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Configure SharePoint Services Send Port

This topic compares a Static Send Port with a Dynamic Send Port and also lists the steps to create a Windows SharePoint Services send port. Specifically:

Static Send Port versus Dynamic Send Port

Create a Static Send Port

Create a Dynamic Send Port

Static Send Port versus Dynamic Send Port

  Static Send Port Dynamic Send Port
Use a single Send Port with different adapters. No

When creating a Static Send Port, the Transport Type is required.

A Dynamic Send Port is typically added to an orchestration. The Transport Type is configured in the orchestration logic.
Use a single Send Port with different send port properties, like URL. No

When creating a Static Send Port, some adapter properties must be configured, like URL.

A Dynamic Send Port is typically added to an orchestration. The properties are configured in the orchestration logic.
Must use the default Send Handler. No

The Send Handler is configurable when creating a Send Port.

The Send Handler is configurable when creating a Send Port.
Use when you don’t know where the message should go. No

When creating a Static Send Port, you specify the transport type and end location.

The end location can be configured in an orchestration and content-based routing scenario. Rules can also be used to filter where the message is sent.
Use a single Send Port to send messages to multiple Partners. No

When creating a Static Send Port, you specify the transport type and end location.

A Dynamic Send Port is typically added to an orchestration. The properties are configured in the orchestration logic and based on rules you specify, messages can be sent to multiple partners.

Create a Static Send Port

When creating a Static Send Port, the send port uses the default Send Handler associated with Transport Type. When using the Windows SharePoint Services adapter, the default Send Handler is BizTalkServerApplication. For the steps to add a new Send Handler, go to How to Create an Adapter Handler.

Create the Static Send Port:

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Group [GroupName], expand Applications, and then expand the application to contain the send port.

  2. Right-click Send Ports, click New, and then click Static One-way Send Port.


    A Static Solicit-Response Send Port is not configurable with the Windows SharePoint Services adapter.

  3. In Properties, click Windows SharePoint Services in the Type drop-down list. Enter the Name, Send Handler, and Send Pipeline properties.

  4. Click Configure. In Properties, configure the following:

    Property Description
    Adapter Web Service Port Required. The port configured on the IIS web site hosting the SharePoint Services adapter web service.

    Default is port 80, which is the standard HTTP port. Update this value if a port other than 80 is used.
    Timeout Required. In milliseconds, this value determine the time when the adapter receives a response from the web service.

    Default is 100000 ms (100 seconds).

    Increase this value if the message or batch size is higher than expected.

    The time-out, in milliseconds, for the adapter runtime Web service calls made to the Windows SharePoint Services adapter Web service. You may need to increase this value if the message or batch size is higher than the average that is expected by the adapter.
    Use Client OM Required. Determines whether the SharePoint Client Side Object Model (CSOM) or the Service Side Object Model (SSOM) is used.

    Default is Yes. Set to Yes to use the SharePoint CSOM on the BizTalk Server. There are no requirements on the SharePoint Services computer.

    Set to No to use the SharePoint SSOM that includes the web service installed on the SharePoint Services computer.

    Appendix B: Install the Microsoft SharePoint Adapter provides specific information on the SSOM and CSOM components used by the SharePoint Services adapter.
    Destination Folder URL Required. The SharePoint Services folder URL to store the documents. Enter the relative path to the SharePoint site. For example, Shared Documents or Shared Documents/Purchase Orders/. A list can also be used as the Destination. For example, Lists/Tasks. If you specify a list, the message body is not saved with the list item. The values extracted from the message are promoted into the SharePoint columns. Note: The SharePoint document library or folder URL can be different from its name. Check the address in the web browser for the correct URL.
    Filename Optional. Enter the name of SharePoint Services filename.

    Enter a file name, like PurchaseOrder0001.xml or an expression. Expressions include any mix of literals, macros, and XPATH queries. For example, enter PurchOrd-%XPATH=//po:PurchaseOrderId%-%MessageID%.xml. When no file name is supplied, the file name of the original file, the value supplied by the orchestration, or 'Msg-%MessageID%.xml' is used. See Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Expressions for more information. Note: When sending messages to a list, this Filename value is ignored and not saved in a SharePoint column. Instead, update the 'Title' column using one of the 16 columns available. SharePoint lists do not have a Filename column.
    Namespaces Aliases Optional. A comma or semicolon-delimited list of namespace aliases definitions.

    Use this field to define the namespace aliases used by the XPATH queries introduced in fields like 'Filename' or 'Column Value'. For example, enter po='http://OrderProcess/POrder', conf='http://OrderProcess/Confirmation' xmlns=""; ipsol='{D8217CF1-4EF7-4bb5-A30D-765ECB09E0D9}'. Note: This property does not override the WSS.ConfigNamespacesAliases message context property defined by the orchestration. Instead, the two values are merged.
    Overwrite Required. If a file exists, determines if this file is overwritten.

    Default is No. Options include:

    - No: Raises an error and suspends the message if a file with the same name exists.
    - Orchestration: Uses the value defined in the orchestration if a file with the same name exists.
    - Rename: Renames the new file if a file with the same name exists.
    - Yes: Overwrites an existing file if it has the same name.
    When set to Yes, sending a large number of messages with the same name may result in SharePoint Event Viewer errors. These errors do not impact the adapter and any message that fails is retried.
    SharePoint Site URL Required. The complete URL of the SharePoint Services web site. For example, http://SharePointServer/sites/TestSite. Note: A send port or receive location URI cannot exceed 256 characters.
    Microsoft Office Integration Required. For binary messages, you must use No or Optional.

    Default is Optional. Options include:

    • No: Saves the document as-is. For binary messages, this option can be used.
    • Optional: Modifies the document so it automatically opens in an Office application, like InfoPath. If the processing instructions aren’t found, the document is processed as-is. For binary messages, this option can be used.
    • Orchestration: Uses the value defined in the orchestration.
    • Yes: Modifies the document so it automatically opens in an Office application, like InfoPath. If the processing instructions aren’t found, the message is suspended.

      When set to Yes, at least one of the following property pairs is required:

      • Templates Document Library and Templates Namespace Column
      • Templates Fallback Document Library and Templates Fallback Namespace Column
    • Yes (InfoPath Form Library): If an InfoPath solution resides in the Form Library, the document is modified so it automatically opens in an Office application, like InfoPath. If the Form Library does not have a solution, the message is suspended.
    Templates Document Library Required only when Templates Namespace Column is populated. The SharePoint document library that stores the InfoPath solutions. For example, My Solutions. The adapter looks in the Templates Document Library for a matching InfoPath solution. If a solution is not found, the adapter looks in the Templates Fallback Document Library. Note: The Templates Document Library requires at least one 'Single line of text' SharePoint column that is populated with the following:
    • The namespace and the root node of the XML documents that are opened with the InfoPath solution
    • OR, the root node of the XML document
    For more information, see Walkthrough: Module 2 - Integrating Office with the Windows SharePoint Services Adapter.
    Templates Fallback Document Library Required only when Templates Fallback Namespace Column is populated. The SharePoint document library that stores the InfoPath solutions. For example, Templates.

    If a solution is not found in the Templates Document Library, the adapter looks in Templates Fallback Document Library for a matching InfoPath solution. The Templates Fallback Document Library and Templates Document Library fields can be used with two sets of InfoPath solutions. There are generic InfoPath solutions that work for all general purposes, and specialized InfoPath solutions that are used only for a particular partner. The Templates Fallback Document Library field should point to the generic solutions, and the Templates Document Library should point to the specialized solutions for that particular partner. Note: Templates Fallback Document Library requires at least one 'Single line of text' SharePoint column that is populated with the following:
    • The namespace and the root node of the XML documents that are opened with the InfoPath solution
    • OR, the root node of the XML document
    For more information, see Walkthrough: Module 2 - Integrating Office with the Windows SharePoint Services Adapter.
    Templates Fallback Namespace Column Required only when Templates Fallback Document Library is populated. The SharePoint document library that stores the namespace of the InfoPath solutions. For example, myNamespace. Note: This field is case-sensitive.
    Templates Namespace Column Required only when Templates Document Library is populated. The SharePoint Templates Document Library column that stores the namespace of the InfoPath solution. For example, myNamespace. Note: This field is case-sensitive.
    SharePoint Online Password Optional. The password for the SharePoint online account.
    SharePoint Online Username Optional. The username for the SharePoint online account.
    Column n Optional. The SharePoint column that exists in the Destination Document Library. Update this column with the value extracted from the message or specified in the Column Value field. Note: Up to 16 columns can be specified. This field is case-sensitive.
    Column n Value Optional. Enter the column value to be set for this message. You can type in a literal value like 'Purchase Order' or an expression. Expressions can include any mix of literals, macros, and XPATH queries. For example, enter "%XPATH=//po:POAmount%", "%SendingOrchestrationID%". Note: Up to 16 columns can be specified.
  5. Click OK save the settings.

  6. Additional Send Port configuration options include:

    1. How to Configure Transport Advanced Options for a Send Port

    2. How to Configure Backup Transport Options for a Send Port

    3. How to Configure Outbound Maps for a Send Port

    4. How to Configure Filters for a Send Port

    5. How to Assign a Certificate to a Send Port

    6. How to Configure Tracking for a Send Port

Create a Dynamic Send Port

When creating a Dynamic Send Port, the Send Handler is configurable for every adapter. A single Dynamic Send Port can be used by multiple adapters. See Dynamic Send Port Handler is Configurable for the steps to configure the Dynamic Send Port Handler.

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Group [GroupName], expand Applications, and then expand the application to contain the send port.

  2. Right-click Send Ports, click New, and then choose Dynamic One-way Send Port or Dynamic Solicit-Response Send Port

  3. In Properties, enter the Name and the Pipeline properties

    Click Configure.

  4. In the Configure Send Handler window, choose the Send Handler for the individual adapters. The default Send Handler is BizTalkServerApplication. For the steps to add a new send handler, go to How to Create an Adapter Handler.

    There are many reasons to use separate hosts, including:

    • 32-bit Requirements: Some adapters require a 32-bit host, like the FTP and POP3 adapters. You can group all or individual 32-bit adapters into their own host.

      BizTalk Server 64-Bit Support

    • Host by purpose: Create a host for sending, a host for receiving, a host for processing orchestrations, and a host for tracking.

    • Different host settings: Many settings are implemented at the host-level. As a result, different throttling settings are configurable for each host. For example, you can disable throttling on HostA. Track every event in HostB. Modify the .NET CLR settings for HostC. Increase memory usage on HostD.

    • Security: Security is implemented at the host-level. Each host runs under its own Windows account. For example, HostA uses the FILE adapter to access a file share. Give the HostA user account permissions to the file share. HostB uses a web service hosted on an IIS server. Give the HostB user account authorization to the web service. This also prevents other host accounts from accessing entities it doesn’t need to access.

    • Separate adapters: For example, you have several artifacts (receive location and send ports) using the HTTP adapter. You want everything associated with the HTTP adapter in its own host.

    • Separate orchestrations: Individual orchestrations can be in their own host. For example, if an orchestration uses high memory or high CPU, then put that orchestration into its own host.

      BizTalk Server Performance Optimization Guide and How to maintain and troubleshoot BizTalk Server databases provide performance suggestions.

  5. Click OK save the settings.

  6. Additional Send Port configuration options include:

    1. How to Configure Transport Advanced Options for a Send Port

    2. How to Configure Outbound Maps for a Send Port

    3. How to Configure Filters for a Send Port

    4. How to Assign a Certificate to a Send Port

    5. How to Configure Tracking for a Send Port

  7. Click OK save the settings.

    Additional Send Port topics:

    Creating and Configuring Send Ports

    Creating and Configuring Send Port Groups

See Also

Troubleshooting SharePoint Services Adapter Configure SharePoint Services Receive Location CSOM: SharePoint Services Adapter