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Define container jobs (YAML)

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

By default, jobs run on the host machine where the agent is installed. This is convenient and typically well-suited for projects that are just beginning to adopt Azure Pipelines. Over time, you may find that you want more control over the context where your tasks run. YAML pipelines offer container jobs for this level of control.

On Linux and Windows agents, jobs may be run on the host or in a container. (On macOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, container jobs are not available.) Containers provide isolation from the host and allow you to pin specific versions of tools and dependencies. Host jobs require less initial setup and infrastructure to maintain.

Containers offer a lightweight abstraction over the host operating system. You can select the exact versions of operating systems, tools, and dependencies that your build requires. When you specify a container in your pipeline, the agent will first fetch and start the container. Then, each step of the job will run inside the container. You can't have nested containers. Containers aren't supported when an agent is already running inside a container.

If you need fine-grained control at the individual step level, step targets allow you to choose container or host for each step.


Linux-based containers

The Azure Pipelines system requires a few things in Linux-based containers:

  • Bash
  • glibc-based
  • Can run Node.js (which the agent provides)
  • Doesn't define an ENTRYPOINT
  • USER has access to groupadd and other privileges commands without sudo

And on your agent host:

  • Ensure Docker is installed
  • The agent must have permission to access the Docker daemon

Be sure your container has each of these tools available. Some of the stripped-down containers available on Docker Hub, especially those based on Alpine Linux, don't satisfy these minimum requirements. Containers with a ENTRYPOINT might not work, since Azure Pipelines will docker create an awaiting container and docker exec a series of commands, which expect the container is always up and running.


For Windows-based Linux containers, Node.js must be pre-installed.

Windows Containers

Azure Pipelines can also run Windows Containers. Windows Server version 1803 or higher is required. Docker must be installed. Be sure your pipelines agent has permission to access the Docker daemon.

The Windows container must support running Node.js. A base Windows Nano Server container is missing dependencies required to run Node.

Hosted agents

Only windows-2019 and ubuntu-* images support running containers. The macOS image doesn't support running containers.

Single job

A simple example:

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

container: ubuntu:18.04

- script: printenv

This tells the system to fetch the ubuntu image tagged 18.04 from Docker Hub and then start the container. When the printenv command runs, it happens inside the ubuntu:18.04 container.

A Windows example:

  vmImage: 'windows-2019'


- script: set


Windows requires that the kernel version of the host and container match. Since this example uses the Windows 2019 image, we will use the 2019 tag for the container.

Multiple jobs

Containers are also useful for running the same steps in multiple jobs. In the following example, the same steps run in multiple versions of Ubuntu Linux. (And we don't have to mention the jobs keyword, since there's only a single job defined.)

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

      containerImage: ubuntu:16.04
      containerImage: ubuntu:18.04
      containerImage: ubuntu:20.04

container: $[ variables['containerImage'] ]

- script: printenv


Containers can be hosted on registries other than public Docker Hub registries. To host an image on Azure Container Registry or another private container registry (including a private Docker Hub registry), add a service connection to the private registry. Then you can reference it in a container spec:

  image: registry:ubuntu1804
  endpoint: private_dockerhub_connection

- script: echo hello


  endpoint: my_acr_connection

- script: echo hello

Other container registries may also work. Amazon ECR doesn't currently work, as there are other client tools required to convert AWS credentials into something Docker can use to authenticate.


The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 build of the agent won't run container job. Choose another Linux flavor, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or above.


If you need to control container startup, you can specify options.

  image: ubuntu:18.04
  options: --hostname container-test --ip

- script: echo hello

Running docker create --help gives you the list of options that can be passed to Docker invocation. Not all of these options are guaranteed to work with Azure DevOps. Check first to see if you can use a container property to accomplish the same goal. For more information, see resources.containers.container in the YAML schema and the docker create command reference.

Reusable container definition

In the following example, the containers are defined in the resources section. Each container is then referenced later, by referring to its assigned alias. (Here, we explicitly list the jobs keyword for clarity.)

  - container: u16
    image: ubuntu:16.04

  - container: u18
    image: ubuntu:18.04

  - container: u20
    image: ubuntu:20.04

- job: RunInContainer
    vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

        containerResource: u16
        containerResource: u18
        containerResource: u20

  container: $[ variables['containerResource'] ]

  - script: printenv

Non glibc-based containers

The Azure Pipelines agent supplies a copy of Node.js, which is required to run tasks and scripts. To find out the version of Node.js for a hosted agent, see Microsoft-hosted agents. The version of Node.js is compiled against the C runtime we use in our hosted cloud, typically glibc. Some variants of Linux use other C runtimes. For instance, Alpine Linux uses musl.

If you want to use a non-glibc-based container as a job container, you need to arrange a few things on your own. First, you must supply your own copy of Node.js. Second, you must add a label to your image telling the agent where to find the Node.js binary. Finally, stock Alpine doesn't come with other dependencies that Azure Pipelines depends on: bash, sudo, which, and groupadd.

Bring your own Node.js

You're responsible for adding a Node binary to your container. Node 18 is a safe choice. You can start from the node:18-alpine image.

Tell the agent about Node.js

The agent will read a container label "". If this label exists, it must be the path to the Node.js binary. For example, in an image based on node:18-alpine, add this line to your Dockerfile:

LABEL ""="/usr/local/bin/node"

Add requirements

Azure Pipelines assumes a Bash-based system with common administration packages installed. Alpine Linux in particular doesn't come with several of the packages needed. Installing bash, sudo, and shadow will cover the basic needs.

RUN apk add bash sudo shadow

If you depend on any in-box or Marketplace tasks, you'll also need to supply the binaries they require.

Full example of a Dockerfile

FROM node:10-alpine

RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .pipeline-deps readline linux-pam \
  && apk add bash sudo shadow \
  && apk del .pipeline-deps

LABEL ""="/usr/local/bin/node"

CMD [ "node" ]

Multiple jobs with agent pools on a single hosted agent

The container job uses the underlying host agent Docker config.json for image registry authorization, which logs out at the end of the Docker registry container initialization. Subsequent registry image pulls authorization might be denied for “unauthorized authentication” because the Docker config.json file registered in the system for authentication has already been logged out by one of the other container jobs that are running in parallel.

The solution is to set the Docker environment variable DOCKER_CONFIG that is specific to each agent pool service running on the hosted agent. Export the DOCKER_CONFIG in each agent pool’s script:

#insert anything to set up env when running as a service
export DOCKER_CONFIG=./.docker