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Track items with serial, lot, and package numbers

You can assign serial numbers, lot numbers, and package numbers to any outbound or inbound document, and its posted item tracking entries display on the related item ledger entries. You track items on the Item Tracking Lines page, which you can open from inbound or outbound documents.

The quantity fields at the top of the Item Tracking Lines page display the quantities and sums of item tracking numbers that are defined on the lines. The quantities must correspond to those on the document lines, which is indicated by 0 in the Undefined fields.

Business Central updates the availability information on the Item Tracking Lines page when you open the page. It doesn't update the information while you have the page open, even if changes occur in inventory or on other documents during that time.


In order for the features described in this article to work, you must set up item tracking. To learn more, go to Set Up Item Tracking with Serial, Lot, and Package Numbers.

Item tracking availability

When you work with serial, lot, and package numbers, Business Central calculates availability information and shows it on various item tracking pages. It shows how much of a lot, package, or serial number is used on other documents. This information helps reduce errors and uncertainty caused by double allocations.

On the Item Tracking Lines page, a warning icon might display in the Availability, Lot No. or Availability, Serial No. field for the following reasons:

  • If some or all of the quantity you've selected is already used in other documents.
  • If the lot or serial number isn't available.

The Lot No./Serial No.-List, Lot No./Serial No.-Availability, and the Item Tracking - Select Entries pages show the quantity of an item that's in use. The following table lists the relevant fields.

Field Description
Total Quantity The total number of an item currently in inventory.
Total Requested Quantity The total number of items that are requested in this and other documents.
Current Pending Quantity The number of items that are requested on the current document but that isn't posted.
Current Requested Quantity The number of items that are requested that will be used on the current document
Total Available Quantity The total number of items in inventory, minus the quantity of the item that's requested on this and other documents (total requested quantity), and minus the quantity that's requested but not yet posted on this document (current pending quantity).

If you work on the Item Tracking Lines page for a long time, or if there's a lot of activities with the item you're working with, you can choose the Refresh Availability action. Also, the availability of the item is automatically rechecked when you close the page to confirm that there aren't availability problems.

To assign serial or lot numbers during an inbound transaction

You might want to track items from the moment they arrive. In that case, the purchase order is often the central document. However, you can do item tracking from any inbound document and its posted entries display in the related item ledger entries.

The tracking numbers automatically transfer to all outbound warehouse activities.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Purchase Orders, and then choose the related link.

  2. Either open an existing purchase order or create a new purchase order.

  3. Select the document line, and on the Lines FastTab, choose the Line action, and then choose the Item Tracking Lines action to open the Edit - Item Tracking Lines page.

    You can assign serial or lot numbers in the following ways:

    • Automatically, by selecting Process then choosing Assign Serial No. or Assign Lot No. to assign serial/lot numbers from predefined number series.
    • Automatically, by selecting Process then choosing Create Customized SN to assign serial/lot numbers based on number series you define specifically for the arrived items.
    • Manually, by entering serial or lot numbers directly, for example, the vendor's numbers.
    • Manually, by assigning a specific number to each item unit.
  4. To assign automatically, choose the Create Customized SN action.

  5. In the Customized SN field, enter the starting number of a descriptive serial number series. For example S/N-Vend0001.

  6. In the Increment field, enter 1 to define that each sequential number increases by one.

    The Quantity to Create field contains the line quantity by default, but you can modify it.

  7. Select the Create New Lot No. checkbox to organize the new serial numbers in a distinct lot.

  8. Choose the OK button.

Business Central creates a lot number with individual serial numbers according to the item quantity on the document line. The number is prefixed with the value you entered in the Customized SN field. For example, starting from S/N-Vend0001.

The quantity fields in the header dynamically display the quantities and sums of the item tracking numbers you define on the page. The quantities must correspond to those on the document lines, which is indicated by 0 in the Undefined field.

When you post the document, the item tracking entries transfer to the item ledger entries.

To handle serial and lot numbers when getting receipt lines from a purchase invoice

When you get posted receipt or shipment lines from related invoices or credit memos, item tracking lines on the warehouse documents transfer automatically. However, they're processed in a special way.

The functionality supports the following inbound processes:

  • Get Receipt Lines - from a purchase invoice.
  • Get Return Shipment Lines - from a purchase credit memo.

The functionality supports the following outbound processes:

  • Get Shipment Lines - from a sales invoice or combined shipments.
  • Get Return Receipt Lines - from a sales credit memo.

In these cases, the item tracking lines transfer to the invoice or credit memo, but the Item Tracking Lines page doesn't let you change the serial or lot numbers. You can only change the quantities.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Purchase Invoices, and then select the related link.

  2. Open a purchase invoice for items that are purchase with serial or lot numbers.

  3. From a purchase invoice line, on the Lines FastTab, choose the Get Receipt Lines action.

  4. On the Get Receipt Lines page, select a receipt line that has item tracking lines, and then choose the OK button.

    The source document is copied to the purchase invoice as a new line, and its item tracking lines are copied to the underlying Item Tracking Lines page.

  5. On the purchase invoice, select the transferred receipt line.

  6. On the Lines FastTab, choose the Line action, and then choose the Item Tracking Lines action to find the transferred item tracking lines.

You can't change the Serial No. and Lot No. fields. However, you can delete complete lines or change the quantities to match changes on the source line.

To assign a serial or lot number during an outbound transaction

Outbound handling of serial or lot numbers is a frequent task in different warehouse processes. There are two ways to add serial and lot numbers to outbound transactions:

  • Select from existing serial or lot numbers. This applies when item tracking numbers are already assigned in an inbound transaction.
  • Assign new serial or lot numbers for outbound transactions. This applies when item tracking numbers aren't assigned to items until they're sold and ready to ship.

To select from existing serial or lot numbers

When you work with items that require item tracking, and you're creating outbound transactions, you'll typically need to select lot or serial numbers that already exist.

  1. From any outbound document, select the line that you want to select serial or lot numbers for.

  2. On the Lines FastTab, choose the Line action, then Related Information, and then select Item Tracking Lines.

  3. On the Item Tracking Lines page, you have three options for specifying lot or serial number:

    • Select the Serial No. field, and then select a number on the Serial No. List page.
    • Select the Lot No. field, and then select a number on the Lot No. List page. Then, select the Serial No. field, and select a number on the Serial No. List page.
    • Select the Process action, and then choose Select Entries. The Select Entries page shows all lot and serial numbers along with availability information.
  4. In the Selected Quantity field, enter the quantity of each lot or serial number to use.

  5. Choose the OK button. The item tracking information transfers to the Item Tracking Lines page.

The quantity fields in the header dynamically display the quantities and sums of the item tracking numbers you define on the page. The quantities must correspond to those of the document line, which is indicated by 0 in the Undefined field.

When you post the document line, the item tracking information transfers to the associated item ledger entries.

To assign new serial or lot numbers

This process applies when items don't have serial or lot numbers while they're in inventory. Instead, you assign item tracking numbers when the items are sold and ready to be shipped. In this case, you'll typically assign numbers from a predefined number series.

  1. Select the relevant document, for example a sales invoice or sales order, and on the Lines FastTab, choose the Line action, then Related Information, and then choose the Item Tracking Lines action.

    You can assign item tracking numbers in the following ways:

    • Automatically, from a predefined number series: Choose the Assign Serial No. or Assign Lot No. action.
    • Automatically, based on parameters you define specifically for the outbound item: Choose the Create Customized SN action.
    • Manually, by entering serial or lot numbers without using a number series.
  2. For this procedure, assign a serial number automatically by choosing Assign Serial No.

    The Quantity to Create field contains the line quantity by default, but you can change it.

  3. Select the Create New Lot No. field to organize the new serial numbers in a distinct lot.

  4. Choose the OK button to create a lot number and new individual serial numbers according to the quantity to handle on the related document line.

The quantity fields at the top dynamically display the quantities and sums of the item tracking numbers that you define on the page. The quantities must correspond to those of the document line, which is indicated by 0 in the Undefined field.

When the document is posted, the item tracking entries transfer to the item ledger entries.

Assign tracking numbers on source documents

Some companies define specific serial or lot numbers on source document, such as sales orders. For example, if a customer requests a specific lot. When you create the inventory pick or warehouse pick document from an outbound source document where serial or lot numbers are already defined, you can't change any fields on the Item Tracking Lines page under the inventory pick. The one exception is the Qty. to Handle field. In that case, the inventory pick lines specify the item tracking numbers on individual take and place lines. The quantity is already split into unique serial or lot number combinations because the sales order specifies the item tracking numbers to ship.

To handle serial and lot numbers on transfer orders

Procedures for handling serial and lot numbers that are being transferred between different locations are similar to those applied when items are sold and purchased.

However, transfer orders are unique in that shipment and receipt are both done from the same transfer line and use the same instance of the Item Tracking Lines page. Item tracking numbers that shipped from one location must be received unchanged at the other location.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Transfer Orders, and then choose the related link.

  2. Open the transfer order you want to process. On the Lines FastTab, choose the Line action, choose the Item Tracking Lines action, and then choose the Shipment action.

  3. On the Item Tracking Lines page, assign or select serial or lot numbers as for any other outbound item transaction.

    When you handle serial and lot numbers for transfer items, numbers are typically already assigned numbers. Therefore, you'll often choose from existing serial or lot numbers.

  4. Post the transfer order, first ship and then receive, to record that the items are transferred and carry their item tracking entries.

During the transfer, you can't change values on the Item Tracking Lines page.

To record additional serial or lot number information

If you need to link special information to an item tracking number, for example, for quality assurance, you can do so on a serial or lot number information card.

  1. Open a document that has serial or lot numbers assigned.
  2. Open the Item Tracking Lines page for the item you want to enter information for.
  3. Choose the Line action and then, for example, the Serial No. Information Card action.
  4. Choose the plus sign (+) sign at the top of the list to create a new entry. The Serial No. and Lot No. fields are prefilled from the item tracking line.
  5. Enter a short piece of information in the Description field, for example about the condition of the item.
  6. Choose the Related action, choose the Serial No. action, and then choose the Comment action to create a separate comment record.
  7. Select the Blocked field to exclude the serial or lot number from any transactions.

You can modify created serial or lot information cards later.

To modify existing serial or lot number information

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select an item that has an item tracking code and has serial or lot number information.
  3. From the Item Card page, choose the Related action, choose the Related action, choose the Entries action, and then choose Ledger Entries.
  4. Choose the Lot No. or Serial No. field. If information exists for the item tracking number, then the Lot No. Information List or Serial No. Information List page opens.
  5. Select a card, and then choose the Lot No./Serial No. Information Card action.
  6. Modify the short description text, the comment record, or the Blocked field.

You can't change the serial or lot numbers or quantities. To do that, you must reclassify the item ledger entry. To learn more about reclassification, go to To reclassify lot or serial numbers.

To reclassify serial or lot numbers

Reclassifying item tracking for an item means changing a lot or serial number to a new lot or serial number, or changing the expiration date to a new expiration date. If you use lots, you can also merge multiple lots into one. Use an item reclassification journal to do these tasks.


Business Central verifies that each line has a unique combination of serial, lot, and/or package numbers. If you want to split a lot, package, or a lot and package into several lots or packages, you must use multiple journal lines.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Item Reclassification Journals, and then choose the related link.

  2. Fill in the line with the relevant information. For more information, see Count Inventory Using Documents or Count, Adjust, and Reclassify Inventory Using Journals.

  3. Choose the Item Tracking Lines action.

  4. In the Serial Nos. or Lot Nos. field, select the current serial or lot number.

  5. If you want to enter a new item tracking number, enter it in the New Serial No. or New Lot No. field. If you want, you can merge one or more lots to one new or existing lot.


    When you reclassify expiration dates, items with the earliest expiration dates for outbound transactions are suggested first. To learn more, go to Picking by FEFO.

  6. To specify a new expiration date for the serial or lot number, enter it in the New Expiration Date field.


    • If you're reclassifying a lot to the same lot number but with a different expiration date, you must reclassify the entire lot using one item reclassification journal line.
    • If you're reclassifying more than one lot to one new lot number, meaning that you are merging more than one lot into one new lot, you must enter the same new expiration date for all the lots.
    • If you're reclassifying one existing lot to a second existing lot that has a different expiration date, you must use the expiration date from the second lot.
    • If you leave the New Expiration Date field blank, the lot or serial number will be reclassified with a blank expiration date.
  7. If you have existing information on the old serial or lot number, you can copy it to the new serial or lot number.

    1. On the Item Tracking Lines page, choose the New Serial No. Information action or the New Lot No. Information action.
    2. To copy information from the old lot or serial number, choose the Copy Info action.
    3. In the information list page, select the lot or serial number that you would like to copy from, and choose the OK button.
  8. If you want to modify the existing information for the lot or serial number, you can record lot or serial information.

  9. Post the journal to link the renewed item tracking numbers or expiration dates to the associated item ledger entry

Scan barcodes with the Business Central mobile app

If you install the Business Central mobile app on your iOS or Android mobile device, you can use the device's camera to scan your 1D or 2D barcodes to update information in Business Central.

To learn how to get the Business Central mobile app, go to Getting Business Central on your mobile device.

On the Item Tracking Lines page, if you want to scan several serial, lot, or package barcodes, you can use the Scan multiple action. After you scan a barcode, its value is entered in the field on the page and the next quick-entry field becomes available. You can also use the barcode scanner icon to populate specific field.

The following tables list the pages that support barcode scanning for item tracking from the Business Central mobile app.

Page Field values you can scan
Item Tracking Lines * Serial No.

* New Serial No.

* Lot No.

* New Lot No.

* Package No.

* New Package No.
Warehouse Item Tracking Lines * Serial No.

* New Serial No.

* Lot No.

* New Lot No.

* Package No.

* New Package No.
Item Tracing * Serial No. Filter

* Lot No. Filter

* Package No. Filter
Item Journal * Serial No.

* Lot No.

* Package No.
Warehouse Activity Line * Serial No.

* Lot No.

* Package No.

Note: The following pages use the Warehouse Activity Line page:

* page 5780 "Whse. Pick Subform"

* page 7378 "Invt. Pick Subform"

* page 5771 "Whse. Putaway Subform"

* page 7316 "Warehouse Movement Subform"

* page 7376 "Invt. Putaway Subform"

* page 7383 "Invt. Movement Subform"
Whse. Phys. Invt. Journal * Serial No.

* Lot No.

* Package No.

See also

Set Up Item Tracking with Serial, Lot, and Package Numbers
Trace Item-Tracked Items
Design Details: Item Tracking
Design Details - Item Tracking and Reservations
Reserve Items
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