
Bendrinti naudojant

ReaderWriterLock Class


Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers.

public ref class ReaderWriterLock sealed : System::Runtime::ConstrainedExecution::CriticalFinalizerObject
public ref class ReaderWriterLock sealed
public sealed class ReaderWriterLock : System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject
public sealed class ReaderWriterLock
public sealed class ReaderWriterLock : System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject
type ReaderWriterLock = class
    inherit CriticalFinalizerObject
type ReaderWriterLock = class
type ReaderWriterLock = class
    inherit CriticalFinalizerObject
Public NotInheritable Class ReaderWriterLock
Inherits CriticalFinalizerObject
Public NotInheritable Class ReaderWriterLock


The following example demonstrates how to use a ReaderWriterLock to protect a shared resource, an integer value named resource, that is read concurrently and written exclusively by multiple threads. Note that the ReaderWriterLock is declared at the class level so that it is visible to all threads.

// This example shows a ReaderWriterLock protecting a shared
// resource that is read concurrently and written exclusively
// by multiple threads.
// The complete code is located in the ReaderWriterLock
// class topic.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
public ref class Test

   // Declaring the ReaderWriterLock at the class level
   // makes it visible to all threads.
   static ReaderWriterLock^ rwl = gcnew ReaderWriterLock;

   // For this example, the shared resource protected by the
   // ReaderWriterLock is just an integer.
   static int resource = 0;

   literal int numThreads = 26;
   static bool running = true;

   // Statistics.
   static int readerTimeouts = 0;
   static int writerTimeouts = 0;
   static int reads = 0;
   static int writes = 0;
   static void ThreadProc()
      Random^ rnd = gcnew Random;

      // As long as a thread runs, it randomly selects
      // various ways to read and write from the shared
      // resource. Each of the methods demonstrates one
      // or more features of ReaderWriterLock.
      while ( running )
         double action = rnd->NextDouble();
         if ( action < .8 )
                  ReadFromResource( 10 );
         if ( action < .81 )
                  ReleaseRestore( rnd, 50 );
         if ( action < .90 )
                  UpgradeDowngrade( rnd, 100 );
                  WriteToResource( rnd, 100 );

   // Shows how to request and release a reader lock, and
   // how to handle time-outs.
   static void ReadFromResource( int timeOut )
         rwl->AcquireReaderLock( timeOut );

            // It is safe for this thread to read from
            // the shared resource.
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );

            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ )

         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( readerTimeouts );


   // Shows how to request and release the writer lock, and
   // how to handle time-outs.
   static void WriteToResource( Random^ rnd, int timeOut )
         rwl->AcquireWriterLock( timeOut );

            // It is safe for this thread to read or write
            // from the shared resource.
            resource = rnd->Next( 500 );
            Display( String::Format( "writes resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( writes );

            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ )

         // The writer lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( writerTimeouts );


   // Shows how to request a reader lock, upgrade the
   // reader lock to the writer lock, and downgrade to a
   // reader lock again.
   static void UpgradeDowngrade( Random^ rnd, int timeOut )
         rwl->AcquireReaderLock( timeOut );

            // It is safe for this thread to read from
            // the shared resource.
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );

            // If it is necessary to write to the resource,
            // you must either release the reader lock and
            // then request the writer lock, or upgrade the
            // reader lock. Note that upgrading the reader lock
            // puts the thread in the write queue, behind any
            // other threads that might be waiting for the
            // writer lock.
               LockCookie lc = rwl->UpgradeToWriterLock( timeOut );

                  // It is safe for this thread to read or write
                  // from the shared resource.
                  resource = rnd->Next( 500 );
                  Display( String::Format( "writes resource value {0}", resource ) );
                  Interlocked::Increment( writes );

                  // Ensure that the lock is released.
                  rwl->DowngradeFromWriterLock( lc );

            catch ( ApplicationException^ )

               // The upgrade request timed out.
               Interlocked::Increment( writerTimeouts );

            // When the lock has been downgraded, it is
            // still safe to read from the resource.
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );

            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ )

         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( readerTimeouts );


   // Shows how to release all locks and later restore
   // the lock state. Shows how to use sequence numbers
   // to determine whether another thread has obtained
   // a writer lock since this thread last accessed the
   // resource.
   static void ReleaseRestore( Random^ rnd, int timeOut )
      int lastWriter;
         rwl->AcquireReaderLock( timeOut );

            // It is safe for this thread to read from
            // the shared resource. Cache the value. (You
            // might do this if reading the resource is
            // an expensive operation.)
            int resourceValue = resource;
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resourceValue ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );

            // Save the current writer sequence number.
            lastWriter = rwl->WriterSeqNum;

            // Release the lock, and save a cookie so the
            // lock can be restored later.
            LockCookie lc = rwl->ReleaseLock();

            // Wait for a random interval (up to a
            // quarter of a second), and then restore
            // the previous state of the lock. Note that
            // there is no timeout on the Restore method.
            Thread::Sleep( rnd->Next( 250 ) );
            rwl->RestoreLock( lc );

            // Check whether other threads obtained the
            // writer lock in the interval. If not, then
            // the cached value of the resource is still
            // valid.
            if ( rwl->AnyWritersSince( lastWriter ) )
               resourceValue = resource;
               Interlocked::Increment( reads );
               Display( String::Format( "resource has changed {0}", resourceValue ) );
               Display( String::Format( "resource has not changed {0}", resourceValue ) );

            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ )

         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( readerTimeouts );


   // Helper method briefly displays the most recent
   // thread action. Comment out calls to Display to
   // get a better idea of throughput.
   static void Display( String^ msg )
      Console::Write( "Thread {0} {1}.       \r", Thread::CurrentThread->Name, msg );


int main()
   array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();

   // Start a series of threads. Each thread randomly
   // performs reads and writes on the shared resource.
   array<Thread^>^t = gcnew array<Thread^>(Test::numThreads);
   for ( int i = 0; i < Test::numThreads; i++ )
      t[ i ] = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart( Test::ThreadProc ) );
      t[ i ]->Name = gcnew String( Convert::ToChar( i + 65 ),1 );
      t[ i ]->Start();
      if ( i > 10 )
            Thread::Sleep( 300 );


   // Tell the threads to shut down, then wait until they all
   // finish.
   Test::running = false;
   for ( int i = 0; i < Test::numThreads; i++ )
      t[ i ]->Join();


   // Display statistics.
   Console::WriteLine( "\r\n {0} reads, {1} writes, {2} reader time-outs, {3} writer time-outs.", Test::reads, Test::writes, Test::readerTimeouts, Test::writerTimeouts );
   Console::WriteLine( "Press ENTER to exit." );
   return 0;
// The complete code is located in the ReaderWriterLock class topic.
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class Example
   static ReaderWriterLock rwl = new ReaderWriterLock();
   // Define the shared resource protected by the ReaderWriterLock.
   static int resource = 0;

   const int numThreads = 26;
   static bool running = true;

   // Statistics.
   static int readerTimeouts = 0;
   static int writerTimeouts = 0;
   static int reads = 0;
   static int writes = 0;

   public static void Main()
      // Start a series of threads to randomly read from and
      // write to the shared resource.
      Thread[] t = new Thread[numThreads];
      for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++){
         t[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));
         t[i].Name = new String((char)(i + 65), 1);
         if (i > 10)

      // Tell the threads to shut down and wait until they all finish.
      running = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)

      // Display statistics.
      Console.WriteLine("\n{0} reads, {1} writes, {2} reader time-outs, {3} writer time-outs.",
            reads, writes, readerTimeouts, writerTimeouts);
      Console.Write("Press ENTER to exit... ");

   static void ThreadProc()
      Random rnd = new Random();

      // Randomly select a way for the thread to read and write from the shared
      // resource.
      while (running) {
         double action = rnd.NextDouble();
         if (action < .8)
         else if (action < .81)
            ReleaseRestore(rnd, 50);
         else if (action < .90)
            UpgradeDowngrade(rnd, 100);
            WriteToResource(rnd, 100);

   // Request and release a reader lock, and handle time-outs.
   static void ReadFromResource(int timeOut)
      try {
         try {
            // It is safe for this thread to read from the shared resource.
            Display("reads resource value " + resource);
            Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);
         finally {
            // Ensure that the lock is released.
      catch (ApplicationException) {
         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked.Increment(ref readerTimeouts);

   // Request and release the writer lock, and handle time-outs.
   static void WriteToResource(Random rnd, int timeOut)
      try {
         try {
            // It's safe for this thread to access from the shared resource.
            resource = rnd.Next(500);
            Display("writes resource value " + resource);
            Interlocked.Increment(ref writes);
         finally {
            // Ensure that the lock is released.
      catch (ApplicationException) {
         // The writer lock request timed out.
         Interlocked.Increment(ref writerTimeouts);

   // Requests a reader lock, upgrades the reader lock to the writer
   // lock, and downgrades it to a reader lock again.
   static void UpgradeDowngrade(Random rnd, int timeOut)
      try {
         try {
            // It's safe for this thread to read from the shared resource.
            Display("reads resource value " + resource);
            Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);

            // To write to the resource, either release the reader lock and
            // request the writer lock, or upgrade the reader lock. Upgrading
            // the reader lock puts the thread in the write queue, behind any
            // other threads that might be waiting for the writer lock.
            try {
               LockCookie lc = rwl.UpgradeToWriterLock(timeOut);
               try {
                  // It's safe for this thread to read or write from the shared resource.
                  resource = rnd.Next(500);
                  Display("writes resource value " + resource);
                  Interlocked.Increment(ref writes);
               finally {
                  // Ensure that the lock is released.
                  rwl.DowngradeFromWriterLock(ref lc);
            catch (ApplicationException) {
               // The upgrade request timed out.
               Interlocked.Increment(ref writerTimeouts);

            // If the lock was downgraded, it's still safe to read from the resource.
            Display("reads resource value " + resource);
            Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);
         finally {
            // Ensure that the lock is released.
      catch (ApplicationException) {
         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked.Increment(ref readerTimeouts);

   // Release all locks and later restores the lock state.
   // Uses sequence numbers to determine whether another thread has
   // obtained a writer lock since this thread last accessed the resource.
   static void ReleaseRestore(Random rnd, int timeOut)
      int lastWriter;

      try {
         try {
            // It's safe for this thread to read from the shared resource,
            // so read and cache the resource value.
            int resourceValue = resource;     // Cache the resource value.
            Display("reads resource value " + resourceValue);
            Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);

            // Save the current writer sequence number.
            lastWriter = rwl.WriterSeqNum;

            // Release the lock and save a cookie so the lock can be restored later.
            LockCookie lc = rwl.ReleaseLock();

            // Wait for a random interval and then restore the previous state of the lock.
            rwl.RestoreLock(ref lc);

            // Check whether other threads obtained the writer lock in the interval.
            // If not, then the cached value of the resource is still valid.
            if (rwl.AnyWritersSince(lastWriter)) {
               resourceValue = resource;
               Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);
               Display("resource has changed " + resourceValue);
            else {
               Display("resource has not changed " + resourceValue);
         finally {
            // Ensure that the lock is released.
      catch (ApplicationException) {
         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked.Increment(ref readerTimeouts);

   // Helper method briefly displays the most recent thread action.
   static void Display(string msg)
      Console.Write("Thread {0} {1}.       \r", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, msg);
' The complete code is located in the ReaderWriterLock class topic.
Imports System.Threading

Public Module Example
   Private rwl As New ReaderWriterLock()
   ' Define the shared resource protected by the ReaderWriterLock.
   Private resource As Integer = 0

   Const numThreads As Integer = 26
   Private running As Boolean = True
   ' Statistics.
   Private readerTimeouts As Integer = 0
   Private writerTimeouts As Integer = 0
   Private reads As Integer = 0
   Private writes As Integer = 0
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Start a series of threads to randomly read from and
      ' write to the shared resource.
      Dim t(numThreads - 1) As Thread
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To numThreads - 1
         t(i) = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadProc))
         t(i).Name = Chr(i + 65)
         If i > 10 Then
         End If

      ' Tell the threads to shut down and wait until they all finish.
      running = False
      For i = 0 To numThreads - 1
      ' Display statistics.
      Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "{0} reads, {1} writes, {2} reader time-outs, {3} writer time-outs.",
                        reads, writes, readerTimeouts, writerTimeouts)
      Console.Write("Press ENTER to exit... ")
   End Sub

   Sub ThreadProc()
      Dim rnd As New Random

      ' Randomly select a way for the thread to read and write from the shared
      ' resource.
      While running
         Dim action As Double = rnd.NextDouble()
         If action < 0.8 Then
         ElseIf action < 0.81 Then
            ReleaseRestore(rnd, 50)
         ElseIf action < 0.9 Then
            UpgradeDowngrade(rnd, 100)
            WriteToResource(rnd, 100)
         End If
      End While
   End Sub
   ' Request and release a reader lock, and handle time-outs.
   Sub ReadFromResource(timeOut As Integer)
            ' It's safe for this thread to read from the shared resource.
            Display("reads resource value " & resource)
            ' Ensure that the lock is released.
         End Try
      Catch ex As ApplicationException
         ' The reader lock request timed out.
      End Try
   End Sub

   ' Request and release the writer lock, and handle time-outs.
   Sub WriteToResource(rnd As Random, timeOut As Integer)
            ' It's safe for this thread to read or write from the shared resource.
            resource = rnd.Next(500)
            Display("writes resource value " & resource)
            ' Ensure that the lock is released.
         End Try
      Catch ex As ApplicationException
         ' The writer lock request timed out.
      End Try
   End Sub

   ' Requests a reader lock, upgrades the reader lock to the writer
   ' lock, and downgrades it to a reader lock again.
   Sub UpgradeDowngrade(rnd As Random, timeOut As Integer)
            ' It's safe for this thread to read from the shared resource.
            Display("reads resource value " & resource)
            ' To write to the resource, either release the reader lock and
            ' request the writer lock, or upgrade the reader lock. Upgrading
            ' the reader lock puts the thread in the write queue, behind any
            ' other threads that might be waiting for the writer lock.
               Dim lc As LockCookie = rwl.UpgradeToWriterLock(timeOut)
                  ' It's safe for this thread to read or write from the shared resource.
                  resource = rnd.Next(500)
                  Display("writes resource value " & resource)
                  ' Ensure that the lock is released.
               End Try
            Catch ex As ApplicationException
               ' The upgrade request timed out.
            End Try
            ' If the lock was downgraded, it's still safe to read from the resource.
            Display("reads resource value " & resource)
            ' Ensure that the lock is released.
         End Try
      Catch ex As ApplicationException
         ' The reader lock request timed out.
      End Try
   End Sub

   ' Release all locks and later restores the lock state.
   ' Uses sequence numbers to determine whether another thread has
   ' obtained a writer lock since this thread last accessed the resource.
   Sub ReleaseRestore(rnd As Random ,timeOut As Integer)
      Dim lastWriter As Integer
            ' It's safe for this thread to read from the shared resource,
            ' so read and cache the resource value.
            Dim resourceValue As Integer = resource
            Display("reads resource value " & resourceValue)
            ' Save the current writer sequence number.
            lastWriter = rwl.WriterSeqNum
            ' Release the lock and save a cookie so the lock can be restored later.
            Dim lc As LockCookie = rwl.ReleaseLock()
            ' Wait for a random interval and then restore the previous state of the lock.
            ' Check whether other threads obtained the writer lock in the interval.
            ' If not, then the cached value of the resource is still valid.
            If rwl.AnyWritersSince(lastWriter) Then
               resourceValue = resource
               Display("resource has changed " & resourceValue)
               Display("resource has not changed " & resourceValue)
            End If
            ' Ensure that the lock is released.
         End Try
      Catch ex As ApplicationException
         ' The reader lock request timed out.
      End Try
   End Sub

   ' Helper method briefly displays the most recent thread action.
   Sub Display(msg As String)
      Console.Write("Thread {0} {1}.       " & vbCr, Thread.CurrentThread.Name, msg)
   End Sub
End Module



The .NET Framework has two reader-writer locks, ReaderWriterLockSlim and ReaderWriterLock. ReaderWriterLockSlim is recommended for all new development. ReaderWriterLockSlim is similar to ReaderWriterLock, but it has simplified rules for recursion and for upgrading and downgrading lock state. ReaderWriterLockSlim avoids many cases of potential deadlock. In addition, the performance of ReaderWriterLockSlim is significantly better than ReaderWriterLock.

ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple one-at-a-time lock, such as Monitor.

ReaderWriterLock works best where most accesses are reads, while writes are infrequent and of short duration. Multiple readers alternate with single writers, so that neither readers nor writers are blocked for long periods.


Holding reader locks or writer locks for long periods will starve other threads. For best performance, consider restructuring your application to minimize the duration of writes.

A thread can hold a reader lock or a writer lock, but not both at the same time. Instead of releasing a reader lock in order to acquire the writer lock, you can use UpgradeToWriterLock and DowngradeFromWriterLock.

Recursive lock requests increase the lock count on a lock.

Readers and writers are queued separately. When a thread releases the writer lock, all threads waiting in the reader queue at that instant are granted reader locks; when all of those reader locks have been released, the next thread waiting in the writer queue, if any, is granted the writer lock, and so on. In other words, ReaderWriterLock alternates between a collection of readers, and one writer.

While a thread in the writer queue is waiting for active reader locks to be released, threads requesting new reader locks accumulate in the reader queue. Their requests are not granted, even though they could share concurrent access with existing reader-lock holders; this helps protect writers against indefinite blockage by readers.

Most methods for acquiring locks on a ReaderWriterLock accept time-out values. Use time-outs to avoid deadlocks in your application. For example, a thread might acquire the writer lock on one resource and then request a reader lock on a second resource; in the meantime, another thread might acquire the writer lock on the second resource, and request a reader lock on the first. Unless time-outs are used, the threads deadlock.

If the time-out interval expires and the lock request has not been granted, the method returns control to the calling thread by throwing an ApplicationException. A thread can catch this exception and determine what action to take next.

Time-outs are expressed in milliseconds. If you use a System.TimeSpan to specify the time-out, the value used is the total number of whole milliseconds represented by the TimeSpan. The following table shows the valid time-out values in milliseconds.

Value Description
-1 The thread waits until the lock is acquired, regardless of how long it takes. For methods that specify integer time-outs, the constant Infinite can be used.
0 The thread does not wait to acquire the lock. If the lock cannot be acquired immediately, the method returns.
>0 The number of milliseconds to wait.

With the exception of -1, negative time-out values are not allowed. If you specify a negative integer other than -1, a time-out value of zero is used instead. (That is, the method returns without waiting, if the lock cannot be acquired immediately.) If you specify a TimeSpan that represents a negative number of milliseconds other than -1, ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.



Initializes a new instance of the ReaderWriterLock class.



Gets a value indicating whether the current thread holds a reader lock.


Gets a value indicating whether the current thread holds the writer lock.


Gets the current sequence number.



Acquires a reader lock, using an Int32 value for the time-out.


Acquires a reader lock, using a TimeSpan value for the time-out.


Acquires the writer lock, using an Int32 value for the time-out.


Acquires the writer lock, using a TimeSpan value for the time-out.


Indicates whether the writer lock has been granted to any thread since the sequence number was obtained.


Restores the lock status of the thread to what it was before UpgradeToWriterLock(Int32) was called.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Ensures that resources are freed and other cleanup operations are performed when the garbage collector reclaims the ReaderWriterLock object.


Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Releases the lock, regardless of the number of times the thread acquired the lock.


Decrements the lock count.


Decrements the lock count on the writer lock.


Restores the lock status of the thread to what it was before calling ReleaseLock().


Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Upgrades a reader lock to the writer lock, using an Int32 value for the time-out.


Upgrades a reader lock to the writer lock, using a TimeSpan value for the time-out.

Applies to

Thread Safety

This type is thread safe.

See also