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CharacterRange 구조체


문자열 내에 문자 위치의 범위를 지정합니다.

public value class CharacterRange
public value class CharacterRange : IEquatable<System::Drawing::CharacterRange>
public struct CharacterRange
public struct CharacterRange : IEquatable<System.Drawing.CharacterRange>
type CharacterRange = struct
Public Structure CharacterRange
Public Structure CharacterRange
Implements IEquatable(Of CharacterRange)


다음 코드 예제에서는 만드는 방법을 보여 줍니다는 문자열 CharacterRange 의 일부를 강조 표시 하는 데 사용 합니다. 이 예제는 Windows Forms 사용하도록 설계되었습니다. 폼에 예제를 붙여넣고 폼의 Paint 이벤트를 처리할 때 메서드를 호출 HighlightACharacterRange 하여 로 PaintEventArgs전달 e 합니다.

void HighlightACharacterRange( PaintEventArgs^ e )
   // Declare the string to draw.
   String^ message = "This is the string to highlight a word in.";

   // Declare the word to highlight.
   String^ searchWord = "string";

   // Create a CharacterRange array with the searchWord 
   // location and length.
   array<CharacterRange>^ temp = {CharacterRange( message->IndexOf( searchWord ), searchWord->Length )};
   array<CharacterRange>^ranges = temp;

   // Construct a StringFormat object.
   StringFormat^ stringFormat1 = gcnew StringFormat;

   // Set the ranges on the StringFormat object.
   stringFormat1->SetMeasurableCharacterRanges( ranges );

   // Declare the font to write the message in.
   System::Drawing::Font^ largeFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( FontFamily::GenericSansSerif,16.0F,GraphicsUnit::Pixel );

   // Construct a new Rectangle.
   Rectangle displayRectangle = Rectangle(20,20,200,100);

   // Convert the Rectangle to a RectangleF.
   RectangleF displayRectangleF = displayRectangle;

   // Get the Region to highlight by calling the 
   // MeasureCharacterRanges method.
   array<System::Drawing::Region^>^charRegion = e->Graphics->MeasureCharacterRanges( message, largeFont, displayRectangleF, stringFormat1 );

   // Draw the message string on the form.
   e->Graphics->DrawString( message, largeFont, Brushes::Blue, displayRectangleF );

   // Fill in the region using a semi-transparent color.
   e->Graphics->FillRegion( gcnew SolidBrush( Color::FromArgb( 50, Color::Fuchsia ) ), charRegion[ 0 ] );
   delete largeFont;
private void HighlightACharacterRange(PaintEventArgs e)

    // Declare the string to draw.
    string message = "This is the string to highlight a word in.";

    // Declare the word to highlight.
    string searchWord = "string";

    // Create a CharacterRange array with the searchWord 
    // location and length.
    CharacterRange[] ranges = 
        new CharacterRange[]{new CharacterRange
        (message.IndexOf(searchWord), searchWord.Length)};

    // Construct a StringFormat object.
    StringFormat stringFormat1 = new StringFormat();

    // Set the ranges on the StringFormat object.

    // Declare the font to write the message in.
    Font largeFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 16.0F,

    // Construct a new Rectangle.
    Rectangle displayRectangle = new Rectangle(20, 20, 200, 100);

    // Convert the Rectangle to a RectangleF.
    RectangleF displayRectangleF = (RectangleF)displayRectangle;

    // Get the Region to highlight by calling the 
    // MeasureCharacterRanges method.
    Region[] charRegion = e.Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(message, 
        largeFont, displayRectangleF, stringFormat1);

    // Draw the message string on the form.
    e.Graphics.DrawString(message, largeFont, Brushes.Blue, 

    // Fill in the region using a semi-transparent color.
    e.Graphics.FillRegion(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Fuchsia)), 

Private Sub HighlightACharacterRange(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Declare the string to draw.
    Dim message As String = _
        "This is the string to highlight a word in."

    ' Declare the word to highlight.
    Dim searchWord As String = "string"

    ' Create a CharacterRange array with the searchWord 
    ' location and length.
    Dim ranges() As CharacterRange = _
        New CharacterRange() _
            {New CharacterRange(message.IndexOf(searchWord), _

    ' Construct a StringFormat object.
    Dim stringFormat1 As New StringFormat

    ' Set the ranges on the StringFormat object.

    ' Declare the font to write the message in.
    Dim largeFont As Font = New Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, _
        16.0F, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

    ' Construct a new Rectangle.
    Dim displayRectangle As New Rectangle(20, 20, 200, 100)

    ' Convert the Rectangle to a RectangleF.
    Dim displayRectangleF As RectangleF = _

    ' Get the Region to highlight by calling the 
    ' MeasureCharacterRanges method.
    Dim charRegion() As Region = _
        e.Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(message, _
        largeFont, displayRectangleF, stringFormat1)

    ' Draw the message string on the form.
    e.Graphics.DrawString(message, largeFont, Brushes.Blue, _

    ' Fill in the region using a semi-transparent color.
    e.Graphics.FillRegion(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, _
        Color.Fuchsia)), charRegion(0))

End Sub


CharacterRange(Int32, Int32)

CharacterRange 구조체의 새 인스턴스를 초기화하고 문자열 내에 문자 위치의 범위를 지정합니다.



CharacterRange의 첫째 문자의 문자열 위치를 가져오거나 설정합니다.


CharacterRange의 위치 수를 가져오거나 설정합니다.



현재 instance 동일한 형식의 다른 instance 같은지 여부를 나타냅니다.


이 개체가 지정된 개체와 같은지 여부를 나타내는 값을 가져옵니다.


이 인스턴스의 해시 코드를 반환합니다.


Equality(CharacterRange, CharacterRange)

두 개의 CharacterRange 개체를 비교합니다. 두 First 개체의 LengthCharacterRange 값이 같은지 여부를 나타내는 값을 가져옵니다.

Inequality(CharacterRange, CharacterRange)

두 개의 CharacterRange 개체를 비교합니다. 두 First 개체의 Length 또는 CharacterRange 값이 같지 않은지 여부를 나타내는 값을 가져옵니다.

적용 대상