Configure server parameters in Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server using the Azure portal

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

You can manage Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server configuration using server parameters. The server parameters are configured with the default and recommended value when you create the server.

This article describes how to view and configure server parameters by using the Azure portal. The server parameter blade on Azure portal shows both the modifiable and nonmodifiable server parameters. The nonmodifiable server parameters are greyed out.


Server parameters can be updated globally at the server-level, use the Azure CLI or Azure portal.

Configure server parameters

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and locate your Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance.
  2. Under the SETTINGS section, click Server parameters to open the server parameters page for the Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance. Azure portal server parameters page
  3. Locate any server parameter you need to adjust. Review the Description column to understand the purpose and allowed values. Enumerate drop down
  4. Click Save to save your changes. Save or Discard changes
  5. Static parameters are ones that require server reboot to take effect. If you're modifying a static parameter, you're prompted to Restart now or Restart later. Restart on static parameter save
  6. If you saved new values for the parameters, you can always revert everything back to the default values by selecting Reset all to default. Reset all to default

Setting non-modifiable server parameters

If the server parameter you want to update is nonmodifiable, you can optionally set the parameter at the connection level using init_connect. This sets the server parameters for each client connecting to the server.

  1. Under the SETTINGS section, click Server parameters to open the server parameters page for the Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance.

  2. Search for init_connect

  3. Add the server parameters in the format: SET parameter_name=YOUR_DESIRED_VALUE in value the value column.

    For example, you can change the character set of your Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance by setting init_connect to SET character_set_client=utf8;SET character_set_database=utf8mb4;SET character_set_connection=latin1;SET character_set_results=latin1;

  4. Click Save to save your changes.


init_connect can be used to change parameters that do not require SUPER privilege(s) at the session level. To verify if you can set the parameter using init_connect, execute the set session parameter_name=YOUR_DESIRED_VALUE; command and if it errors out with Access denied; you need SUPER privileges(s) error, then you cannot set the parameter using `init_connect'.

Working with the time zone parameter

Setting the global level time zone

The global level time zone can be set from the Server parameters page in the Azure portal. The following example sets the global time zone to the value "US/Pacific".

Set time zone parameter

Setting the session level time zone

The session level time zone can be set by running the SET time_zone command from a tool like the MySQL command line or MySQL Workbench. The following example sets the time zone to the US/Pacific time zone.

SET time_zone = 'US/Pacific';

Refer to the MySQL documentation for Date and Time Functions.


To change time zone at session level, Server parameter time_zone has to be updated globally to required timezone at least once, in order to update the mysql.time_zone_name table.

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