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The modern print platform is Windows' preferred means of communicating with printers. We recommend that you use Microsoft's IPP inbox class driver, along with Print Support Apps (PSA), to customize the print experience in Windows 10 and 11 for printer device development.

For more information, see the Print support app design guide.

The TVOT_LISTBOX option type consists of a list box inside a group box.

OPTITEM structure

Index into the OPTPARAM array that is pointed to by the pOptParam member of the option's OPTTYPE structure. This specifies the currently selected option parameter.

OPTPARAM structure array (pOptParam member of OPTTYPE)

pOptParam[0]->pData points to the first text string to be displayed in the list box. pOptParam[1]->pData points to the second text string to be displayed in the list box. pOptParam[n]->pData points to the nth text string to be displayed in the list box.

pOptParam[0]->IconID identifies an icon to be associated with the first text string. pOptParam[1]->IconID identifies an icon to be associated with the second text string. pOptParam[n]->IconID identifies an icon to be associated with the nth text string.

Not used.

OPTTYPE structure


The number of OPTPARAM structures; that is, the number of text strings to be displayed in the list box.

The following optional bit flags can be specified.

Flag Description
OTS_LBCB_INCL_ITEM_NONE If set, CPSUI includes a "None" string in the list box. If a user selects "None", the Sel/pSel union is set to negative one.
OTS_LBCB_NO_ICON16_IN_ITEM If set, CPSUI does not draw each option parameter's icon (IconID in OPTPARAM) when displaying the parameter's value in the list box.
OTS_LBCB_PROPPAGE_LBUSECB When the option is displayed on a non-treeview property sheet page, it is displayed as a combo box instead of a list box.
OTS_LBCB_SORT If set, CPSUI displays text strings in alphabetic order.

If pDlgPage in COMPROPSHEETUI identifies a CPSUI-supplied page, or if DlgTemplateID in DLGPAGE identifies a CPSUI-supplied template, BegCtrlID is not used. Otherwise, BegCtrlID must contain the first control identifier of a sequentially numbered set of control identifiers. Control identifiers must identify the following Windows controls:

Control Identifier Windows Control
BegCtrlID contents Group box
BegCtrlID contents+1 Title text
BegCtrlID contents+2 List box
BegCtrlID contents+3 List box icon
BegCtrlID contents+4 Extended check box or extended push button (optional)
BegCtrlID contents+5 Extended check box or extended push button icon (optional)

For additional information, see Customizing CPSUI-Supported Window Controls.


Header: compstui.h (include Compstui.h)

See also