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IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable Interface


Represents an element that can be targeted by Vocabulary Annotations

public interface IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable : Microsoft.OData.Edm.IEdmElement
type IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable = interface
    interface IEdmElement
Public Interface IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable
Implements IEdmElement

Extension Methods


Gets the symbolic string of an annotated element. In the next breaking change, it's better to add a property into IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable.


Gets the location of this element.

VocabularyAnnotations(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, IEdmModel)

Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations as seen from a particular model.


Gets the errors, if any, that belong to this element or elements that this element contains. For example errors for a structural type include the errors of the type itself and errors of its declared properties. The method does not analyze elements referenced by this element. For example errors of a property do not include errors from its type.


Returns true if this element contains errors returned by the Errors(IEdmElement) method.

Applies to