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Upgrading Data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

This topic describes how to upgrade data in the business database. You perform a data upgrade:

  • After you make changes to tables from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment and synchronize the schemas in the database.

  • When you upgrade the database from an earlier Dynamics NAV version to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018.

    The data upgrade process migrates data from upgrade tables to tables in the new or modified database based on the information that is contained in the upgrade codeunits that are available for the application. For more information about upgrade codeunits, see Upgrade Codeunits.

    You can run the data upgrade from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment or the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell.

Data Upgrade Process

The data upgrade process is controlled by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that connects to the database. When you start a data upgrade, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances runs all upgrade codeunits that are available for the application and calls the CheckPreconditions and upgrade functions, that is UpgradePerCompany and UpgradePerDatabase function types, that are contained in the upgrade codeunits. These functions provide instructions about how to migrate data from the upgrade tables to locations in the business database.


In this topic, UpgradePerCompany and UpgradePerDatabase functions are referred to as Upgrade functions.

The CheckPreconditions and Upgrade functions are called in the following order:

  1. CheckPreconditions functions are called in random order.

  2. Upgrade functions are called in random order.

    By default, Upgrade functions are executed in parallel mode (at the same time) unless you choose a different mode. For more information see, Parallel and Serial Execution Modes for Upgrade Codeunit Functions.


Depending on how many tables that must be modified in the business database, the data upgrade process can take several minutes to several hours to finish.

When upgrading a large database, you should increase the SQL Command Timeout setting for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that connects to the database to avoid timeouts during schema synchronization. The default setting is 30 minutes. For more information, see Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Parallel and Serial Execution Modes for Upgrade Codeunit Functions

You can run a data upgrade to execute CheckPrecondition and Upgrade functions in upgrade codeunits in two modes: Parallel and Serial.

Parallel mode runs the CheckPrecondition functions and Upgrade functions for all companies at the same time. The CheckPrecondition functions are run in parallel first, and if this operation is completed successfully, then the Upgrade functions for all companies are run in parallel. This is the default mode. Running the functions in parallel mode can significantly improve the upgrade performance, especially when you have multiple companies in the database. Each function is run using a separate session on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Serial mode runs the CheckPrecondition functions and Upgrade functions for all companies one at a time. The CheckPrecondition functions are run first, followed by the Upgrade functions. Functions are run in the same Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server session. Running the functions in serial mode is useful, for example, when you are debugging the data upgrade code.

Error Handling During Data Upgrade

The following describes the process when an error occurs when executing functions in the upgrade codeunits:

  • When an error occurs while executing a function, the execution of the function is stopped and changes that were made by the function are rolled back.

    • If the upgrade data process is set to continue on errors, then remaining functions are executed until the process is completed.

    • If the upgrade data process is not set to continue on errors, then the process is suspended. When functions are executed in parallel mode, functions that are still in progress will be canceled and the changes that were made by the functions will also be rolled back. Changes that were made by functions that were completed are not rolled back.

    You can use the Get-NavDataUpgrade to obtain information about the functions that have been successfully executed and those that failed. You can use this information to fix any errors, and then resume the data upgrade to execute the failed and canceled functions.

Running From the Development Environment

The development environment includes several options that enable you to control the data upgrade process. On the Tools menu, choose Data Upgrade, and then choose one of the options that are described in the following table:

Option Description
Start Starts the data upgrade as described in Data Upgrade Process.

On the Start Data Upgrade window, specify the options for running the data upgrade, and then choose the OK button. For more information about the start data upgrade options, see Start Data Upgrade.
Resume Restarts a data upgrade process that has been suspended because of an error that occurred when executing one or more functions in the upgrade codeunit.

On the Resume Data Upgrade window, specify whether to re-run all previously failed and canceled functions or a specific function only, and then choose the OK button to continue. For more information about the resume data upgrade options, see Resume Data Upgrade.

Only functions that failed because of an error or were canceled while in-progress during the last data upgrade process will be run again.

You cannot resume a data upgrade process that was stopped. Note: The resume operation will not execute CheckPreconditions or Upgrade functions that you added to upgrade codeunits while the upgrade process was suspended.
Show Progress Opens a window that displays information about the data upgrade process that is currently running or the last process that ran. The window provides the current state of the data upgrade and a progress bar that indicates the percentage of the process that has been completed.

The State field in the window indicates the current state of the upgrade process and has the following states:

- NotStarted indicates that a data upgrade has not been started on the database.
- InProgress indicates that a data upgrade is currently running in the database.
- Suspended indicates that the data upgrade processed has been interrupted because an error occurred on a function in an upgrade codeunit.
- Stopped indicates that the data upgrade was stopped by using the Stop action.
- Completed indicates that the data upgrade process has been completed.
Stop Stops the data upgrade process whose state is in progress or suspended because of an error.

Changes that were made by functions that are still in progress will be rolled back.

Running From Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell

You can run and manage a data upgrade from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell by using one of the following cmdlets:

See Also

Upgrading the Data
Synchronizing Table Schemas
Upgrade Codeunits