calendarrule EntityType
Defines free/busy times for a service and for resources or resource groups, such as working, non-working, vacation, and blocked.
- Entity set path:
- [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/calendarrules
- Base type:
- crmbaseentity
- Display name:
- Calendar Rule
- Primary key:
- calendarruleid
- Primary name column:
- name
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name | Type | Details | ||||||
businessunitid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the business unit with which the calendar rule is associated. Display name: Business Unit Read only
calendarruleid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the calendar rule. Display name: Calendar Rule |
createdon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the calendar rule was created. Display name: Created On Read only
description | Edm.String |
Defines free/busy times for a service and for resources or resource groups, such as working, non-working, vacation, and blocked. Display name: Description |
duration | Edm.Int32 |
Duration of the calendar rule in minutes. Display name: Duration |
effectiveintervalend | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Effective interval end of the calendar rule. Display name: Effective Interval End |
effectiveintervalstart | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Effective interval start of the calendar rule. Display name: Effective Interval Start |
effort | Edm.Double |
Effort available for a resource during the time described by the calendar rule. Display name: Effort |
endtime | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
For internal use only. Display name: End |
extentcode | Edm.Int32 |
Extent of the calendar rule. Display name: Extent Code |
groupdesignator | Edm.String |
Unique identifier of the group. Display name: Group Designator |
ismodified | Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Display name: Is Modified
Default options
isselected | Edm.Boolean |
Flag used in vary-by-day calendar rules. Display name: Is Selected
Default options
issimple | Edm.Boolean |
Flag used in vary-by-day calendar rules. Display name: Is Simple
Default options
isvaried | Edm.Boolean |
Flag used in leaf nonrecurring rules. Display name: Is Varied
Default options
modifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the calendar rule was last modified. Display name: Modified On Read only
name | Edm.String |
Name of the calendar rule. Display name: Name |
offset | Edm.Int32 |
Start offset for leaf nonrecurring rules. Display name: Offset |
organizationid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the organization with which the calendar rule is associated. Display name: Organization Read only
pattern | Edm.String |
Pattern of the rule recurrence. Display name: Recurrence Pattern |
rank | Edm.Int32 |
Rank of the calendar rule. Display name: Rank |
starttime | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Start time for the rule. Display name: Start |
subcode | Edm.Int32 |
Sub-type of calendar rule. Display name: Sub Code |
timecode | Edm.Int32 |
Type of calendar rule such as working hours, break, holiday, or time off. Display name: Type |
timezonecode | Edm.Int32 |
Local time zone for the calendar rule. Display name: Time Zone |
versionnumber | Edm.Int64 |
Read only
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.
Name | Single-valued navigation property | Description |
_calendarid_value | calendarid |
Unique identifier of the calendar with which the calendar rule is associated. |
_createdby_value | createdby |
Unique identifier of the user who created the calendar rule. |
_createdonbehalfby_value | createdonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the calendarrule. |
_innercalendarid_value | innercalendarid |
Unique identifier of the inner calendar for non-leaf calendar rules. |
_modifiedby_value | modifiedby |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the calendar rule. |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value | modifiedonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the calendarrule. |
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name | Type | Partner |
calendarid | calendar | calendar_calendar_rules |
createdby | systemuser | lk_calendarrule_createdby |
createdonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_calendarrule_createdonbehalfby |
innercalendarid | calendar | inner_calendar_calendar_rules |
modifiedby | systemuser | lk_calendarrule_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_calendarrule_modifiedonbehalfby |