CMFCShellListCtrl Class
The CMFCShellListCtrl
class provides Windows list control functionality and expands it by including the ability to display a list of shell items.
class CMFCShellListCtrl : public CMFCListCtrl
Name | Description |
CMFCShellListCtrl::DisplayFolder | Displays a list of items that are contained in a provided folder. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::DisplayParentFolder | Displays a list of items that are contained in the folder that is the parent of the currently displayed folder. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::EnableShellContextMenu | Enables or disables the shortcut menu. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::GetCurrentFolder | Retrieves the path of the current folder. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::GetCurrentFolderName | Retrieves the name of the current folder. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::GetCurrentItemIdList | Returns the PIDL of the current list control item. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::GetCurrentShellFolder | Returns a pointer to the current Shell folder. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::GetItemPath | Returns the textual path of an item. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::GetItemTypes | Returns Shell item types that are displayed by the list control. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::IsDesktop | Checks if the currently selected folder is the desktop folder. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::OnCompareItems | The framework calls this method when it compares two items. (Overrides CMFCListCtrl::OnCompareItems.) |
CMFCShellListCtrl::OnFormatFileDate | Called when the framework retrieves the file date displayed by the list control. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::OnFormatFileSize | Called when the framework converts the file size of a list control. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::OnGetItemIcon | Called when the framework retrieves the icon of a list control item. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::OnGetItemText | Called when the framework converts the text of a list control item. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::OnSetColumns | Called by the framework when it sets the names of the columns. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::Refresh | Refreshes and repaints the list control. |
CMFCShellListCtrl::SetItemTypes | Sets the type of items displayed by the list control. |
The CMFCShellListCtrl
class extends the functionality of the CMFCListCtrl Class by enabling your program to list Windows shell items. The display format that is used is like that of a list view for an Explorer window.
A CMFCShellTreeCtrl object can be associated with a CMFCShellListCtrl
object to create a complete Explorer window. Then, selecting an item in the CMFCShellTreeCtrl
will cause the CMFCShellListCtrl
object to list the contents of the selected item.
The following example demonstrates how to create an object of the CMFCShellListCtrl
class and how to display the parent folder of the currently displayed folder. This code snippet is part of the Explorer sample.
CMFCShellListCtrl m_wndList;
CRect rectDummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
// The this pointer points to CExplorerView class which extends the CView class.
m_wndList.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | LVS_REPORT, rectDummy, this, 1);
Header: afxshelllistCtrl.h
Displays a list of items that are contained in the provided folder.
virtual HRESULT DisplayFolder(LPCTSTR lpszPath);
virtual HRESULT DisplayFolder(LPAFX_SHELLITEMINFO lpItemInfo);
[in] A string that contains the path of a folder.
[in] A pointer to a LPAFX_SHELLITEMINFO
structure that describes a folder to display.
S_OK if successful; E_FAIL otherwise.
Updates the CMFCShellListCtrl object to display the parent folder of the currently displayed folder.
virtual HRESULT DisplayParentFolder();
S_OK if successful; E_FAIL otherwise.
Enables the shortcut menu.
void EnableShellContextMenu(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
[in] A Boolean that specifies whether the framework enables the shortcut menu.
Retrieves the path of the currently selected folder in the CMFCShellListCtrl object.
BOOL GetCurrentFolder(CString& strPath) const;
[out] A reference to a string parameter where the method writes the path.
Nonzero if successful; 0 otherwise.
This method fails if there is no folder selected in the CMFCShellListCtrl
Retrieves the name of the currently selected folder in the CMFCShellListCtrl object.
BOOL GetCurrentFolderName(CString& strName) const;
[out] A reference to a string parameter where the method writes the name.
Nonzero if successful; 0 otherwise.
This method fails if there is no folder selected in the CMFCShellListCtrl
Returns the PIDL of the currently selected item.
LPITEMIDLIST GetCurrentItemIdList() const;
The PIDL of the current item.
Gets a pointer to the currently selected item in the CMFCShellListCtrl object.
const IShellFolder* GetCurrentShellFolder() const;
A pointer to the IShellFolder Interface for the selected object.
This method returns NULL if no object is currently selected.
Retrieves the path for an item.
BOOL GetItemPath(
CString& strPath,
int iItem) const;
[out] A reference to a string that receives the path.
[in] The index of the list item.
TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise.
The index supplied by iItem is based on the items currently displayed by the CMFCShellListCtrl Class object.
Returns the type of items displayed by the CMFCShellListCtrl object.
SHCONTF GetItemTypes() const;
A SHCONTF value that contains the type of items listed in the CMFCShellListCtrl
To set the type of items listed in a CMFCShellListCtrl
, call CMFCShellListCtrl::SetItemTypes.
Determines if the folder that is displayed in the CMFCShellListCtrl object is the desktop folder.
BOOL IsDesktop() const;
TRUE if the displayed folder is the desktop folder; FALSE otherwise.
For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.
virtual int OnCompareItems(
LPARAM lParam1,
LPARAM lParam2,
int iColumn);
[in] lParam1
[in] lParam2
[in] iColumn
The framework calls this method when it must convert the date associated with an object into a string.
virtual void OnFormatFileDate(
const CTime& tmFile,
CString& str);
[in] The date associated with a file.
[out] A string that contains the formatted file date.
When a CMFCShellListCtrl Class object displays the date associated with a file, it must convert that date to a string format. The CMFCShellListCtrl
uses this method to make that conversion. By default, this method uses the current locale to format the date into a string.
The framework calls this method when it converts the size of an object to a string.
virtual void OnFormatFileSize(
long lFileSize,
CString& str);
[in] The size of the file that the framework will display.
[out] A string that contains the formatted file size.
When a CMFCShellListCtrl Class object needs to display the size of a file, it needs to convert the file size into a string format. The CMFCShellListCtrl
uses this method to make that conversion. By default, this method converts the file size from bytes to kilobytes and then uses the current locale to format the size into string.
The framework calls this method to retrieve the icon associated with a shell list item.
virtual int OnGetItemIcon(
int iItem,
[in] The item index.
[in] A LPAFX_SHELLITEMINFO parameter that describes the item.
The index of the icon image if successful; -1 if the function fails.
The icon image index is based on the system image list.
By default, this method relies on the pItem parameter. The value of iItem is not used in the default implementation. You can use iItem to implement custom behavior.
The framework calls this method when it must retrieve the text of a shell item.
virtual CString OnGetItemText(
int iItem,
int iColumn,
[in] The item index.
[in] The column of interest.
[in] A LPAFX_SHELLITEMINFO parameter that describes the item.
A CString
that contains the text associated with the item.
Each item in the CMFCShellListCtrl
object may have text in one or more columns. When the framework calls this method, it specifies the column that it is interested in. If you call this function manually, you must also specify the column that you are interested in.
By default, this method relies on the pItem parameter to determine which item to process. The value of iItem is not used in the default implementation.
The framework calls this method when it sets the names of the columns.
virtual void OnSetColumns();
By default, the framework creates four columns in a CMFCShellListCtrl
object. The names of these columns are Name, Size, Type, and Modified. You can override this method to customize the number of columns and their names.
Refreshes and repaints the CMFCShellListCtrl object.
virtual HRESULT Refresh();
if successful; otherwise an error value.
Call this method to refresh the list of items displayed by the CMFCShellListCtrl
Sets the type of items that are listed in the CMFCShellListCtrl object.
void SetItemTypes(SHCONTF nTypes);
[in] A list of item types that the CMFCShellListCtrl
object supports.
For more information about the list of item types, see SHCONTF.
Hierarchy Chart
CMFCListCtrl Class
CMFCShellTreeCtrl Class