  19. Tambahkan kode berikut ke Main. Kode ini menguraikan instans alur kerja yang dipertahankan dan memeriksa setiap WorkflowIdentity. Jika WorkflowIdentity memetakan ke instans alur kerja v1, WorkflowApplication dikonfigurasi dengan definisi alur kerja yang diperbarui dan identitas alur kerja yang diperbarui. Selanjutnya, WorkflowApplication.Load dipanggil dengan instans dan peta pembaruan, yang menerapkan peta pembaruan dinamis. Setelah pembaruan diterapkan, instans yang diperbarui dipertahankan dengan panggilan ke Unload.

    Dim store = New SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connectionString)
    WorkflowApplication.CreateDefaultInstanceOwner(store, Nothing, WorkflowIdentityFilter.Any)
    Dim updateMaps As IDictionary(Of WorkflowIdentity, DynamicUpdateInfo) = LoadMaps()
    For Each id As Guid In GetIds()
        'Get a proxy to the instance.
        Dim instance As WorkflowApplicationInstance = WorkflowApplication.GetInstance(id, store)
        Console.WriteLine("Inspecting: {0}", instance.DefinitionIdentity)
        'Only update v1 workflows.
        If Not instance.DefinitionIdentity Is Nothing AndAlso _
            instance.DefinitionIdentity.Version.Equals(New Version(1, 0, 0, 0)) Then
            Dim info As DynamicUpdateInfo = updateMaps(instance.DefinitionIdentity)
            'Associate the persisted WorkflowApplicationInstance with
            'a WorkflowApplication that is configured with the updated
            'definition and updated WorkflowIdentity.
            Dim wf As Activity = WorkflowVersionMap.GetWorkflowDefinition(info.newIdentity)
            Dim wfApp = New WorkflowApplication(wf, info.newIdentity)
            'Apply the Dynamic Update.
            wfApp.Load(instance, info.updateMap)
            'Persist the updated instance.
            Console.WriteLine("Updated to: {0}", info.newIdentity)
            'Not updating this instance, so unload it.
        End If
    SqlWorkflowInstanceStore store = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connectionString);
    WorkflowApplication.CreateDefaultInstanceOwner(store, null, WorkflowIdentityFilter.Any);
    IDictionary<WorkflowIdentity, DynamicUpdateInfo> updateMaps = LoadMaps();
    foreach (Guid id in GetIds())
        // Get a proxy to the instance.
        WorkflowApplicationInstance instance =
            WorkflowApplication.GetInstance(id, store);
        Console.WriteLine("Inspecting: {0}", instance.DefinitionIdentity);
        // Only update v1 workflows.
        if (instance.DefinitionIdentity != null &&
            instance.DefinitionIdentity.Version.Equals(new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)))
            DynamicUpdateInfo info = updateMaps[instance.DefinitionIdentity];
            // Associate the persisted WorkflowApplicationInstance with
            // a WorkflowApplication that is configured with the updated
            // definition and updated WorkflowIdentity.
            Activity wf = WorkflowVersionMap.GetWorkflowDefinition(info.newIdentity);
            WorkflowApplication wfApp =
                new WorkflowApplication(wf, info.newIdentity);
            // Apply the Dynamic Update.
            wfApp.Load(instance, info.updateMap);
            // Persist the updated instance.
            Console.WriteLine("Updated to: {0}", info.newIdentity);
            // Not updating this instance, so unload it.
  20. Klik kanan ApplyDynamicUpdate pada Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Atur sebagai Proyek StartUp.

  21. Tekan CTRL+SHIFT+B untuk membangun solusi, lalu tekan CTRL+F5 untuk menjalankan aplikasi ApplyDynamicUpdate dan memperbarui instans alur kerja yang bertahan. Anda akan melihat output yang mirip dengan yang berikut ini. Alur kerja versi diperbarui ke versi, sementara alur kerja versi tidak diperbarui.

    Menginspeksi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Diperbarui Menjadi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Menginspeksi: SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow; Versi=
    Tekan tombol apa pun untuk melanjutkan. . .

Untuk menjalankan aplikasi dengan alur kerja yang diperbarui

  1. Klik kanan NumberGuessWorkflowHost di Penjelajah Solusi dan pilih Atur sebagai Proyek StartUp.

  2. Klik CTRL + F5 untuk menjalankan aplikasi.

  3. Klik Permainan Baru untuk memulai alur kerja baru dan catat informasi versi di bawah jendela status yang menunjukkan alur kerja adalah alur kerja v2.

  4. Pilih salah satu alur kerja v1 yang Anda mulai di awal topik Tutorial: Menghosting Beberapa Versi Alur Kerja Berdampingan. Perhatikan bahwa informasi versi di bawah jendela status menunjukkan bahwa alur kerja adalah alur kerja versi Perhatikan bahwa tidak ada informasi yang ditunjukkan tentang tebakan sebelumnya selain apakah tebakan tersebut terlalu tinggi atau terlalu rendah.

    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    Tebakan Anda terlalu rendah.

  5. Catat InstanceId lalu masukkan tebakan hingga alur kerja selesai. Jendela status menampilkan informasi tentang konten tebakan karena aktivitas WriteLine diperbarui oleh pembaruan dinamis.

    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    Tebakan Anda terlalu rendah.
    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    5 terlalu rendah.
    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    7 terlalu tinggi.
    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    Selamat, Anda menebak angka dalam 4 giliran.

  6. Buka Windows Explorer dan navigasi ke folder NumberGuessWorkflowHost\bin\debug (atau bin\release tergantung pada pengaturan proyek Anda) dan buka file penelusuran menggunakan Notepad yang sesuai dengan alur kerja yang telah selesai. Jika Anda tidak mencatat InstanceId, Anda dapat mengidentifikasi file penelusuran yang benar dengan menggunakan informasi Tanggal diubah di Windows Explorer. Baris terakhir informasi pelacakan berisi output aktivitas WriteLine yang baru ditambahkan.

    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    Tebakan Anda terlalu rendah.
    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    5 terlalu rendah.
    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    7 terlalu tinggi.
    Masukkan angka antara 1 dan 10
    6 sudah benar. Anda menebaknya dalam 4 giliran.

Untuk mengaktifkan memulai versi alur kerja sebelumnya

Jika Anda kehabisan alur kerja untuk diperbarui, Anda dapat memodifikasi aplikasi NumberGuessWorkflowHost untuk mengaktifkan memulai versi alur kerja sebelumnya.

  1. Klik dua kali WorkflowHostForm di Penjelajah Solusi, dan pilih kotak kombo WorkflowType.

  2. Di jendela Properti, pilih properti Item dan klik tombol elipsis untuk mengedit koleksi Item.

  3. Tambahkan tiga item berikut ke koleksi.

    StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow v1
    FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow v1
    SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow v1

    Koleksi Items yang telah selesai akan memiliki enam item.

    StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow v1
    FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow v1
    SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow v1
  4. Klik dua kali WorkflowHostForm di Penjelajah Solusi, dan pilih Tampilkan Kode.

  5. Tambahkan tiga kasus baru ke pernyataan switch (atau Select Case) di handler NewGame_Click untuk memetakan item baru dalam kotak kombo WorkflowType ke identitas alur kerja yang cocok.

    Case "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow v1"
        identity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1
    Case "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow v1"
        identity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1
    Case "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow v1"
        identity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1
    case "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow v1":
        identity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
    case "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow v1":
        identity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
    case "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow v1":
        identity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1;

    Contoh berikut berisi pernyataan switch (atau Select Case) yang lengkap.

    Select Case WorkflowType.SelectedItem.ToString()
        Case "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow"
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity
        Case "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow"
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity
        Case "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow"
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity
        Case "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow v1"
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1
        Case "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow v1"
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1
        Case "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow v1"
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1
    End Select
    switch (WorkflowType.SelectedItem.ToString())
        case "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow":
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity;
        case "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow":
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity;
        case "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow":
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity;
        case "SequentialNumberGuessWorkflow v1":
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.SequentialNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
        case "StateMachineNumberGuessWorkflow v1":
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.StateMachineNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
        case "FlowchartNumberGuessWorkflow v1":
            identity = WorkflowVersionMap.FlowchartNumberGuessIdentity_v1;
  6. Tekan CTRL+F5 untuk membangun dan menjalankan aplikasi. Sekarang Anda dapat memulai versi v1 alur kerja serta versi saat ini. Untuk memperbarui instans baru ini secara dinamis, jalankan aplikasi ApplyDynamicUpdate.