Enumerations (Excel)
This section contains documentation for the enumerations in the Excel object model.
- Constants
- XlAboveBelow
- XlActionType
- XlAllocation
- XlAllocationMethod
- XlAllocationValue
- XlApplicationInternational
- XlApplyNamesOrder
- XlArabicModes
- XlArrangeStyle
- XlArrowHeadLength
- XlArrowHeadStyle
- XlArrowHeadWidth
- XlAutoFillType
- XlAutoFilterOperator
- XlAxisCrosses
- XlAxisGroup
- XlAxisType
- XlBackground
- XlBarShape
- XlBinsType
- XlBorderWeight
- XlBordersIndex
- XlBuiltInDialog
- XlCVError
- XlCalcFor
- XlCalcMemNumberFormatType
- XlCalculatedMemberType
- XlCalculation
- XlCalculationInterruptKey
- XlCalculationState
- XlCategoryLabelLevel
- XlCategoryType
- XlCellChangedState
- XlCellInsertionMode
- XlCellType
- XlChartElementPosition
- XlChartGallery
- XlChartItem
- XlChartLocation
- XlChartPicturePlacement
- XlChartPictureType
- XlChartSplitType
- XlChartType
- XlCheckInVersionType
- XlClipboardFormat
- XlCmdType
- XlColorIndex
- XlColumnDataType
- XlCommandUnderlines
- XlCommentDisplayMode
- XlConditionValueTypes
- XlConnectionType
- XlConsolidationFunction
- XlContainsOperator
- XlCopyPictureFormat
- XlCorruptLoad
- XlCreator
- XlCredentialsMethod
- XlCubeFieldSubType
- XlCubeFieldType
- XlCutCopyMode
- XlDVAlertStyle
- XlDVType
- XlDataBarAxisPosition
- XlDataBarBorderType
- XlDataBarFillType
- XlDataBarNegativeColorType
- XlDataLabelPosition
- XlDataLabelSeparator
- XlDataLabelsType
- XlDataSeriesDate
- XlDataSeriesType
- XlDeleteShiftDirection
- XlDirection
- XlDisplayBlanksAs
- XlDisplayDrawingObjects
- XlDisplayUnit
- XlDupeUnique
- XlDynamicFilterCriteria
- XlEditionFormat
- XlEditionOptionsOption
- XlEditionType
- XlEnableCancelKey
- XlEnableSelection
- XlEndStyleCap
- XlErrorBarDirection
- XlErrorBarInclude
- XlErrorBarType
- XlErrorChecks
- XlFileAccess
- XlFileFormat
- XlFileValidationPivotMode
- XlFillWith
- XlFilterAction
- XlFilterAllDatesInPeriod
- XlFilterStatus
- XlFindLookIn
- XlFixedFormatQuality
- XlFixedFormatType
- XlForecastAggregation
- XlForecastChartType
- XlForecastDataCompletion
- XlFormControl
- XlFormatConditionOperator
- XlFormatConditionType
- XlFormatFilterTypes
- XlFormulaLabel
- XlGenerateTableRefs
- XLGeoMappingLevel
- XlGeoProjectionType
- XlGradientFillType
- XlHAlign
- XlHebrewModes
- XlHighlightChangesTime
- XlHtmlType
- XlIMEMode
- XlIcon
- XlIconSet
- XlImportDataAs
- XlInsertFormatOrigin
- XlInsertShiftDirection
- XlLayoutFormType
- XlLayoutRowType
- XlLegendPosition
- XlLineStyle
- XlLink
- XlLinkInfo
- XlLinkInfoType
- XlLinkStatus
- XlLinkType
- XlLinkedDataTypeState
- XlListConflict
- XlListDataType
- XlListObjectSourceType
- XlLocationInTable
- XlLookAt
- XlLookFor
- XlMSApplication
- XlMailSystem
- XlMarkerStyle
- XlMeasurementUnits
- XlModelChangeSource
- XlMouseButton
- XlMousePointer
- XlOLEType
- XlOLEVerb
- XlOartHorizontalOverflow
- XlOartVerticalOverflow
- XlObjectSize
- XlOrder
- XlOrientation
- XlPTSelectionMode
- XlPageBreak
- XlPageBreakExtent
- XlPageOrientation
- XlPaperSize
- XlParameterDataType
- XlParameterType
- XlParentDataLabelOptions
- XlPasteSpecialOperation
- XlPasteType
- XlPattern
- XlPhoneticAlignment
- XlPhoneticCharacterType
- XlPictureAppearance
- XlPictureConvertorType
- XlPieSliceIndex
- XlPieSliceLocation
- XlPivotCellType
- XlPivotConditionScope
- XlPivotFieldCalculation
- XlPivotFieldDataType
- XlPivotFieldOrientation
- XlPivotFieldRepeatLabels
- XlPivotFilterType
- XlPivotFormatType
- XlPivotLineType
- XlPivotTableMissingItems
- XlPivotTableSourceType
- XlPivotTableVersionList
- XlPlacement
- XlPlatform
- XlPortugueseReform
- XlPrintErrors
- XlPrintLocation
- XlPriority
- XlPropertyDisplayedIn
- XlProtectedViewCloseReason
- XlProtectedViewWindowState
- XlQueryType
- XlQuickAnalysisMode
- XlRangeAutoFormat
- XlRangeValueDataType
- XlReferenceStyle
- XlReferenceType
- XlRegionLabelOptions
- XlRemoveDocInfoType
- XlRgbColor
- XlRobustConnect
- XlRoutingSlipDelivery
- XlRoutingSlipStatus
- XlRowCol
- XlRunAutoMacro
- XlSaveAction
- XlSaveAsAccessMode
- XlSaveConflictResolution
- XlScaleType
- XlSearchDirection
- XlSearchOrder
- XlSearchWithin
- XlSeriesNameLevel
- XlSheetType
- XlSheetVisibility
- XlSizeRepresents
- XlSlicerCacheType
- XlSlicerCrossFilterType
- XlSlicerSort
- XlSmartTagControlType
- XlSmartTagDisplayMode
- XlSortDataOption
- XlSortMethod
- XlSortMethodOld
- XlSortOn
- XlSortOrder
- XlSortOrientation
- XlSortType
- XlSourceType
- XlSpanishModes
- XlSparkScale
- XlSparkType
- XlSparklineRowCol
- XlSpeakDirection
- XlSpecialCellsValue
- XlStdColorScale
- XlSubscribeToFormat
- XlSubtotalLocationType
- XlSummaryColumn
- XlSummaryReportType
- XlSummaryRow
- XlTabPosition
- XlTableStyleElementType
- XlTextParsingType
- XlTextQualifier
- XlTextVisualLayoutType
- XlThemeColor
- XlThemeFont
- XlThreadMode
- XlTickLabelOrientation
- XlTickLabelPosition
- XlTickMark
- XlTimePeriods
- XlTimeUnit
- XlTimelineLevel
- XlToolbarProtection
- XlTopBottom
- XlTotalsCalculation
- XlTrendlineType
- XlUnderlineStyle
- XlUpdateLinks
- XlVAlign
- XlWBATemplate
- XlWebFormatting
- XlWebSelectionType
- XlWindowState
- XlWindowType
- XlWindowView
- XlXLMMacroType
- XlXmlExportResult
- XlXmlImportResult
- XlXmlLoadOption
- XlYesNoGuess
See also
Support and feedback
Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.