
Kongsi melalui

XmlMessageFormatter Constructors


Initializes a new instance of the XmlMessageFormatter class.



Initializes a new instance of the XmlMessageFormatter class, without target types set.


Initializes a new instance of the XmlMessageFormatter class, setting target types passed in as an array of (fully qualified) string values.


Initializes a new instance of the XmlMessageFormatter class, setting target types passed in as an array of object types.


Initializes a new instance of the XmlMessageFormatter class, without target types set.

public XmlMessageFormatter ();
Public Sub New ()


This overload of the constructor is used most frequently when writing to the queue, as target types are not required when writing.

To read a message from a queue using an instance of XmlMessageFormatter created using this constructor, you must set the TargetTypeNames or TargetTypes properties so the formatter knows what types to attempt to deserialize.

When you create a new MessageQueue, a default XmlMessageFormatter instance is created, without the target types set. As with a formatter created using this constructor, you must set target types for that formatter instance if you want to read from the queue.

Applies to


Initializes a new instance of the XmlMessageFormatter class, setting target types passed in as an array of (fully qualified) string values.

 XmlMessageFormatter(cli::array <System::String ^> ^ targetTypeNames);
public XmlMessageFormatter (string[] targetTypeNames);
new System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter : string[] -> System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter
Public Sub New (targetTypeNames As String())



An array of type String that specifies the set of possible types that will be deserialized by the formatter from the message provided. These values must be fully qualified, for example, "MyNamespace.MyOrders, MyOrdersAssemblyName".


The targetTypeNames parameter is null.


#using <system.dll>
#using <system.messaging.dll>
#using <system.drawing.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Messaging;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::IO;
ref class Order
   int orderId;
   DateTime orderTime;

ref class MyNewQueue
   static void CreateQueue( String^ queuePath )
         if (  !MessageQueue::Exists( queuePath ) )
            MessageQueue::Create( queuePath );
            Console::WriteLine(  "{0} already exists.", queuePath );
      catch ( MessageQueueException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( e->Message );


   void SendMessage()
         // Create a new order and set values.
         Order^ sentOrder = gcnew Order;
         sentOrder->orderId = 3;
         sentOrder->orderTime = DateTime::Now;

         // Connect to a queue on the local computer.
         MessageQueue^ myQueue = gcnew MessageQueue( ".\\myQueue" );

         // Create the new order.
         Message^ myMessage = gcnew Message( sentOrder );

         // Send the order to the queue.
         myQueue->Send( myMessage );
      catch ( ArgumentException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( e->Message );


   void ReceiveMessage()
      // Connect to the a queue on the local computer.
      MessageQueue^ myQueue = gcnew MessageQueue( ".\\myQueue" );

      // Set the formatter to indicate body contains an Order.
      array<Type^>^p = gcnew array<Type^>(1);
      p[ 0 ] = Order::typeid;
      myQueue->Formatter = gcnew XmlMessageFormatter( p );
         // Receive and format the message. 
         Message^ myMessage = myQueue->Receive();
         Order^ myOrder = dynamic_cast<Order^>(myMessage->Body);

         // Display message information.
         Console::WriteLine( "Order ID: {0}", myOrder->orderId );
         Console::WriteLine( "Sent: {0}", myOrder->orderTime );
      catch ( MessageQueueException^ ) 
         // Handle Message Queuing exceptions.
      // Handle invalid serialization format.
      catch ( InvalidOperationException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

      // Catch other exceptions as necessary.

int main()
   // Create a new instance of the class.
   MyNewQueue^ myNewQueue = gcnew MyNewQueue;

   // Create a queue on the local computer.
   MyNewQueue::CreateQueue( ".\\myQueue" );

   // Send a message to a queue.

   // Receive a message from a queue.
   return 0;
using System;
using System.Messaging;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;

namespace MyProject

    // The following example
    // sends to a queue and receives from a queue.
    public class Order
        public int orderId;
        public DateTime orderTime;

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides a container class for the example.
    /// </summary>
    public class MyNewQueue

        // Provides an entry point into the application.
        // This example sends and receives a message from
        // a queue.

        public static void Main()
            // Create a new instance of the class.
            MyNewQueue myNewQueue = new MyNewQueue();

            // Create a queue on the local computer.
            // Send a message to a queue.

            // Receive a message from a queue.


        // Creates a new queue.

        public static void CreateQueue(string queuePath)
                    Console.WriteLine(queuePath + " already exists.");
            catch (MessageQueueException e)

        // Sends an Order to a queue.
        public void SendMessage()

                // Create a new order and set values.
                Order sentOrder = new Order();
                sentOrder.orderId = 3;
                sentOrder.orderTime = DateTime.Now;

                // Connect to a queue on the local computer.
                MessageQueue myQueue = new MessageQueue(".\\myQueue");

                // Create the new order.
                Message myMessage = new Message(sentOrder);

                // Send the order to the queue.
            catch(ArgumentException e)


        // Receives a message containing an order.
        public  void ReceiveMessage()
            // Connect to the a queue on the local computer.
            MessageQueue myQueue = new MessageQueue(".\\myQueue");

            // Set the formatter to indicate body contains an Order.
            myQueue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[]
                // Receive and format the message.
                Message myMessage =	myQueue.Receive();
                Order myOrder = (Order)myMessage.Body;

                // Display message information.
                Console.WriteLine("Order ID: " +
                Console.WriteLine("Sent: " +
            catch (MessageQueueException)
                // Handle Message Queuing exceptions.

                // Handle invalid serialization format.
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
            // Catch other exceptions as necessary.

Imports System.Messaging
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO

' The following example 
' sends to a queue and receives from a queue.
Public Class Order
      Public orderId As Integer
      Public orderTime As DateTime
End Class

' Provides a container class for the example.

Public Class MyNewQueue

   ' Provides an entry point into the application.
   ' This example sends and receives a message from
   ' a queue.

   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Create a new instance of the class.
      Dim myNewQueue As New MyNewQueue()
      ' Create a queue on the local computer.
      ' Send a message to a queue.
      ' Receive a message from a queue.
   End Sub

      ' Creates a new queue.
   Public Shared Sub CreateQueue(queuePath As String)
         If Not MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath) Then
            Console.WriteLine((queuePath + " already exists."))
         End If
      Catch e As MessageQueueException
      End Try
   End Sub

      ' Sends an Order to a queue.

   Public Sub SendMessage()
            ' Create a new order and set values.
            Dim sentOrder As New Order()
            sentOrder.orderId = 3
            sentOrder.orderTime = DateTime.Now
            ' Connect to a queue on the local computer.
            Dim myQueue As New MessageQueue(".\myQueue")
            ' Create the new order.
            Dim myMessage As New Message(sentOrder)
            ' Send the order to the queue.
      Catch e As ArgumentException
      End Try 
   End Sub
      ' Receives a message containing an order.
   Public Sub ReceiveMessage()
         ' Connect to the a queue on the local computer.
         Dim myQueue As New MessageQueue(".\myQueue")
         ' Set the formatter to indicate body contains an Order.
         myQueue.Formatter = New XmlMessageFormatter(New Type() {GetType(Order)})
            ' Receive and format the message. 
            Dim myMessage As Message = myQueue.Receive()
            Dim myOrder As Order = CType(myMessage.Body, Order)
            ' Display message information.
            Console.WriteLine(("Order ID: " + myOrder.orderId.ToString()))
            Console.WriteLine(("Sent: " + myOrder.orderTime.ToString()))
         ' Handle invalid serialization format.
         Catch e As InvalidOperationException
         End Try
         ' Catch other exceptions as necessary.
   End Sub
End Class


The constructors with target type parameters are most frequently used when reading from the queue. When writing, it is not necessary to specify target types.

This overload of the XmlMessageFormatter constructor sets the TargetTypeNames property to the array values passed in through the targetTypeNames parameter. Setting this property enables a MessageQueue using this XmlMessageFormatter instance to read messages containing objects of given types.

Both the TargetTypeNames and TargetTypes properties tell the formatter what schemas to attempt to match when deserializing a message. This allows the formatter to interpret the message body.

The instance serialized in the message body must comply with one of the schemas represented in the type array. When you read the message using the Receive method, the method creates an object of the type that corresponds to the schema identified and reads the message body into it.

Only one of the two properties needs to be set when reading from the queue, but you can set both. The set of types is the combined set from the two properties. The decision of which one to use is specific to your application. If the message body contains a type whose schema does not match any of the types in the array for either property, an exception will be thrown at read time.

Applies to


Initializes a new instance of the XmlMessageFormatter class, setting target types passed in as an array of object types.

 XmlMessageFormatter(cli::array <Type ^> ^ targetTypes);
public XmlMessageFormatter (Type[] targetTypes);
new System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter : Type[] -> System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter
Public Sub New (targetTypes As Type())



An array of type Type that specifies the set of possible types that will be deserialized by the formatter from the message provided.


The targetTypes parameter is null.


The constructors with target type parameters are most frequently used when reading from the queue. When writing, it is not necessary to specify target types.

This overload of the XmlMessageFormatter constructor sets the TargetTypes property to the array values passed in through the targetTypes parameter. Setting this property enables a MessageQueue using this XmlMessageFormatter instance to read messages containing objects of the given types.

Both the TargetTypeNames and TargetTypes properties tell the formatter what schemas to attempt to match when deserializing a message. This allows the formatter to interpret the message body.

The instance serialized in the message body must comply with one of the schemas represented in the type array. When you read the message using the Receive method, the method creates an object of the type that corresponds to the schema identified and reads the message body into it.

Only one of the two properties needs to be set when reading from the queue, but you can set both. The set of types is the combined set from the two properties. The decision of which one to use is specific to your application. If the message body contains a type whose schema does not match any of the types in the array for either property, an exception will be thrown at read time.

When specifying TargetTypes rather than TargetTypeNames, type existence is checked at compile time rather than read time, reducing possibility for error. TargetTypeNames requires every entry to be fully qualified, specifying its assembly name. Further, when working with multiple concurrent versions, the version number must also be appended to the target type name as well.

When using TargetTypes, you can add each object (for example, MyClass) to the list in a way demonstrated by the following C# code.

TargetTypes = new Type[]{typeof(MyClass)}  

Applies to