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MSAL2 Provider

The MSAL2 Provider is built on MSAL-browser that implements the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow with PKCE. It's used to sign in users and acquire tokens to use with Microsoft Graph.

To learn more, see providers.

Get started

You can initialize the MSAL2 Provider in HTML or JavaScript.

Initialize in your HTML page

Initializing the MSAL2 provider in HTML is the simplest way to create a new provider. Use the mgt-msal2-provider component to set the client-id and other properties. This creates a new PublicClientApplication instance that is used for all authentication and acquiring tokens.

    <mgt-msal2-provider client-id="<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>"
Attribute Description
client-id String client ID (see Creating an app/client ID). Required.
login-type Enumeration between redirect and popup - default value is redirect. Optional.
scopes Comma-separated strings for scopes that the user must consent to when they sign in. Optional.
custom-hosts Comma-separated strings for more domains that the Microsoft Graph client can call. Optional.
authority Authority string - default is the common authority. For single-tenant apps, use your tenant ID or tenant name. For example,[ or[your-tenant-id]. Optional.
redirect-uri Redirect URI string - by default the current window URI is used. Optional.
prompt Type of prompt to use for login, between SELECT_ACCOUNT, CONSENT, and LOGIN. Default is SELECT_ACCOUNT. Optional.
base-url The Microsoft Graph endpoint to be used for Microsoft Graph calls. It can be any of the supported National cloud deployments. The default value is
incremental-consent-disabled Specifies if incremental consent is disabled. Default false. Optional.

Initialize in JavaScript

You can provide more options by initializing the provider in JavaScript.

    import {Providers} from '@microsoft/mgt-element';
    import {Msal2Provider, Msal2Config, Msal2PublicClientApplicationConfig} from '@microsoft/mgt-msal2-provider';

    // initialize the auth provider globally
    Providers.globalProvider = new Msal2Provider(config: Msal2Config | Msal2PublicClientApplicationConfig);

You can configure the Msal2Provider constructor parameter in two ways, as described in the following sections.

Provide a clientId to create a new PublicClientApplication

This option makes sense when the Microsoft Graph Toolkit is responsible for all authentication in your application.

interface Msal2Config {
  clientId: string;
  scopes?: string[];
  customHosts?: string[];
  authority?: string;
  redirectUri?: string;
  loginType?: LoginType; // LoginType.Popup or LoginType.Redirect (redirect is default)
  prompt?: PromptType; // PromptType.CONSENT, PromptType.LOGIN or PromptType.SELECT_ACCOUNT
  sid?: string; // Session ID
  loginHint?: string;
  domainHint?: string;
  isIncrementalConsentDisabled?: boolean, //Disable incremental consent, true by default
  options?: Configuration // msal-browser Configuration object

Pass an existing PublicClientApplication in the publicClientApplication property.

Use this when your app uses MSAL functionality beyond what's exposed by the Msal2Provider and other Microsoft Graph Toolkit features. This is appropriate if a framework automatically instantiates and exposes a PublicClientApplication for you; for example, when using MSAL-angular. For more information, see the angular-app sample in the Microsoft Graph Toolkit repo.

Be sure to understand opportunities for collisions when using this option. By its very nature, there is a risk that the Msal2Provider can change the state of a session; for example, by having the user sign in or consent to additional scopes. Make sure that your app and other frameworks respond gracefully to these changes in state, or consider using a custom provider instead.

interface Msal2PublicClientApplicationConfig {
  publicClientApplication: PublicClientApplication;
  scopes?: string[];
  customHosts?: string[];
  authority?: string;
  redirectUri?: string;
  loginType?: LoginType; // LoginType.Popup or LoginType.Redirect (redirect is default)
  prompt?: PromptType; // PromptType.CONSENT, PromptType.LOGIN or PromptType.SELECT_ACCOUNT
  sid?: string; // Session ID
  loginHint?: string;
  domainHint?: string;
  isIncrementalConsentDisabled?: boolean, //Disable incremental consent, true by default
  options?: Configuration // msal-browser Configuration object

Use a different cloud endpoint

Use this when you want to use the toolkit to render your data from a different Microsoft 365 endpoint.

import {Providers, Msal2Provider} from '@microsoft/mgt'

const config: Msal2Config = {
  baseUrl: '', // change the base URL
  clientId: '2dfea037-xxx-c05708a1b241',
  ... // rest of the config

Providers.globalProvider = new Msal2Provider(config);



To call the custom APIs, request that API scope.

<mgt-get resource="" scopes="api://CUSTOM_API_GUID/SCOPE">

Or via JavaScript/Typescript.

import { prepScopes } from "@microsoft/mgt-element";


Use custom hosts to call different Microsoft Entra ID-secured endpoints

If you want to call your own custom Microsoft Entra ID secured endpoints, pass those domains to the underlying Microsoft Graph client.

import {Providers, Msal2Provider} from '@microsoft/mgt'

const config: Msal2Config = {
  clientId: '2dfea037-xxx-c05708a1b241',
  customHosts: [''] //array of domains, not urls!
  ... // rest of the config

Providers.globalProvider = new Msal2Provider(config);



Creating an app/client ID

For details about how to register an app and get a client ID, see Create a Microsoft Entra app.

Migrating from MSAL Provider to MSAL2 Provider

To migrate an application that's using MSAL provider to the MSAL2 Provider:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Entra admin center.

  2. Expand the Identity menu > expand Applications > select App registrations.

  3. Select the app registration of the app to migrate.

  4. Go to Authentication on the left menu.

  5. Under Platform configurations, select on Add a platform and select Single-page Application.

  6. Remove all the redirect URIs that you have currently registered under Web, and instead add them under Single-page application.

  7. In your code, replace MSALProvider with MSAL2Provider.

    If you initialize your provider in the JS/TS code, follow these steps:

    Replace the import statement for mgt-MSAL-provider with

    import {Msal2Provider, PromptType} from '@microsoft/mgt-msal2-provider';

    Replace the initialization of MsalProvider with

    Providers.globalProvider = new Msal2Provider({

    If you initialize the provider in HTML, replace

    <mgt-msal-provider client-id="" ... ></mgt-msal-provider>


    <mgt-msal2-provider  client-id="" ... ></mgt-msal2-provider>

    For details, see Initialize in your HTML page.