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Person-Card component in Microsoft Graph Toolkit

A Person-Card component is a responsive component to display more information related to a person. It's used as a flyout on the mgt-person component.

For more information about the mgt-person component, see mgt-person.

Example using mgt-person

The following example shows the use of the mgt-person-card component with a mgt-person component. Hover or click on the person to see the Person Card.

Example using mgt-person-card as a standalone component

The following example shows the use of the mgt-person-card component. Use the code editor to see how properties change the behavior of the component.

Global component configuration

The MgtPersonCardConfig class exposes static configuration properties that configure all person card components in the application. The class configures what sections and what APIs are used by the person card to fetch details about a user from Microsoft Graph.

By default, all sections and APIs are enabled. The following example shows how to use the class properties to disable sections or APIs.

import { MgtPersonCardConfig } from '@microsoft/mgt-components';

MgtPersonCardConfig.useContactApis = false;
MgtPersonCardConfig.sections.profile = false;
MgtPersonCardConfig.sections.files = false;

The following properties are available.

Property Description
useContactApis boolean - Indicates whether the person card component can use Microsoft Graph Contact API to search for contact details and photos. Default value is true.
sections object - Configures what sections are shown in the person card.
isSendMessageVisible boolean - Indicates whether the send message button is visible. Default value is true.

Person card sections

The person card contains several configurable sections for displaying person details:

  • Contact - Contact information such as email, phone, position, location, and more.
  • Organization - Organizational graph with managers, direct reports, and relevant people.
  • Messages - Most relevant email messages with the current signed in user.
  • Files - Most relevant shared files with the current signed in user.
  • Profile - Profile information such as projects, skills, languages, and more.

Sections are loaded by default, but they can be disabled globally via the MgtPersonCardConfig.sections object property. The following properties are available.

Property Description
organization boolean - Indicates whether the person card organization section is shown. Default value is true.
mailMessages boolean - Indicates whether the person card messages section is shown. Default value is true.
files boolean - Indicates whether the person card files section is shown. Default value is true.
profile boolean - Indicates whether the person card profile section is shown. Default value is true.
lock-tab-navigation boolean - Allows the locking of navigation using tabs so that it doesn't flow out of the card section. Default value is false.

To disable a section, set the property to false in your app initialization code:

import { MgtPersonCardConfig } from '@microsoft/mgt-components';

MgtPersonCardConfig.sections.profile = false;

Setup for Teams integrations

The Person-Card component allows the user to contact the target person, including via Teams chat. If using the component inside a Teams tab app, you can ensure that the component deep links directly to a chat instead of opening a browser window by setting the microsoftTeamsLib in TeamsHelper.

If the Person-Card component is unable to detect the Teams lib, the component attempts to open the Teams web client instead.

import * as microsoftTeams from "@microsoft/teams-js";
import { TeamsHelper } from "@microsoft/mgt-element";

TeamsHelper.microsoftTeamsLib = microsoftTeams;


By default, the mgt-person component passes the person details to the mgt-person-card component. However, you can use these attributes to change it when templating the mgt-person component or when using the mgt-person-card component as a standalone component.

Attribute Type Description
person-details MicrosoftGraph.User
Person object as defined by Microsoft Graph, containing details related to the user.
person-image String Image uri related to the person displayed in the card.
inherit-details None Allows person-card to walk parent tree for mgt-person component to use the same person-details and person-image data.
user-id String Allows developers to supply user-ID to retrieve data shown on person-card component
person-query String Allows developers to supply person-query to retrieve data shown on person-card component
person-card String Specifies whether the person-card component can be shown as a pop-up card when you hover or click on the mgt-person component. The allowed values are hover or click.

CSS custom properties

The mgt-person-card component defines the following CSS custom properties.

<mgt-person-card class="person-card" person-query="me"></mgt-person-card>
.person-card {
  --person-card-nav-back-arrow-hover-color: green;
  --person-card-icon-color: red;
  --person-card-line1-font-size: 30px;
  --person-card-line1-font-weight: 800;
  --person-card-line1-line-height: 38px;
  --person-card-line2-font-size: 24px;
  --person-card-line2-font-weight: 600;
  --person-card-line2-line-height: 30px;
  --person-card-line3-font-size: 24px;
  --person-card-line3-font-weight: 300;
  --person-card-line3-line-height: 29px;
  --person-card-avatar-size: 85px;
  --person-card-details-left-spacing: 25px;
  --person-card-avatar-top-spacing: 25px;
  --person-card-details-bottom-spacing: 20px;
  --person-card-background-color: pink;
  --person-card-expanded-background-color-hover: blue;
  --person-card-icon-hover-color: magenta;
  --person-card-show-more-color: blue;
  --person-card-show-more-hover-color: green;
  --person-card-fluent-background-color: yellow;
  --person-card-line1-text-color: purple;
  --person-card-line2-text-color: blue;
  --person-card-line3-text-color: green;
  --person-card-fluent-background-color-hover: orange;
  --person-card-base-icons-left-spacing: 110px;

  /** person-card sections tokens */

  /** Organization */
  --organization-active-org-member-target-background-color: blue;
  --organization-title-color: green;
  --organization-sub-title-color: yellow;
  --organization-hover-color: grey;
  --organization-coworker-hover-color: grey;
  --organization-coworker-border-color: purple;
  --organization-active-org-member-border-color: red;
  --organization-coworker-person-avatar-size: 50px;
  --organization-member-person-avatar-size: 60px;
  --organization-direct-report-person-avatar-size: 80px;

  /** Style for the avatar-size in the person-card sections */
  --organization-member-person-avatar-size: 60px;
  --coworker-person-avatar-size: 50px;
  --direct-report-person-avatar-size: 40px;

  /** Files: Uses custom css properties for mgt-file-list and mgt-file */

  /** Messages */

  --message-subject-color: purple;
  --message-from-color: blue;
  --message-color: black;
  --message-hover-color: grey;
  --message-subject-font-size: 18px;
  --message-subject-font-weight: 600;
  --message-subject-line-height: 25px;
  --message-from-font-size: 40px;
  --message-from-font-weight: 800;
  --message-date-color: purple;
  --message-from-line-height: 25px;

  /** Contact */

  --contact-title-color: blue;
  --contact-value-color: green;
  --contact-link-color: red;
  --contact-link-hover-color: purple;
  --contact-background-color: grey;
  --contact-copy-icon-color: yellow;

  /** Profile */

  --profile-title-color: blue;
  --profile-background-color: grey;
  --profile-token-item-color: blue;
  --profile-token-overflow-color: purple;
  --profile-section-title-color: black;
  --profile-token-item-background-color: yellow;

To learn more, see styling components.


The Person-Card component uses templates that allow you to add or replace portions of the component. To specify a template, include a <template> element inside of a component and set the data-type to one of the following values.

Data type Data context Description
no-data null The template used when no data is available.
default person: The person details object
personImage: The URL of the image
The default template replaces the entire component with your own.
person-details person: The person details object The template used to render the top part of the person card.
additional-details person: The person details object
personImage: the URL of the image
The template used to add custom content to the additional details container.

For example, you can use a template to customize the component attached to the mgt-person component and a template to add additional details to the card.

<mgt-person person-query="me" view="twolines" person-card="hover">
  <template data-type="person-card">
    <mgt-person-card inherit-details>
      <template data-type="additional-details">
        <h3>Stuffed Animal Friends:</h3>


The following events are fired from the component.

Event When is it emitted Custom data Cancelable Bubbles Works with custom template
expanded The user opened the expanded details section of the card None No Yes Yes, unless you override the default template

For more information about handling events, see events.

Microsoft Graph permissions

The Person-Card control uses the following Microsoft Graph APIs and permissions. For each API called, the user must have at least one of the permissions listed.

Configuration Permission API Section
In all configurations User.Read, User.ReadWrite /me Default
personDetails set with user's id but without e-mail, or userId set User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /users/{id} Default
personDetails set with user's id but without e-mail, or userId set User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /users/{id}/photo/$value Default
personQuery set to me User.Read, User.ReadWrite, User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /me, /users/{id}/photo/$value Default
personQuery set to me User.Read, User.ReadWrite, User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /me/photo/$value Default
personQuery set to a value different than me People.Read, People.Read.All /me/people/?$search= Default
personQuery set to a value different than me and config.useContactApis set to true (default) Contacts.Read, Contacts.ReadWrite /me/contacts/* Default
personQuery set to a value different than me and config.useContactApis set to false User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /users/{id}/photo/$value Default
showPresence set to true Presence.Read.All /users/{id}/presence Default
sections.organization enabled (default) User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /users/{id}?$expand=manager($levels=max), /users/${id}/directReports Organization
sections.organization.showWorksWith set (default) People.Read.All /users/{id}/people Organization
sections.mailMessages enabled (default) Mail.ReadBasic, Mail.Read, Mail.ReadWrite /me/messages Messages
sections.files enabled (default) Sites.Read.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All /me/insights/shared and /me/insights/used Files
sections.profile enabled (default) User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /users/{id}/profile Profile

The getMgtPersonCardScopes() function returns an array of scopes required for the person card to function based on the global person card configuration.

import { getMgtPersonCardScopes } from `@microsoft/mgt-components`;

const neededScopes = getMgtPersonCardScopes();


The mgt-person-card component consists of one or more subcomponents that might require other permissions than the ones listed previously. For more information, see the documentation for each subcomponent:


The Person-Card control uses the global authentication provider described in the authentication documentation.



The mgt-person-card component retrieves the basic person data from the parent mgt-person component without calling Microsoft Graph. When mgt-person-card is used separately, it retrieves the necessary data itself and caches it. The data displayed in the card's sections is retrieved separately and isn't cached.

Object store Cached data Remarks
people Person's information Used when personQuery is specified and its value is different than me
photos Person's photo
presence Person's presence Used, when showPresence is set to true
users Person's user information Used when userId is specified or the personQuery is set to me

For more information about how to configure the cache, see Caching.


The control exposes the following variables that can be localized. For details about how to set up localization, see Localizing components.

String name Default value
endOfCard End of the card
quickMessage Send a quick message
expandDetailsLabel Expand details
renderOverviewSectionLabel Render overview section
sendMessageLabel Send message
emailButtonLabel Email
callButtonLabel Call
chatButtonLabel Chat
videoButtonLabel Video
closeCardLabel Close card

You can also localize the following variables in the person-card sections.


String name Default value
contactSectionTitle Contact
emailTitle Email
chatTitle Teams
businessPhoneTitle Business Phone
cellPhoneTitle Mobile Phone
departmentTitle Department
personTitle Email
officeLocationTitle Office Location
copyToClipboardButton Copy to clipboard


String name Default value
showMoreSubtitle Show more items
filesSectionTitle Files
sharedTextSubtitle Shared


String name Default value
emailsSectionTitle Emails


String name Default value
reportsToSectionTitle Reports to
directReportsSectionTitle Direct reports
organizationSectionTitle Organization
youWorkWithSubSectionTitle You work with
userWorksWithSubSectionTitle works with


String name Default value
SkillsAndExperienceSectionTitle Skills & Experience
AboutCompactSectionTitle About
SkillsSubSectionTitle Skills
LanguagesSubSectionTitle Languages
WorkExperienceSubSectionTitle Work Experience
EducationSubSectionTitle Education
professionalInterestsSubSectionTitle Professional Interests
personalInterestsSubSectionTitle Personal Interests
birthdaySubSectionTitle Birthday
currentYearSubtitle Current
socialMediaSubSectionTitle Social Media