Best practices for working with the OneNote API in Microsoft Graph

This article provides recommendations for working with the OneNote APIs in Microsoft Graph. These recommendations are based on answers to common questions on Microsoft Q&A and Twitter.

Use $select to select the minimum set of properties you need

When you query for a resource (for example, sections inside a notebook), you make a request similar to the following.

GET ~/notebooks/{id}/sections

This retrieves all the properties of the sections. However, you might not need all properties. You can use the $select query parameter to return just the properties that you want, as shown in the following example.

GET ~/notebooks/{id}/sections?$select=id,displayName

The same approach applies to other OneNote APIs.

Use $expand instead of making multiple API calls

Suppose you want to retrieve all of the user’s notebooks, sections, and section groups in a hierarchical view. You might accomplish that by doing the following:

  • Call GET ~/notebooks to get the list of notebooks.

  • For every retrieved notebook, call GET ~/notebooks/{notebookId}/sections to retrieve the list of sections.

  • For every retrieved notebook, call GET ~/notebooks/{notebookId}/sectionGroups to retrieve the list of section groups.

  • Optionally recursively iterate through section groups.

While this will work (with a few extra sequential roundtrips to the service), a better approach is to use the $expand query parameter.

GET ~/notebooks?$expand=sections,sectionGroups($expand=sections)

This yields the same results in one network roundtrip, with better performance.

When getting all pages for a user, do so for each section separately

While Microsoft Graph exposes an endpoint to retrieve all pages, this isn't the best way to get all the pages the user has access to. When the user has too many sections, this can lead to timeouts or bad performance. It is better to iterate each section, getting pages for each one separately.

For example, instead of using this call (this API is paged, so you won't be able to fetch the pages all at once):

GET ~/pages

It is better to use the following call several times (especially if you don't need all sections):

GET ~/sections/{id}/pages

When getting page metadata, override the default lastModifiedDateTime ordering. It is faster to get pages when you don't have to sort them by lastModifiedDateTime. To do this, you can sort by any other property; for example:

GET ~/sections/{id}/pages?$select=id,title,createdDateTime&$orderby=createdDateTime