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Known Issues and Workarounds to Support Team Foundation Server and Project Server Integration

This topic describes known issues with the integration between Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Project Server 2007 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or Project Server 2010. To support this integration, you must have installed the feature pack for Team Foundation Server and Project Server Integration. For more information, see System and Setup Requirements to Support Integration of Team Foundation Server and Project Server.

You can resolve most issues by performing the recommended actions.


For more information, see the following forum post on the Microsoft website: Team Foundation Server and Project Server Integration.

In this topic

  • Summary Tasks With Mapped Child Tasks Are Not Updated in the Project Plan

  • Hours That Appear in Reports Displayed Through SQL Server Reporting Services Are Inaccurate

  • Resolving Specific Error Conditions

  • Resource Names Cannot Contain Special Characters

  • Work Item Type Field Lists All Work Item Types

  • Error Messages for Administration Commands Do Not Identify the Missing Permission

  • Defining Queries that Specify Null or Empty Field Values

  • Changing the Name of a Mapped Enterprise Project Plan Requires You to Refresh the Mapped Team Project

  • Multiple Errors and Deadlock Conditions May Be Reported Under Stress Conditions

  • Synchronization Engine Continues to Log Errors After an Uninstall of Service Pack 1

  • Access Denied Issues Occur With a Network Load Balancing Configuration or when You Register an Instance of PWA

  • Multiple Errors May Occur If You Update Subprojects with the Master Project Open

Summary Tasks With Mapped Child Tasks Are Not Updated in the Project Plan

By design, Team Foundation does not update the Project fields for summary tasks, that is, tasks that have subtasks that are mapped to work items in Team Foundation. The synchronization process skips updates of summary tasks because the project plan calculates the work on summary tasks. Changes to non-work fields, such as Title, are also not updated for summary tasks. This behavior is a known limitation of the integration of the two server products.

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Hours That Appear in Reports Displayed Through SQL Server Reporting Services Are Inaccurate

When the reports that are available through SQL Server Reporting Services display more hours than what Visual Studio or Microsoft Excel displays, the hours for the parent work items are being counted twice. To correct reports such as Stories Overview, Stories Progress, Requirements Overview, or Requirements Progress, you should clear the values for Remaining Hours that are defined for the parent work items.

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Resolving Specific Error Conditions

The following table provides corrective actions to specific errors that can occur when you integrate the two server products:

Error Condition


TF80070: Team Foundation encountered an error while performing the operation. It is recommended that you save your work and restart the application.

This error might appear if you specify numbers that are larger than what Project Server allows. You cannot specify a date that is later than 12/31/2049 or a number that is larger than 100,000,000,000,000 (10 to the 14th power). Project Server imposes these restrictions on DateTime and Integer fields.

To resolve this error condition, modify the field that exceeds the specified limits.

TF244069: An error occurred while checking the provisioning status of the reporting database scheme for a PWA instance.Project Server returned the following error: "TF289004: An error occurred while communicating with Project Server. Contact your Project Server administrator."

You must set the permissions for the account that is used by the application pool for the web application that hosts Project Server. Set this account as db_owner for the reporting database for Project Server. For more information, see Assigning Permissions to Support Integration of Project Server and Team Foundation Server.

In addition, the instance of PWA must be set to Classic Mode Authentication, not Claims Based Authentication. You will not be able to register the instance of PWA if it is set to Claims Based Authentication.

TF244069: An error occurred while checking the provisioning status of the reporting database schema for a PWA instance.Project Server returned the following error: "Server was unable to process request. -INVALID USE OF SYMBOLS The request failed with HTTP status 502: Proxy Error (No data record is available. ).".

You will need to change the setting of the autoDetect attribute for the default proxy in the web.config file for the instance of Project Web Access or Project Web App (PWA) for which the error appeared. You can find the web.config file in Drive:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\web.config. Add the following element tags to the <> section:

   <proxy autoDetect="false" />

TF244069: An error occurred while checking the provisioning status of the reporting database scheme for a PWA instance.Project Server returned the following error: "TF289004: An error occurred while communicating with Project Server. Contact your Project Server administrator."

TF244079: An error occurred while retrieving the URL for shared services.

Verify that you have permissions correctly set. You must set the permissions for the account that is used by the application pool for the web application that hosts the reporting database for Project Server. Grant the account db_owner permission for the reporting database. For more information, see Assigning Permissions to Support Integration of Project Server and Team Foundation Server.

TF244079: An error occurred while retrieving the URL for shared services.

You must install the two updates that are required to support Project Server 2010, or you must install SP1 for Project Server 2010.

After you install the updates, you must run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard. For more information, see System and Setup Requirements to Support Integration of Team Foundation Server and Project Server.

TF244087: The Feature Pack for Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server Integration must be installed on those machines that host Project Server. You can download the feature pack from the following page on the Microsoft website:

You must install the feature pack for Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server Integration on the following machines:

  • For Project Server 2007 with SP2: Each application-tier server that will participate in synchronizing data with Team Foundation Server.

  • For Project Server 2010: Each web-tier and application-tier server that will participate in synchronizing data with Team Foundation Server.

For more information, see System and Setup Requirements to Support Integration of Team Foundation Server and Project Server.

TF208104: You have modified one or more hierarchical link relationships that may have been locked by other processes, such as Project Server.

Changes that you made to individual work items were published. Changes that you made to locked links were auto-corrected.

This error can occur when you make a change in Excel to the hierarchical link relationships of work items that are synchronized and also whose task hierarchy is locked (Link is locked). This message indicates that the changes that you made to the fields are published, but all changes that you made to the link hierarchy, whether the links are locked or not locked, are not published. The tree hierarchy automatically reverts to its original structure. For more information, see Addressing Error TF208104: Hierarchical Link Relationship Is Locked.

TF285010: The following user is not a valid Project Server resource: UserName. Add the Team Foundation user to the enterprise resource pool.

Each time that you add team members to the resources for a project plan, you must publish the project plan so that the synchronization engine will register the changes. For more information, see Add Resources in Team Foundation Server to the Resource Pool for Project Server.

TF285019: Could not submit request for user '{0}'. Contact your Project Server administrator to verify that Project Server permissions have been granted to the service account used by the synchronization engine.

After a work item has been created or updated, this error will appear in its History field when the synchronization engine attempts to submit it to Project Server. To resolve this error, you must provide additional permissions to the service account under which the synchronization engine runs. For Project Server 2007, you must provide permissions to access the Shared Services Provider (SSP). For Project Server 2010, you must provide Full Control permissions to invoke the Project Server Service Application for the SharePoint web application. For more information, see Assigning Permissions to Support Integration of Project Server and Team Foundation Server.

TF287020: An error occurred while updating the linking of work items in Team Foundation Server and tasks in Project Server. Synchronization cannot proceed. Contact your administrator for Team Foundation Server to determine the cause of the error.

This message may occur when a project manager deletes a task from a project plan but does not delete the task to which it is linked through a parent-child link. You must resolve this error to unblock the synchronization engine. For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft website: TFS 2010: Synchronization between TFS 2010 and Project 2010 fails with error TF53010: The following error has occurred in a Team Foundation component or extension.

TF287030: An error was returned while trying to synchronize a task with ID: TaskID. Error = "TF287035: Cannot find the following work item types for team project 'Project': . The work item types may have been deleted or renamed. The administrator for Team Foundation Server should restore the named work item type for the mapped team project, or the project manager should update the project plan with the name of the new work item type.". Contact your administrator for Team Foundation Server to verify that the required permissions to perform this operation are assigned, and that the work item type and team project exist.

Verify that all project managers have installed Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Visual Studio 2010.

You can install this service pack on top of all Visual Studio 2010 products, which include Visual Studio Ultimate, Visual Studio Premium, Visual Studio Professional, and Team Explorer. You can download Team Explorer from the following page on the Microsoft website: Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010 - ISO.

If Project Server is set up to require Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certification, you should make sure that you have correctly configured SSL for the SharePoint web Applications that support the instances of PWA that participate in data synchronization. For more information, see Setting up HTTPS with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for Team Foundation Server.

TF291011: An unsupported field type '{0}' is assigned to Project Server field: '{1}'.

When you map a field in Team Foundation to a field in Project Server, the data types of those fields must conform to the field mapping criteria. For more information, see Data Types and Field Mapping Criteria.

TF294003: Cannot access the following PWA instance: pwaUrl. Project Server returned this error: "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized." Verify that the PWA instance exists, and that the necessary permissions have been granted to the service account for the team project collection to access the PWA.

You must grant the service account for Team Foundation Server permissions to access the instance of PWA. For more information, see Permissions Required to Configure Integration and Support Data Synchronization.

TF294026: The following work item field does not exist: Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork. Contact your administrator for Team Foundation Server to add this work item field.

This error might appear under the following conditions:

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Resource Names Cannot Contain Special Characters

Several characters, such as square brackets or corner brackets, can cause problems when you synchronize user names between Active Directory and Project Server,. For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft website: Manage Active Directory synchronization in Project Server 2007.

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Work Item Type Field Lists All Work Item Types

Text30 is the default Project field that is associated with the Work Item Type column that is used in synchronizing tasks with work items. If you ever connect the project plan to Team Foundation Server by using the Choose Team Project option on the Team ribbon menu, an additional Project field, which is labeled Work Item Type, becomes available. This field, with a default Project field of Text24, supports mapping of project plans that are bound to Team Foundation but does not support synchronizing plans. The Text24-based field contains the full list of work item types for the team project. You can verify that you have the correct field by pointing to it and verifying that Text30 appears.

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Error Messages for Administration Commands Do Not Identify the Missing Permission

When you run the TfsAdmin command-line tool, the following error message might appear:

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

The message does not indicate which permission is required on which server. You must review the required permissions for the specific command that you tried to run. For more information, see Assigning Permissions to Support Integration of Project Server and Team Foundation Server.

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Defining Queries that Specify Null or Empty Field Values

You can find undefined work item fields in Team Foundation by creating a work item query where the Value is left undefined. Corresponding Project Server fields that are mapped may contain a value of 0. For example, you can specifying the following clauses in a query to exclude work items that contain undefined or zero work:

  • And Completed Work <> (leave Value undefined)

  • Or Project Server Completed Work <> 0

  • And Remaining Work < > (leave Value undefined)

  • Or Project Server Remaining Work <> 0

For more information, see Resolving Conflicts and Managing Rejected Work Item Submissions.

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Changing the Name of a Mapped Enterprise Project Plan Requires You to Refresh the Mapped Team Project

If you save a mapped enterprise project under a different name and then publish the project to Project Server, you must refresh the mapped team project. Otherwise, the new name will not appear in the Enterprise Project field on the Project Server tab. For more information, see Refresh Your Team Foundation Client.

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Multiple Errors and Deadlock Conditions May Be Reported Under Stress Conditions

Under certain load conditions, multiple errors and deadlock conditions may be reported in the Windows event log and in the synchronization messages. For example, these messages might appear if multiple team project collections are mapped to a single instance of PWA. No user action is required.

The following types of errors may appear:

Error_GeneralServerErrorSql|Transaction (Process ID 156) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Error_GeneralServerErrorSql|Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

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Synchronization Engine Continues to Log Errors After You Uninstall Service Pack 1

If you uninstall Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 after you have configured the integration of the two server products, the synchronization engine will not work correctly, and the job agent will log an error every 30 seconds.

To prevent this condition, you should unregister all instances of PWA that have been registered before SP1 was uninstalled.


To unregister all instances of PWA, you must use the TFSAdmin ProjectServer /UnregisterPWA command. You can access this command only from Visual Studio 2010 or Team Explorer if SP1 is installed. For more information, see Removing a Component from Participating in Data Synchronization.

If you plan to continue to synchronize data between the two server products, you must reinstall SP1 and then re-register PWA with Team Foundation Server. This process will re-configure the global rules that are required to support the integration.

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Access Denied Issues Occur With a Network Load Balancing Configuration or when You Register an Instance of PWA

If you have administrative permissions on Project Server, a 401 Access denied message might appear after you configure the integration of the two server products or when you try to register an instance of PWA. This message can appear when the deployment of Project Server contains the following components:

  • Two or more web front ends.

  • Windows Network Load Balancing (NLB) to balance them.

  • A single static IP as the NLB front end with a name that is registered with the Domain Name Service (DNS).

  • The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the custom host header that has been configured for the machine that hosts Project Server does not match the local computer name.

To work around this problem, you must set one of two registry keys. For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft website: You receive error 401.1 when you browse a Web site that uses Integrated Authentication and is hosted on IIS 5.1 or a later version. To resolve the error, use "Method 1: Specify host names (Preferred method if NTLM authentication is desired)." This method uses the BackConnectionHostNames entry, which allows communication with a specific machine name. You must add the non-NetBIOS machine name to the list of host names that are mapped to the loopback address and can connect to websites on your computer. If you use this method, you do not need to restart your computer or run the IISReset command.

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Multiple Errors May Occur When Updating Subprojects with the Master Project Open

You can synchronize data between a team project and an enterprise project plan that is a subproject. You cannot manage or update any data from a master project that contains mapped subprojects. You can have a master plan that includes subprojects that are mapped to Team Foundation Server, but the Team Foundation client add-in for Project Professional blocks editing of mapped subprojects from a master plan. Specifically, the add-in prevents you from modifying or deleting a task that is scheduled to synchronize with Team Foundation from the master plan

Several errors can appear if you open a subproject and its master project at the same time. For example, one or more of the following error messages may appear:

  • The view Team Foundation Gantt (Project Server) does not exist in this version of Project. Please choose a different view.

  • The following field that you selected for tracking the Work Item Type is already in use by the project: pjTaskText30. If you continue, the existing data would be overwritten.

    Click 'Cancel' to prevent data from being overwritten or deleted, and then copy the data in pjTaskText30 to unused fields in the project, or contact the Administrator to change the local field.

    Do you want to proceed?

  • TF82041: Team Foundation does not support editing tasks in a subproject from within the master project. Open the subproject to edit, publish, or refresh tasks.

  • TF80069: Team Foundation encountered an error while updating data in the application.

To resolve these errors, close the master project whenever you are modifying a mapped subproject.

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See Also


Overview of the Synchronization Process for Team Foundation Server and Project Server Integration

Removing a Component from Participating in Data Synchronization

Changing the Configuration of Your Deployment

Administering the Integration of Team Foundation Server and Project Server

Change History




September 2011

Clarified the need to publish the project plan after you add team members to the resources for a project plan. Added information for error message TF287020. Clarified the conditions and resolution for troubleshooting an access denied issue.

Information enhancement.

June 2011

Added a note that the SharePoint web application for the instance of PWA must be set to Classic Mode Authentication.

Customer feedback.

April 2011

Corrected the mapping reference that the following section: Multiple Errors and Deadlock Conditions May Be Reported Under Stress Conditions describes. Added information about how to address TF208104.

Content bug fix.