SerializationInfo.GetValue(String, Type) メソッド


SerializationInfo ストアから値を取得します。

 System::Object ^ GetValue(System::String ^ name, Type ^ type);
public object? GetValue (string name, Type type);
public object GetValue (string name, Type type);
member this.GetValue : string * Type -> obj
Public Function GetValue (name As String, type As Type) As Object





取得する値の Type。 格納された値がこの型に変換できない場合は、InvalidCastException がスローされます。


name に関連付けられた、指定した Type のオブジェクト。


name または typenull です。

name に関連付けられた値を type に変換できません。


次のコード例は、 メソッドの使用方法を GetValue 示しています。

// A serializable LinkedList example.  For the full LinkedList implementation
// see the Serialization sample.
ref class LinkedList: public ISerializable
   Node^ m_head;
   Node^ m_tail;

   // Serializes the object.
   virtual void GetObjectData( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext /*context*/ )
      // Stores the m_head and m_tail references in the SerializationInfo info.
      info->AddValue( "head", m_head, m_head->GetType() );
      info->AddValue( "tail", m_tail, m_tail->GetType() );

   // Constructor that is called automatically during deserialization.
   // Reconstructs the object from the information in SerializationInfo info
   LinkedList( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext /*context*/ )
      Node^ temp = gcnew Node( 0 );
      // Retrieves the values of Type temp.GetType() from SerializationInfo info
      m_head = dynamic_cast<Node^>(info->GetValue( "head", temp->GetType() ));
      m_tail = dynamic_cast<Node^>(info->GetValue( "tail", temp->GetType() ));
// A serializable LinkedList example.  For the full LinkedList implementation
// see the Serialization sample.
class LinkedList: ISerializable {

   public static void Main() {}

   Node m_head = null;
   Node m_tail = null;

   // Serializes the object.
   public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context){
      // Stores the m_head and m_tail references in the SerializationInfo info.
      info.AddValue("head", m_head, m_head.GetType());
      info.AddValue("tail", m_tail, m_tail.GetType());

   // Constructor that is called automatically during deserialization.
   // Reconstructs the object from the information in SerializationInfo info
   private LinkedList(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
      Node temp = new Node(0);
      // Retrieves the values of Type temp.GetType() from SerializationInfo info
      m_head = (Node)info.GetValue("head", temp.GetType());
      m_tail = (Node)info.GetValue("tail", temp.GetType());
' A serializable LinkedList example.  For the full LinkedList implementation
' see the Serialization sample.
<Serializable()> Class LinkedList
    Implements ISerializable

    Public Shared Sub Main()
    End Sub

    Private m_head As Node = Nothing
    Private m_tail As Node = Nothing    
    ' Serializes the object.
    Public Sub GetObjectData(info As SerializationInfo, _
    context As StreamingContext) Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData
        ' Stores the m_head and m_tail references in the SerializationInfo info.
        info.AddValue("head", m_head, m_head.GetType())
        info.AddValue("tail", m_tail, m_tail.GetType())
    End Sub
    ' Constructor that is called automatically during deserialization.
    ' Reconstructs the object from the information in SerializationInfo info.
    Private Sub New(info As SerializationInfo, context As StreamingContext)
        Dim temp As New Node(0)
        ' Retrieves the values of Type temp.GetType() from SerializationInfo info.
        m_head = CType(info.GetValue("head", temp.GetType()), Node)
        m_tail = CType(info.GetValue("tail", temp.GetType()), Node)
    End Sub
End Class


SerializationInfo 格納されているデータが、要求された型 (またはその派生クラスのいずれか) の場合、その値が直接返されます。 それ以外の場合は、 IFormatterConverter.Convert が呼び出され、適切な型に変換されます。

メソッドによって GetValue 返される値は、常に パラメーターで指定された型に安全に type キャストできます。
