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TracerProvider Interface

public interface TracerProvider

Resolves and provides Tracer implementation.

This class is intended to be used by Azure client libraries and provides abstraction over possible tracing implementations. Application developers should use tracing libraries such as OpenTelemetry or Spring tracing.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract Tracer createTracer(String libraryName, String libraryVersion, String azNamespace, TracingOptions options)

Creates named and versioned tracer instance.

static TracerProvider getDefaultProvider()

Returns default implementation of TracerProvider that uses SPI to resolve tracing implementation.

Method Details


public abstract Tracer createTracer(String libraryName, String libraryVersion, String azNamespace, TracingOptions options)

Creates named and versioned tracer instance.

Tracer tracer = TracerProvider.getDefaultProvider().createTracer("azure-storage-blobs", "12.20.0",
     "Microsoft.Storage", clientOptions.getTracingOptions());
 HttpPipeline pipeline = new HttpPipelineBuilder()


libraryName - Azure client library package name
libraryVersion - Azure client library version
azNamespace - Azure Resource Provider namespace.
options - instance of TracingOptions


a tracer instance.


public static TracerProvider getDefaultProvider()

Returns default implementation of TracerProvider that uses SPI to resolve tracing implementation.


an instance of TracerProvider

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