Bendrinti naudojant

Overview of the search schema in SharePoint Server

APPLIES TO: yes-img-132013 yes-img-162016 yes-img-192019 yes-img-seSubscription Edition no-img-sopSharePoint in Microsoft 365

The search index is the center of search. What is in your search index determines what people will find when they look for information by entering search queries or by interacting with internet or intranet pages.

This article describes how content is collected in and retrieved from the search index by using the search schema. The search schema contains crawled properties, crawled property categories, the crawled to managed property mapping and the managed property settings. Managed property settings define what you can search for and how, for example if you can refine or query on a property.

Crawling and crawled properties

To build up the search index, you must first crawl content. You can crawl various content sources, for example SharePoint Servercontent, file shares or user profiles. The contents and metadata of the items that you crawl are represented as crawled properties.

Each item that has been crawled and passed on to the content processing component has crawled properties associated with it. Examples of properties are Author, Title, and Creation Date. Any new crawled properties will be discovered automatically.

Crawled properties are grouped into categories that are based on the IFilter or protocol handler of the item. Example categories are Office (crawled properties from Word documents, Excel worksheets, and so on), Business Data (crawled properties from for example databases), and Web (crawled properties from web sites).

For more information about crawling, see Plan crawling and federation in SharePoint Server.

Managed properties and property mapping

To include the contents and metadata of crawled properties in the search index, you must map crawled properties to managed properties. Only managed properties are written to the search index.

Managed properties can have many settings. The settings on the managed property determine how the contents can be shown in search results and how people can search for it.

You can map multiple crawled properties to a single managed property. For example, you can map both the "Writer" and "Author" crawled properties to the "Author" managed property. Or, you can map a single crawled property to multiple managed properties.

Also, the order in which crawled properties are mapped to a managed property can determine the content of a managed property. For example, a managed property can have multiple crawled properties mapped to it and can be set to includes all values from all crawled properties mapped to it. But, if you give the crawled property containing the SharePoint title priority over another title in the mapping, it will show the SharePoint title in the search results.

A set of default mappings between crawled and managed properties has been defined, see Overview of crawled and managed properties in SharePoint Server.

Some crawled property types automatically generate a new managed property and a mapping between the crawled and managed property. For example, all site columns from SharePoint libraries have this automatic generation and mapping. When you create a site column in a list, and you crawl that list, a crawled property, a managed property, and a mapping between the crawled and managed property is automatically created for the site column.

You can change the default mapping or any other mapping from crawled to managed properties, create new mappings, or create new managed properties. When you create a new managed property, or when you change certain settings on existing managed properties, a full crawl must complete before the managed property and its value is included in the search index. If the new or changed property is in a SharePoint library or list, you can reindex that individual library or list without starting a full crawl of the entire SharePoint content source. This has the same effect as a full crawl.

See the table Managed property settings overview later in this article for more information.

The search schema

The search schema is stored in the Search Administration database. The search schema contains:

  • The mapping between crawled properties and managed properties. This can be a mapping from one crawled property to one managed property, from one to many, many to one or even a many to many mapping.

  • How the managed properties should be written to the search index. For example, to which full-text index the values of the managed properties should be written and to which weight group (context).

  • The settings for the different managed properties. For example, if you can search on, query on, or refine search results by particular managed properties.

  • Crawled property categories that group properties according to their IFilter or protocol handler. If you edit a crawled property category, your changes apply to all of the crawled properties within the category. This can influence performance and how items are saved in the search index.

Search schema updates are propagated through the search system every minute.

Multiple search schemas

You can create multiple search schemas. The main search schema is defined in the Search service application and can be edited in the Central Administration. Site collection administrators and tenant administrators can change the search schema for a particular site collection or tenant. For example, a site collection administrator can customize what is included in the search index by changing the search schema for that site collection and, by doing this, customize the search experience for that site collection. Site owners can view the search schema, but not change it.


You can't view or change the site collection search schema in Central Administration. To view or make changes in the search schema for a site collection, you have to use Site Collection Administration.

The search index

The search index consists of a set of files in folders on a server. The content processing component processes crawled items, uses the search schema to map crawled properties to managed properties, and translates the managed properties into a format that is written to the search index. In addition to various full-text indexes, there are separate indexes of the managed properties that are marked as retrievable and those that are marked as queryable. There is also a separate index for attribute vectors, and there are numeric indexes.

Index update groups

Whenever an item changes, it must be re-indexed after it has been crawled again. To reduce the re-indexing load, SharePoint Server introduces several separate index update groups.

  • Default Contains he majority of managed properties. This index update group contains all managed properties that do not belong to the Security, Link, Usage or People index update groups.

  • Security Contains the document Access Control List (ACL) managed property

  • Link Contains the managed properties related to link structure

  • Usage Contains the managed properties related to usage data

  • People Contains the managed properties related to people search

Each update group is stored in a different folder in the search index.

Full-text index

A full-text index contains all the text from the searchable managed properties that are stored in that full-text index. Each full-text index is divided into weight groups, also referred to as contexts. The different contexts relate to the relative importance of a managed property, which is one of the ranking features that are used to calculate the total relevance rank of a search result. The number, or ID, of a context is not important; the ranking model determines its relative importance by assigning a contribution weight to a particular context. A higher contribution weight results in a higher ranking score. For more information, see the section Influence the ranking of search results by using the search schema in the article Overview of search result ranking in SharePoint Server.

There are two pre-defined full-text indexes other than the default full-text index: the SharePoint Terms full-text index ( SpTermsIdx ) and the People index ( PeopleIdx ).

Most managed properties are already mapped to a suitable context and full-text index by default. We do not recommend changing the context of any of the existing searchable managed properties.

Managed property settings overview

Settings on the managed properties determine how content is saved in the search index and if and how people can search for and retrieve it.

The search schema can be edited in Central Administration, Site Collection Administration and Tenant Administration. Site administrators can view the search schema, but they can't edit the search schema. The following table describes the different settings and whether they are available for editing on different administrator levels.

Managed property setting What it does Example Available in Full crawl or reindex SharePoint list/library required after changing setting
Searchable Enables querying against the content of the managed property. The content of this managed property is included in the full-text index. If the property is "author", a simple query for "Smith" returns items that contain the word "Smith" and items whose author property contains "Smith". Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration Yes
Advanced Searchable Settings Enables viewing and changing the full-text index that the managed property is written to. It also allows you to change the context of the managed property for the relevance rank calculation. We do not recommend changing the context of any of the existing managed properties. For more information, see the section Influence the ranking of search results by using the search schema in the article Overview of search result ranking in SharePoint Server. Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration Yes
Queryable Enables querying against the specific managed property. The managed property name must be included in the query, either specified in the query itself or included in the query programmatically. If the managed property is "author", the query must contain "author:Smith". Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration From disabled to enabled.
Retrievable Enables the content of this managed property to be returned in search results. Enable this setting for managed properties that are relevant to present in search results. Central Administration /Site Collection Administration /Tenant Administration From disabled to enabled.
Allow multiple values Allows multiple values of the same type in this managed property. If this is the "author" managed property, and a document has multiple authors, each author name will be stored as a separate value in the managed property. Central Administration Yes
Refinable Yes - active: Enables using the property as a refiner for search results in the front end. You must manually configure the refiner in the web part.

Yes - latent: Enables switching refinable to active later, without having to do a full re-crawl when you switch.

Both options require a full crawl to take effect.

IMPORTANT: If you select Yes - active or Yes - latent, you must also make the managed property Queryable.

Not supported in the modern search experience.
If the "author" managed property is set to Refinable, you can set up Author as a refiner in your search front-end later. Central Administration From disabled to enabled (if not already set to Sortable)
Sortable Yes - active: Enables sorting the result set based on the property before the result set is returned.

Yes - latent: Enables switching sorting to active later without having to do a full re-crawl when you switch.

Both options require a full crawl to take effect.

Not supported in the modern search experience.
Use for large result sets that cannot be sorted and retrieved at the same time. Central Administration From disabled to enabled (if not already set to Refinable)
Alias Defines an alias for a managed property if you want to use the alias instead of the managed property name in queries and in search results. Use the original managed property and not the alias to map to a crawled property. Use an alias if you don't want to or don't have permission to create a new managed property. Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration No
Token normalization Enables returning results independent of letter casing and diacritics used in the query. The query "curacao" will also match "Curaçao", "curacao" and "Curacao". Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration Yes
Complete matching By default, search returns partial matches between queries against a managed property and the content of the managed property.

Select Complete Matching for search to return exact matches instead.
If a managed property "Title" contains "Contoso Sites", only the query Title: "Contoso Sites" will give a result. Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration Yes
Language neutral tokenization (SharePoint Server 2019 only) Select language neutral tokenization if you have multilingual content and the managed property contains tags that are based on metadata term sets or other identifiers.

By default, search depends on language when it breaks queries and content into parts (tokenization). For example, a document library containing both English and Chinese product datasheets where product identifiers have non-alphanumerical characters, such as "11.132-84-115#4". When search processes a datasheet, it detects its language, and tokenizes everything in it according to that language. When users search for a product identifier, search tokenizes their query according to the language setting of the SharePoint site they're on. If the site is set to English, and the user searches for a product identifier that was tokenized as Chinese text, the tokens might not match, and the users get no results.

To make results better for users, map the crawled property for the product identifier to a new managed property, "ProductID", with language neutral tokenization enabled. Instruct users to search for product identifiers against the new managed property, like this: ProductID:"11.132-8".
If the crawled property for a product identifier is mapped to a the managed property "ProductID", then search uses language neutral tokenization for queries against "ProductID". Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration Yes
Finer query tokenization (SharePoint Server 2019 only) Use this setting to help users get better search results when they search in managed properties that contain metadata with non-alphanumeric characters. This setting makes queries against the managed property slower.

Users who prefer to quickly enter a query and then browse the results to find the datasheet they're looking for, typically enter queries like ProductID:"132-884". Because search by default breaks content for the search index into smaller parts than it does for queries, search might not find matches for these queries. When the query is tokenized finer, it's more likely that there are matches between the tokens in the search index and in the query. Users can also query for the middle or last part of the product identifier.

Users who search for a datasheet and expect to only get results that match the full product identifier, typically write queries like ProductID:"11.132-884-115#4". Finer query tokenization doesn't make a difference for such queries.
If you have a managed property "Product identifier" that contains "11.132-884-115#4", searches like ProductID:"132-884" will likely get results. Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration No
Mappings to crawled properties The list shows all the crawled properties that are mapped to this managed property. A managed property can get its content from one or more crawled properties.

You can either include content from all crawled properties or include content from the first crawled property that is not empty, based on a specified order.
Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration Yes
Company name extraction Enables the system to extract company name entities from the managed property when crawling new or updated items. The extracted entities can later be used to set up refiners.

There is one pre-populated dictionary for company name extraction. The system saves the original managed property content unchanged in the index, and, in addition, copies the extracted entities to the managed property "companies". The "companies" managed property is configured to be searchable, queryable, retrievable, sortable and refinable.

You can edit the company name dictionary in the Term Store.

For more information, see Manage company name extraction in SharePoint Server.

Not supported in the modern search experience.
Central Administration / Site Collection Administration / Tenant Administration Yes
Custom entity extraction Enables one or more custom entity extractors to be associated with this managed property. This enables the system to extract entities from the managed property when crawling new or updated items. The extracted entities can later be used to set up refiners.

For more information, see Create and deploy custom entity extractors in SharePoint Server.

Not supported in the modern search experience.
Central Administration / Site Collection Administration Yes

See also

Manage the search schema in SharePoint Server

Overview of crawled and managed properties in SharePoint Server

Plan crawling and federation in SharePoint Server