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Quickstart: Register an existing SAP system with Azure Center for SAP solutions with CLI

The Azure CLI is used to create and manage Azure resources from the command line or in scripts.

Azure Center for SAP solutions enables you to deploy and manage SAP systems on Azure. This article shows you how to register an existing SAP system running on Azure with Azure Center for SAP solutions using Az CLI. Alternatively, you can register systems using the Azure PowerShell or in the Azure portal. After you register an SAP system with Azure Center for SAP solutions, you can use its visualization, management, and monitoring capabilities through the Azure portal. For example, you can:

This quickstart enables you to register an existing SAP system with Azure Center for SAP solutions.

Prerequisites for registering a system

  • Check that you're trying to register a supported SAP system configuration

  • Grant access to Azure Storage accounts from the virtual network where the SAP system exists. Use one of these options:

    • Allow outbound internet connectivity for the Virtual Machines.
    • Use a Storage service tag to allow connectivity to any Azure storage account from the VMs.
    • Use a Storage service tag with regional scope to allow storage account connectivity to the Azure storage accounts in the same region as the VMs.
    • Allowlist the region-specific IP addresses for Azure Storage.
  • The first time you use Azure Center for SAP solutions, you must register the Microsoft.Workloads Resource Provider in the subscription where you have the SAP system with Register-AzResourceProvider, as follows:

    az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Workloads'
  • Check that your Azure account has Azure Center for SAP solutions administrator and Managed Identity Operator or equivalent role access on the subscription or resource groups where you have the SAP system resources.

  • A User-assigned managed identity which has Azure Center for SAP solutions service role access on the Compute resource group and Reader role access on the Virtual Network resource group of the SAP system. Azure Center for SAP solutions service uses this identity to discover your SAP system resources and register the system as a VIS resource.

  • Make sure ASCS, Application Server and Database virtual machines of the SAP system are in Running state.

  • sapcontrol and saphostctrl exe files must exist on ASCS, App server and Database.

    • File path on Linux Virtual Machines: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe
    • File path on Windows Virtual Machines: C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\
  • Make sure the sapstartsrv process is running on all SAP instances and for SAP hostctrl agent on all the VMs in the SAP system.

    • To start hostctrl sapstartsrv, use this command for Linux Virtual Machines: 'hostexecstart -start'
    • To start instance sapstartsrv, use the command: 'sapcontrol -nr 'instanceNr' -function StartService S0S'
    • To check status of hostctrl sapstartsrv use this command for Windows Virtual Machines: C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\saphostexec –status
  • For successful discovery and registration of the SAP system, ensure there's network connectivity between ASCS, App, and DB VMs. 'ping' command for App instance hostname must be successful from ASCS Virtual Machine. 'ping' for Database hostname must be successful from App server Virtual Machine.

  • On App server profile, SAPDBHOST, DBTYPE, DBID parameters must have the right values configured for the discovery and registration of Database instance details.

Register SAP system

To register an existing SAP system in Azure Center for SAP solutions:

  1. Use the az workloads sap-virtual-instance create to register an existing SAP system as a Virtual Instance for SAP solutions resource:

    az workloads sap-virtual-instance create -g <Resource Group Name> \
         -n C36 \ 
         --environment NonProd \ 
         --sap-product s4hana \ 
         --central-server-vm <Virtual Machine resource ID> \ 
         --identity "{type:UserAssigned,userAssignedIdentities:{<Managed Identity resource ID>:{}}}" \
         --managed-rg-name "acss-C36" \
         --managed-resources-network-access-type <private/public> \
    • g is used to specify the name of the existing Resource Group into which you want the Virtual Instance for SAP solutions resource to be deployed. It could be the same RG in which you have Compute, Storage resources of your SAP system or a different one.
    • n parameter is used to specify the SAP System ID (SID) that you're registering with Azure Center for SAP solutions.
    • environment parameter is used to specify the type of SAP environment you're registering. Valid values are NonProd and Prod.
    • sap-product parameter is used to specify the type of SAP product you're registering. Valid values are S4HANA, ECC, Other.
    • managed-rg-name parameter is used to specify the name of the managed resource group which is deployed by ACSS service in your Subscription. This RG is unique for each SAP system (SID) you register. If you don't specify the name, ACSS service sets a name with this naming convention 'mrg-{SID}-{random string}'.
    • managed-resources-network-access-type specifies the network access configuration for the resources that will be deployed in the Managed Resource Group. The options to choose from are Public and Private. If 'Private' is chosen, the Storage Account service tag should be enabled on the subnets in which the SAP VMs exist. This is required for establishing connectivity between VM extensions and the managed resource group storage account. This setting is currently applicable only to Storage Account.
  2. Once you trigger the registration process, you can view its status by getting the status of the Virtual Instance for SAP solutions resource that gets deployed as part of the registration process.

    az workloads sap-virtual-instance show -g <Resource-group-name> -n C36

Next steps