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DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs.Exception Property


Gets the exception that represents the error.

 property Exception ^ Exception { Exception ^ get(); };
public Exception Exception { get; }
public Exception? Exception { get; }
member this.Exception : Exception
Public ReadOnly Property Exception As Exception

Property Value

An Exception that represents the error.


The following code example demonstrates checking the Exception property. This example is part of a larger example available in the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn class overview topic.

    void DataGridView1_DataError(Object^ sender, DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs^ anError)

        MessageBox::Show("Error happened " + anError->Context.ToString());

        if (anError->Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts::Commit)
            MessageBox::Show("Commit error");
        if (anError->Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts::CurrentCellChange)
            MessageBox::Show("Cell change");
        if (anError->Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts::Parsing)
            MessageBox::Show("parsing error");
        if (anError->Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts::LeaveControl)
            MessageBox::Show("leave control error");

        if (dynamic_cast<ConstraintException^>(anError->Exception) != nullptr)
            DataGridView^ view = (DataGridView^)sender;
            view->Rows[anError->RowIndex]->ErrorText = "an error";
            view->Rows[anError->RowIndex]->Cells[anError->ColumnIndex]->ErrorText = "an error";

            anError->ThrowException = false;
private void DataGridView1_DataError(object sender, DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs anError)

    MessageBox.Show("Error happened " + anError.Context.ToString());

    if (anError.Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit)
        MessageBox.Show("Commit error");
    if (anError.Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.CurrentCellChange)
        MessageBox.Show("Cell change");
    if (anError.Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Parsing)
        MessageBox.Show("parsing error");
    if (anError.Context == DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.LeaveControl)
        MessageBox.Show("leave control error");

    if ((anError.Exception) is ConstraintException)
        DataGridView view = (DataGridView)sender;
        view.Rows[anError.RowIndex].ErrorText = "an error";
        view.Rows[anError.RowIndex].Cells[anError.ColumnIndex].ErrorText = "an error";

        anError.ThrowException = false;
Private Sub DataGridView1_DataError(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs) _
Handles DataGridView1.DataError

    MessageBox.Show("Error happened " _
        & e.Context.ToString())

    If (e.Context = DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) _
        MessageBox.Show("Commit error")
    End If
    If (e.Context = DataGridViewDataErrorContexts _
        .CurrentCellChange) Then
        MessageBox.Show("Cell change")
    End If
    If (e.Context = DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Parsing) _
        MessageBox.Show("parsing error")
    End If
    If (e.Context = _
        DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.LeaveControl) Then
        MessageBox.Show("leave control error")
    End If

    If (TypeOf (e.Exception) Is ConstraintException) Then
        Dim view As DataGridView = CType(sender, DataGridView)
        view.Rows(e.RowIndex).ErrorText = "an error"
        view.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex) _
            .ErrorText = "an error"

        e.ThrowException = False
    End If
End Sub


To handle the exception by more than one DataGridViewDataErrorEventHandler, throw the exception again at the end of a handler by setting the ThrowException property to true.

Applies to

See also