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Common Data Model standards adapter

The Common Data Model standards adapter is the storage adapter that points to the Common Data Model public standards schema documents. This adapter is configured to read from the 'Microsoft.CommonDataModel.ObjectModel.CdmStandards' package that is a dependency of the SDK.

The standards schema documents are also published on GitHub for reference purposes.

public class CdmStandardsAdapter extends CdmCustomPackageAdapter


Name Description
CdmStandardsAdapter() Initializes a new instance of the CdmStandardsAdapter class.


Name Description Return Type
CanRead() Returns true, if the Common Data Model standards adapter can read data. bool
CanWrite() Returns false, if the Common Data Model standards adapter can't write data to its source. bool
ReadAsync(string) See StorageAdapterBase.ReadAsync(...). Task<string>
WriteAsync(string, string) See StorageAdapterBase.WriteAsync(...). Throws a NotImplementedException if the Common Data Model standards adapter can't write to its source. Task
CreateAdapterPath(string) See StorageAdapterBase.CreateAdapterPath(...). string
CreateCorpusPath(string) See StorageAdapterBase.CreateCorpusPath(...). string
ClearCache() See StorageAdapterBase.ClearCache(). void
ComputeLastModifiedTimeAsync(string) See StorageAdapterBase.ComputeLastModifiedTimeAsync(...). Returns Time.Now(). Task<DateTimeOffset?>
FetchAllFilesAsync(string) See StorageAdapterBase.FetchAllFilesAsync(...). Returns null. Task<List<string>>
FetchConfig() See StorageAdapterBase.FetchConfig(). string
UpdateConfig(string) See StorageAdapterBase.UpdateConfig(...). void
CreateFileQueryCacheContext() See StorageAdapterBase.CreateFileQueryCacheContext(). IDisposable