Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019
If a project becomes obsolete, you can delete it from your organization or collection in Azure DevOps. Likewise, if you're migrating from an on-premises Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Services, it might be necessary to delete the project. The removal of projects can also enhance navigation by restricting it to only those projects that are currently in use.
Soft-deleted projects from the web portal are permanently removed if not restored within 28 days.
In rare cases, our deletion process might take up to 70 days due to backend retries and the need to delete data from multiple sources.
Hard-deleted projects from the on-premises Azure DevOps Administration Console cannot be restored.
For more information, see Restore a project and Save project data.
Save project data before deleting a project if you want to access project data without restoring it.
Delete team project permission set to Allow. For more information, see View permissions.
Save project data, as deleting a project results in irreversible data loss.
Save project data
Use the following procedures to save data that users most care about, such as source code, build data, and work items. This procedure is optional and something you might consider before you delete a project.
Source code and custom build templates: Download your files as a zip file. Select for the repository, file, or folder and select Download as Zip. Or, select Download to download either all of the files in the currently selected folder, or the currently selected file.
This process doesn't save any change history or links to other artifacts. If you use Git, clone your repositories to retain the full project history and all the branches.
Build data: To save logs and data in your drop build folders, see View build results.
Work item tracking data: Create a work item query and open it using Excel. Save the Excel spreadsheet.
This process doesn't save any attachments, change history, or links to other artifacts.
Use your web browser to perform a soft-delete. After 28 days, projects are permanently deleted if not restored within that time.
Sign in to your organization ({yourorganization}).
Select Organization settings.
Select Projects, check one or more projects to delete, and then select Delete.
Confirm deletion by entering the project name, and then select Delete in the popup screen.
Your project is deleted and can be restored up to 28 days afterward. Your deleted project is removed from your projects list.
The Administration Console is only supported for on-premises Azure DevOps Servers.
Use the Azure DevOps Administration Console to perform a hard delete. Projects are permanently deleted and not subject to restoration.
Using the administration console, you can delete a project from a project collection. Afterwards, you need to manually delete any associated reports and SharePoint project portal. Or, you can use the TFSDeleteProject command line tool to delete all artifacts.
If you're not a member of one or more of the following administrator groups, get permissions now:
Team Foundation Administrators group (required).
SQL Server System Administrators group (required).
Farm Administrators group for SharePoint Products (required when your deployment uses SharePoint Products).
Open the administration console and delete the project from its project collection.
Choose whether to delete external data associated with the project and then start the delete action.
(Optional) To review the status of the delete action, open the Status tab.
To review the details of the delete action, you can open the log file from either the Status tab or Logs tab.
id: Required. The ID of the project you want to delete. To determine the ID of a project, use the az devops project list command.
org: Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL. Required if not configured as default or picked up using git config. Example: --org
yes: Don't prompt for confirmation.
The following command deletes the team project with the specified ID without prompting you for confirmation.
Azure CLI
az devops project delete --id9a61d475-b1a7-4da7-b9db-80df15ac985c --yes
Azure DevOps CLI commands aren't supported for Azure DevOps Server.
Delete reports that remain after deleting a project
If your project used SQL Server reporting and you didn't delete external artifacts, you can delete the reports using SQL Server Report Manager. From the project collection page, delete the folder that corresponds to the deleted project.
Restore a deleted project
If you inadvertently delete a project in Azure DevOps, you can restore it within 28 days of its deletion.
Sign in to your organization ({yourorganization}).
Select Organization settings.
Select Overview, and then scroll down to "recently deleted projects."
Highlight the project you want to restore, and then select Restore.
Sign in to your instance (http://{ServerName:8080/tfs/}/{CollectionName}).
Choose Admin settings.
Select Projects, and then scroll down to Recently deleted projects.
Highlight the project you want to restore, and then select Restore.
The UI doesn't support restoring a team project for Azure DevOps Server 2019. Use the following REST API or PowerShell methods to restore a deleted team project. For more information, see Projects-Update REST API.
Restore project with REST API
To restore a project with a name that's already taken, you must rename the project before you can restore it. To rename the project, enter the following text in the request body: "name":"new name"
Open a browser window and enter a URL that uses the following form:
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Learn how to add your Organization's privacy policy URL for your public project, which describes how you handle internal and external guest data privacy.