SerializerDescriptor.IsLoadable Property


Gets a value indicating whether the serializer can be loaded with the currently installed version of .NET.

public bool IsLoadable { get; }

Property Value

true if the serializer assembly can be loaded; otherwise, false. The default is false.


The following examples illustrate using IsLoadable to determine if the associated plug-in serializer can be loaded and used.

// ------------------------ PlugInFileFilter --------------------------
/// <summary>
///   Gets a filter string for installed plug-in serializers.</summary>
/// <remark>
///   PlugInFileFilter is used to set the SaveFileDialog or
///   OpenFileDialog "Filter" property when saving or opening files
///   using plug-in serializers.</remark>
private string PlugInFileFilter
    {   // Create a SerializerProvider for accessing plug-in serializers.
        SerializerProvider serializerProvider = new SerializerProvider();
        string filter = "";

        // For each loadable serializer, add its display
        // name and extension to the filter string.
        foreach (SerializerDescriptor serializerDescriptor in
            if (serializerDescriptor.IsLoadable)
                // After the first, separate entries with a "|".
                if (filter.Length > 0)   filter += "|";

                // Add an entry with the plug-in name and extension.
                filter += serializerDescriptor.DisplayName + " (*" +
                    serializerDescriptor.DefaultFileExtension + ")|*" +

        // Return the filter string of installed plug-in serializers.
        return filter;
// Create a SerializerProvider for accessing plug-in serializers.
SerializerProvider serializerProvider = new SerializerProvider();

// Locate the serializer that matches the fileName extension.
SerializerDescriptor selectedPlugIn = null;
foreach ( SerializerDescriptor serializerDescriptor in
                serializerProvider.InstalledSerializers )
    if ( serializerDescriptor.IsLoadable &&
         fileName.EndsWith(serializerDescriptor.DefaultFileExtension) )
    {   // The plug-in serializer and fileName extensions match.
        selectedPlugIn = serializerDescriptor;
        break; // foreach

// If a match for a plug-in serializer was found,
// use it to output and store the document.
if (selectedPlugIn != null)
    Stream package = File.Create(fileName);
    SerializerWriter serializerWriter =
    IDocumentPaginatorSource idoc =
        flowDocument as IDocumentPaginatorSource;
    serializerWriter.Write(idoc.DocumentPaginator, null);
    return true;


IsLoadable should be false unless AssemblyVersion has the same value as WinFXVersion.

Applies to

제품 버전
.NET Framework 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1
Windows Desktop 3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9