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Cara: Membatalkan Blok Aliran Data

Dokumen ini menunjukkan cara mengaktifkan pembatalan di aplikasi Anda. Contoh ini menggunakan Formulir Windows untuk memperlihatkan di mana item kerja aktif dalam alur aliran data dan juga efek pembatalan.


Pustaka Aliran Data TPL (namespace layanan System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow) tidak didistribusikan dengan .NET. Untuk menginstal namespace layanan System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow di Visual Studio, buka proyek, pilih Kelola Paket NuGet dari menu Proyek, dan cari paket System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow secara online. Atau, untuk menginstalnya menggunakan .NET Core CLI, jalankan dotnet add package System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.

Untuk membuat Aplikasi Formulir Windows

  1. Buat proyek Aplikasi Formulir Windows C# atau Visual Basic. Dalam langkah-langkah berikut, proyek diberi nama CancellationWinForms.

  2. Pada desainer formulir untuk formulir utama, Form1.cs (Form1.vb untuk Visual Basic), tambahkan ToolStrip kontrol.

  3. Tambahkan ToolStripButton kontrol ke ToolStrip kontrol. Atur properti DisplayStyle ke Text dan Text properti ke Tambahkan Item Kerja.

  4. Tambahkan ToolStripButton kontrol kedua ke ToolStrip kontrol. Atur DisplayStyle properti ke Text, Text properti ke Batal, dan Enabled properti ke False.

  5. Tambahkan empat objek ToolStripProgressBar ke kontrol ToolStrip.

Membuat Alur Aliran Data

Bagian ini menjelaskan cara membuat alur aliran data yang memproses item kerja dan memperbarui bilah kemajuan.

Untuk Membuat Alur Aliran Data

  1. Di proyek Anda, tambahkan referensi ke System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll.

  2. Pastikan bahwa Form1.cs (Form1.vb untuk Visual Basic) berisi arahan berikut using (Imports di Visual Basic).

    using System;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    Imports System.Threading
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
  3. Tambahkan kelas WorkItem sebagai jenis dalam kelas Form1.

    // A placeholder type that performs work.
    class WorkItem
       // Performs work for the provided number of milliseconds.
       public void DoWork(int milliseconds)
          // For demonstration, suspend the current thread.
    ' A placeholder type that performs work.
    Private Class WorkItem
        ' Performs work for the provided number of milliseconds.
        Public Sub DoWork(ByVal milliseconds As Integer)
            ' For demonstration, suspend the current thread.
        End Sub
    End Class
  4. Silakan tambahkan anggota data berikut ke kelas Form1.

    // Enables the user interface to signal cancellation.
    CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource;
    // The first node in the dataflow pipeline.
    TransformBlock<WorkItem, WorkItem> startWork;
    // The second, and final, node in the dataflow pipeline.
    ActionBlock<WorkItem> completeWork;
    // Increments the value of the provided progress bar.
    ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar> incrementProgress;
    // Decrements the value of the provided progress bar.
    ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar> decrementProgress;
    // Enables progress bar actions to run on the UI thread.
    TaskScheduler uiTaskScheduler;
    ' Enables the user interface to signal cancellation.
    Private cancellationSource As CancellationTokenSource
    ' The first node in the dataflow pipeline.
    Private startWork As TransformBlock(Of WorkItem, WorkItem)
    ' The second, and final, node in the dataflow pipeline.
    Private completeWork As ActionBlock(Of WorkItem)
    ' Increments the value of the provided progress bar.
    Private incrementProgress As ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)
    ' Decrements the value of the provided progress bar.
    Private decrementProgress As ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)
    ' Enables progress bar actions to run on the UI thread.
    Private uiTaskScheduler As TaskScheduler
  5. Tambahkan metode berikut, CreatePipeline, ke Form1 kelas.

    // Creates the blocks that participate in the dataflow pipeline.
    private void CreatePipeline()
       // Create the cancellation source.
       cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
       // Create the first node in the pipeline.
       startWork = new TransformBlock<WorkItem, WorkItem>(workItem =>
          // Perform some work.
          // Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
          // active work items in this stage of the pipeline.
          // Increment the progress bar that tracks the count of
          // active work items in the next stage of the pipeline.
          // Send the work item to the next stage of the pipeline.
          return workItem;
       new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
          CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token
       // Create the second, and final, node in the pipeline.
       completeWork = new ActionBlock<WorkItem>(workItem =>
          // Perform some work.
          // Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
          // active work items in this stage of the pipeline.
          // Increment the progress bar that tracks the overall
          // count of completed work items.
       new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
          CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
          MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2
       // Connect the two nodes of the pipeline. When the first node completes,
       // set the second node also to the completed state.
          completeWork, new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true });
       // Create the dataflow action blocks that increment and decrement
       // progress bars.
       // These blocks use the task scheduler that is associated with
       // the UI thread.
       incrementProgress = new ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar>(
          progressBar => progressBar.Value++,
          new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
             CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
             TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler
       decrementProgress = new ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar>(
          progressBar => progressBar.Value--,
          new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
             CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
             TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler
    ' Creates the blocks that participate in the dataflow pipeline.
    Private Sub CreatePipeline()
        ' Create the cancellation source.
        cancellationSource = New CancellationTokenSource()
        ' Create the first node in the pipeline.
        startWork = New TransformBlock(Of WorkItem, WorkItem)(Function(workItem)
                                                                  ' Perform some work.
                                                                  ' Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
                                                                  ' active work items in this stage of the pipeline.
                                                                  ' Increment the progress bar that tracks the count of
                                                                  ' active work items in the next stage of the pipeline.
                                                                  ' Send the work item to the next stage of the pipeline.
                                                                  Return workItem
                                                              End Function,
        New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token})
        ' Create the second, and final, node in the pipeline.
        completeWork = New ActionBlock(Of WorkItem)(Sub(workItem)
                                                        ' Perform some work.
                                                        ' Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
                                                        ' active work items in this stage of the pipeline.
                                                        ' Increment the progress bar that tracks the overall
                                                        ' count of completed work items.
                                                    End Sub,
        New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
                                                .MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2})
        ' Connect the two nodes of the pipeline. When the first node completes,
        ' set the second node also to the completed state.
           completeWork, New DataflowLinkOptions With {.PropagateCompletion = true})
        ' Create the dataflow action blocks that increment and decrement
        ' progress bars.
        ' These blocks use the task scheduler that is associated with
        ' the UI thread.
        incrementProgress = New ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)(
           Sub(progressBar) progressBar.Value += 1,
           New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
                                                   .TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler})
        decrementProgress = New ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)(
           Sub(progressBar) progressBar.Value -= 1,
           New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
                                                   .TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler})
    End Sub

Karena blok aliran data incrementProgress dan decrementProgress bekerja pada antarmuka pengguna, penting bahwa tindakan ini terjadi pada alur antarmuka pengguna. Untuk mencapai hal ini, selama konstruksi objek ini masing-masing menyediakan ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions objek yang memiliki properti yang TaskScheduler diatur ke TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext. Metode TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ini membuat TaskScheduler objek yang melakukan pekerjaan pada konteks sinkronisasi saat ini. Form1 Karena konstruktor dipanggil dari utas antarmuka pengguna, tindakan untuk incrementProgress blok aliran data dan decrementProgress juga berjalan pada utas antarmuka pengguna.

Contoh ini mengatur CancellationToken properti saat membangun anggota alur. CancellationToken Karena properti membatalkan eksekusi blok aliran data secara permanen, seluruh alur harus dibuat ulang setelah pengguna membatalkan operasi dan kemudian ingin menambahkan lebih banyak item kerja ke alur. Misalnya yang menunjukkan cara alternatif untuk membatalkan blok aliran data sehingga pekerjaan lain dapat dilakukan setelah operasi dibatalkan, lihat Panduan: Menggunakan Aliran Data di Aplikasi Formulir Windows.

Menyambungkan Alur Aliran Data ke Antarmuka Pengguna

Bagian ini menjelaskan cara menyambungkan alur aliran data ke antarmuka pengguna. Baik membuat alur maupun menambahkan item kerja ke alur dikontrol oleh penanganan aktivitas untuk tombol Tambahkan Item Kerja . Pembatalan dimulai oleh tombol Batalkan. Ketika pengguna memilih salah satu tombol ini, tindakan yang sesuai dimulai secara asinkron.

Menyambungkan Alur Aliran Data ke Antarmuka Pengguna

  1. Pada perancang formulir untuk formulir utama, buat penanganan aktivitas untuk Click peristiwa untuk tombol Tambahkan Item Kerja.

  2. Terapkan Click peristiwa untuk tombol Tambahkan Item Kerja.

    // Event handler for the Add Work Items button.
    private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       // The Cancel button is disabled when the pipeline is not active.
       // Therefore, create the pipeline and enable the Cancel button
       // if the Cancel button is disabled.
       if (!toolStripButton2.Enabled)
          // Enable the Cancel button.
          toolStripButton2.Enabled = true;
       // Post several work items to the head of the pipeline.
       for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
          startWork.Post(new WorkItem());
    ' Event handler for the Add Work Items button.
    Private Sub toolStripButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles toolStripButton1.Click
        ' The Cancel button is disabled when the pipeline is not active.
        ' Therefore, create the pipeline and enable the Cancel button
        ' if the Cancel button is disabled.
        If Not toolStripButton2.Enabled Then
            ' Enable the Cancel button.
            toolStripButton2.Enabled = True
        End If
        ' Post several work items to the head of the pipeline.
        For i As Integer = 0 To 4
            toolStripProgressBar1.Value += 1
            startWork.Post(New WorkItem())
        Next i
    End Sub
  3. Pada perancang formulir untuk formulir utama, buat penanganan aktivitas untuk Click peristiwa untuk tombol Pilih Folder.

  4. Terapkan Click penanganan aktivitas untuk tombol Batalkan.

    // Event handler for the Cancel button.
    private async void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       // Disable both buttons.
       toolStripButton1.Enabled = false;
       toolStripButton2.Enabled = false;
       // Trigger cancellation.
          // Asynchronously wait for the pipeline to complete processing and for
          // the progress bars to update.
          await Task.WhenAll(
       catch (OperationCanceledException)
       // Increment the progress bar that tracks the number of cancelled
       // work items by the number of active work items.
       toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar1.Value;
       toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar2.Value;
       // Reset the progress bars that track the number of active work items.
       toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 0;
       toolStripProgressBar2.Value = 0;
       // Enable the Add Work Items button.
       toolStripButton1.Enabled = true;
    ' Event handler for the Cancel button.
    Private Async Sub toolStripButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles toolStripButton2.Click
        ' Disable both buttons.
        toolStripButton1.Enabled = False
        toolStripButton2.Enabled = False
        ' Trigger cancellation.
            ' Asynchronously wait for the pipeline to complete processing and for
            ' the progress bars to update.
            Await Task.WhenAll(completeWork.Completion, incrementProgress.Completion, decrementProgress.Completion)
        Catch e1 As OperationCanceledException
        End Try
        ' Increment the progress bar that tracks the number of cancelled
        ' work items by the number of active work items.
        toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar1.Value
        toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar2.Value
        ' Reset the progress bars that track the number of active work items.
        toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 0
        toolStripProgressBar2.Value = 0
        ' Enable the Add Work Items button.
        toolStripButton1.Enabled = True
    End Sub


Contoh berikut menunjukkan kode lengkap untuk Form1.cs (Form1.vb untuk Visual Basic).

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CancellationWinForms
   public partial class Form1 : Form
      // A placeholder type that performs work.
      class WorkItem
         // Performs work for the provided number of milliseconds.
         public void DoWork(int milliseconds)
            // For demonstration, suspend the current thread.

      // Enables the user interface to signal cancellation.
      CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource;

      // The first node in the dataflow pipeline.
      TransformBlock<WorkItem, WorkItem> startWork;

      // The second, and final, node in the dataflow pipeline.
      ActionBlock<WorkItem> completeWork;

      // Increments the value of the provided progress bar.
      ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar> incrementProgress;

      // Decrements the value of the provided progress bar.
      ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar> decrementProgress;

      // Enables progress bar actions to run on the UI thread.
      TaskScheduler uiTaskScheduler;

      public Form1()

         // Create the UI task scheduler from the current synchronization
         // context.
         uiTaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

      // Creates the blocks that participate in the dataflow pipeline.
      private void CreatePipeline()
         // Create the cancellation source.
         cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

         // Create the first node in the pipeline.
         startWork = new TransformBlock<WorkItem, WorkItem>(workItem =>
            // Perform some work.

            // Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
            // active work items in this stage of the pipeline.

            // Increment the progress bar that tracks the count of
            // active work items in the next stage of the pipeline.

            // Send the work item to the next stage of the pipeline.
            return workItem;
         new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
            CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token

         // Create the second, and final, node in the pipeline.
         completeWork = new ActionBlock<WorkItem>(workItem =>
            // Perform some work.

            // Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
            // active work items in this stage of the pipeline.

            // Increment the progress bar that tracks the overall
            // count of completed work items.
         new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
            CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
            MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2

         // Connect the two nodes of the pipeline. When the first node completes,
         // set the second node also to the completed state.
            completeWork, new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true });

         // Create the dataflow action blocks that increment and decrement
         // progress bars.
         // These blocks use the task scheduler that is associated with
         // the UI thread.

         incrementProgress = new ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar>(
            progressBar => progressBar.Value++,
            new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
               CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
               TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler

         decrementProgress = new ActionBlock<ToolStripProgressBar>(
            progressBar => progressBar.Value--,
            new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
               CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
               TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler

      // Event handler for the Add Work Items button.
      private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // The Cancel button is disabled when the pipeline is not active.
         // Therefore, create the pipeline and enable the Cancel button
         // if the Cancel button is disabled.
         if (!toolStripButton2.Enabled)

            // Enable the Cancel button.
            toolStripButton2.Enabled = true;

         // Post several work items to the head of the pipeline.
         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            startWork.Post(new WorkItem());

      // Event handler for the Cancel button.
      private async void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // Disable both buttons.
         toolStripButton1.Enabled = false;
         toolStripButton2.Enabled = false;

         // Trigger cancellation.

            // Asynchronously wait for the pipeline to complete processing and for
            // the progress bars to update.
            await Task.WhenAll(
         catch (OperationCanceledException)

         // Increment the progress bar that tracks the number of cancelled
         // work items by the number of active work items.
         toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar1.Value;
         toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar2.Value;

         // Reset the progress bars that track the number of active work items.
         toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 0;
         toolStripProgressBar2.Value = 0;

         // Enable the Add Work Items button.
         toolStripButton1.Enabled = true;

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow

Namespace CancellationWinForms
    Partial Public Class Form1
        Inherits Form
        ' A placeholder type that performs work.
        Private Class WorkItem
            ' Performs work for the provided number of milliseconds.
            Public Sub DoWork(ByVal milliseconds As Integer)
                ' For demonstration, suspend the current thread.
            End Sub
        End Class

        ' Enables the user interface to signal cancellation.
        Private cancellationSource As CancellationTokenSource

        ' The first node in the dataflow pipeline.
        Private startWork As TransformBlock(Of WorkItem, WorkItem)

        ' The second, and final, node in the dataflow pipeline.
        Private completeWork As ActionBlock(Of WorkItem)

        ' Increments the value of the provided progress bar.
        Private incrementProgress As ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)

        ' Decrements the value of the provided progress bar.
        Private decrementProgress As ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)

        ' Enables progress bar actions to run on the UI thread.
        Private uiTaskScheduler As TaskScheduler

        Public Sub New()

            ' Create the UI task scheduler from the current synchronization
            ' context.
            uiTaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()
        End Sub

        ' Creates the blocks that participate in the dataflow pipeline.
        Private Sub CreatePipeline()
            ' Create the cancellation source.
            cancellationSource = New CancellationTokenSource()

            ' Create the first node in the pipeline.
            startWork = New TransformBlock(Of WorkItem, WorkItem)(Function(workItem)
                                                                      ' Perform some work.
                                                                      ' Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
                                                                      ' active work items in this stage of the pipeline.
                                                                      ' Increment the progress bar that tracks the count of
                                                                      ' active work items in the next stage of the pipeline.
                                                                      ' Send the work item to the next stage of the pipeline.
                                                                      Return workItem
                                                                  End Function,
            New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token})

            ' Create the second, and final, node in the pipeline.
            completeWork = New ActionBlock(Of WorkItem)(Sub(workItem)
                                                            ' Perform some work.
                                                            ' Decrement the progress bar that tracks the count of
                                                            ' active work items in this stage of the pipeline.
                                                            ' Increment the progress bar that tracks the overall
                                                            ' count of completed work items.
                                                        End Sub,
            New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
                                                    .MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2})

            ' Connect the two nodes of the pipeline. When the first node completes,
            ' set the second node also to the completed state.
               completeWork, New DataflowLinkOptions With {.PropagateCompletion = true})

            ' Create the dataflow action blocks that increment and decrement
            ' progress bars.
            ' These blocks use the task scheduler that is associated with
            ' the UI thread.

            incrementProgress = New ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)(
               Sub(progressBar) progressBar.Value += 1,
               New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
                                                       .TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler})

            decrementProgress = New ActionBlock(Of ToolStripProgressBar)(
               Sub(progressBar) progressBar.Value -= 1,
               New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
                                                       .TaskScheduler = uiTaskScheduler})

        End Sub

        ' Event handler for the Add Work Items button.
        Private Sub toolStripButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles toolStripButton1.Click
            ' The Cancel button is disabled when the pipeline is not active.
            ' Therefore, create the pipeline and enable the Cancel button
            ' if the Cancel button is disabled.
            If Not toolStripButton2.Enabled Then

                ' Enable the Cancel button.
                toolStripButton2.Enabled = True
            End If

            ' Post several work items to the head of the pipeline.
            For i As Integer = 0 To 4
                toolStripProgressBar1.Value += 1
                startWork.Post(New WorkItem())
            Next i
        End Sub

        ' Event handler for the Cancel button.
        Private Async Sub toolStripButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles toolStripButton2.Click
            ' Disable both buttons.
            toolStripButton1.Enabled = False
            toolStripButton2.Enabled = False

            ' Trigger cancellation.

                ' Asynchronously wait for the pipeline to complete processing and for
                ' the progress bars to update.
                Await Task.WhenAll(completeWork.Completion, incrementProgress.Completion, decrementProgress.Completion)
            Catch e1 As OperationCanceledException
            End Try

            ' Increment the progress bar that tracks the number of cancelled
            ' work items by the number of active work items.
            toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar1.Value
            toolStripProgressBar4.Value += toolStripProgressBar2.Value

            ' Reset the progress bars that track the number of active work items.
            toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 0
            toolStripProgressBar2.Value = 0

            ' Enable the Add Work Items button.
            toolStripButton1.Enabled = True
        End Sub

        Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Ilustrasi berikut menunjukkan aplikasi yang berjalan.

Aplikasi Formulir Windows

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