
Deila með

SqlProfileProvider.FindProfilesByUserName Method


Retrieves profile information for profiles in which the user name matches the specified name.

 override System::Web::Profile::ProfileInfoCollection ^ FindProfilesByUserName(System::Web::Profile::ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, System::String ^ usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int % totalRecords);
public override System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName (System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords);
override this.FindProfilesByUserName : System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption * string * int * int * int -> System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection
Public Overrides Function FindProfilesByUserName (authenticationOption As ProfileAuthenticationOption, usernameToMatch As String, pageIndex As Integer, pageSize As Integer, ByRef totalRecords As Integer) As ProfileInfoCollection



One of the ProfileAuthenticationOption values, specifying whether anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned.


The user name for which to search.


The index of the page of results to return. pageIndex is zero-based.


The size of the page of results to return.


When this method returns, contains an integer that identifies the total number of profiles. This parameter is passed uninitialized.


A ProfileInfoCollection containing user profile information for profiles where the user name matches the supplied usernameToMatch parameter.


usernameToMatch is null.

usernameToMatch is an empty string ("") or exceeds 256 characters.


pageIndex is less than zero.


pageSize is less than one.


pageIndex multiplied by pageSize is larger than Int32.MaxValue.


The following code example allows a user to supply a usernameToMatch value and a ProfileAuthenticationOption and retrieves profile information for any matching profiles. The example also allows the user to specify whether to return inactive profiles exclusively. If the user specifies only inactive profiles, the FindInactiveProfilesByUserName method is called; otherwise, the FindProfilesByUserName method is called.

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Profile" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

int pageSize = 5;
int totalProfiles;
int totalPages;
int currentPage = 1;

ProfileAuthenticationOption authOption;
SqlProfileProvider provider;

int inactiveDays = 90;

public void Page_Load()
  InactiveDaysLabel.Text = inactiveDays.ToString();
  authOption = GetAuthenticationOption();

  provider = (SqlProfileProvider)Profile.Providers["SqlProvider"];

  InactiveProfilesLabel.Text = provider.GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles(authOption,
               DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(inactiveDays, 0, 0, 0))).ToString();

  DeletedMessage.Text = "";

private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfiles()
  ProfileInfoCollection profiles;

  if (ShowInactiveCheckBox.Checked)
    profiles = provider.FindInactiveProfilesByUserName(authOption, 
                 DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(inactiveDays, 0, 0, 0)),
                 currentPage - 1, pageSize, out totalProfiles);
    profiles = provider.FindProfilesByUserName(authOption, 
                 currentPage - 1, pageSize, out totalProfiles);

  return profiles;

private void ShowProfiles()
  if (UserNameTextBox.Text.Trim() == "")
    Msg.Text = "Please specify a user name.";
    NavigationPanel.Visible = false;
    ProfileGrid.Visible = false;
  Msg.Text = "";
  ProfileGrid.Visible = true;

  ProfileGrid.DataSource = GetProfiles();

  totalPages = ((totalProfiles - 1) / pageSize) + 1;

  // Ensure that we do not navigate past the last page of users.

  if (currentPage > totalPages)
    currentPage = totalPages;


  TotalProfilesLabel.Text = totalProfiles.ToString();
  CurrentPageLabel.Text = currentPage.ToString();
  TotalPagesLabel.Text = totalPages.ToString();

  if (currentPage == totalPages)
    NextButton.Visible = false;
    NextButton.Visible = true;

  if (currentPage == 1)
    PreviousButton.Visible = false;
    PreviousButton.Visible = true;

  if (totalProfiles <= 0)
    NavigationPanel.Visible = false;
    NavigationPanel.Visible = true;

public void NextButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
  currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentPageLabel.Text);

public void PreviousButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
  currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentPageLabel.Text);

public void GoButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
  currentPage = 1;

public void ShowInactiveCheckBox_OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)

public void DeleteButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
  DeletedMessage.Text = totalProfiles.ToString() + " profiles deleted.";

public void AuthenticationOptionListBox_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
  authOption = GetAuthenticationOption();

private ProfileAuthenticationOption GetAuthenticationOption()
  if (AuthenticationOptionListBox.SelectedItem != null)
    switch (AuthenticationOptionListBox.SelectedItem.Value)
      case "Anonymous":
        return ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous;
      case "Authenticated":
        return ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated;
        return ProfileAuthenticationOption.All;

  return ProfileAuthenticationOption.All;

<html xmlns="" >
<title>Sample: Find Profiles</title>

<form id="form1" runat="server">
  <h3>Profile List</h3>

  <asp:Label id="Msg" runat="Server" ForeColor="red" /><br />

  <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
      <td valign="top">UserName to Search for:</td>
      <td valign="top" colspan="2">
        <asp:TextBox id="UserNameTextBox" runat="server" />
        <asp:Button id="GoButton" Text=" Go " OnClick="GoButton_OnClick" runat="server" /><br />
      <td valign="top">Authentication Option</td>
      <td valign="top"><asp:ListBox id="AuthenticationOptionListBox" rows="3" runat="Server"
                         <asp:ListItem value="All" selected="True">All</asp:ListItem>
                         <asp:ListItem value="Authenticated">Authenticated</asp:ListItem>
                         <asp:ListItem value="Anonymous">Anonymous</asp:ListItem>
      <td valign="top"><asp:CheckBox id="ShowInactiveCheckBox" Checked="false" 
                                     AutoPostBack="true" runat="server"
                                     OnCheckedChanged="ShowInactiveCheckBox_OnCheckedChanged" />
                       Show profiles inactive for
                       <asp:Label id="InactiveDaysLabel" runat="server" />
                       days only.<br />
                       There are <asp:Label id="InactiveProfilesLabel" runat="server" />
                       inactive profiles.
      <td><asp:Button id="DeleteButton" runat="server" 
                      Text="Delete Profiles" OnClick="DeleteButton_OnClick" />
          <br /><i>(based on search results)</i>
      <td valign="top"><asp:Label id="DeletedMessage" runat="server" /></td>

  <asp:Panel id="NavigationPanel" Visible="false" runat="server">
    <asp:Label id="TotalProfilesLabel" runat="server" /> profile(s) found.
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
        <td style="width:100">Page <asp:Label id="CurrentPageLabel" runat="server" />
            of <asp:Label id="TotalPagesLabel" runat="server" /></td>
        <td style="width:60"><asp:LinkButton id="PreviousButton" Text="< Prev"
                            OnClick="PreviousButton_OnClick" runat="server" /></td>
        <td style="width:60"><asp:LinkButton id="NextButton" Text="Next >"
                            OnClick="NextButton_OnClick" runat="server" /></td>

  <asp:DataGrid id="ProfileGrid" runat="server"
                CellPadding="2" CellSpacing="1"
    <HeaderStyle BackColor="darkblue" ForeColor="white" />


<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Profile" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

Dim pageSize As Integer = 5
Dim totalProfiles As Integer
Dim totalPages As Integer
Dim currentPage As Integer = 1

Dim authOption As ProfileAuthenticationOption 
Dim provider As SqlProfileProvider 

Dim inactiveDays As Integer = 90

Public Sub Page_Load()
  InactiveDaysLabel.Text = inactiveDays.ToString()
  authOption = GetAuthenticationOption()

  provider = CType(Profile.Providers("SqlProvider"), SqlProfileProvider)

  InactiveProfilesLabel.Text = provider.GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles(authOption, _
               DateTime.Now.Subtract(New TimeSpan(inactiveDays, 0, 0, 0))).ToString()

  DeletedMessage.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Function GetProfiles() As ProfileInfoCollection 
  Dim profiles As ProfileInfoCollection 

  If ShowInactiveCheckBox.Checked Then  
    profiles = provider.FindInactiveProfilesByUserName(authOption, _
                 UserNameTextBox.Text, _
                 DateTime.Now.Subtract(New TimeSpan(inactiveDays, 0, 0, 0)), _
                 currentPage - 1, pageSize, totalProfiles)
    profiles = provider.FindProfilesByUserName(authOption, _
                 UserNameTextBox.Text, _
                 currentPage - 1, pageSize, totalProfiles)
  End If

  Return profiles
End Function

Private Sub ShowProfiles()
  If UserNameTextBox.Text.Trim() = "" Then  
    Msg.Text = "Please specify a user name."
    NavigationPanel.Visible = False
    ProfileGrid.Visible = False
  End If
  Msg.Text = ""
  ProfileGrid.Visible = True

  ProfileGrid.DataSource = GetProfiles()

  totalPages = ((totalProfiles - 1) \ pageSize) + 1

  ' Ensure that we do not navigate past the last page of users.

  If currentPage > totalPages Then  
    currentPage = totalPages
  End If


  TotalProfilesLabel.Text = totalProfiles.ToString()
  CurrentPageLabel.Text = currentPage.ToString()
  TotalPagesLabel.Text = totalPages.ToString()

  If currentPage = totalPages Then
    NextButton.Visible = False
    NextButton.Visible = True
  End If

  If currentPage = 1 Then
    PreviousButton.Visible = False
    PreviousButton.Visible = True
  End If

  If totalProfiles <= 0 Then
    NavigationPanel.Visible = False
    NavigationPanel.Visible = True
  End If
End Sub

Public Sub NextButton_OnClick(sender As Object, args As EventArgs)
  currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentPageLabel.Text)
  currentPage += 1
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousButton_OnClick(sender As Object, args As EventArgs)
  currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentPageLabel.Text)
  currentPage -= 1
End Sub

Public Sub GoButton_OnClick(sender As Object, args As EventArgs)
  currentPage = 1
End Sub

Public Sub ShowInactiveCheckBox_OnCheckedChanged(sender As Object, args As EventArgs)
End Sub

Public Sub DeleteButton_OnClick(sender As Object, args As EventArgs)
  DeletedMessage.Text = totalProfiles.ToString() & " profiles deleted."
End Sub

Public Sub AuthenticationOptionListBox_OnSelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, args As EventArgs)
  authOption = GetAuthenticationOption()
End Sub

Private Function GetAuthenticationOption() As ProfileAuthenticationOption 
  If Not AuthenticationOptionListBox.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then  
    Select Case AuthenticationOptionListBox.SelectedItem.Value    
      Case "Anonymous"
        Return ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous
      Case "Authenticated"
        Return ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated
      Case Else
        Return ProfileAuthenticationOption.All
    End Select
  End If

  Return ProfileAuthenticationOption.All
End Function

<html xmlns="" >
<title>Sample Find Profiles</title>

<form id="form1" runat="server">
  <h3>Profile List</h3>

  <asp:Label id="Msg" runat="Server" ForeColor="red" /><br />

  <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
      <td valign="top">UserName to Search for</td>
      <td valign="top" colspan="2">
        <asp:TextBox id="UserNameTextBox" runat="server" />
        <asp:Button id="GoButton" Text=" Go " OnClick="GoButton_OnClick" runat="server" /><br />
      <td valign="top">Authentication Option</td>
      <td valign="top"><asp:ListBox id="AuthenticationOptionListBox" rows="3" runat="Server"
                         <asp:ListItem value="All" selected="True">All</asp:ListItem>
                         <asp:ListItem value="Authenticated">Authenticated</asp:ListItem>
                         <asp:ListItem value="Anonymous">Anonymous</asp:ListItem>
      <td valign="top"><asp:CheckBox id="ShowInactiveCheckBox" Checked="False" 
                                     AutoPostBack="True" runat="server"
                                     OnCheckedChanged="ShowInactiveCheckBox_OnCheckedChanged" />
                       Show profiles inactive for
                       <asp:Label id="InactiveDaysLabel" runat="server" />
                       days only.<br />
                       There are <asp:Label id="InactiveProfilesLabel" runat="server" />
                       inactive profiles.
      <td><asp:Button id="DeleteButton" runat="server" 
                      Text="Delete Profiles" OnClick="DeleteButton_OnClick" />
          <br /><i>(based on search results)</i>
      <td valign="top"><asp:Label id="DeletedMessage" runat="server" /></td>

  <asp:Panel id="NavigationPanel" Visible="False" runat="server">
    <asp:Label id="TotalProfilesLabel" runat="server" /> profile(s) found.
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
        <td style="width:100">Page <asp:Label id="CurrentPageLabel" runat="server" />
            of <asp:Label id="TotalPagesLabel" runat="server" /></td>
        <td style="width:60"><asp:LinkButton id="PreviousButton" Text="< Prev"
                            OnClick="PreviousButton_OnClick" runat="server" /></td>
        <td style="width:60"><asp:LinkButton id="NextButton" Text="Next >"
                            OnClick="NextButton_OnClick" runat="server" /></td>

  <asp:DataGrid id="ProfileGrid" runat="server"
                CellPadding="2" CellSpacing="1"
    <HeaderStyle BackColor="darkblue" ForeColor="white" />




The FindInactiveProfilesByUserName method returns a list of profile information for which the user name for the profile matches the supplied usernameToMatch parameter value for the configured ApplicationName. Use the authenticationOption parameter to specify whether you want only anonymous profiles, only authenticated profiles, or all profiles to be searched.

The SqlProfileProvider searches for a match of the usernameToMatch parameter value using the LIKE keyword and supports wildcard characters, such as the percent (%) sign. For example, if the usernameToMatch parameter is set to "user1", then profile information for the profile with the user name of "user1" is returned, if it exists. If the usernameToMatch parameter is set to "user%", then profile information for profiles with the user name of "user1", "user2", "user_admin", and so on are returned. Users are returned in the order that their profiles were added to the data store.

The results returned by FindProfilesByUserName are constrained by the pageIndex and pageSize parameters. The pageSize parameter identifies the maximum number of ProfileInfo objects to return in the ProfileInfoCollection. The pageIndex parameter identifies which page of results to return; 0 identifies the first page. The totalRecords parameter is an out parameter that is set to the total number of inactive user profiles for the application specified by the applicationName attribute in the configuration file, based on the authenticationOption and userInactiveSinceDate parameters. For example, if there are 13 users for the configured applicationName, and the pageIndex value is 1 with a pageSize of 5, the ProfileInfoCollection returned will contain the sixth through the tenth profiles. The totalRecords parameter will be set to 13.

Applies to

See also