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Person component in Microsoft Graph Toolkit

The person component is used to display a person or contact by using their photo, name, email address, or any other person details.

The person component also uses the mgt-person-card to display a flyout card with additional information about the user. For details, see the Person Card section.


The following example displays a person using the mgt-person component. You can use the code editor to see how properties change the behavior of the component.

Setting the person details

You can use three properties to set the person details. Use only one of the following properties per instance:

  • Set the user-id attribute or userId property to fetch the user from Microsoft Graph by using their ID.

  • Set the person-query attribute or personQuery property to search Microsoft Graph for a given person. It chooses the first person available and fetches the person details. An email works best to ensure the right person is queried, but a name works as well.

  • Set the person-presence attribute or personPresence property to add a presence badge to person avatar manually.

  • Set the avatar-size attribute or avatarSize property to small or large to determine the size of avatar. This helps add the correct presence badge to the avatar. You need to choose the correct corresponding css custom properties shown below to further customize the avatar size. By default, the value is set to auto which will automatically decide how to render the presence based on the view property. We recommend using small if your avatar is smaller than 32px by 32px.

  • Use the person-details attribute or personDetails property to manually set the person details, as shown in the following example.

    let personControl = document.getElementById('myPersonControl');
    personControl.personDetails = {
        displayName: 'Nikola Metulev',
        mail: '',
        personImage: 'url'

    If no image is provided, one is fetched (if available).

  • By default, the person component only requests the standard Microsoft Graph user set of properties. In order to request additional properties, declare them as any part of the line(x)Property.


You can use several properties to customize the component.

Attribute Property Description
user-id userId Set to a user ID to fetch that user's details and image from Microsoft Graph.
person-query personQuery Set to a name or email of a person to search for a person in Microsoft Graph and fetch the first person's details and image.
person-details personDetails Set to an object representing a person. Works with objects from the people, users, contacts, or group, resources.
fallback-details fallbackDetails Set to an object representing a person when no user/person/contact is found in Microsoft Graph.
person-image personImage Set the image to show for the person.
person-presence personPresence Set the presence for the person.
fetch-image fetchImage Set flag to fetch personImage automatically from Microsoft Graph based on the personDetails object provided by the user.
disable-image-fetch disableImageFetch Set flag to disable fetching of person image. It can be used to avoid unnecessary fetching from Microsoft Graph when specifying personImage property.
avatar-type avatarType Set to initials or photo to render either display state - default is photo.
avatar-size avatarSize Set the avatar size to small, large, or auto, helping also determine the correct size for the presence badge. The default value is auto. If the view attribute is set to threelines or fourlines, avatar-size is automatically treated as large, regardless of its actual value.
vertical-layout verticalLayout Set the component layout to vertical.
view view Set to control how the person is rendered. Default is image.
image - show only avatar
oneline - show avatar and first line (displayName by default)
twolines - show avatar and two lines of text (displayName and jobTitle by default)
threelines - show avatar and three lines of text (displayName, jobTitle and department by default)
fourlines - show avatar and four lines of text (displayName, jobTitle, department and email by default)
In vertical-layout, view changes.
twolines - show avatar and two lines of text (displayName and email by default)
threelines - show avatar and three lines of text (displayName , email and department by default)
line1-property line1Property Sets the property of the personDetails to use for the first line of text. Default is displayName.
line2-property line2Property Sets the property of the personDetails to use for the second line of text. Default is jobTitle.
line3-property line3Property Sets the property of the personDetails to use for the third line of text. Default is department.
line4-property line4Property Sets the property of the personDetails to use for the fourth line of text. Default is email.
show-presence showPresence Set flag to display person presence - default is false.
usage usage Specify where the component is being used in order to add customized personalization for it. Currently only supports people as used in the people component.
person-card personCardInteraction Sets the behavior to show the person card on the rendered person component. The allowed values are none, hover or click. Default is none.

CSS custom properties

The mgt-person component defines the following CSS custom properties.

<mgt-person class="person" person-query="me" view="fourlines" id="online" show-presence></mgt-person>
.person {
  --person-background-color: #616161;
  --person-background-border-radius: 30%;
  --person-avatar-size: 40px;
  --person-avatar-border: 3px solid yellow;
  --person-avatar-border-radius: 54%;
  --person-initials-text-color: white;
  --person-initials-background-color: blue;
  --person-line1-font-size: 32px;
  --person-line1-font-weight: 600;
  --person-line1-text-color: red;
  --person-line1-text-transform: capitalize;
  --person-line1-text-line-height: 20px;
  --person-line2-font-size: 28px;
  --person-line2-font-weight: 500;
  --person-line2-text-color: orange;
  --person-line2-text-transform: full-width;
  --person-line2-text-line-height: 16px;
  --person-line3-font-size: 24px;
  --person-line3-font-weight: 400;
  --person-line3-text-color: blue;
  --person-line3-text-transform: uppercase;
  --person-line3-text-line-height: 12px;
  --person-line4-font-size: 20px;
  --person-line4-font-weight: 300;
  --person-line4-text-color: green;
  --person-line4-text-transform: lowercase;
  --person-line4-text-line-height: 12px;
  --person-details-spacing: 30px;

To learn more, see styling components.


The following events are fired from the component.

Event When is it emitted Custom data Cancelable Bubbles Works with custom template
line1clicked Fired when line1 is clicked The person object which can be a Microsoft Graph user, person, or contact with an additional personImage property that contains the URL of the user's photo. No No Yes, unless you override the default template.
line2clicked Fired when line2 is clicked The person object which can be a Microsoft Graph user, person, or contact with an additional personImage property that contains the URL of the user's photo. No No Yes, unless you override the default template.
line3clicked Fired when line3 is clicked The person object, which can be a Microsoft Graph user, person, or contact with an additional personImage property that contains the URL of the user's photo. No No Yes, unless you override the default template.
line4clicked Fired when line4 is clicked The person object, which can be a Microsoft Graph user, person, or contact with an additional personImage property that contains the URL of the user's photo. No No Yes, unless you override the default template.

For more information about handling events, see events.


The mgt-person component supports several templates that allow you to replace certain parts of the component. To specify a template, include a <template> element inside a component and set the data-type to one of the following values:

Data type Data context Description
loading none The template to render while the component is in a loading state.
no-data none The template to render when no person image or data is available.
default person: The person details object
personImage: The URL of the image
personPresence: The presence details object for person.
The default template replaces the entire component with your own.
person-card person: The person details object
personImage: The URL of the image.
The template to update the mgt-person-card displayed on hover or click.
line1 person: The person details object The template for the first line of person metadata.
line2 person: The person details object The template for the second line of person metadata.
line3 person: The person details object The template for the third line of person metadata.
line4 person: The person details object The template for the fourth line of person metadata.

The following example defines a template for the person component.

<!-- Retemplate the entire person component -->
    <div data-if="personImage">
      <img src="{{personImage}}" />
    <div data-else>

<!-- Retemplate the line properties -->
<mgt-person view="threeLines">
  <template data-type="line1">
      Hello, my name is: {{person.displayName}}
  <template data-type="line2">
      Super cool
  <template data-type="line3">
      Loves MGT

<mgt-person view="fourLines">
  <template data-type="line1">
      Hello, my name is: {{person.displayName}}
  <template data-type="line2">
  <template data-type="line3">
      Calif records
  <template data-type="line4">

<!-- Person-card template -->
<mgt-person person-query="me" view="twolines" person-card="hover">
	<template data-type="person-card">
		My custom person card experience

Person card

The mgt-person component can show an mgt-person-card on either hover or click.

Add the control to the HTML page

<mgt-person person-query="me" person-card="hover"></mgt-person>
Attribute Property Description
person-card personCardInteraction An enumeration to determine the user action necessary to activate flyout panel - hover or click. Default value is none.

For more information about templating, styling, and attributes, see Person Card component.

Global component configuration

The MgtPerson class exposes a static config object that configures all person components in the application.

The following example shows how to use the config object.

import { MgtPerson } from '@microsoft/mgt-components';

MgtPerson.config.useContactApis = false;

The following properties are available on the config object.

Property Description
useContactApis boolean - Indicates whether the person component can use Microsoft Graph personal contacts API to search for contact details and photos. Default value is true.

Microsoft Graph permissions

This control uses the following Microsoft Graph APIs and permissions. For each API called, the user must have at least one of the permissions listed. Some configurations can result in multiple calls to Microsoft Graph. When these calls can use different permissions, each API and permission set is in a separate row.

Configuration Permission API
personDetails set without image, fetchImage set to true, avatarType set to photo, retrieved person is a contact and useContactApis set to true Contacts.Read, Contacts.ReadWrite /me/contacts/*
personDetails set without image, fetchImage set to true, avatarType set to photo and person isn't a contact or useContactApis is set to false User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /users/{id}/photo/$value
personDetails set without image, fetchImage set to true, avatarType set to photo and user specified via email User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /users?$search=
personDetails set without image, fetchImage set to true, avatarType set to photo and user specified via email User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /users/{id}/photo/$value
personDetails set without image, fetchImage set to true, avatarType set to photo and contact specified via email and useContactApis set to true Contacts.Read, Contacts.ReadWrite /me/contacts/*
personDetails set without image to a group, fetchImage set to true, avatarType set to photo Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All' /groups/${groupId}/photo/$value
userId set User.ReadBasic.All /users/{id}
userId set or personQuery set to me and avatarType set to photo and disableImageFetch is false User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /users/{id}
userId set or personQuery set to me and avatarType set to photo and disableImageFetch is false User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All users/${userId}/photo/*
userId set to me and avatarType set to photo and disableImageFetch is false User.Read, User.ReadWrite, User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /me
userId set to me and avatarType set to photo and disableImageFetch is false User.Read, User.ReadWrite, User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /me/photo/$value
personQuery set to me and avatarType set to something else than photo User.Read, User.ReadWrite /me
personQuery set to a value other than me and avatarType set to something else than photo People.Read, People.Read.All /me/people
personQuery set to a value other than me and avatarType set to something else than photo and /me/people returned no data matching the supplied personQuery User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /user?$search=
personQuery set to a value other than me and useContactApis set to false People.Read, User.ReadBasic.All /me/people/?$search=, /users?$search=
showPresence set to true and personQuery set to me Presence.Read /me/presence
showPresence set to true and personQuery set to a value other than me Presence.Read.All /users/{id}/presence
personCardInteraction set to a value other than PersonCardInteraction.none See person card permissions See person card API calls


The mgt-person component consists of one or more subcomponents that might require other permissions than the ones listed previously. For more information, see the documentation for each subcomponent: mgt-person-card.


The control uses the global authentication provider described in the authentication documentation to fetch the required data.


Object store Cached data Remarks
photos Person's photo Used when avatarType is set to photo and fetchImage is set to true.
presence Person's presence Used when showPresence is set to true.
users Person's user information.

See Caching for more details on how to configure the cache.

Extend for more control

For more complex scenarios or a truly custom UX, this component exposes several protected render* methods for override in component extensions.

Method Description
renderLoading Renders the loading state.
renderNoData Renders when no image or person data is available.
renderAvatar Renders the avatar.
renderDetails Renders the person details part.


The control exposes the following variables that can be localized. For details about how to set up localization, see Localizing components.

String name Default value
photoFor Photo for
emailAddress Email address