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IWiaUIExtension interface

The IWiaUIExtension interface provides methods that replace the default system user interface, provide a custom device bitmap logo, and provide a custom device icon.


The IWiaUIExtension interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IWiaUIExtension also has these types of members:


The IWiaUIExtension interface has these methods.

Method Description
DeviceDialog Provides a custom user interface that replaces the default system user interface.
GetDeviceBitmapLogo Gets a custom bitmap logo for the device.
GetDeviceIcon Gets a custom device icon.



IUnknown Methods Description
IUnknown::QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
IUnknown::AddRef Increments reference count.
IUnknown::Release Decrements reference count.



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]