Effective add-ins offer unique and compelling functionality that extends Office applications in a visually appealing way. To create a great add-in, provide an engaging first-time experience for your users, design a first-class UI experience, and optimize your add-in's performance. Apply the best practices described in this article to create add-ins that help your users complete their tasks quickly and efficiently.
Make the benefits of your add-in clear in your title and description. Don't rely on your brand to communicate what your add-in does.
Your add-in must provide sufficient value to justify users' investment. Your add-in shouldn't be a simple utility or of limited scope.
If your add-in targets larger organizations and enterprises, several AppSource requirements differ from those of a general commercial marketplace add-in. For more information, see the submission FAQ.
Create an engaging first-run experience
Engage new users with a highly usable and intuitive first experience. Note that users are still deciding whether to use or abandon an add-in after they download it from the store.
Make the steps that the user needs to take to engage with your add-in clear. Use videos, placemats, paging panels, or other resources to entice users.
Reinforce the value proposition of your add-in on launch, rather than just asking users to sign in.
Provide teaching UI to guide users and make your UI personal.
If your content add-in binds to data in the user's document, include sample data or a template to show users the data format to use.
Offer free trials. If your add-in requires a subscription, make some functionality available without a subscription.
Make the sign-up experience simple. Prefill information, such as email and display name, and skip email verifications.
Avoid pop-up windows. If you have to use them, guide the user to enable your pop-up window.
Account for accessibility - make your add-in easy for all users to interact with, and accommodate assistive technologies such as screen readers.
Design for all platforms and input methods, including mouse/keyboard and touch. Ensure that your UI is responsive to different form factors.
Optimize for touch
Use the Context.touchEnabled property to detect whether the Office application that your add-in runs on is touch enabled.
This property isn't supported in Outlook.
Ensure that all controls are appropriately sized for touch interaction. For example, buttons have adequate touch targets, and input boxes are large enough for users to enter input.
Don't rely on non-touch input methods like hover or right-click.
Ensure that your add-in works in both portrait and landscape modes. Be aware that on touch devices, part of your add-in might be hidden by the soft keyboard.
Test your add-in on a real device by using sideloading.
If you're using Fluent UI React for your design elements, many of these elements are built into the design system.
Optimize and monitor add-in performance
Create the perception of fast UI responses. Your add-in should load in 500 ms or less.
Ensure that all user interactions respond in under one second.
Provide loading indicators for long-running operations.
Use a content delivery network (CDN) to host images, resources, and common libraries. Load as much as you can from one place.
Follow standard web practices to optimize your web page. In production, use only minified versions of libraries. Only load resources that you need, and optimize how resources are loaded.
Create a Partner Center account. This could take some time. If you plan to publish your add-in to AppSource, get this process going as soon as possible.
Ensure that your add-in works error-free in all operating systems, browsers, and devices supported by the minimum set of APIs declared in your add-in manifest.
Provide detailed testing instructions and resources for certification reviewers to verify the functionality of your add-in.
If your add-in targets larger organizations and enterprises, several AppSource requirements differ from those of a general commercial marketplace add-in. For more information, see the submission FAQ.
Support older Microsoft webviews and Office versions (recommended but not required)
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