다음을 통해 공유

ButtonRenderer.DrawParentBackground(Graphics, Rectangle, Control) 메서드


지정된 영역에 컨트롤 부모의 배경을 그립니다.

 static void DrawParentBackground(System::Drawing::Graphics ^ g, System::Drawing::Rectangle bounds, System::Windows::Forms::Control ^ childControl);
public static void DrawParentBackground (System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds, System.Windows.Forms.Control childControl);
static member DrawParentBackground : System.Drawing.Graphics * System.Drawing.Rectangle * System.Windows.Forms.Control -> unit
Public Shared Sub DrawParentBackground (g As Graphics, bounds As Rectangle, childControl As Control)

매개 변수


childControl의 부모에 대한 배경을 그리는 데 사용되는 Graphics입니다.


부모 컨트롤의 배경을 그릴 Rectangle입니다. 이 사각형은 자식 컨트롤의 범위 안에 있어야 합니다.


부모의 배경을 그릴 컨트롤입니다.


다음 코드 예제에서는 DrawParentBackground 사용자 지정 컨트롤의 영역을 페인트 하는 방법입니다. 이 코드 예제는에 대해 제공 된 큰 예제의 일부는 ButtonRenderer 클래스입니다.

    // Draw the large or small button, depending on the current state.
    virtual void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs^ e) override

        // Draw the smaller pressed button image
        if (state == PushButtonState::Pressed)
            // Set the background color to the parent if visual styles
            // are disabled, because DrawParentBackground will only paint
            // over the control background if visual styles are enabled.
            if (Application::RenderWithVisualStyles)
                this->BackColor = Color::Azure;
                this->BackColor = this->Parent->BackColor;

            // If you comment out the call to DrawParentBackground,
            // the background of the control will still be visible
            // outside the pressed button, if visual styles are enabled.
                ClientRectangle, this);
            ButtonRenderer::DrawButton(e->Graphics, ClickRectangle,
                this->Text, this->Font, true, state);

        // Draw the bigger unpressed button image.
            ButtonRenderer::DrawButton(e->Graphics, ClientRectangle,
                this->Text, this->Font, false, state);
// Draw the large or small button, depending on the current state.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

    // Draw the smaller pressed button image
    if (state == PushButtonState.Pressed)
        // Set the background color to the parent if visual styles  
        // are disabled, because DrawParentBackground will only paint  
        // over the control background if visual styles are enabled.
        this.BackColor = Application.RenderWithVisualStyles ?
            Color.Azure : this.Parent.BackColor;

        // If you comment out the call to DrawParentBackground, 
        // the background of the control will still be visible 
        // outside the pressed button, if visual styles are enabled.
            ClientRectangle, this);
        ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, ClickRectangle,
            this.Text, this.Font, true, state);

    // Draw the bigger unpressed button image.
        ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, ClientRectangle,
            this.Text, this.Font, false, state);
' Draw the large or small button, depending on the current state.
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Draw the smaller pressed button image.
    If state = PushButtonState.Pressed Then
        ' Set the background color to the parent if visual styles  
        ' are disabled, because DrawParentBackground will only paint  
        ' over the control background if visual styles are enabled.
        If Application.RenderWithVisualStyles Then
            Me.BackColor = Color.Azure
            Me.BackColor = Me.Parent.BackColor
        End If

        ' If you comment out the call to DrawParentBackground,   
        ' the background of the control will still be visible 
        ' outside the pressed button, if visual styles are enabled.
        ButtonRenderer.DrawParentBackground(e.Graphics, _
            Me.ClientRectangle, Me)
        ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, ClickRectangle, _
            Me.Text, Me.Font, True, state)

    ' Draw the bigger unpressed button image.
        ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, Me.ClientRectangle, _
            Me.Text, Me.Font, False, state)
    End If
End Sub

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