Customizing an integration with Microsoft Dataverse

This walkthrough describes how to customize an integration between Business Central and Microsoft Dataverse. As an example, this walkthrough guides you through the tasks to set up an integration between an employee in Business Central and a worker in Microsoft Dataverse.


Sample code that shows how to integrate an employee in Business Central and a worker in Microsoft Dataverse is available in the BCTech repository.

About this walkthrough

This walkthrough describes how to integrate new and existing extensions with Microsoft Dataverse. At a high level, the process involves the following tasks:

  1. Develop an AL extension to integrate tables in Microsoft Dataverse and Business Central. For more information, see Developing Extensions in AL.
  2. Create an integration table object in Business Central for mapping a Microsoft Dataverse table to a Business Central record type.
  3. Use a Microsoft Dataverse integration table as the data source for a page in Business Central that displays data from Microsoft Dataverse table rows.
  4. Extend a page in Business Central to couple and synchronize table rows in Microsoft Dataverse with table records in Business Central.
  5. Use events to create an integration table and a field mapping between a table in Business Central and an integration table for Microsoft Dataverse.
  6. Develop another AL extension to extend an existing integration between tables in Microsoft Dataverse and Business Central.
  7. Create a table extension for an existing integration table object.
  8. Use events to add custom integration field mappings for existing integration table mappings.


The customization in this walkthrough is done entirely in Business Central online, and does not describe how to modify your Microsoft Dataverse solution, for example, by adding or modifying tables and forms.


This walkthrough has the following requirements:

  • Microsoft Dataverse, including the following:

    • Worker table.


    To get the worker table, you must install the Talent Core HR solution. For more information, see Microsoft Dataverse tables.

    • The URL of your Microsoft Dataverse environment.
    • The user name and password of a user account that has full permissions to add and modify tables.
  • Business Central, including the following:

    • The CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration data.

      Use a sandbox environment. For more information, see Production and Sandbox Environments.

    • Integration with Microsoft Dataverse is enabled, including the default synchronization setup and a working connection between Business Central and Microsoft Dataverse.

    • Visual Studio Code with the AL Language extension installed. For more information, see Get Started with AL and AL Language Extension Configuration. The AL Language extension for Visual Studio is free, and you can download it from Marketplace.


    Make sure that your integration user has permission to access the Worker table in Microsoft Dataverse.

Create an integration table in Business Central for the Dataverse table

To integrate data from a Microsoft Dataverse table into Business Central, you must create a table object in Business Central that is based on the Microsoft Dataverse table. You then import the new table into the Business Central database.

In this walkthrough we'll create a table object in the Business Central database that describes the schema for the Worker table in Microsoft Dataverse.


The table can contain some or all of the fields from the Microsoft Dataverse table. However, to set up bi-directional synchronization you must include all fields in the table.

To create the integration table for the worker table in Business Central

  1. Create a new AL extension. For more information, see Developing Extensions in AL.

  2. Export the AL Table Proxy Generator tool called altpgen.exe from the Visual Studio Code AL extension. This executable allows you to create integration tables. When you have installed the AL Language extension, go to the equivalent of this folder: C:\Users\<myname>\.vscode\extensions\\bin and find the altpgen.exe file. For more information, see AL Table Proxy Generator.

  3. In PowerShell, run the tool with the following arguments:

    -project:<Your AL project folder>
    -packagecachepath:<Your AL project cache folder>
    -serviceuri:<Microsoft Dataverse server URL>
    -clientid:<Microsoft Entra application client ID>
    -redirecturi:<Microsoft Entra application redirect URI>

    This starts the process for creating the table. When completed, the output path contains the .al file that contains the description of the CDS Worker integration table with ID 50000. This table is set to the table type CDS.

Create a page for displaying Dataverse data

For scenarios where we want to view Microsoft Dataverse data for a specific table, we can create a page object that uses the integration table for the Microsoft Dataverse table as its data source. For example, we might want to have a list page that displays the current records in a Microsoft Dataverse table, such as all workers. In this walkthrough, we'll create a list page that uses the generated integration table Dataverse Worker with ID 50000 as its data source.

To create a list page to display Dataverse workers

  1. Create a new page. For more information, see Pages Overview.
  2. Name the page Dataverse Worker List, and specify 50001 as the page ID.
  3. Specify the Dataverse Worker integration table as the source table as shown below:
page 50001 "Dataverse Worker List"
    PageType = List;
    SourceTable = "Dataverse Worker";
    Editable = false;
    ApplicationArea = All;
    UsageCategory = Lists;
        // add fields to display on the page

                ApplicationArea = All;
                Caption = 'Create in Business Central';
                Promoted = true;
                PromotedCategory = Process;
                ToolTip = 'Generate the table from the coupled Microsoft Dataverse worker.';

                trigger OnAction()
                    DataverseWorker: Record "Dataverse Worker";
                    CRMIntegrationManagement: Codeunit "CRM Integration Management";

        CurrentlyCoupledDataverseWorker: Record "Dataverse Worker";

    trigger OnInit()
        Codeunit.Run(Codeunit::"CRM Integration Management");

    procedure SetCurrentlyCoupledDataverseWorker(DataverseWorker: Record "Dataverse Worker")
        CurrentlyCoupledDataverseWorker := DataverseWorker;
  1. Add the fields from the integration table to display on the page in the layout section.

To create a column on list page to display which workers are coupled

To track whether an employee record is coupled to a corresponding worker record in Microsoft Dataverse, do the following:

  1. Add a FlowField called Coupled to Dataverse to your Business Central table, and give it the following properties:

    FieldClass = FlowField; Editable = false; CalcFormula = exist("CRM Integration Record" where("Integration ID" = field(SystemId), "Table ID" = const(Database::Employee)


The name of the new field must be Coupled to Dataverse.

  1. Add a control that shows the Coupled to Dataverse field on the list page. You can give the control any name you want.

Enable coupling and synchronization between Worker in Dataverse and in Business Central

To connect a Business Central table record with a Microsoft Dataverse table row, you create a coupling. A coupling consists of the primary ID, which is typically a GUID, from a Microsoft Dataverse row and the integration ID, also often a GUID, from Business Central.

  1. Create a new codeunit.
  2. In codeunit CRM Setup Defaults (ID 5334), subscribe to the OnGetCDSTableNo event, as follows:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"CRM Setup Defaults", 'OnGetCDSTableNo', '', false, false)]
local procedure HandleOnGetCDSTableNo(BCTableNo: Integer; var CDSTableNo: Integer; var handled: Boolean)
    if BCTableNo = Database::Employee then begin
        CDSTableNo := Database::"Dataverse Worker";
        handled := true;

Now use the table to create a page for coupling Business Central records with Microsoft Dataverse rows.

  1. In codeunit Lookup CRM Tables (ID 5332), subscribe to the OnLookupCRMTables event:

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Lookup CRM Tables", 'OnLookupCRMTables', '', false, false)]
    local procedure HandleOnLookupCRMTables(CRMTableID: Integer; NAVTableId: Integer; SavedCRMId: Guid; var CRMId: Guid; IntTableFilter: Text; var Handled: Boolean)
        if CRMTableID = Database::"Dataverse Worker" then
            Handled := LookupDataverseWorker(SavedCRMId, CRMId, IntTableFilter);
    local procedure LookupDataverseWorker(SavedCRMId: Guid; var CRMId: Guid; IntTableFilter: Text): Boolean
        DataverseWorker: Record "Dataverse Worker";
        OriginalDataverseWorker: Record "Dataverse Worker";
        DataverseWorkerList: Page "Dataverse Worker List";
        if not IsNullGuid(CRMId) then begin
            if DataverseWorker.Get(CRMId) then
            if not IsNullGuid(SavedCRMId) then
                if OriginalDataverseWorker.Get(SavedCRMId) then
        if DataverseWorkerList.RunModal = ACTION::LookupOK then begin
            CRMId := DataverseWorker.WorkerId;
  2. In codeunit CRM Setup Defaults (ID 5334), subscribe to the OnAddEntityTableMapping event to enable deep linking between coupled records.

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"CRM Setup Defaults", 'OnAddEntityTableMapping', '', false, false)]
        local procedure HandleOnAddEntityTableMapping(var TempNameValueBuffer: Record "Name/Value Buffer" temporary)
            CRMSetupDefaults: Codeunit "CRM Setup Defaults";
            CRMSetupDefaults.AddEntityTableMapping('worker', Database::Employee, TempNameValueBuffer);
            CRMSetupDefaults.AddEntityTableMapping('worker', Database::"Dataverse Worker", TempNameValueBuffer);

To create actions on the employee page for managing coupling and synchronization

To enable users to create couplings between records in the two systems, we will extend the Employee Card page with actions for creating and deleting couplings, for synchronizing, and for deep linking. The following code example adds those actions to the Employee Card.

pageextension 50101 "Employee Synch Extension" extends "Employee Card"
                Caption = 'Dataverse';
                Visible = DataverseIntegrationEnabled;

                    Caption = 'Worker';
                    Image = CoupledCustomer;
                    ToolTip = 'Open the coupled Dataverse worker.';

                    trigger OnAction()
                        CRMIntegrationManagement: Codeunit "CRM Integration Management";
                    Caption = 'Synchronize';
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    Visible = true;
                    Image = Refresh;
                    Enabled = DataverseIsCoupledToRecord;
                    ToolTip = 'Send or get updated data to or from Microsoft Dataverse.';

                    trigger OnAction()
                        CRMIntegrationManagement: Codeunit "CRM Integration Management";
                    Caption = 'Synchronization Log';
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    Visible = true;
                    Image = Log;
                    ToolTip = 'View integration synchronization jobs for the customer table.';

                    trigger OnAction()
                        CRMIntegrationManagement: Codeunit "CRM Integration Management";
                    Caption = 'Coupling';
                    Image = LinkAccount;
                    ToolTip = 'Create, change, or delete a coupling between the Business Central record and a Microsoft Dataverse row.';

                        Caption = 'Set Up Coupling';
                        ApplicationArea = All;
                        Visible = true;
                        Image = LinkAccount;
                        ToolTip = 'Create or modify the coupling to a Microsoft Dataverse Worker.';

                        trigger OnAction()
                            CRMIntegrationManagement: Codeunit "CRM Integration Management";
                        Caption = 'Delete Coupling';
                        ApplicationArea = All;
                        Visible = true;
                        Image = UnLinkAccount;
                        Enabled = DataverseIsCoupledToRecord;
                        ToolTip = 'Delete the coupling to a Microsoft Dataverse Worker.';

                        trigger OnAction()
                            CRMCouplingManagement: Codeunit "CRM Coupling Management";

    trigger OnOpenPage()
        DataverseIntegrationEnabled := CRMIntegrationManagement.IsCDSIntegrationEnabled();

    trigger OnAfterGetCurrRecord()
        if DataverseIntegrationEnabled then
            DataverseIsCoupledToRecord := CRMCouplingManagement.IsRecordCoupledToCRM(RecordId);

        CRMIntegrationManagement: Codeunit "CRM Integration Management";
        CRMCouplingManagement: Codeunit "CRM Coupling Management";
        DataverseIntegrationEnabled: Boolean;
        DataverseIsCoupledToRecord: Boolean;


Customizing Uncoupling

Tables might require custom code to remove couplings. For example, to change tables before or after uncoupling. To enable custom uncoupling, specify the uncoupling codeunit when you create an integration table mapping. To specify the codeunit, adjust the InsertIntegrationTableMapping method in your codeunit, as follows:

local procedure InsertIntegrationTableMapping(var IntegrationTableMapping: Record "Integration Table Mapping"; MappingName: Code[20]; TableNo: Integer; IntegrationTableNo: Integer; IntegrationTableUIDFieldNo: Integer; IntegrationTableModifiedFieldNo: Integer; TableConfigTemplateCode: Code[10]; IntegrationTableConfigTemplateCode: Code[10]; SynchOnlyCoupledRecords: Boolean)
    IntegrationTableMapping.CreateRecord(MappingName, TableNo, IntegrationTableNo,  IntegrationTableUIDFieldNo, IntegrationTableModifiedFieldNo, TableConfigTemplateCode, IntegrationTableConfigTemplateCode, SynchOnlyCoupledRecords, IntegrationTableMapping.Direction::Bidirectional, 'Dataverse', Codeunit::"CRM Integration Table Synch.", Codeunit::"CDS Int. Table Uncouple");

During the custom uncoupling process, codeunit Int. Rec. Uncouple Invoke (ID 5357) raises and publishes events. You can add code that subscribes to these events so that you can add custom logic at different stages of the uncoupling process. The following list describes some of the events that are published by codeunit Int. Rec. Uncouple Invoke. For a complete list of events, refer to CodeUnit Int. Rec. Uncouple Invoke reference.

  • OnBeforeUncoupleRecord - Occurs before remove coupling, and can be used to change data before uncoupling. For an example, see codeunit CDS Int. Table. Subscriber, which includes the event subscriber function HandleOnBeforeUncoupleRecord. The event resets the company ID on the uncoupled tables in Microsoft Dataverse.
  • OnAfterUncoupleRecord - Occurs after coupling is removed, and can be used to change data after uncoupling. For an example, see codeunit CDS Int. Table. Subscriber, which includes the event subscriber function HandleOnAfterUncoupleRecord. The event removes couplings to the contacts linked to the uncoupled customers and vendors.

For more information about how to subscribe to events, see Subscribing to Events.

Custom uncoupling running in the background can modify Microsoft Dataverse tables and it might take significant time to complete.


To reset the Company ID on uncoupling custom tables just like the base Microsoft Dataverse tables, subscribe to the OnHasCompanyIdField event in codeunit CDS Integration Mgt. (ID 7200), as shown in the following example:

[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"CDS Integration Mgt.", 'OnHasCompanyIdField', '', false, false)]
local procedure HandleOnHasCompanyIdField(TableId: Integer; var HasField: Boolean)
  if TableId = Database::"Dataverse Worker" then
    HasField := true;

Create default integration table mappings and field mappings

Mappings must associate the table ID and fields of the integration table (in this case, Dataverse Worker) with the table in Business Central (in this case, Employee). There are two types of mappings:

  • Integration table mapping - Integration table mapping links the Business Central table to the integration table for the Microsoft Dataverse table.
  • Integration field mapping - Field mapping links a field in a table row in Microsoft Dataverse with a field in a record in Business Central. This mapping determines which field in Business Central corresponds to which field in Microsoft Dataverse. Typically, there are multiple field mappings for a table.

In this scenario, we'll create integration table and field mappings so that we can synchronize data for a worker in Microsoft Dataverse with an employee in Business Central.

To create an integration table mapping

Create the integration table mapping by subscribing to the OnAfterResetConfiguration event in codeunit CDS Setup Defaults (ID 7204).

  1. Create a codeunit.

  2. Add a local procedure called InsertIntegrationTableMapping, as follows:

    local procedure InsertIntegrationTableMapping(var IntegrationTableMapping: Record "Integration Table Mapping"; MappingName: Code[20]; TableNo: Integer; IntegrationTableNo: Integer; IntegrationTableUIDFieldNo: Integer; IntegrationTableModifiedFieldNo: Integer; TableConfigTemplateCode: Code[10]; IntegrationTableConfigTemplateCode: Code[10]; SynchOnlyCoupledRecords: Boolean)
        IntegrationTableMapping.CreateRecord(MappingName, TableNo, IntegrationTableNo,  IntegrationTableUIDFieldNo, IntegrationTableModifiedFieldNo, TableConfigTemplateCode, IntegrationTableConfigTemplateCode, SynchOnlyCoupledRecords, IntegrationTableMapping.Direction::Bidirectional, 'Dataverse');
  3. In codeunit CDS Setup Defaults, subscribe to the OnAfterResetConfiguration event, as follows:

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"CDS Setup Defaults", 'OnAfterResetConfiguration', '', false, false)]
    local procedure HandleOnAfterResetConfiguration(CDSConnectionSetup: Record "CDS Connection Setup")
        IntegrationTableMapping: Record "Integration Table Mapping";
        IntegrationFieldMapping: Record "Integration Field Mapping";
        DataverseWorker: Record "Dataverse Worker";
        Employee: Record Employee;
            IntegrationTableMapping, 'EMPLOYEE-WORKER',
            Database::Employee, Database::"Dataverse Worker",
            DataverseWorker.FieldNo(cdm_workerId), DataverseWorker.FieldNo(ModifiedOn),
            '', '', true);

The InsertIntegrationTableMapping procedure inserts only one configuration table template for Business Central tables and integration tables. You can insert multiple templates with filters by creating records in Table Config Template (ID 5325) and Int. Table Config Template (ID 5326).

    local procedure CreateTableConfigTemplate(IntegrationTableMapping: Record "Integration Table Mapping"; TableConfigTemplateCode: Text; FilterTxt: Text)
        TableConfigTemplate: Record "Table Config Template";
        TableConfigTemplate."Integration Table Mapping Name" := IntegrationTableMapping.Name;
        TableConfigTemplate.Validate("Table ID", IntegrationTableMapping."Table ID");
        TableConfigTemplate.Validate("Integration Table ID", IntegrationTableMapping."Integration Table ID");
        TableConfigTemplate.Validate("Table Config Template Code", TableConfigTemplateCode);
        TableConfigTemplate.Priority := 1;
    local procedure CreateIntTableConfigTemplate(IntegrationTableMapping: Record "Integration Table Mapping"; IntTableConfigTemplateCode: Text; FilterTxt: Text)
        IntTableConfigTemplate: Record "Int. Table Config Template";
        IntTableConfigTemplate."Integration Table Mapping Name" := IntegrationTableMapping.Name;
        IntTableConfigTemplate.Validate("Integration Table ID", IntegrationTableMapping."Integration Table ID");
        IntTableConfigTemplate.Validate("Table ID", IntegrationTableMapping."Table ID");
        IntTableConfigTemplate.Validate("Int. Tbl. Config Template Code", IntegrationTableConfigTemplateCode);
        IntTableConfigTemplate.Priority := 1;

Each integration table mapping entry must have integration field mapping entries to map the fields of the records in the table and the integration table. The next step is to add integration field mappings for each field in the Employee table in Business Central that we want to map to the Worker table in Microsoft Dataverse.

To create integration fields mappings

To create an integration field mapping, follow these steps:

  1. Add a local procedure called InsertIntegrationFieldMapping to the codeunit that you created in step 1 of the previous process, as follows:

    procedure InsertIntegrationFieldMapping(IntegrationTableMappingName: Code[20]; TableFieldNo: Integer; IntegrationTableFieldNo: Integer; SynchDirection: Option; ConstValue: Text; ValidateField: Boolean; ValidateIntegrationTableField: Boolean)
        IntegrationFieldMapping: Record "Integration Field Mapping";
        IntegrationFieldMapping.CreateRecord(IntegrationTableMappingName, TableFieldNo, IntegrationTableFieldNo, SynchDirection,
            ConstValue, ValidateField, ValidateIntegrationTableField);
  2. In the event subscriber that we created for our integration table mapping (in step 3 in the previous process), after we insert the integration table mapping we'll add field mappings, as follows:

    InsertIntegrationFieldMapping('EMPLOYEE-WORKER', Employee.FieldNo("First Name"), DataverseWorker.FieldNo(cdm_FirstName), IntegrationFieldMapping.Direction::Bidirectional, '', true, false);
  3. Now repeat these steps for each field that we want to map.


    If a field in one of the tables does not have a corresponding field in the other table, we can use a constant value.

  4. After we publish the extension, we can update the default mappings to include our new integration table mapping. On the CDS Connection Setup page in Business Central, choose Use Default Synchronization Setup.


Make sure that the fields you map are of the same type. For example, map option type fields to options, and enum type fields to enums. Mismatched field types can cause synchronization errors.

Users can now manually synchronize employee records in Business Central with Worker table rows in Microsoft Dataverse from the Business Central client.


To learn how to schedule the synchronization by using a job queue entry, examine the code on the RecreateJobQueueEntryFromIntTableMapping method in codeunit CDS Setup Defaults (ID 7204) and see how it is called by the integration code for other Microsoft Dataverse tables in the codeunit. For more information, see Scheduling a Synchronization.

Enable customers to reset selected integration table mappings to the default settings

Customers might make changes to the integration table mappings that they later regret. To enable them to reset selected custom integration table mappings to the default, rather than all custom table mappings, follow these steps:

  • In the codeunit created for this section, add an event subscriber to OnBeforeHandleCustomIntegrationTableMapping and point to the default behavior, as follows:

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"CRM Integration Management", 'OnBeforeHandleCustomIntegrationTableMapping', '', false, false)]
    local procedure HandleCustomIntegrationTableMappingReset(var IsHandled: Boolean; IntegrationTableMappingName: Code[20])
        IntegrationTableMapping: Record "Integration Table Mapping";
        IntegrationFieldMapping: Record "Integration Field Mapping";
        DataverseWorker: Record "Dataverse Worker";
        Employee: Record "Employee";
        case IntegrationTableMappingName of
                        IntegrationTableMapping, 'EMPLOYEE-WORKER',
                        Database::Employee, Database::"Dataverse Worker",
                        DataverseWorker.FieldNo(cdm_workerId), DataverseWorker.FieldNo(ModifiedOn),
                        '', '', true);
                        Employee.FieldNo("First Name"), DataverseWorker.FieldNo(cdm_FirstName),
                        IntegrationFieldMapping.Direction::Bidirectional, '', true, false);
                    IsHandled := true;


    Set the IsHandled property to true to avoid triggering the default implementation. Otherwise, all custom table mappings will be reset to default, regardless of the user's selection.

Customizing Synchronization

When synchronizing data, some tables may require custom code to successfully synchronize data. Other tables might require the initialization of fields, the validation of relationships, or the transformation of data.

You can either use the standard transformation rules on page Integration Field Mapping List (ID 5361) or you can transform data programmatically. For more information, see Transformation Rules.

During synchronization, codeunit Integration Record Synch. Invoke (ID 5345) raises and publishes certain events. We can add code that subscribes to these events so that we can add custom logic at different stages of the synchronization process. The following table describes some of the events that are published by codeunit Integration Record Synch. Invoke. For a complete list of published events, refer to CodeUnit Integration Rec. Synch. Invoke reference.

Event Description
OnFindUnCoupledDestinationRecord Occurs when the process tries to synchronize an uncoupled record (new record). Use this event to implement custom resolution algorithms for automatic mapping between records. For example, use this event to automatically map records by fields. For an example, see codeunit CRM Int. Table. Subscriber, which includes the event subscriber function CRMTransactionCurrencyFindUncoupledDestinationRecord. The event resolves Business Central currency codes with ISO currency codes in Microsoft Dataverse.
OnBeforeApplyRecordTemplate Occurs before applying configuration templates to new records, and can be used to implement algorithms for determining which configuration template to use.
OnAfterApplyRecordTemplate Occurs after configuration templates are applied to new records, and can be used to change data after configuration templates have been applied.
OnBeforeTransferRecordFields Occurs before transferring data in modified fields (which are defined in the Integration Field Mapping table) from the source table to the destination table. It can be used to validate the source or destination before the data is moved.
OnAfterTransferRecordFields Occurs after transferring modified field data (which are defined in the Integration Field Mapping table) from the source table to the destination table. It can be used to transfer other data, validate lookups, and so on. Setting the AdditionalFieldsWereModified parameter will cause a destination record modification even though no fields were modified.
OnBeforeInsertRecord Occurs before inserting a new destination record, and can be used to initialize fields, such as primary keys.
OnAfterInsertRecord Occurs after a new destination record is inserted, and can be used to do post-insert operations such as updating related data.
OnBeforeModifyRecord Occurs before modifying an existing destination record, and can be used to validate or change data before modification.
OnAfterModifyRecord Occurs after an existing destination record is modified, and can be used to do post-modify operations such as updating related data.

The following table describes some of the events that are published by codeunit Integration Record Synch. (ID 5336). For a complete list of published events, refer to CodeUnit Integration Record Synch. reference.

Event Description
OnTransferFieldData Occurs before an existing destination field value is transferred to a source field, and can be used for specific data transformations when the data types of the source and the destination field are different but can be mapped.
OnGetBlobFieldEncoding Occurs when the process must read or write a BLOB field in Business Central while synchronizing the field with a multiline text field in Dataverse. Use this event to specify the encoding of the text value in the BLOB field if it differs from the default encoding, which is TextEncoding::UTF8.

For more information about how to subscribe to events, see Subscribing to Events.


To get the same Company ID mapping for custom tables as the base Microsoft Dataverse tables, subscribe to the OnBeforeInsertRecord event in codeunit Integration Rec. Synch. Invoke (ID 5345), as follows:

  [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Integration Rec. Synch. Invoke", 'OnBeforeInsertRecord', '', false, false)]
  local procedure HandleOnBeforeInsertRecord(SourceRecordRef: RecordRef; DestinationRecordRef: RecordRef)
      CDSIntegrationMgt: Codeunit "CDS Integration Mgt.";
  if DestinationRecordRef.Number() = Database::"Dataverse Worker" then

For more information on base Microsoft Dataverse tables, see Data Ownership Models.

Create a table extension for an integration table in Business Central

Let us explore another scenario. If we added an Industry field to the Contact table in Microsoft Dataverse, and now want to include the field in our integration with Microsoft Dataverse.


Sample code that customizes an integration between a contact in Business Central and a contact in Microsoft Dataverse by adding a new field is available in the BCTech repository.

To create the integration table extension for table "CRM Contact" (ID 5342)

  1. Create a new AL extension.

  2. Locate the AL Table Proxy Generator tool. See the previous section.

  3. In PowerShell, run the tool with the following arguments:

    -project:<Your AL project folder>
    -packagecachepath:<Your AL project cache folder>
    -serviceuri:<CDS server URL>

    The process for creating the table starts. The AL Table Proxy Generator tool finds that an integration table for the Contact table already exists, so it creates a table extension with only new fields; in this case Industry. When the process is completed, the output path contains the file.

Extend the contact table and page with the Industry field

To synchronize the Industry field, we need to add the field in Business Central. The following code example extends table Contact and page Contact Card with new the field. For example:

tableextension 60001 ContactExtension extends Contact
        field(70116; "Industry"; Text[100])

pageextension 60001 ContactCardExtension extends "Contact Card"
            field("Industry"; "Industry")
                ApplicationArea = All;
                Caption = 'Industry';

Add new integration field mapping for Industry

Now that we have the field in both Business Central and Microsoft Dataverse, we can add a new integration field mapping for it. To do that, we'll subscribe to the OnAfterResetContactContactMapping event in codeunit CDS Setup Defaults (ID 7204), as follows:

[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"CDS Setup Defaults", 'OnAfterResetContactContactMapping', '', false, false)]
local procedure HandleOnAfterResetContactContactMapping(IntegrationTableMappingName: Code[20])
    CRMContact: Record "CRM Contact";
    Contact: Record Contact;
    IntegrationFieldMapping: Record "Integration Field Mapping";
        '', true, false);

After we publish the extension, we can update the mappings by running the CDS Connection Setup page and choosing Use Default Synchronization Setup.

See Also

Overview - Integrating Business Central with Microsoft Dataverse
Overview - Integrate with Microsoft Dataverse via data sync
Setting Up User Accounts for Integrating with Microsoft Dataverse
Set Up a Connection to Microsoft Dataverse
Synchronizing Business Central and Microsoft Dataverse
Mapping the Tables and Fields to Synchronize
Manually Synchronize Table Mappings
Schedule a Synchronization