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Applications collection

Contains an object for each COM+ application installed on the local computer. The properties exposed by these objects hold all settings made at the application level.

You set properties for components within an application by using the related Components collection. You assign roles to an application by using the related Roles collection.

To install components into an application, use methods on the COMAdminCatalog object. To install an application from a file or to shut down or export an application, also use methods on the COMAdminCatalog object. Otherwise, to create a new application, you can add an object to the Applications collection.

This collection supports the Add and Remove methods of the COMAdminCatalogCollection object.


The Applications collection inherits from the IUnknown interface but does not have additional members.

You can navigate from this collection to any of the following collections:

You can navigate to this collection from the following collections:


The following properties are supported by the COMAdminCatalogObject object within the collection:


Entry Value
Description Indicates whether the application can use 3 GB of memory in its process. If this is not enabled, the application can use only 2 GB of memory.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Indicates whether access checks are performed at only the process level or at both the process and component level. It is recommended that you use the constants in the enumeration and not the numeric values.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long Possible values: COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationLevel (0) COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationComponentLevel (1)
Default COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationComponentLevel (1)
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Local activation indicates that objects within the application run within a dedicated local server process (server application). In-process activation indicates that objects run in their creator's process (library application).
Access ReadWrite
Type Long Possible values:COMAdminActivationInproc (0)COMAdminActivationLocal (1)
Default COMAdminActivationLocal (1)
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Indicates whether access checks are performed for the application when clients make calls into it.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default True
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description The full path to the application. This information is needed when you configure Side-by-Side (SxS) assemblies. Side-by-side (SxS) assemblies allow ASP applications to specify which version of an SxS-supported system DLL to use, such as MSVCRT, MSXML, COMCTL, GDIPLUS, and so on. For example, if your ASP application relies on MSVCRT version 2.0, you can ensure that your application still uses MSVCRT version 2.0 even after service packs are applied to the server. Any new version of MSVCRT is still installed on the computer, but version 2.0 remains and is used by your application. SxS-supported DLLs are stored in %WINDIR%\WinSxS.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows XP



Only one version of a system DLL can be used in any application pool, even though this feature is configurable at the application level. For example, if application App1 uses MSVCRT, version 2.5 and application App2 uses MSVCRT, version 2.4, then App1 and App2 should not be in the same application pool. If they are, the application that is loaded first has its version of MSVCRT loaded, and the other application is forced to use it until the applications are unloaded.


For more information, see "Side-by-Side Assemblies" in Changes in COM+ Services in IIS 6.0.


Entry Value
Description Indicates whether the application is an application proxy.
Access ReadOnly
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description A remote server name used when exporting the application proxy. It is this server name that the application proxy points to when it is installed on a client computer.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description A GUID representing the application partition ID.
Access ReadOnly
Type String
Default <Generated>
Minimum system Windows Server 2003



Entry Value
Description Sets authentication level for calls, with values corresponding to the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) authentication settings. When COMAdminAuthenticationDefault is chosen, the setting in the DefaultAuthenticationLevel property within the LocalComputer collection is used.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long Possible values:COMAdminAuthenticationDefault (0)COMAdminAuthenticationNone (1) COMAdminAuthenticationConnect (2)COMAdminAuthenticationCall (3)COMAdminAuthenticationPacket (4)COMAdminAuthenticationIntegrity (5)COMAdminAuthenticationPrivacy (6)
Default COMAdminAuthenticationPacket (4)
Minimum system Windows 2000



For library (in-process) applications, the only valid settings here are COMAdminAuthenticationDefault and COMAdminAuthenticationNone . It is recommended that you use the constants in the enumeration and not the numeric values.



Entry Value
Description Determines what identity is presented when calls are impersonated.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long Possible values:COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesNone (0x0)COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesSecureReference (0x2)COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesStaticCloaking (0x20)COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesDynamicCloaking (0x40)
Default COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesDynamicCloaking (0x40)
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Determines whether changes to the application settings or those of its components are allowed, either programmatically or through the Component Services administration tool.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default True
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description A command-line string for use in debugging. The application can be launched in a debugger with the specified command line.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Specifies the maximum number of poolable applications that can run concurrently.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (1-1048576)
Default 1
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Informational string to describe who created the application.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Determines whether the Compensating Resource Manager is enabled.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Name and path of file for keeping the log for the compensating resource manager (CRM).
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Sets whether the application can be deleted, either programmatically or through the Component Services administration tool.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default True
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Describes the application.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Enables the dump of the state of a COM+ application at the time of failure to a designated directory.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows XP



As of Windows Server 2003, only administrators have read access privileges to the COM+ dump files.



Entry Value
Description Enables the dump of the state of a COM+ application when the application causes an unhandled exception and is terminated by the COM+ runtime.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Enables the dump of the state of a COM+ application when the application fails.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description The path of the directory in which the dump files are saved.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default "%systemroot%\system32\com\dmp"
Minimum system Windows XP



As of Windows Server 2003, only administrators have read access privileges to the COM+ dump files.



Entry Value
Description Indicates whether events are enabled for the application.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default True
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description A GUID representing the application. This property is returned when the Key property method is called on an object of this collection.
Access WriteOnce
Type String
Default <Generated>
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Sets the server process identity for the application. Specify a valid user account or "Interactive User" to have the application assume the identity of the current logged-on user. You can also specify the strings "nt authority\localservice", "nt authority\networkservice", and "nt authority\system". The default password for these three accounts is "" (empty string).
Minimum system Windows 2000


The Identity property is not enabled for library applications, which run in the client process.

The Password property should be set at the same time as Identity, prior to using SaveChanges, because the password and identity are validated before being saved. If the password and identity get out of sync, the application cannot be launched until they are reset by an administrator.


Entry Value
Description Sets impersonation level used for calls made to other applications.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long Possible values:COMAdminImpersonationAnonymous (1)COMAdminImpersonationIdentify (2)COMAdminImpersonationImpersonate (3)COMAdminImpersonationDelegate (4)
Default COMAdminImpersonationImpersonate (3)
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description If the COM+ application or component is disabled, IsEnabled is False. If the COM+ application or component is enabled, IsEnabled is True.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default True
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Identifies COM+ system applications.
Access ReadOnly
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Indicates the maximum number of files to be generated before overwriting occurs.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (1-200)
Default 5
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description The name of the application. Extra spaces at the beginning and end of the string are stripped out. This property is returned when the Name property method is called on an object of this collection.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default "New Application"
Minimum system Windows 2000



Unique names should be chosen for applications. If multiple applications are created with the same name, it can interfere with referencing the applications by name, resulting in unpredictable behavior.



Entry Value
Description Sets the password used by the server process to log on under the identity.
Access WriteOnly
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows 2000


Password should be set at the same time as Identity, prior to using SaveChanges, because the password and identity are validated before being saved. If the password and identity get out of sync, the application cannot be launched until they are reset by an administrator.


Entry Value
Description Indicates under what circumstances queued requests to an application are authenticated.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long Possible values:COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateSecureApps (0)COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOff (1)COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOn (2)
Default COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateSecureApps (0)
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Indicates the maximum number of concurrent listener threads. The valid range for this property is 0 to 1000. For a newly created application, the setting is derived from the algorithm currently used for determining the default number of listener threads: 16 times the number of CPUs in the server.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (0-1000)
Default 0
Minimum system Windows XP



This property is also available with read/write capability from the Queuing tab of the Component Services administrative tool.



Entry Value
Description Indicates whether the queued components listener is enabled for the application. If enabled, the listener is launched when the application starts. This property takes effect only if QueuingEnabled is set to True.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Indicates whether the COM+ Queued Components service is enabled for the application.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Indicates the maximum number of activations of configured objects in the application to accept before recycling the process. The default number of activations is 0.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (0-1048576)
Default 0
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Indicates the maximum number of calls to allow configured objects in the application to accept before recycling the process. The default number of calls is 0.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (0-1048576)
Default 0
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Indicates the amount of time (in minutes) to allow a recycled process to run before shutting it down. The countdown begins immediately after the process is recycled. The maximum expiration time-out is 1440 minutes (24 hours), and the default is 15 minutes.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (1-1440)
Default 15
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Indicates the maximum number of minutes to allow a process to run before recycling it. The maximum lifetime limit is 30240 minutes (21 days), and the default is 0 minutes.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (0-30240)
Default 0
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Indicates the maximum amount of memory usage (in kilobytes) allowed a process before it's recycled. If the process memory usage exceeds the specified number for a period longer than one minute, the process is recycled. The default amount of memory usage is 0 KB.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (0-1048576)
Default 0
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Indicates whether the application can be replicated.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default True
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Enables a server process to continue if an application is idle. If set to True, the server process does not shut down when left idle. If set to False, the process shuts down according to the value set by the ShutdownAfter property. RunForever is not enabled for library (in-process) applications.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description The service name corresponding to the application configured to run as a service application. If this value is NULL, the application is not configured to run as a service. Otherwise, the configuration information for the service can be found by using the service name.
Access ReadOnly
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Sets the delay before shutting down a server process after it becomes idle. Shutdown latency ranges from 0 to 1440 minutes (24 hours). If RunForever is set to True, this property is ignored. ShutdownAfter is not enabled for library (in-process) applications.
Access ReadWrite
Type Long (0-1440)
Default 3
Minimum system Windows 2000



Entry Value
Description Indicates whether this application is exposed for consumption via the SOAP protocol.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows Server 2003



Entry Value
Description The URL endpoint at which this application is exposed via the SOAP protocol.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows Server 2003



Entry Value
Description The email address at which this application is exposed via the SOAP protocol.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows Server 2003



Entry Value
Description The IIS virtual root directory in which the access scripts that expose the application via the SOAP protocol reside.
Access ReadWrite
Type String
Default ""
Minimum system Windows Server 2003



Entry Value
Description Determines the software restriction policy (SRP) for the application. If set to True, the SRPTrustLevel property for the application is used. If set to False, the software restriction policies from the local security settings are used. The local security settings are controlled through the Local Security Policy snap-in of the Microsoft Management Console.
Access ReadWrite
Type Bool
Default False
Minimum system Windows XP



Entry Value
Description Indicates the software restriction policy (SRP) trust level of the application. This property is used only if the SRPEnabled property is set to True. The SRP trust level refers to the level of trust that you are willing to give to an application. An Unrestricted SRP trust level corresponds to the SAFER_LEVELID_FULLYTRUSTED enum value, while a Disallowed SRP trust level corresponds to the SAFER_LEVELID_DISALLOWED enum value. The enumeration for the trust levels is defined in Winsafer.h.
Access ReadWrite
Minimum system Windows XP


An application that you are willing to trust with Unrestricted access should have the most stringent security attached to it. Applications that are Unrestricted can load only unrestricted components, while Disallowed applications will not be allowed to run and therefore cannot load any components.

See also

COM+ Administration Collections