
Bendrinti naudojant

Ingest data from Apache Kafka into Azure Data Explorer

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform for building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably move data between systems or applications. Kafka Connect is a tool for scalable and reliable streaming of data between Apache Kafka and other data systems. The Kusto Kafka Sink serves as the connector from Kafka and doesn't require using code. Download the sink connector jar from the Git repo or Confluent Connector Hub.

This article shows how to ingest data with Kafka, using a self-contained Docker setup to simplify the Kafka cluster and Kafka connector cluster setup.

For more information, see the connector Git repo and version specifics.


Create a Microsoft Entra service principal

The Microsoft Entra service principal can be created through the Azure portal or programatically, as in the following example.

This service principal will be the identity used by the connector to write data your table in Kusto. You'll later grant permissions for this service principal to access Kusto resources.

  1. Sign in to your Azure subscription via Azure CLI. Then authenticate in the browser.

    az login
  2. Choose the subscription to host the principal. This step is needed when you have multiple subscriptions.

    az account set --subscription YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_GUID
  3. Create the service principal. In this example, the service principal is called my-service-principal.

    az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "my-service-principal" --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{SubID}
  4. From the returned JSON data, copy the appId, password, and tenant for future use.

      "appId": "1234abcd-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0-1234kl5678mn",
      "displayName": "my-service-principal",
      "name": "my-service-principal",
      "password": "1234abcd-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0-1234kl5678mn",
      "tenant": "1234abcd-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0-1234kl5678mn"

You've created your Microsoft Entra application and service principal.

Create a target table

  1. From your query environment, create a table called Storms using the following command:

    .create table Storms (StartTime: datetime, EndTime: datetime, EventId: int, State: string, EventType: string, Source: string)
  2. Create the corresponding table mapping Storms_CSV_Mapping for ingested data using the following command:

    .create table Storms ingestion csv mapping 'Storms_CSV_Mapping' '[{"Name":"StartTime","datatype":"datetime","Ordinal":0}, {"Name":"EndTime","datatype":"datetime","Ordinal":1},{"Name":"EventId","datatype":"int","Ordinal":2},{"Name":"State","datatype":"string","Ordinal":3},{"Name":"EventType","datatype":"string","Ordinal":4},{"Name":"Source","datatype":"string","Ordinal":5}]'
  3. Create an ingestion batching policy on the table for configurable queued ingestion latency.


    The ingestion batching policy is a performance optimizer and includes three parameters. The first condition satisfied triggers ingestion into the Azure Data Explorer table.

    .alter table Storms policy ingestionbatching @'{"MaximumBatchingTimeSpan":"00:00:15", "MaximumNumberOfItems": 100, "MaximumRawDataSizeMB": 300}'
  4. Use the service principal from Create a Microsoft Entra service principal to grant permission to work with the database.

    .add database YOUR_DATABASE_NAME admins  ('aadapp=YOUR_APP_ID;YOUR_TENANT_ID') 'AAD App'

Run the lab

The following lab is designed to give you the experience of starting to create data, setting up the Kafka connector, and streaming this data to Azure Data Explorer with the connector. You can then look at the ingested data.

Clone the git repo

Clone the lab's git repo.

  1. Create a local directory on your machine.

    mkdir ~/kafka-kusto-hol
    cd ~/kafka-kusto-hol
  2. Clone the repo.

    cd ~/kafka-kusto-hol
    git clone
    cd azure-kusto-labs/kafka-integration/dockerized-quickstart

Contents of the cloned repo

Run the following command to list the contents of the cloned repo:

cd ~/kafka-kusto-hol/azure-kusto-labs/kafka-integration/dockerized-quickstart

This result of this search is:

├── adx-query.png
├── adx-sink-config.json
├── connector
│   └── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yaml
└── storm-events-producer
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── StormEvents.csv
    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    ├── kafka
    │   └── kafka.go
    └── main.go

Review the files in the cloned repo

The following sections explain the important parts of the files in the file tree above.


This file contains the Kusto sink properties file where you'll update specific configuration details:

    "name": "storm",
    "config": {
        "connector.class": "",
        "flush.size.bytes": 10000,
        "": 10000,
        "tasks.max": 1,
        "topics": "storm-events",
        "kusto.tables.topics.mapping": "[{'topic': 'storm-events','db': '<enter database name>', 'table': 'Storms','format': 'csv', 'mapping':'Storms_CSV_Mapping'}]",
        "aad.auth.authority": "<enter tenant ID>",
        "aad.auth.appid": "<enter application ID>",
        "aad.auth.appkey": "<enter client secret>",
        "kusto.ingestion.url": "https://ingest-<name of cluster>.<region>",
        "kusto.query.url": "https://<name of cluster>.<region>",
        "key.converter": "",
        "value.converter": ""

Replace the values for the following attributes as per your Azure Data Explorer setup: aad.auth.authority, aad.auth.appid, aad.auth.appkey, kusto.tables.topics.mapping (the database name), kusto.ingestion.url, and kusto.query.url.

Connector - Dockerfile

This file has the commands to generate the docker image for the connector instance. It includes the connector download from the git repo release directory.

Storm-events-producer directory

This directory has a Go program that reads a local "StormEvents.csv" file and publishes the data to a Kafka topic.


version: "2"
    image: debezium/zookeeper:1.2
      - 2181:2181
    image: debezium/kafka:1.2
      - 9092:9092
      - zookeeper
      - zookeeper
      - ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181
      context: ./connector
      - 8083:8083
      - kafka
      - kafka
      - BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=kafka:9092
      - GROUP_ID=adx
      - CONFIG_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_configs
      - OFFSET_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_offsets
      - STATUS_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_statuses
      context: ./storm-events-producer
      - kafka
      - kafka
      - KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=kafka:9092
      - KAFKA_TOPIC=storm-events
      - SOURCE_FILE=StormEvents.csv

Start the containers

  1. In a terminal, start the containers:

    docker-compose up

    The producer application will start sending events to the storm-events topic. You should see logs similar to the following logs:

    events-producer_1  | sent message to partition 0 offset 0
    events-producer_1  | event  2007-01-01 00:00:00.0000000,2007-01-01 00:00:00.0000000,13208,NORTH CAROLINA,Thunderstorm Wind,Public
    events-producer_1  |
    events-producer_1  | sent message to partition 0 offset 1
    events-producer_1  | event  2007-01-01 00:00:00.0000000,2007-01-01 05:00:00.0000000,23358,WISCONSIN,Winter Storm,COOP Observer
  2. To check the logs, run the following command in a separate terminal:

    docker-compose logs -f | grep kusto-connect

Start the connector

Use a Kafka Connect REST call to start the connector.

  1. In a separate terminal, launch the sink task with the following command:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @adx-sink-config.json http://localhost:8083/connectors
  2. To check the status, run the following command in a separate terminal:

    curl http://localhost:8083/connectors/storm/status

The connector will start queueing ingestion processes to Azure Data Explorer.


If you have log connector issues, create an issue.

Query and review data

Confirm data ingestion

  1. Wait for data to arrive in the Storms table. To confirm the transfer of data, check the row count:

    Storms | count
  2. Confirm that there are no failures in the ingestion process:

    .show ingestion failures

    Once you see data, try out a few queries.

Query the data

  1. To see all the records, run the following query:

  2. Use where and project to filter specific data:

    | where EventType == 'Drought' and State == 'TEXAS'
    | project StartTime, EndTime, Source, EventId
  3. Use the summarize operator:

    | summarize event_count=count() by State
    | where event_count > 10
    | project State, event_count
    | render columnchart

    Screenshot of Kafka query column chart results in Azure Data Explorer.

For more query examples and guidance, see Write queries in KQL and Kusto Query Language documentation.


To reset, do the following steps:

  1. Stop the containers (docker-compose down -v)
  2. Delete (drop table Storms)
  3. Re-create the Storms table
  4. Recreate table mapping
  5. Restart containers (docker-compose up)

Clean up resources

To delete the Azure Data Explorer resources, use az cluster delete or az Kusto database delete:

az kusto cluster delete -n <cluster name> -g <resource group name>
az kusto database delete -n <database name> --cluster-name <cluster name> -g <resource group name>

Tuning the Kafka Sink connector

Tune the Kafka Sink connector to work with the ingestion batching policy:

  • Tune the Kafka Sink flush.size.bytes size limit starting from 1 MB, increasing by increments of 10 MB or 100 MB.
  • When using Kafka Sink, data is aggregated twice. On the connector side data is aggregated according to flush settings, and on the Azure Data Explorer service side according to the batching policy. If the batching time is too short and no data can be ingested by both connector and service, batching time must be increased. Set batching size at 1 GB and increase or decrease by 100 MB increments as needed. For example, if the flush size is 1 MB and the batching policy size is 100 MB, after a 100-MB batch is aggregated by the Kafka Sink connector, a 100-MB batch will be ingested by the Azure Data Explorer service. If the batching policy time is 20 seconds and the Kafka Sink connector flushes 50 MB in a 20-second period - then the service will ingest a 50-MB batch.
  • You can scale by adding instances and Kafka partitions. Increase tasks.max to the number of partitions. Create a partition if you have enough data to produce a blob the size of the flush.size.bytes setting. If the blob is smaller, the batch is processed when it reaches the time limit, so the partition won't receive enough throughput. A large number of partitions means more processing overhead.