IndentationColumn Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Sets the name of the hidden column that controls row indentation in a List page.

Applies to

  • Page Group


IndentationColumn = IntegerFieldName;


This property must be set to a field or variable of the Integer Data Type.

The IndentationColumn property is used together with either the IndentationControls property or ShowAsTree property to create an indented hierarchy list. This property has no effect if the IndentationControls property is not set and ShowAsTree property is set to false (default).

For more information about how to use this property, see Designing Indented Hierarchy Lists.


    IndentationColumn = Indent;
    IndentationControls = Name;
    field("No."; "No.")

IndentationControl Property
ShowAsTree Property
TreeInitialState Property