

Worker Services in .NET

There are six sample source code projects in this collection of samples. The samples are written in C# and the content of the related docs is covered in Worker Services in .NET articles. In addition to an overview, there are in-depth articles discussing queue service implementations, BackgroundService scenarios, custom IHostedService implementations, Windows Services interop with the BackgroundService, and even deploying a worker to Azure.

Sample prerequisites

The samples are written in C# and target .NET 7. They require the .NET 7.0 SDK or later.

Building the sample

To download and run the sample, follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip the sample.
  2. In Visual Studio (2022 or later):
    1. On the menu bar, choose File > Open > Project/Solution.
    2. Navigate to the folder that holds the unzipped sample code, and open the C# project (.csproj) file.
    3. Choose the F5 key to run with debugging, or Ctrl+F5 keys to run the project without debugging.
  3. From the command line:
    1. Navigate to the folder that holds the unzipped sample code.
    2. At the command line, type dotnet run.

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