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Add the Windows 10 Company Portal app by using Microsoft Intune

To manage devices and install apps, your users can install the Company Portal app themselves from the Microsoft Store or download it from the Microsoft Intune Company Portal for Windows. If your business needs require that you assign the Company Portal app to them, however, you can assign the Windows 10 Company Portal app directly from Intune. You can do so even if you haven't integrated Intune with the Microsoft Store for Business.


If you download the Company Portal app, the option described in this article requires that you assign manual updates each time an app update is released. To deploy the Company Portal app for Windows 10 Autopilot provisioned devices, see Add Windows 10 Company Portal app Autopilot devices.


The Company Portal supports Configuration Manager applications. This feature allows end users to see both Configuration Manager and Intune deployed applications in the Company Portal for co-managed customers. This new version of the Company Portal will display Configuration Manager deployed apps for all co-managed customers. This support will help administrators consolidate their different end user portal experiences. For more information, see Use the Company Portal app on co-managed devices.

Configure settings to show offline apps

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Store for Business with your admin account. Ensure that you sign into the Microsoft Store for Business using the same tenant account you use to sign into Intune. Your Microsoft Store for Business account must be associated with Intune. For more information, see Associate your Microsoft Store for Business account with Intune.
  2. Select the Manage tab near the top of the window.
  3. In the left pane, select Settings.
  4. Select the Shop tab. Then,under Shopping experience, set Show offline apps to On.

Download the offline Company Portal app

  1. Search for and then select the Company Portal app.

  2. Set the License type to Offline. Offline apps are managed by Intune, whereas online apps are managed by the store. Use offline apps when you need to install and maintain a specific app version.

  3. Select Get the app to acquire and add the offline Company Portal app to your inventory. If you already have the offline app, you can select the Manage option.

  4. For Platform, select Windows 10 all devices, and then select the appropriate Minimum version, Architecture, and Download app metadata values.

  5. Select Download to save the file to your local machine.

    Windows 10 devices, where architecture equals X86, is selected

  6. Download all the packages under "Required Frameworks" by selecting Download.

    This action must be completed for x86, x64, and ARM architectures:
    There are 9 Required Framework Packages when selecting 1507 as the minimum OS Version, 12 packages when selecting 1511, and 15 packages when selecting 1607.

  7. In Microsoft Intune in the portal, upload the Company Portal app as a new app. You add the application by selecting Line-of-business app as the App type in the Select app type pane. You then select the app package file (extension .AppxBundle).

  8. Under Select dependency app files select all the dependencies you downloaded in step 7 by using shift-click, and verify that the Added column displays Yes for the architectures you need.


    If the dependencies are not added, the app might not install on the specified device types.

  9. Click Ok, enter any desired App Information, and click Add.

  10. Assign the Company Portal app as a required app to your selected set of user or device groups.

For more information about how Intune handles dependencies for Universal apps, see Deploying an appxbundle with dependencies via Microsoft Intune MDM.

Frequently asked questions


Microsoft Intune will be ending support on October 21, 2022 for devices running Windows 8.1. Intune will no longer support Windows 8.1 sideloading.

How do I update the Company Portal app on my users' devices if they have already installed the older apps from the store?

If your users have already installed the Windows 8.1 Company Portal apps from the Microsoft Store, their apps should be automatically updated to the latest version with no action required from you or your users. If the update does not happen, ask your users to confirm that they have enabled auto-updates for Store apps on their devices.

How do I upgrade my sideloaded Windows 8.1 Company Portal app to the Windows 10 Company Portal app?

Our recommended migration path is to delete the assignment for the Windows 8.1 Company Portal app by setting the assignment action to Uninstall. After you select this setting, you can assign the Windows 10 Company Portal app by using any of the previously discussed options.

If you need to sideload the app and you assigned the Windows 8.1 Company Portal without signing it with the Symantec Certificate, complete the upgrade by completing the steps in the preceding sections of this article.

If you need to sideload the app and you signed and assigned the Windows 8.1 Company Portal app with the Symantec code-signing certificate, follow the steps in the next section.

How do I upgrade my signed and sideloaded Windows 8.1 Company Portal app to the Windows 10 Company Portal app?

Our recommended migration path is to delete the existing assignment for the Windows 8.1 Company Portal app by setting the assignment action to Uninstall. After you select this setting, you can assign the Windows 10 Company Portal app normally.

Otherwise, the Windows 10 Company Portal app must be appropriately updated and signed to ensure that the upgrade path is respected.

If you sign and assign the Windows 10 Company Portal app in this way, you will need to repeat this process for each new app update when it is available in the store. The app is not automatically updated when the store is updated.

Here's how you sign and assign the app in this way:

  1. Download the Microsoft Intune Windows 10 Company Portal App Signing Script.
    This script requires the Windows SDK for Windows 10 to be installed on the host computer. Download the Windows SDK for Windows 10.
  2. Download the Windows 10 Company Portal app from the Microsoft Store for Business, as discussed previously.
  3. To sign the Windows 10 Company Portal app, run the script with the input parameters detailed in the script header, as shown in the following table.
    Dependencies do not need to be passed into the script. They are required only when the app is being uploaded to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
Parameter Description
InputWin10AppxBundle The path to the source appxbundle file.
OutputWin10AppxBundle The output path for the signed appxbundle file.
Win81Appx The path to the Windows 8.1 Company Portal (.APPX) file.
PfxFilePath The path to the Symantec Enterprise Mobile Code Signing Certificate (.PFX) file.
PfxPassword The password of the Symantec Enterprise Mobile Code Signing Certificate.
PublisherId The Publisher ID of the enterprise. If it is absent, the Subject field of the Symantec Enterprise Mobile Code Signing Certificate is used.
SdkPath The path to the root folder of the Windows SDK for Windows 10. This argument is optional and defaults to ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\10.

When the script has finished running, it outputs the signed version of the Windows 10 Company Portal app. You can then assign the signed version of the app as a line-of-business (LOB) app via Intune, which upgrades the currently assigned versions to this new app.

Next steps