ShowAsTree Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Sets the indentation of rows on a List Page to Tree View. If you enable this property, you can expand or collapse indented rows on a List Page.

Applies to

  • Page Group

Property Value

true enables the tree view; otherwise, false. The default is false.


To enable the tree view, you must also set the IndentationColumn property. This property specifies an integer data type field in the source table or variable. This field controls which records are indented and by how much.

Optionally, you can set the TreeInitialState property to specify whether the list displays as collapsed or expanded when the list page opens in the client.


When you set this property to true, the IndentationControl property is ignored and the first column on the page is indented.

For more information about how to use this property, see Designing Indented Hierarchy Lists.


    IndentationColumn = Indent;
    ShowAsTree = true;
    TreeInitialState = CollapseAll;
    field("No."; "No.")

IndentationColumn Property
TreeInitialState Property
IndentationControl Property