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GraphicsBindingSimD3d11.Update Method


Needs to be called every frame.

 Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::Result Update(Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::SimulationUpdateParameters updateParameters, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::SimulationUpdateResult % proxyFrameUpdateResult);
public Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.Result Update (Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.SimulationUpdateParameters updateParameters, out Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.SimulationUpdateResult proxyFrameUpdateResult);
member this.Update : Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.SimulationUpdateParameters * SimulationUpdateResult -> Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.Result
Public Function Update (updateParameters As SimulationUpdateParameters, ByRef proxyFrameUpdateResult As SimulationUpdateResult) As Result



The update parameters of the main camera. This information will be sent to the server for rendering.


The camera update for the proxy. Matches the current remote frame and needs to be applied locally.


Success, NotInitialized, Fail, NoConnection, InvalidParam


Typically there are multiple frames in flight. The frame data that is received and rendered locally, is always lagging behind a bit. Therefore, when calling Update() you need to specify the latest matrices with which the server should render that frame, but the matrices that you need to use for rendering local contant have to match the ones that were used for the currently arriving video frame. Therefore ARR provides you with that information through the proxyFrameUpdate parameter, so that you don't need to keep track of old rendering matrices yourself.

Applies to