
Delen via

TypeLibConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly Method


Converts a COM type library to an assembly.


ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(Object, String, Int32, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, Byte[], StrongNameKeyPair, Boolean)

Converts a COM type library to an assembly.

ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(Object, String, TypeLibImporterFlags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, Byte[], StrongNameKeyPair, String, Version)

Converts a COM type library to an assembly.

ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(Object, String, Int32, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, Byte[], StrongNameKeyPair, Boolean)

Converts a COM type library to an assembly.

 virtual System::Reflection::Emit::AssemblyBuilder ^ ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(System::Object ^ typeLib, System::String ^ asmFileName, int flags, System::Runtime::InteropServices::ITypeLibImporterNotifySink ^ notifySink, cli::array <System::Byte> ^ publicKey, System::Reflection::StrongNameKeyPair ^ keyPair, bool unsafeInterfaces);
public System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly (object typeLib, string asmFileName, int flags, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, byte[] publicKey, System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, bool unsafeInterfaces);
abstract member ConvertTypeLibToAssembly : obj * string * int * System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * byte[] * System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair * bool -> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder
override this.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly : obj * string * int * System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * byte[] * System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair * bool -> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder
Public Function ConvertTypeLibToAssembly (typeLib As Object, asmFileName As String, flags As Integer, notifySink As ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, publicKey As Byte(), keyPair As StrongNameKeyPair, unsafeInterfaces As Boolean) As AssemblyBuilder



The object that implements the ITypeLib interface.


The file name of the resulting assembly.


A TypeLibImporterFlags value indicating any special settings.


ITypeLibImporterNotifySink interface implemented by the caller.


A byte array containing the public key.


A StrongNameKeyPair object containing the public and private cryptographic key pair.


If true, the interfaces require link time checks for UnmanagedCode permission. If false, the interfaces require run time checks that require a stack walk and are more expensive, but help provide greater protection.


An AssemblyBuilder object containing the converted type library.



typeLib is null.


asmFileName is null.


notifySink is null.

asmFileName is an empty string.


asmFileName is longer than the system-defined maximum length. For more information, see PathTooLongException.

flags is not PrimaryInteropAssembly.


publicKey and keyPair are null.

The metadata produced has errors preventing any types from loading.


If you do not want to generate a strong name for your assembly, it is valid for publicKey and keyPair to be null, as long as flags does not equal TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly. Otherwise, at least one of these parameters must be specified. If publicKey is null, the public key in keyPair will be set in the target assembly's manifest metadata and a signature will be generated based on the contents of the assembly. If keyPair is null, publicKey will be set in the target assembly's manifest metadata and no signature will be generated. Specifying both parameters is not generally useful, and can result in an invalid signature.

For more information on ITypeLib, please see its existing documentation in the MSDN library.

Applies to

ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(Object, String, TypeLibImporterFlags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, Byte[], StrongNameKeyPair, String, Version)

Converts a COM type library to an assembly.

 virtual System::Reflection::Emit::AssemblyBuilder ^ ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(System::Object ^ typeLib, System::String ^ asmFileName, System::Runtime::InteropServices::TypeLibImporterFlags flags, System::Runtime::InteropServices::ITypeLibImporterNotifySink ^ notifySink, cli::array <System::Byte> ^ publicKey, System::Reflection::StrongNameKeyPair ^ keyPair, System::String ^ asmNamespace, Version ^ asmVersion);
public System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly (object typeLib, string asmFileName, System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags flags, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, byte[] publicKey, System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, string asmNamespace, Version asmVersion);
abstract member ConvertTypeLibToAssembly : obj * string * System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags * System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * byte[] * System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair * string * Version -> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder
override this.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly : obj * string * System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags * System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * byte[] * System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair * string * Version -> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder
Public Function ConvertTypeLibToAssembly (typeLib As Object, asmFileName As String, flags As TypeLibImporterFlags, notifySink As ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, publicKey As Byte(), keyPair As StrongNameKeyPair, asmNamespace As String, asmVersion As Version) As AssemblyBuilder



The object that implements the ITypeLib interface.


The file name of the resulting assembly.


A TypeLibImporterFlags value indicating any special settings.


ITypeLibImporterNotifySink interface implemented by the caller.


A byte array containing the public key.


A StrongNameKeyPair object containing the public and private cryptographic key pair.


The namespace for the resulting assembly.


The version of the resulting assembly. If null, the version of the type library is used.


An AssemblyBuilder object containing the converted type library.



typeLib is null.


asmFileName is null.


notifySink is null.

asmFileName is an empty string.


asmFileName is longer than the system-defined maximum length. For more information, see PathTooLongException.

flags is not PrimaryInteropAssembly.


publicKey and keyPair are null.

The metadata produced has errors preventing any types from loading.


using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

enum class RegKind
   RegKind_Default, RegKind_Register, RegKind_None

ref class ConversionEventHandler: public ITypeLibImporterNotifySink
   virtual void ReportEvent( ImporterEventKind eventKind, int eventCode, String^ eventMsg )
      // handle warning event here...

   virtual Assembly^ ResolveRef( Object^ typeLib )
      // resolve reference here and return a correct assembly...
      return nullptr;


extern void LoadTypeLibEx( String^ strTypeLibName, RegKind regkind,
         [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType::Interface)] interior_ptr<Object^> typeLib );

int main()
   Object^ typeLib = gcnew Object;
   LoadTypeLibEx( "SHDocVw.dll", RegKind::RegKind_None,  &typeLib );
   if ( typeLib == nullptr )
      Console::WriteLine( "LoadTypeLibEx failed." );
      return 0;

   TypeLibConverter^ converter = gcnew TypeLibConverter;
   ConversionEventHandler^ eventHandler = gcnew ConversionEventHandler;
   AssemblyBuilder^ asmb = converter->ConvertTypeLibToAssembly( typeLib, "ExplorerLib.dll", (System::Runtime::InteropServices::TypeLibImporterFlags)0, eventHandler, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr );
   asmb->Save( "ExplorerLib.dll" );
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class App
    private enum RegKind
        RegKind_Default = 0,
        RegKind_Register = 1,
        RegKind_None = 2
    [ DllImport( "oleaut32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig = false )]
    private static extern void LoadTypeLibEx( String strTypeLibName, RegKind regKind, 
        [ MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.Interface )] out Object typeLib );
    public static void Main()
        Object typeLib;
        LoadTypeLibEx( "SHDocVw.dll", RegKind.RegKind_None, out typeLib ); 
        if( typeLib == null )
            Console.WriteLine( "LoadTypeLibEx failed." );
        TypeLibConverter converter = new TypeLibConverter();
        ConversionEventHandler eventHandler = new ConversionEventHandler();
        AssemblyBuilder asm = converter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly( typeLib, "ExplorerLib.dll", 0, eventHandler, null, null, null, null );	
        asm.Save( "ExplorerLib.dll" );

public class ConversionEventHandler : ITypeLibImporterNotifySink
    public void ReportEvent( ImporterEventKind eventKind, int eventCode, string eventMsg )
        // handle warning event here...
    public Assembly ResolveRef( object typeLib )
        // resolve reference here and return a correct assembly...
        return null; 
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class App
    Private Enum RegKind
        RegKind_Default = 0
        RegKind_Register = 1
        RegKind_None = 2
    End Enum 'RegKind

    <DllImport("oleaut32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig:=False)> _
    Private Shared Sub LoadTypeLibEx(ByVal strTypeLibName As [String], ByVal regKind As RegKind, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)> ByRef typeLib As [Object])
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim typeLib As [Object]
        LoadTypeLibEx("SHDocVw.dll", RegKind.RegKind_None, typeLib)

        If typeLib Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("LoadTypeLibEx failed.")
        End If

        Dim converter As New TypeLibConverter()
        Dim eventHandler As New ConversionEventHandler()
        Dim asm As AssemblyBuilder = converter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib, "ExplorerLib.dll", 0, eventHandler, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class ConversionEventHandler
    Implements ITypeLibImporterNotifySink

    Public Sub ReportEvent(ByVal eventKind As ImporterEventKind, ByVal eventCode As Integer, ByVal eventMsg As String) Implements ITypeLibImporterNotifySink.ReportEvent
        ' handle warning event here...
    End Sub

    Public Function ResolveRef(ByVal typeLib As Object) As [Assembly] Implements ITypeLibImporterNotifySink.ResolveRef
        ' resolve reference here and return a correct assembly...
        Return Nothing
    End Function 'ResolveRef
End Class


If you do not want to generate a strong name for your assembly, it is valid for publicKey and keyPair to be null, as long as flags does not equal TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly. Otherwise, atleast one of these parameters must be specified. If publicKey is null, the public key in keyPair will be set in the target assembly's manifest metadata and a signature will be generated based on the contents of the assembly. If keyPair is null, publicKey will be set in the target assembly's manifest metadata and no signature will be generated. Specifying both parameters is not generally useful, and can result in an invalid signature.

For more information on ITypeLib, please see its existing documentation in the MSDN library.

Applies to