
Bendrinti naudojant

Test web APIs with the HttpRepl

The HTTP Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) is:

  • A lightweight, cross-platform command-line tool that's supported everywhere .NET Core is supported.
  • Used for making HTTP requests to test ASP.NET Core web APIs (and non-ASP.NET Core web APIs) and view their results.
  • Capable of testing web APIs hosted in any environment, including localhost and Azure App Service.

The following HTTP verbs are supported:

To follow along, view or download the sample ASP.NET Core web API (how to download).



To install the HttpRepl, run the following command:

dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.dotnet-httprepl

A .NET Core Global Tool is installed from the Microsoft.dotnet-httprepl NuGet package.


By default the architecture of the .NET binaries to install represents the currently running OS architecture. To specify a different OS architecture, see dotnet tool install, --arch option. For more information, see GitHub issue dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs #29262.

On macOS, update the path:

export PATH="$HOME/.dotnet/tools:$PATH"


After successful installation of the tool, run the following command to start the HttpRepl:


To view the available HttpRepl commands, run one of the following commands:

httprepl -h
httprepl --help

The following output is displayed:

  httprepl [<BASE_ADDRESS>] [options]

  <BASE_ADDRESS> - The initial base address for the REPL.

  -h|--help - Show help information.

Once the REPL starts, these commands are valid:

Setup Commands:
Use these commands to configure the tool for your API server

connect        Configures the directory structure and base address of the api server
set header     Sets or clears a header for all requests. e.g. `set header content-type application/json`

HTTP Commands:
Use these commands to execute requests against your application.

GET            get - Issues a GET request
POST           post - Issues a POST request
PUT            put - Issues a PUT request
DELETE         delete - Issues a DELETE request
PATCH          patch - Issues a PATCH request
HEAD           head - Issues a HEAD request
OPTIONS        options - Issues a OPTIONS request

Navigation Commands:
The REPL allows you to navigate your URL space and focus on specific APIs that you are working on.

ls             Show all endpoints for the current path
cd             Append the given directory to the currently selected path, or move up a path when using `cd ..`

Shell Commands:
Use these commands to interact with the REPL shell.

clear          Removes all text from the shell
echo [on/off]  Turns request echoing on or off, show the request that was made when using request commands
exit           Exit the shell

REPL Customization Commands:
Use these commands to customize the REPL behavior.

pref [get/set] Allows viewing or changing preferences, e.g. 'pref set editor.command.default 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe'`
run            Runs the script at the given path. A script is a set of commands that can be typed with one command per line
ui             Displays the Swagger UI page, if available, in the default browser

Use `help <COMMAND>` for more detail on an individual command. e.g. `help get`.
For detailed tool info, see

The HttpRepl offers command completion. Pressing the Tab key iterates through the list of commands that complete the characters or API endpoint that you typed. The following sections outline the available CLI commands.

Connect to the web API

Connect to a web API by running the following command:

httprepl <ROOT URI>

<ROOT URI> is the base URI for the web API. For example:

httprepl https://localhost:5001

Alternatively, run the following command at any time while the HttpRepl is running:

connect <ROOT URI>

For example:

(Disconnected)> connect https://localhost:5001

Manually point to the OpenAPI description for the web API

The connect command above will attempt to find the OpenAPI description automatically. If for some reason it's unable to do so, you can specify the URI of the OpenAPI description for the web API by using the --openapi option:


For example:

(Disconnected)> connect https://localhost:5001 --openapi /swagger/v1/swagger.json

Enable verbose output for details on OpenAPI description searching, parsing, and validation

Specifying the --verbose option with the connect command will produce more details when the tool searches for the OpenAPI description, parses, and validates it.

connect <ROOT URI> --verbose

For example:

(Disconnected)> connect https://localhost:5001 --verbose
Checking https://localhost:5001/swagger.json... 404 NotFound
Checking https://localhost:5001/swagger/v1/swagger.json... 404 NotFound
Checking https://localhost:5001/openapi.json... Found
Parsing... Successful (with warnings)
The field 'info' in 'document' object is REQUIRED [#/info]
The field 'paths' in 'document' object is REQUIRED [#/paths]

View available endpoints

To list the different endpoints (controllers) at the current path of the web API address, run the ls or dir command:

https://localhost:5001/> ls

The following output format is displayed:

.        []
Fruits   [get|post]
People   [get|post]


The preceding output indicates that there are two controllers available: Fruits and People. Both controllers support parameterless HTTP GET and POST operations.

Navigating into a specific controller reveals more detail. For example, the following command's output shows the Fruits controller also supports HTTP GET, PUT, and DELETE operations. Each of these operations expects an id parameter in the route:

https://localhost:5001/fruits> ls
.      [get|post]
..     []
{id}   [get|put|delete]


Alternatively, run the ui command to open the web API's Swagger UI page in a browser. For example:

https://localhost:5001/> ui

To navigate to a different endpoint on the web API, run the cd command:

https://localhost:5001/> cd people

The path following the cd command is case insensitive. The following output format is displayed:

/people    [get|post]


Customize the HttpRepl

The HttpRepl's default colors can be customized. Additionally, a default text editor can be defined. The HttpRepl preferences are persisted across the current session and are honored in future sessions. Once modified, the preferences are stored in the following file:


The .httpreplprefs file is loaded on startup and not monitored for changes at runtime. Manual modifications to the file take effect only after restarting the tool.

View the settings

To view the available settings, run the pref get command. For example:

https://localhost:5001/> pref get

The preceding command displays the available key-value pairs:


Set color preferences

Response colorization is currently supported for JSON only. To customize the default HttpRepl tool coloring, locate the key corresponding to the color to be changed. For instructions on how to find the keys, see the View the settings section. For example, change the colors.json key value from Green to White as follows:

https://localhost:5001/people> pref set colors.json White

Only the allowed colors may be used. Subsequent HTTP requests display output with the new coloring.

When specific color keys aren't set, more generic keys are considered. To demonstrate this fallback behavior, consider the following example:

  • If doesn't have a value, colors.json.string is used.
  • If colors.json.string doesn't have a value, colors.json.literal is used.
  • If colors.json.literal doesn't have a value, colors.json is used.
  • If colors.json doesn't have a value, the command shell's default text color (AllowedColors.None) is used.

Set indentation size

Response indentation size customization is currently supported for JSON only. The default size is two spaces. For example:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Apple"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Orange"
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Strawberry"

To change the default size, set the formatting.json.indentSize key. For example, to always use four spaces:

pref set formatting.json.indentSize 4

Subsequent responses honor the setting of four spaces:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Apple"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Orange"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Strawberry"

Set the default text editor

By default, the HttpRepl has no text editor configured for use. To test web API methods requiring an HTTP request body, a default text editor must be set. The HttpRepl tool launches the configured text editor for the sole purpose of composing the request body. Run the following command to set your preferred text editor as the default:

pref set editor.command.default "<EXECUTABLE>"

In the preceding command, <EXECUTABLE> is the full path to the text editor's executable file. For example, run the following command to set Visual Studio Code as the default text editor:

pref set editor.command.default "/usr/bin/code"

To launch the default text editor with specific CLI arguments, set the editor.command.default.arguments key. For example, assume Visual Studio Code is the default text editor and that you always want the HttpRepl to open Visual Studio Code in a new session with extensions disabled. Run the following command:

pref set editor.command.default.arguments "--disable-extensions --new-window"


If your default editor is Visual Studio Code, you'll usually want to pass the -w or --wait argument to force Visual Studio Code to wait for you to close the file before returning.

Set the OpenAPI Description search paths

By default, the HttpRepl has a set of relative paths that it uses to find the OpenAPI description when executing the connect command without the --openapi option. These relative paths are combined with the root and base paths specified in the connect command. The default relative paths are:

  • swagger.json
  • swagger/v1/swagger.json
  • /swagger.json
  • /swagger/v1/swagger.json
  • openapi.json
  • /openapi.json

To use a different set of search paths in your environment, set the swagger.searchPaths preference. The value must be a pipe-delimited list of relative paths. For example:

pref set swagger.searchPaths "swagger/v2/swagger.json|swagger/v3/swagger.json"

Instead of replacing the default list altogether, the list can also be modified by adding or removing paths.

To add one or more search paths to the default list, set the swagger.addToSearchPaths preference. The value must be a pipe-delimited list of relative paths. For example:

pref set swagger.addToSearchPaths "openapi/v2/openapi.json|openapi/v3/openapi.json"

To remove one or more search paths from the default list, set the swagger.addToSearchPaths preference. The value must be a pipe-delimited list of relative paths. For example:

pref set swagger.removeFromSearchPaths "swagger.json|/swagger.json"

Test HTTP GET requests


get <PARAMETER> [-F|--no-formatting] [-h|--header] [--response:body] [--response:headers] [-s|--streaming]



The route parameter, if any, expected by the associated controller action method.


The following options are available for the get command:

  • -F|--no-formatting

    A flag whose presence suppresses HTTP response formatting.

  • -h|--header

    Sets an HTTP request header. The following two value formats are supported:

    • {header}={value}
    • {header}:{value}
  • --response:body

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response body should be written. For example, --response:body "C:\response.json". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • --response:headers

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response headers should be written. For example, --response:headers "C:\response.txt". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • -s|--streaming

    A flag whose presence enables streaming of the HTTP response.


To issue an HTTP GET request:

  1. Run the get command on an endpoint that supports it:

    https://localhost:5001/people> get

    The preceding command displays the following output format:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 03:38:45 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Scott Hunter"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Scott Hanselman"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Scott Guthrie"
  2. Retrieve a specific record by passing a parameter to the get command:

    https://localhost:5001/people> get 2

    The preceding command displays the following output format:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 06:17:57 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Scott Hanselman"

Test HTTP POST requests


post <PARAMETER> [-c|--content] [-f|--file] [-h|--header] [--no-body] [-F|--no-formatting] [--response] [--response:body] [--response:headers] [-s|--streaming]



The route parameter, if any, expected by the associated controller action method.


  • -F|--no-formatting

    A flag whose presence suppresses HTTP response formatting.

  • -h|--header

    Sets an HTTP request header. The following two value formats are supported:

    • {header}={value}
    • {header}:{value}
  • --response:body

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response body should be written. For example, --response:body "C:\response.json". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • --response:headers

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response headers should be written. For example, --response:headers "C:\response.txt". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • -s|--streaming

    A flag whose presence enables streaming of the HTTP response.

  • -c|--content

    Provides an inline HTTP request body. For example, -c "{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Cherry\"}".

  • -f|--file

    Provides a path to a file containing the HTTP request body. For example, -f "C:\request.json".

  • --no-body

    Indicates that no HTTP request body is needed.


To issue an HTTP POST request:

  1. Run the post command on an endpoint that supports it:

    https://localhost:5001/people> post -h Content-Type=application/json

    In the preceding command, the Content-Type HTTP request header is set to indicate a request body media type of JSON. The default text editor opens a .tmp file with a JSON template representing the HTTP request body. For example:

      "id": 0,
      "name": ""


    To set the default text editor, see the Set the default text editor section.

  2. Modify the JSON template to satisfy model validation requirements:

      "id": 0,
      "name": "Scott Addie"
  3. Save the .tmp file, and close the text editor. The following output appears in the command shell:

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 21:24:18 GMT
    Location: https://localhost:5001/people/4
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      "id": 4,
      "name": "Scott Addie"

Test HTTP PUT requests


put <PARAMETER> [-c|--content] [-f|--file] [-h|--header] [--no-body] [-F|--no-formatting] [--response] [--response:body] [--response:headers] [-s|--streaming]



The route parameter, if any, expected by the associated controller action method.


  • -F|--no-formatting

    A flag whose presence suppresses HTTP response formatting.

  • -h|--header

    Sets an HTTP request header. The following two value formats are supported:

    • {header}={value}
    • {header}:{value}
  • --response:body

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response body should be written. For example, --response:body "C:\response.json". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • --response:headers

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response headers should be written. For example, --response:headers "C:\response.txt". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • -s|--streaming

    A flag whose presence enables streaming of the HTTP response.

  • -c|--content

    Provides an inline HTTP request body. For example, -c "{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Cherry\"}".

  • -f|--file

    Provides a path to a file containing the HTTP request body. For example, -f "C:\request.json".

  • --no-body

    Indicates that no HTTP request body is needed.


To issue an HTTP PUT request:

  1. Optional: Run the get command to view the data before modifying it:

    https://localhost:5001/fruits> get
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 00:07:32 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        "id": 1,
        "data": "Apple"
        "id": 2,
        "data": "Orange"
        "id": 3,
        "data": "Strawberry"
  2. Run the put command on an endpoint that supports it:

    https://localhost:5001/fruits> put 2 -h Content-Type=application/json

    In the preceding command, the Content-Type HTTP request header is set to indicate a request body media type of JSON. The default text editor opens a .tmp file with a JSON template representing the HTTP request body. For example:

      "id": 0,
      "name": ""


    To set the default text editor, see the Set the default text editor section.

  3. Modify the JSON template to satisfy model validation requirements:

      "id": 2,
      "name": "Cherry"
  4. Save the .tmp file, and close the text editor. The following output appears in the command shell:

    [main 2019-06-28T17:27:01.805Z] update#setState idle
    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 17:28:21 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
  5. Optional: Issue a get command to see the modifications. For example, if you typed "Cherry" in the text editor, a get returns the following output:

    https://localhost:5001/fruits> get
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 00:08:20 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        "id": 1,
        "data": "Apple"
        "id": 2,
        "data": "Cherry"
        "id": 3,
        "data": "Strawberry"

Test HTTP DELETE requests


delete <PARAMETER> [-F|--no-formatting] [-h|--header] [--response] [--response:body] [--response:headers] [-s|--streaming]



The route parameter, if any, expected by the associated controller action method.


  • -F|--no-formatting

    A flag whose presence suppresses HTTP response formatting.

  • -h|--header

    Sets an HTTP request header. The following two value formats are supported:

    • {header}={value}
    • {header}:{value}
  • --response:body

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response body should be written. For example, --response:body "C:\response.json". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • --response:headers

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response headers should be written. For example, --response:headers "C:\response.txt". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • -s|--streaming

    A flag whose presence enables streaming of the HTTP response.


To issue an HTTP DELETE request:

  1. Optional: Run the get command to view the data before modifying it:

    https://localhost:5001/fruits> get
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 00:07:32 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        "id": 1,
        "data": "Apple"
        "id": 2,
        "data": "Orange"
        "id": 3,
        "data": "Strawberry"
  2. Run the delete command on an endpoint that supports it:

    https://localhost:5001/fruits> delete 2

    The preceding command displays the following output format:

    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 17:36:42 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
  3. Optional: Issue a get command to see the modifications. In this example, a get returns the following output:

    https://localhost:5001/fruits> get
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 00:16:30 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        "id": 1,
        "data": "Apple"
        "id": 3,
        "data": "Strawberry"

Test HTTP PATCH requests


patch <PARAMETER> [-c|--content] [-f|--file] [-h|--header] [--no-body] [-F|--no-formatting] [--response] [--response:body] [--response:headers] [-s|--streaming]



The route parameter, if any, expected by the associated controller action method.


  • -F|--no-formatting

    A flag whose presence suppresses HTTP response formatting.

  • -h|--header

    Sets an HTTP request header. The following two value formats are supported:

    • {header}={value}
    • {header}:{value}
  • --response:body

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response body should be written. For example, --response:body "C:\response.json". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • --response:headers

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response headers should be written. For example, --response:headers "C:\response.txt". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • -s|--streaming

    A flag whose presence enables streaming of the HTTP response.

  • -c|--content

    Provides an inline HTTP request body. For example, -c "{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Cherry\"}".

  • -f|--file

    Provides a path to a file containing the HTTP request body. For example, -f "C:\request.json".

  • --no-body

    Indicates that no HTTP request body is needed.

Test HTTP HEAD requests


head <PARAMETER> [-F|--no-formatting] [-h|--header] [--response] [--response:body] [--response:headers] [-s|--streaming]



The route parameter, if any, expected by the associated controller action method.


  • -F|--no-formatting

    A flag whose presence suppresses HTTP response formatting.

  • -h|--header

    Sets an HTTP request header. The following two value formats are supported:

    • {header}={value}
    • {header}:{value}
  • --response:body

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response body should be written. For example, --response:body "C:\response.json". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • --response:headers

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response headers should be written. For example, --response:headers "C:\response.txt". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • -s|--streaming

    A flag whose presence enables streaming of the HTTP response.

Test HTTP OPTIONS requests


options <PARAMETER> [-F|--no-formatting] [-h|--header] [--response] [--response:body] [--response:headers] [-s|--streaming]



The route parameter, if any, expected by the associated controller action method.


  • -F|--no-formatting

    A flag whose presence suppresses HTTP response formatting.

  • -h|--header

    Sets an HTTP request header. The following two value formats are supported:

    • {header}={value}
    • {header}:{value}
  • --response:body

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response body should be written. For example, --response:body "C:\response.json". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • --response:headers

    Specifies a file to which the HTTP response headers should be written. For example, --response:headers "C:\response.txt". The file is created if it doesn't exist.

  • -s|--streaming

    A flag whose presence enables streaming of the HTTP response.

Set HTTP request headers

To set an HTTP request header, use one of the following approaches:

  • Set inline with the HTTP request. For example:

    https://localhost:5001/people> post -h Content-Type=application/json

    With the preceding approach, each distinct HTTP request header requires its own -h option.

  • Set before sending the HTTP request. For example:

    https://localhost:5001/people> set header Content-Type application/json

    When setting the header before sending a request, the header remains set for the duration of the command shell session. To clear the header, provide an empty value. For example:

    https://localhost:5001/people> set header Content-Type

Test secured endpoints

The HttpRepl supports the testing of secured endpoints in the following ways:

  • Via the default credentials of the logged in user.
  • Through the use of HTTP request headers.

Default credentials

Consider a web API you're testing that's hosted in IIS and secured with Windows authentication. You want the credentials of the user running the tool to flow across to the HTTP endpoints being tested. To pass the default credentials of the logged in user:

  1. Set the httpClient.useDefaultCredentials preference to true:

    pref set httpClient.useDefaultCredentials true
  2. Exit and restart the tool before sending another request to the web API.

Default proxy credentials

Consider a scenario in which the web API you're testing is behind a proxy secured with Windows authentication. You want the credentials of the user running the tool to flow to the proxy. To pass the default credentials of the logged in user:

  1. Set the httpClient.proxy.useDefaultCredentials preference to true:

    pref set httpClient.proxy.useDefaultCredentials true
  2. Exit and restart the tool before sending another request to the web API.

HTTP request headers

Examples of supported authentication and authorization schemes include:

  • basic authentication
  • JWT bearer tokens
  • digest authentication

For example, you can send a bearer token to an endpoint with the following command:

set header Authorization "bearer <TOKEN VALUE>"

To access an Azure-hosted endpoint or to use the Azure REST API, you need a bearer token. Use the following steps to obtain a bearer token for your Azure subscription via the Azure CLI. The HttpRepl sets the bearer token in an HTTP request header. A list of Azure App Service Web Apps is retrieved.

  1. Sign in to Azure:

    az login
  2. Get your subscription ID with the following command:

    az account show --query id
  3. Copy your subscription ID and run the following command:

    az account set --subscription "<SUBSCRIPTION ID>"
  4. Get your bearer token with the following command:

    az account get-access-token --query accessToken
  5. Connect to the Azure REST API via the HttpRepl:

  6. Set the Authorization HTTP request header:> set header Authorization "bearer <ACCESS TOKEN>"
  7. Navigate to the subscription:> cd subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION ID>
  8. Get a list of your subscription's Azure App Service Web Apps:{SUBSCRIPTION ID}> get providers/Microsoft.Web/sites?api-version=2016-08-01

    The following response is displayed:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Content-Length: 35948
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 23:04:03 GMT
    Expires: -1
    Pragma: no-cache
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    x-ms-correlation-request-id: <em>xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</em>
    x-ms-original-request-ids: <em>xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx;xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</em>
    x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-reads: 11999
    x-ms-request-id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    x-ms-routing-request-id: WESTUS:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
      "value": [

Toggle HTTP request display

By default, display of the HTTP request being sent is suppressed. It's possible to change the corresponding setting for the duration of the command shell session.

Enable request display

View the HTTP request being sent by running the echo on command. For example:

https://localhost:5001/people> echo on
Request echoing is on

Subsequent HTTP requests in the current session display the request headers. For example:

https://localhost:5001/people> post

[main 2019-06-28T18:50:11.930Z] update#setState idle
Request to https://localhost:5001...

POST /people HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 41
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: HTTP-REPL

  "id": 0,
  "name": "Scott Addie"

Response from https://localhost:5001...

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 18:50:21 GMT
Location: https://localhost:5001/people/4
Server: Kestrel
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

  "id": 4,
  "name": "Scott Addie"


Disable request display

Suppress display of the HTTP request being sent by running the echo off command. For example:

https://localhost:5001/people> echo off
Request echoing is off

Run a script

If you frequently execute the same set of HttpRepl commands, consider storing them in a text file. Commands in the file take the same form as commands executed manually on the command line. The commands can be executed in a batched fashion using the run command. For example:

  1. Create a text file containing a set of newline-delimited commands. To illustrate, consider a people-script.txt file containing the following commands:

    set base https://localhost:5001
    cd People
    get 1
  2. Execute the run command, passing in the text file's path. For example:

    https://localhost:5001/> run C:\http-repl-scripts\people-script.txt

    The following output appears:

    https://localhost:5001/> set base https://localhost:5001
    Using OpenAPI description at https://localhost:5001/swagger/v1/swagger.json
    https://localhost:5001/> ls
    .        []
    Fruits   [get|post]
    People   [get|post]
    https://localhost:5001/> cd People
    /People    [get|post]
    https://localhost:5001/People> ls
    .      [get|post]
    ..     []
    {id}   [get|put|delete]
    https://localhost:5001/People> get 1
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 19:20:10 GMT
    Server: Kestrel
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Scott Hunter"

Clear the output

To remove all output written to the command shell by the HttpRepl tool, run the clear or cls command. To illustrate, imagine the command shell contains the following output:

httprepl https://localhost:5001
(Disconnected)> set base "https://localhost:5001"
Using OpenAPI description at https://localhost:5001/swagger/v1/swagger.json

https://localhost:5001/> ls
.        []
Fruits   [get|post]
People   [get|post]


Run the following command to clear the output:

https://localhost:5001/> clear

After running the preceding command, the command shell contains only the following output:


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