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Decimal Konstruktory


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie klasy Decimal.



Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej liczby zmiennoprzecinkowej o podwójnej precyzji.


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 32-bitowej liczby całkowitej ze znakiem.


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości dziesiętnej reprezentowanej w pliku binarnym i zawarte w określonej tablicy.


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 64-bitowej liczby całkowitej ze znakiem.


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości dziesiętnej reprezentowanej w pliku binarnym i zawarte w określonym przedziale.


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej liczby zmiennoprzecinkowej o pojedynczej precyzji.


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 32-bitowej liczby całkowitej bez znaku.


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 64-bitowej liczby całkowitej bez znaku.

Decimal(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Byte)

Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie parametrów Decimal określających składniki wystąpienia.



Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej liczby zmiennoprzecinkowej o podwójnej precyzji.

 Decimal(double value);
public Decimal (double value);
new decimal : double -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Double)



Wartość, która ma być reprezentowana Decimaljako .


value parametr jest większy niż Decimal.MaxValue lub mniejszy niż Decimal.MinValue.


value to NaN, PositiveInfinitylub NegativeInfinity.


Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z wartością Double .

// Example of the Decimal( double ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( double value, String^ valToStr )
   // Format and display the constructor.
   Console::Write( "{0,-34}", String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
      // Display the value if it was created successfully.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( double ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from double values.
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+5, "1.23456789E+5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E+15, "1.234567890123E+15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25, "1.2345678901234567E+25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35, "1.2345678901234567E+35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-5, "1.23456789E-5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E-15, "1.234567890123E-15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25, "1.2345678901234567E-25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35, "1.2345678901234567E-35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" );

This example of the Decimal( double ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                    Value or Exception
-----------                                    ------------------
Decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789
Decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException
Decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789
Decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                            0.142857142857143
// Example of the decimal( double ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorDoDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' )+1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( double value, string valToStr )
        // Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-34}",
            String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

            // Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( double ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from double values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+5, "1.23456789E+5" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E+15, "1.234567890123E+15" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25,
            "1.2345678901234567E+25" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35,
            "1.2345678901234567E+35" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-5, "1.23456789E-5" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E-15, "1.234567890123E-15" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25,
            "1.2345678901234567E-25" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35,
            "1.2345678901234567E-35" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" );

This example of the decimal( double ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                    Value or Exception
-----------                                    ------------------
decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789
decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException
decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789
decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                            0.142857142857143
// Example of the decimal( double ) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: double) valToStr =
    // Format and display the constructor.
    printf "%-34s" $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

        // Construct the decimal value.
        let decimalNum = Decimal value

        // Display the value if it was created successfully.
        printfn $"{decimalNum,31}"
    with ex ->
        // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        printfn $"{getExceptionType ex,31}"

printfn $"This example of the decimal( double ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-34s%31s" "Constructor" "Value or Exception"
printfn "%-34s%31s" "-----------" "------------------"

// Construct decimal objects from double values.
createDecimal 1.23456789E+5 "1.23456789E+5"
createDecimal 1.234567890123E+15 "1.234567890123E+15"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E+25 "1.2345678901234567E+25"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E+35 "1.2345678901234567E+35"
createDecimal 1.23456789E-5 "1.23456789E-5"
createDecimal 1.234567890123E-15 "1.234567890123E-15"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E-25 "1.2345678901234567E-25"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E-35 "1.2345678901234567E-35"
createDecimal (1. / 7.) "1. / 7."

// This example of the decimal( double ) constructor
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                    Value or Exception     
// -----------                                    ------------------     
// decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789     
// decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException     
// decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789     
// decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
' Example of the Decimal( Double ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorDoDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Double, valToStr As String )

        ' Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-34}", _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) )

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

            ' Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum )

        ' Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) )
        End Try
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Double ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "Constructor", _
            "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "-----------", _
            "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Double values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+5, "1.23456789E+5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E+15, "1.234567890123E+15" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25, _
            "1.2345678901234567E+25" )
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35, _
            "1.2345678901234567E+35" )
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-5, "1.23456789E-5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E-15, "1.234567890123E-15" )      
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25, _
            "1.2345678901234567E-25" ) 
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35, _
            "1.2345678901234567E-35" ) 
        CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" ) 
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Double ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                    Value or Exception
' -----------                                    ------------------
' Decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789
' Decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException
' Decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789
' Decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
' Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                            0.142857142857143


Ten konstruktor zaokrągla value do 15 cyfr znaczących przy użyciu zaokrąglania do najbliższej. Odbywa się to nawet wtedy, gdy liczba ma więcej niż 15 cyfr, a mniej znaczących cyfr to zero.




Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 32-bitowej liczby całkowitej ze znakiem.

 Decimal(int value);
public Decimal (int value);
new decimal : int -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Integer)



Wartość, która ma być reprezentowana Decimaljako .


Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z wartością Int32 .

// Example of the Decimal( int ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( int value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( int ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from int values.
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MinValue, "Int32::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, "Int32::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 0, "0" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x40000000, "0x40000000" );
   CreateDecimal( (int)0xC0000000, "(int)0xC0000000" );

This example of the Decimal( int ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                              Value
-----------                              -----
Decimal( Int32::MinValue )         -2147483648
Decimal( Int32::MaxValue )          2147483647
Decimal( 0 )                                 0
Decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
Decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
Decimal( (int)0xC0000000 )         -1073741824
// Example of the decimal( int ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorIDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( int value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( int ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from int values.
        CreateDecimal( int.MinValue, "int.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, "int.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 0, "0" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x40000000, "0x40000000" );
        CreateDecimal( unchecked( (int)0xC0000000 ),
            "(int)0xC0000000" );

This example of the decimal( int ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                              Value
-----------                              -----
decimal( int.MinValue )            -2147483648
decimal( int.MaxValue )             2147483647
decimal( 0 )                                 0
decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
decimal( (int)0xC0000000 )         -1073741824
// Example of the decimal(int) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: int) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = new decimal(value)

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-30}{decimalNum,16}"

printfn "This example of the decimal(int) constructor\ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-30s%16s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-30s%16s" "-----------" "-----"

// Construct decimal objects from int values.
createDecimal Int32.MinValue "Int32.MinValue"
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue "int.MaxValue"
createDecimal 0 "0"
createDecimal 999999999 "999999999"
createDecimal 0x40000000 "0x40000000"
createDecimal (int 0xC0000000) "int 0xC0000000"

// This example of the decimal(int) constructor
// generates the following output.

// Constructor                              Value
// -----------                              -----
// decimal( Int32.MinValue )          -2147483648
// decimal( Int32.MaxValue )           2147483647
// decimal( 0 )                                 0
// decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
// decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
// decimal( int 0xC0000000 )          -1073741824
' Example of the Decimal( Integer ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorIDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Integer, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Integer ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Integer values.
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MinValue, "Integer.MinValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, "Integer.MaxValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, "0" )                
        CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" )                
        CreateDecimal( &H40000000, "&H40000000" )                
        CreateDecimal( &HC0000000, "&HC0000000" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Integer ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                 Value
' -----------                                 -----
' Decimal( Integer.MinValue )           -2147483648
' Decimal( Integer.MaxValue )            2147483647
' Decimal( 0 )                                    0
' Decimal( 999999999 )                    999999999
' Decimal( &H40000000 )                  1073741824
' Decimal( &HC0000000 )                 -1073741824




Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości dziesiętnej reprezentowanej w pliku binarnym i zawarte w określonej tablicy.

 Decimal(cli::array <int> ^ bits);
public Decimal (int[] bits);
new decimal : int[] -> decimal
Public Sub New (bits As Integer())



Tablica 32-bitowych liczb całkowitych ze znakiem zawierająca reprezentację wartości dziesiętnej.


bits to null.

Długość nie bits wynosi 4.


Reprezentacja wartości dziesiętnej w pliku bits jest nieprawidłowa.


Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z tablicą czterech Int32 wartości.

// Example of the Decimal( int __gc [ ] ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( array<int>^bits )
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {{ 0x{0:X}", bits[ 0 ] );
   String^ valOrExc;
   for ( int index = 1; index < bits->Length; index++ )
      ctor = String::Concat( ctor, String::Format( ", 0x{0:X}", bits[ index ] ) );
   ctor = String::Concat( ctor, " } )" );
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(bits);
      // Format the Decimal value for display.
      valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString();
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

   // Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
   int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc->Length;
   // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
   if ( ctorLen > ctor->Length )
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor->PadRight( ctorLen ), valOrExc );
   // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( int __gc [ ] ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from integer arrays.
   array<Int32>^zero = {0,0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( zero );
   array<Int32>^arrayShort = {0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( arrayShort );
   array<Int32>^arrayLong = {0,0,0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( arrayLong );
   array<Int32>^word0Data = {1000000000,0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( word0Data );
   array<Int32>^word1Data = {0,1000000000,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( word1Data );
   array<Int32>^word2Data = {0,0,1000000000,0};
   CreateDecimal( word2Data );
   array<Int32>^word3Data = {0,0,0,1000000000};
   CreateDecimal( word3Data );
   array<Int32>^decMax = { -1,-1,-1,0};
   CreateDecimal( decMax );
   array<Int32>^decMin = { -1,-1,-1,0x80000000};
   CreateDecimal( decMin );
   array<Int32>^fracDig16 = { -1,0,0,0x100000};
   CreateDecimal( fracDig16 );
   array<Int32>^fracDig28 = { -1,0,0,0x1C0000};
   CreateDecimal( fracDig28 );
   array<Int32>^fracDig29 = { -1,0,0,0x1D0000};
   CreateDecimal( fracDig29 );
   array<Int32>^reserved = { -1,0,0,0x1C0001};
   CreateDecimal( reserved );
   array<Int32>^Same4Words = {0xF0000,0xF0000,0xF0000,0xF0000};
   CreateDecimal( Same4Words );

This example of the Decimal( int __gc [ ] ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                                          0
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                               ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                     ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                          1000000000
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0 } )                 4294967296000000000
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0 } )
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000 } )
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } )
// Example of the decimal( int[ ] ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorIArrDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( int[ ] bits )
        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format(
            "decimal( {{ 0x{0:X}", bits[ 0 ] );
        string valOrExc;

        for( int index = 1; index < bits.Length; index++ )
            ctor += String.Format( ", 0x{0:X}", bits[ index ] );
        ctor += " } )";

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal( bits );

            // Format the decimal value for display.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

        // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
        int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length;

        // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
        if( ctorLen > ctor.Length )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ),
                valOrExc );

        // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the decimal( int[ ] ) constructor " +
            "\ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from integer arrays.
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 1000000000, 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 1000000000, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 1000000000, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0, 1000000000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, -1, -1, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ]
            { -1, -1, -1, unchecked( (int)0x80000000 ) } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x100000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x1C0000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x1D0000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x1C0001 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ]
            { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } );

This example of the decimal( int[ ] ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                                          0
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                               ArgumentException
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                     ArgumentException
decimal( { 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                          1000000000
decimal( { 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0 } )                 4294967296000000000
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0 } )
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000 } )
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
decimal( { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } )
// Example of the decimal(int[]) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (bits: int[]) =
    // Format the constructor for display.
    let mutable ctor = String.Format("decimal( {{ 0x{0:X}", bits[0])

    for i = 1 to bits.Length - 1 do
        ctor <- $"{ctor}, 0x{bits[i]:X}"
    ctor <- ctor + " } )"

    let valOrExc =
            // Construct the decimal value.
            let decimalNum = new decimal(bits)

            // Format the decimal value for display.
            string decimalNum
        with ex ->
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            getExceptionType ex

    // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
    let ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length;

    // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
    if ctorLen > ctor.Length then
        printfn $"{ctor.PadRight ctorLen}{valOrExc}"

    // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
        printfn $"{ctor}"
        printfn $"{valOrExc,76}"

    """This example of the decimal(int[]) constructor
generates the following output.
printfn "%-38s%38s" "Constructor" "Value or Exception"
printfn "%-38s%38s" "-----------" "------------------"

// Construct decimal objects from integer arrays.
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 1000000000; 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 1000000000; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 1000000000; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0; 1000000000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; -1; -1; 0 |]
createDecimal [| -1; -1; -1; 0x80000000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x100000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x1C0000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x1D0000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x1C0001 |]
createDecimal [| 0xF0000; 0xF0000; 0xF0000; 0xF0000 |]

// This example of the decimal(int[]) constructor
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                               Value or Exception
// -----------                                               ------------------
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                                          0
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                               ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                     ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                          1000000000
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0 } )                 4294967296000000000
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0 } )
//                                                79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000 } )
//                                               -79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } )
//                                                  18133887298.441562272235520
' Example of the Decimal( Integer( ) ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorIArrDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( ByVal bits( ) As Integer )

        ' Format and save the constructor.
        Dim ctor As String = String.Format( "Decimal( {{ &H{0:X}", bits( 0 ) )
        Dim valOrExc As String
        Dim index As Integer
        For index = 1 to bits.Length - 1
            ctor &= String.Format( ", &H{0:X}", bits( index ) )
        Next index
        ctor &= " } )"

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( bits )

            ' Format the Decimal value for display.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( )

        ' Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            valOrExc =  GetExceptionType( ex ) 
        End Try

        ' Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
        Dim ctorLen As Integer = 76 - valOrExc.Length
        If ctorLen > ctor.Length Then

            ' Display the data on one line if it will fit.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ), _
                valOrExc )

        ' Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc )
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " & _
            "Decimal( Integer( ) ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", _
            "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", _
            "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Integer arrays.
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 1000000000, 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 1000000000, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 1000000000, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0, 1000000000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, -1, -1, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, -1, -1, &H80000000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H100000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H1C0000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H1D0000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H1C0001 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) _
            { &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000 } )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Integer( ) ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                               Value or Exception
' -----------                                               ------------------
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                                          0
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                               ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                     ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &H3B9ACA00, &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                          1000000000
' Decimal( { &H0, &H3B9ACA00, &H0, &H0 } )                 4294967296000000000
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H3B9ACA00, &H0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0, &H3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
'                                                79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &HFFFFFFFF, &HFFFFFFFF, &H80000000 } )
'                                               -79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000 } )
'                                                  18133887298.441562272235520


Reprezentacja Decimal binarna liczby składa się z znaku 1-bitowego, liczby całkowitej 96-bitowej oraz współczynnika skalowania używanego do dzielenia liczby całkowitej i określania, jaka część jest ułamkiem dziesiętnym. Współczynnik skalowania jest niejawnie liczbą 10 podniesioną do wykładnika z zakresu od 0 do 28.

bits to czteroelementowa tablica z 32-bitowymi liczbami całkowitymi ze znakiem.

bits [0], bits [1] i bits [2] zawierają małe, środkowe i wysokie 32 bity liczby całkowitej 96-bitowej.

bits [3] zawiera współczynnik skali i znak i składa się z następujących części:

Bity od 0 do 15, dolne słowo, są nieużywane i muszą być zerowe.

Bity od 16 do 23 muszą zawierać wykładnik z zakresu od 0 do 28, co wskazuje moc 10, aby podzielić liczbę całkowitą.

Bity od 24 do 30 są nieużywane i muszą mieć wartość zero.

Bit 31 zawiera znak; 0 oznacza dodatnie, a 1 oznacza ujemne.

Wartość liczbowa może mieć kilka możliwych reprezentacji binarnych; wszystkie są równie prawidłowe i numerycznie równoważne. Należy pamiętać, że reprezentacja bitów rozróżnia ujemne i dodatnie zero. Te wartości są traktowane jako równe we wszystkich operacjach.

Zobacz też




Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 64-bitowej liczby całkowitej ze znakiem.

 Decimal(long value);
public Decimal (long value);
new decimal : int64 -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Long)



Wartość, która ma być reprezentowana Decimaljako .


Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z wartością Int64 .

// Example of the Decimal( __int64 ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( __int64 value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( __int64 ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from __int64 values.
   CreateDecimal( Int64::MinValue, "Int64::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int64::MaxValue, "Int64::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 0, "0" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
   CreateDecimal( 0xE000000000000000, "0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the Decimal( __int64 ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                         Value
-----------                                         -----
Decimal( Int64::MinValue )           -9223372036854775808
Decimal( Int64::MaxValue )            9223372036854775807
Decimal( 0 )                                            0
Decimal( 999999999999999999 )          999999999999999999
Decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )         2305843009213693952
Decimal( 0xE000000000000000 )        -2305843009213693952
// Example of the decimal( long ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorLDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( long value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( long ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from long values.
        CreateDecimal( long.MinValue, "long.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( long.MaxValue, "long.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 0L, "0L" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
        CreateDecimal( unchecked( (long)0xE000000000000000 ),
            "(long)0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the decimal( long ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                         Value
-----------                                         -----
decimal( long.MinValue )             -9223372036854775808
decimal( long.MaxValue )              9223372036854775807
decimal( 0 )                                            0
decimal( 999999999999999999 )          999999999999999999
decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )         2305843009213693952
decimal( (long)0xE000000000000000 )  -2305843009213693952
// Example of the decimal( int64 ) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: int64) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = Decimal value

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-35}{decimalNum,22}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( int64 ) constructor\ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "-----------" "-----"

// Construct decimal objects from long values.
createDecimal Int64.MinValue "Int64.MinValue"
createDecimal Int64.MaxValue "Int64.MaxValue"
createDecimal 0L "0L"
createDecimal 999999999999999999L "999999999999999999L"
createDecimal 0x2000000000000000L "0x2000000000000000L"
createDecimal (int64 0xE000000000000000L) "int64 0xE000000000000000L"

// This example of the decimal( int64 ) constructor 
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                         Value
// -----------                                         -----
// decimal( Int64.MinValue )            -9223372036854775808
// decimal( Int64.MaxValue )             9223372036854775807
// decimal( 0L )                                           0
// decimal( 999999999999999999L )         999999999999999999
// decimal( 0x2000000000000000L )        2305843009213693952
// decimal( int64 0xE000000000000000L )  -2305843009213693952
' Example of the Decimal( Long ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorLDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Long, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Long ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Long values.
        CreateDecimal( Long.MinValue, "Long.MinValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( Long.MaxValue, "Long.MaxValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( 0L, "0" )                
        CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" )                
        CreateDecimal( &H2000000000000000, "&H2000000000000000" )                
        CreateDecimal( &HE000000000000000, "&HE000000000000000" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Long ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                    Value
' -----------                                    -----
' Decimal( Long.MinValue )        -9223372036854775808
' Decimal( Long.MaxValue )         9223372036854775807
' Decimal( 0 )                                       0
' Decimal( 999999999999999999 )     999999999999999999
' Decimal( &H2000000000000000 )    2305843009213693952
' Decimal( &HE000000000000000 )   -2305843009213693952




Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości dziesiętnej reprezentowanej w pliku binarnym i zawarte w określonym przedziale.

 Decimal(ReadOnlySpan<int> bits);
public Decimal (ReadOnlySpan<int> bits);
new decimal : ReadOnlySpan<int> -> decimal
Public Sub New (bits As ReadOnlySpan(Of Integer))



Zakres czterech Int32 wartości, który zawiera binarną reprezentację wartości dziesiętnej.


Długość wartości bits nie wynosi 4 lub reprezentacja wartości dziesiętnej w bits obiekcie jest nieprawidłowa.




Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej liczby zmiennoprzecinkowej o pojedynczej precyzji.

 Decimal(float value);
public Decimal (float value);
new decimal : single -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Single)



Wartość, która ma być reprezentowana Decimaljako .


value parametr jest większy niż Decimal.MaxValue lub mniejszy niż Decimal.MinValue.


value to NaN, PositiveInfinitylub NegativeInfinity.


Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z wartością Single .

// Example of the Decimal( float ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( float value, String^ valToStr )
   // Format and display the constructor.
   Console::Write( "{0,-27}", String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
      // Display the value if it was created successfully.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( float ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from float values.
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345E+5, "1.2345E+5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567E+15, "1.234567E+15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+25, "1.23456789E+25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+35, "1.23456789E+35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345E-5, "1.2345E-5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567E-15, "1.234567E-15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-25, "1.23456789E-25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-35, "1.23456789E-35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" );

This example of the Decimal( float ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                             Value or Exception
-----------                             ------------------
Decimal( 1.2345E+5 )                                123450
Decimal( 1.234567E+15 )                   1234567000000000
Decimal( 1.23456789E+25 )       12345680000000000000000000
Decimal( 1.23456789E+35 )                OverflowException
Decimal( 1.2345E-5 )                           0.000012345
Decimal( 1.234567E-15 )            0.000000000000001234567
Decimal( 1.23456789E-25 )   0.0000000000000000000000001235
Decimal( 1.23456789E-35 )                                0
Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                             0.1428571
// Example of the decimal( float ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorSDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( float value, string valToStr )
        // Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-27}",
            String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

            // Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );

    public static void Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( float ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from float values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E+5F, "1.2345E+5F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E+15F, "1.234567E+15F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+25F, "1.23456789E+25F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+35F, "1.23456789E+35F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E-5F, "1.2345E-5F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E-15F, "1.234567E-15F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-25F, "1.23456789E-25F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-35F, "1.23456789E-35F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.0F / 7.0F, "1.0F / 7.0F" );

This example of the decimal( float ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                             Value or Exception
-----------                             ------------------
decimal( 1.2345E+5F )                               123450
decimal( 1.234567E+15F )                  1234567000000000
decimal( 1.23456789E+25F )      12345680000000000000000000
decimal( 1.23456789E+35F )               OverflowException
decimal( 1.2345E-5F )                          0.000012345
decimal( 1.234567E-15F )           0.000000000000001234567
decimal( 1.23456789E-25F )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
decimal( 1.23456789E-35F )                               0
decimal( 1.0F / 7.0F )                           0.1428571
// Example of the decimal( float ) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.'  + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: float32) valToStr =
    // Format and display the constructor.
    printf "%-27s" $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

        // Construct the decimal value.
        let decimalNum = Decimal value

        // Display the value if it was created successfully.
        printfn $"{decimalNum,31}"
    with ex ->
        // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        printfn $"{getExceptionType ex,31}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( float ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn $"""{"Constructor",-27}{"Value or Exception",31}"""
printfn $"""{"-----------",-27}{"------------------",31}"""

// Construct decimal objects from float values.
createDecimal 1.2345E+5f "1.2345E+5F"
createDecimal 1.234567E+15f "1.234567E+15F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E+25f "1.23456789E+25F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E+35f "1.23456789E+35F"
createDecimal 1.2345E-5f "1.2345E-5F"
createDecimal 1.234567E-15f "1.234567E-15F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E-25f "1.23456789E-25F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E-35f "1.23456789E-35F"
createDecimal (1f / 7f) "1.0F / 7.0F"

// This example of the decimal( float ) constructor
// generates the following output.

// Constructor                             Value or Exception
// -----------                             ------------------
// decimal( 1.2345E+5F )                               123450
// decimal( 1.234567E+15F )                  1234567000000000
// decimal( 1.23456789E+25F )      12345680000000000000000000
// decimal( 1.23456789E+35F )               OverflowException
// decimal( 1.2345E-5F )                          0.000012345
// decimal( 1.234567E-15F )           0.000000000000001234567
// decimal( 1.23456789E-25F )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
// decimal( 1.23456789E-35F )                               0
// decimal( 1.0F / 7.0F )                           0.1428571
' Example of the Decimal( Single ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorSDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Single, valToStr As String )

        ' Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-27}", _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) )

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

            ' Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum )

        ' Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) )
        End Try
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Single ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "-----------", "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Single values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E+5, "1.2345E+5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E+15, "1.234567E+15" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+25, "1.23456789E+25" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+35, "1.23456789E+35" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E-5, "1.2345E-5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E-15, "1.234567E-15" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-25, "1.23456789E-25" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-35, "1.23456789E-35" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Single ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                             Value or Exception
' -----------                             ------------------
' Decimal( 1.2345E+5 )                                123450
' Decimal( 1.234567E+15 )                   1234567000000000
' Decimal( 1.23456789E+25 )       12345680000000000000000000
' Decimal( 1.23456789E+35 )                OverflowException
' Decimal( 1.2345E-5 )                           0.000012345
' Decimal( 1.234567E-15 )            0.000000000000001234567
' Decimal( 1.23456789E-25 )   0.0000000000000000000000001235
' Decimal( 1.23456789E-35 )                                0
' Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                             0.1428571


Ten konstruktor zaokrągla value do 7 cyfr znaczących przy użyciu zaokrąglania do najbliższego. Odbywa się to nawet wtedy, gdy liczba ma więcej niż 7 cyfr, a mniej znaczące cyfry to zero.





Ten interfejs API nie jest zgodny ze specyfikacją CLS.

Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 32-bitowej liczby całkowitej bez znaku.

 Decimal(System::UInt32 value);
public Decimal (uint value);
new decimal : uint32 -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As UInteger)



Wartość, która ma być reprezentowana Decimaljako .



Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z wartością UInt32 .

// Example of the Decimal( unsigned int ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( unsigned int value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( unsigned "
   "int ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from unsigned int values.
   CreateDecimal( UInt32::MinValue, "UInt32::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( UInt32::MaxValue, "UInt32::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, "Int32::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x40000000, "0x40000000" );
   CreateDecimal( 0xC0000000, "0xC0000000" );

This example of the Decimal( unsigned int ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                              Value
-----------                              -----
Decimal( UInt32::MinValue )                  0
Decimal( UInt32::MaxValue )         4294967295
Decimal( Int32::MaxValue )          2147483647
Decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
Decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
Decimal( 0xC0000000 )               3221225472
// Example of the decimal( uint ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorUIDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( uint value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( uint ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from uint values.
        CreateDecimal( uint.MinValue, "uint.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( uint.MaxValue, "uint.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( (uint)int.MaxValue, "(uint)int.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999U, "999999999U" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x40000000U, "0x40000000U" );
        CreateDecimal( 0xC0000000, "0xC0000000" );

This example of the decimal( uint ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                 Value
-----------                                 -----
decimal( uint.MinValue )                        0
decimal( uint.MaxValue )               4294967295
decimal( (uint)int.MaxValue )          2147483647
decimal( 999999999U )                   999999999
decimal( 0x40000000U )                 1073741824
decimal( 0xC0000000 )                  3221225472
// Example of the decimal( uint ) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: uint) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = Decimal value

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-33}{decimalNum,16}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( uint ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-33s%16s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-33s%16s" "-----------" "-----" 

// Construct decimal objects from uint values.
createDecimal UInt32.MinValue "UInt32.MinValue"
createDecimal UInt32.MaxValue "UInt32.MaxValue"
createDecimal (uint Int32.MaxValue) "uint Int32.MaxValue"
createDecimal 999999999u "999999999u"
createDecimal 0x40000000u "0x40000000u"
createDecimal 0xC0000000u "0xC0000000u"

// This example of the decimal( uint ) constructor 
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                 Value
// -----------                                 -----
// decimal( UInt32.MinValue )                      0
// decimal( UInt32.MaxValue )             4294967295
// decimal( uint Int32.MaxValue )         2147483647
// decimal( 999999999u )                   999999999
// decimal( 0x40000000u )                 1073741824
// decimal( 0xC0000000u )                 3221225472
' Example of the Decimal( UInt32 ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorUIDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As UInt32, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( UInt32 ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from UInt32 values.
        ' UInt32.MinValue and UInt32.MaxValue are not defined in VB.
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( 0 ), """UInt32.MinValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( 4294967295 ), _
            """UInt32.MaxValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( Integer.MaxValue ), _
            "Integer.MaxValue" )              
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( 999999999 ), "999999999" ) 
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( &H40000000 ), "&H40000000" ) 
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( &HC0000000L ), "&HC0000000" )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( UInt32 ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                 Value
' -----------                                 -----
' Decimal( "UInt32.MinValue" )                    0
' Decimal( "UInt32.MaxValue" )           4294967295
' Decimal( Integer.MaxValue )            2147483647
' Decimal( 999999999 )                    999999999
' Decimal( &H40000000 )                  1073741824
' Decimal( &HC0000000 )                  3221225472





Ten interfejs API nie jest zgodny ze specyfikacją CLS.

Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie Decimal wartości określonej 64-bitowej liczby całkowitej bez znaku.

 Decimal(System::UInt64 value);
public Decimal (ulong value);
new decimal : uint64 -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As ULong)



Wartość, która ma być reprezentowana Decimaljako .



Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z wartością UInt64 .

// Example of the Decimal( unsigned __int64 ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( unsigned __int64 value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( unsigned "
   "__int64 ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from unsigned __int64 values.
   CreateDecimal( UInt64::MinValue, "UInt64::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( UInt64::MaxValue, "UInt64::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int64::MaxValue, "Int64::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
   CreateDecimal( 0xE000000000000000, "0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the Decimal( unsigned __int64 ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                       Value
-----------                                       -----
Decimal( UInt64::MinValue )                           0
Decimal( UInt64::MaxValue )        18446744073709551615
Decimal( Int64::MaxValue )          9223372036854775807
Decimal( 999999999999999999 )        999999999999999999
Decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )       2305843009213693952
Decimal( 0xE000000000000000 )      16140901064495857664
// Example of the decimal( ulong ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorLDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( ulong value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( ulong ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from ulong values.
        CreateDecimal( ulong.MinValue, "ulong.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( ulong.MaxValue, "ulong.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( long.MaxValue, "long.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
        CreateDecimal( 0xE000000000000000, "0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the decimal( ulong ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                         Value
-----------                                         -----
decimal( ulong.MinValue )                               0
decimal( ulong.MaxValue )            18446744073709551615
decimal( long.MaxValue )              9223372036854775807
decimal( 999999999999999999 )          999999999999999999
decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )         2305843009213693952
decimal( 0xE000000000000000 )        16140901064495857664
// Example of the decimal( uint64 ) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: uint64) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = Decimal value

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-35}{decimalNum,22}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( uint64 ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "-----------" "-----"

// Construct decimal objects from ulong values.
createDecimal UInt64.MinValue "UInt64.MinValue"
createDecimal UInt64.MaxValue "UInt64.MaxValue"
createDecimal (uint64 Int64.MaxValue) "int64 Int64.MaxValue"
createDecimal 999999999999999999uL "999999999999999999uL"
createDecimal 0x2000000000000000uL "0x2000000000000000uL"
createDecimal 0xE000000000000000uL "0xE000000000000000uL"

// This example of the decimal( uint64 ) constructor 
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                         Value
// -----------                                         -----
// decimal( UInt64.MinValue )                              0
// decimal( UInt64.MaxValue )           18446744073709551615
// decimal( int64 Int64.MaxValue )       9223372036854775807
// decimal( 999999999999999999uL )        999999999999999999
// decimal( 0x2000000000000000uL )       2305843009213693952
// decimal( 0xE000000000000000uL )      16140901064495857664
' Example of the Decimal( UInt64 ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorULDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As UInt64, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( UInt64 ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from UInt64 values.
        ' UInt64.MinValue and UInt64.MaxValue are not defined in VB.
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 0 ), """UInt64.MinValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 18446744073709551615D ), _
            """UInt64.MaxValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( Long.MaxValue ), _
            "Long.MaxValue" )              
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 999999999999999999 ), _
            "999999999999999999" )                
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( &H2000000000000000 ), _
            "&H2000000000000000" )                
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 16140901064495857664.0 ), _
            "16140901064495857664.0" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( UInt64 ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                       Value
' -----------                                       -----
' Decimal( "UInt64.MinValue" )                          0
' Decimal( "UInt64.MaxValue" )       18446744073709551615
' Decimal( Long.MaxValue )            9223372036854775807
' Decimal( 999999999999999999 )        999999999999999999
' Decimal( &H2000000000000000 )       2305843009213693952
' Decimal( 16140901064495857664.0 )  16140901064495857664


Decimal(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Byte)


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie parametrów Decimal określających składniki wystąpienia.

 Decimal(int lo, int mid, int hi, bool isNegative, System::Byte scale);
public Decimal (int lo, int mid, int hi, bool isNegative, byte scale);
new decimal : int * int * int * bool * byte -> decimal
Public Sub New (lo As Integer, mid As Integer, hi As Integer, isNegative As Boolean, scale As Byte)



Niskie 32 bity 96-bitowej liczby całkowitej.


Środkowe 32 bity 96-bitowej liczby całkowitej.


Wysokie 32 bity 96-bitowej liczby całkowitej.


true wskazać liczbę ujemną; false aby wskazać liczbę dodatnią.


Moc 10 od 0 do 28.


scale wartość jest większa niż 28.


Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy kilka Decimal liczb przy użyciu przeciążenia konstruktora, które inicjuje Decimal strukturę z trzema Int32 wyrazami wartości, znakiem Boolean i współczynnikiem skalowania Byte .

// Example of the Decimal( int, int, int, bool, unsigned char ) 
// constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( int low, int mid, int high, bool isNeg, unsigned char scale )
   // Format the constructor for display.
   array<Object^>^boxedParams = gcnew array<Object^>(5);
   boxedParams[ 0 ] = low;
   boxedParams[ 1 ] = mid;
   boxedParams[ 2 ] = high;
   boxedParams[ 3 ] = isNeg;
   boxedParams[ 4 ] = scale;
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )", boxedParams );
   String^ valOrExc;
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(low,mid,high,isNeg,scale);
      // Format and save the Decimal value.
      valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString();
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

   // Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
   int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc->Length;
   // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
   if ( ctorLen > ctor->Length )
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor->PadRight( ctorLen ), valOrExc );
   // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( int, int, "
   "int, bool, unsigned char ) \nconstructor "
   "generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from double values.
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 27 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, true, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, true, 0 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 15 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 28 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 29 );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 18 );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 28 );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, 0, 0, true, 28 );

This example of the Decimal( int, int, int, bool, unsigned char )
constructor generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
Decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
Decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
Decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
Decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
Decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647
// Example of the decimal( int, int, int, bool, byte ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorIIIBByDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( int low, int mid, int high,
        bool isNeg, byte scale )
        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format(
            "decimal( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )",
            low, mid, high, isNeg, scale );
        string valOrExc;

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal(
                low, mid, high, isNeg, scale );

            // Format and save the decimal value.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

        // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
        int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length;

        // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
        if ( ctorLen > ctor.Length )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ),
                valOrExc );

        // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

    public static void Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( int, int, " +
            "int, bool, byte ) \nconstructor " +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from the component fields.
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 27 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, true, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, true, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 15 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 28 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 29 );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 18 );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 28 );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, 0, 0, true, 28 );

This example of the decimal( int, int, int, bool, byte )
constructor generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647
// Example of the decimal( int, int, int, bool, byte ) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal low mid high (isNeg: bool) (scale: byte) =
    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor =
        $"decimal( %i{low}, %i{mid}, %i{high}, {isNeg}, {scale} )"

    let valOrExc =
            // Construct the decimal value.
            let decimalNum = new decimal(low, mid, high, isNeg, scale)

            // Format and save the decimal value.
            decimalNum |> string
        with ex ->
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            getExceptionType ex

    // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
    let ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length

    // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
    if ctorLen > ctor.Length then
        printfn $"{ctor.PadRight ctorLen}{valOrExc}"

    // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
        printfn $"{ctor}"
        printfn $"{valOrExc,76}"

    """This example of the decimal(int, int, int, bool, byte) 
constructor generates the following output.
printfn "%-38s%38s" "Constructor" "Value or Exception"
printfn "%-38s%38s" "-----------" "------------------"

// Construct decimal objects from the component fields.
createDecimal 0 0 0 false 0uy
createDecimal 0 0 0 false 27uy
createDecimal 0 0 0 true 0uy
createDecimal 1000000000 0 0 false 0uy
createDecimal 0 1000000000 0 false 0uy
createDecimal 0 0 1000000000 false 0uy
createDecimal 1000000000 1000000000 1000000000 false 0uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 0uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 true 0uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 15uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 28uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 29uy
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue 0 0 false 18uy
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue 0 0 false 28uy
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue 0 0 true 28uy

// This example of the decimal(int, int, int, bool, byte)
// constructor generates the following output.
// Constructor                                               Value or Exception
// -----------                                               ------------------
// decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
// decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
// decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
// decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
// decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
// decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
// decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
//                                                18446744078004518913000000000
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
// decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
// decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
// decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647
' Example of the Decimal( Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Byte ) 
' constructor.
Module DecimalCtorIIIBByDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( low As Integer, mid As Integer, _
        high As Integer, isNeg As Boolean, scale as Byte )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = String.Format( _
            "Decimal( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )", _
            low, mid, high, isNeg, scale )
        Dim valOrExc As String

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( _
                low, mid, high, isNeg, scale )

            ' Format and save the Decimal value.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( )

        ' Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            valOrExc =  GetExceptionType( ex ) 
        End Try

        ' Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
        Dim ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length
        If ctorLen > ctor.Length Then

            ' Display the data on one line if it will fit.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ), _
                valOrExc )

        ' Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc )
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Integer, Integer, " & _
            "Integer, Boolean, Byte ) " & vbCrLf & "constructor " & _
            "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", _
            "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", _
            "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from the component fields.
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, 0, 0, False, 18 )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, 0, 0, False, 28 )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, 0, 0, True, 28 )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Byte )
' constructor generates the following output.
' Constructor                                               Value or Exception
' -----------                                               ------------------
' Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
' Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
' Decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
' Decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
' Decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
' Decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
' Decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
'                                                18446744078004518913000000000
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
' Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
' Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
' Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647

W poniższym przykładzie użyto GetBits metody , aby pobrać części składowe tablicy. Następnie używa tej tablicy w wywołaniu do konstruktora Decimal(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Byte) , aby utworzyć wystąpienie nowej Decimal wartości.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Decimal[] values = { 1234.96m, -1234.96m };
      foreach (var value in values) {
         int[] parts = Decimal.GetBits(value);
         bool sign = (parts[3] & 0x80000000) != 0;

         byte scale = (byte) ((parts[3] >> 16) & 0x7F);
         Decimal newValue = new Decimal(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], sign, scale);
         Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", value, newValue);
// The example displays the following output:
//       1234.96 --> 1234.96
//       -1234.96 --> -1234.96
open System

let values = [ 1234.96m; -1234.96m ]
for value in values do
    let parts = Decimal.GetBits value
    let sign = (parts[3] &&& 0x80000000) <> 0

    let scale = (parts[3] >>> 16) &&& 0x7F |> byte
    let newValue = Decimal(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], sign, scale)
    printfn $"{value} --> {newValue}"

// The example displays the following output:
//       1234.96 --> 1234.96
//       -1234.96 --> -1234.96
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim values() As Decimal = { 1234.96d, -1234.96d }
      For Each value In values
         Dim parts() = Decimal.GetBits(value)
         Dim sign As Boolean = (parts(3) And &h80000000) <> 0
         Dim scale As Byte = CByte((parts(3) >> 16) And &H7F)
         Dim newValue As New Decimal(parts(0), parts(1), parts(2), sign, scale)    
         Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", value, newValue)
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    1234.96 --> 1234.96
'    -1234.96 --> -1234.96


Reprezentacja Decimal binarna liczby składa się z znaku 1-bitowego, liczby całkowitej 96-bitowej oraz współczynnika skalowania używanego do dzielenia liczby całkowitej i określania, jaka część jest ułamkiem dziesiętnym. Współczynnik skalowania jest niejawnie liczbą 10 podniesioną do wykładnika z zakresu od 0 do 28.
