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(IND) Invoice proposals (modified form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click Project management and accounting > Common > Project invoices > Project invoice proposals. In the Invoice proposals list, open an invoice proposal. Or, on the Action Pane, in the New group, click Invoice proposal.


Click Project management and accounting > Common > Projects > All projects. On the Action Pane, on the Manage tab, in the Bill group, click Invoice proposals.


Click Project management and accounting > Common > Projects > Project contracts. On the Action Pane, on the Maintain tab, in the Bill group, click Invoice proposals.

Use this form to view, modify, and update preliminary project invoices, including invoices for sales taxes and any amounts retained by a customer. After you create and review an invoice proposal, you can create a customer invoice from the proposal.

The tabs that are displayed in the form are dependent on the transactions that you include in the invoice proposal. For example, if you select only items to include in the invoice proposal, only the Item tab is displayed.

Before you create an invoice proposal for amounts that include local sales taxes, you must set up the parameters for the applicable sales taxes. For information about how to set up India sales taxes, see (IND) Setting up and maintaining tax information.

If you modify the transactions in a project, an invoice proposal that includes the transactions is not updated. For example, if you create an invoice proposal for the hours in a project, and then modify the hourly sales price for the hours, the sales price in the invoice proposal is unchanged. You must delete the invoice proposal, and then create a new invoice proposal for the modified transactions.


The controls that are described in this topic apply only to your country/region. For full documentation of this form, see the following topic or topics:

Factuurvoorstellen (formulier)

Tasks that use this form

Factuurvoorstellen maken voor projecten met en zonder factureringsregels

Factuurvoorstellen maken en boeken

A conto-facturen voor alle projecten maken




Sales tax

Open the Temporary sales tax transactions form, where you can view the calculated amount of sales tax for the sales values in the invoice proposal.

This Sales tax button is displayed on the On-account tab, Sales order tab, Hour tab, Item tab, Expense tab, and Fee tab in the invoice proposal.

Excise register balance

Open the Excise register balance form, where you can view balances and other excise details for the lines in the invoice proposal.

This Excise register balance button is displayed only on the On-account tab, Sales order tab, Item tab, and Expense tab in the invoice proposal.


The button is displayed only if the Excise check box is selected in the General ledger parameters form.

Withholding tax

Open the Temporary withholding tax transactions form, where you can view details of the Tax Collected at Source (TCS) or Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) calculated for invoice proposal.

This Withholding tax button is displayed only on the On-account tab, Sales order tab, Item tab, and Fee tab in the invoice proposal.


The button is displayed only if both of the following conditions are set up in the General ledger parameters form, on the Direct taxes tab:

  • The Activate TDS or Activate TCS check box is selected.

  • The Invoice check box in the Tax deducted at source field group or in the Tax collected at source field group is selected.

See also

Informatie over factuurvoorstellen

Factuurvoorstellen boeken (formulier)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).