

Incident types are templates for work orders that enable users to create work orders quickly for the common types of jobs that their service organization performs.

An incident type can populate the following information on a work order:

  • Work order type
  • Estimated duration
  • Products
  • Services
  • Service tasks
  • Resolutions
  • Characteristics

In this module, you learned that incident types have many related items. Additionally, you learned how to:

  • Create service task types.
  • Define durations for service task types.
  • Add service task types to incident types.
  • Add products and services to incident types.
  • Add characteristics to incident types.
  • Add resolutions to incident types.
  • Calculate the estimated duration.

You also learned how to add incident types to work orders and how to add multiple incident types to a work order. Your next step is to learn how to use inspections with work orders.