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RegistrySecurity.ResetAccessRule(RegistryAccessRule) Metoda


Usuwa wszystkie reguły kontroli dostępu z tym samym użytkownikiem co określona reguła, niezależnie od AccessControlTypeelementu , a następnie dodaje określoną regułę.

 void ResetAccessRule(System::Security::AccessControl::RegistryAccessRule ^ rule);
public void ResetAccessRule (System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule rule);
override this.ResetAccessRule : System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule -> unit
Public Sub ResetAccessRule (rule As RegistryAccessRule)



Element do dodania RegistryAccessRule . Użytkownik określony przez tę regułę określa reguły do usunięcia przed dodaniu tej reguły.


Poniższy przykład kodu pokazuje, jak ResetAccessRule metoda zastępuje wszystkie reguły pasującego użytkownika regułą określoną dla dopasowania.

Przykład tworzy RegistrySecurity obiekt i dodaje reguły, które zezwalają i odmawiają różnych praw dla bieżącego użytkownika, z różnymi flagami dziedziczenia i propagacji. W tym przykładzie zostanie utworzona nowa reguła, która umożliwia bieżącemu użytkownikowi odczytywanie klucza tylko przy użyciu ResetAccessRule metody , aby usunąć wszystkie reguły dla użytkownika i zastąpić je nową regułą.


W tym przykładzie obiekt zabezpieczeń nie jest dołączany do RegistryKey obiektu. Zobacz metodę i metodę RegistryKey.GetAccessControlRegistryKey.SetAccessControl .

using System;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Security;
using Microsoft.Win32;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        string user = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\"
            + Environment.UserName;

        // Create a security object that grants no access.
        RegistrySecurity mSec = new RegistrySecurity();

        // Add a rule that grants the current user the right
        // to read and enumerate the name/value pairs in a key, 
        // to read its access and audit rules, to enumerate
        // its subkeys, to create subkeys, and to delete the key. 
        // The rule is inherited by all contained subkeys.
        RegistryAccessRule rule = new RegistryAccessRule(user, 
            RegistryRights.ReadKey | RegistryRights.WriteKey
                | RegistryRights.Delete, 

        // Add a rule that allows the current user the right
        // right to set the name/value pairs in a key. 
        // This rule is inherited by contained subkeys, but
        // propagation flags limit it to immediate child 
        // subkeys.
        rule = new RegistryAccessRule(user, 
            PropagationFlags.InheritOnly | PropagationFlags.NoPropagateInherit, 

        // Add a rule that denies the current user the right
        // to set the name/value pairs in a key. This rule
        // has no inheritance or propagation flags, so it 
        // affects only the key itself.
        rule = new RegistryAccessRule(user,

        // Display the rules in the security object.

        // Create a rule that allows the current user  
        // only read access to a key, with no inheritance 
        // or propagation flags. ResetAccessRule removes
        // all the existing rules for the current user, 
        // replacing them with this rule.
        rule = new RegistryAccessRule(user, 

        // Display the rules in the security object.
        // removed.

    private static void ShowSecurity(RegistrySecurity security)
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nCurrent access rules:\r\n");

        foreach( RegistryAccessRule ar in 
            security.GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(NTAccount)) )
            Console.WriteLine("        User: {0}", ar.IdentityReference);
            Console.WriteLine("        Type: {0}", ar.AccessControlType);
            Console.WriteLine("      Rights: {0}", ar.RegistryRights);
            Console.WriteLine(" Inheritance: {0}", ar.InheritanceFlags);
            Console.WriteLine(" Propagation: {0}", ar.PropagationFlags);
            Console.WriteLine("   Inherited? {0}", ar.IsInherited);

/* This code example produces output similar to following:

Current access rules:

        User: TestDomain\TestUser
        Type: Deny
      Rights: SetValue
 Inheritance: None
 Propagation: None
   Inherited? False

        User: TestDomain\TestUser
        Type: Allow
      Rights: SetValue, CreateSubKey, Delete, ReadKey
 Inheritance: ContainerInherit
 Propagation: None
   Inherited? False

        User: TestDomain\TestUser
        Type: Allow
      Rights: ChangePermissions
 Inheritance: ContainerInherit
 Propagation: NoPropagateInherit, InheritOnly
   Inherited? False

Current access rules:

        User: TestDomain\TestUser
        Type: Allow
      Rights: ReadKey
 Inheritance: None
 Propagation: None
   Inherited? False
Option Explicit
Imports System.Security.AccessControl
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Security
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Class Example

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        Dim user As String = Environment.UserDomainName _ 
            & "\" & Environment.UserName

        ' Create a security object that grants no access.
        Dim mSec As New RegistrySecurity()

        ' Add a rule that grants the current user the right
        ' to read and enumerate the name/value pairs in a key, 
        ' to read its access and audit rules, to enumerate
        ' its subkeys, to create subkeys, and to delete the key. 
        ' The rule is inherited by all contained subkeys.
        Dim rule As New RegistryAccessRule(user, _
            RegistryRights.ReadKey Or RegistryRights.WriteKey _
                Or RegistryRights.Delete, _
            InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit, _
            PropagationFlags.None, _

        ' Add a rule that allows the current user the right
        ' right to set the name/value pairs in a key. 
        ' This rule is inherited by contained subkeys, but
        ' propagation flags limit it to immediate child 
        ' subkeys.
        rule = New RegistryAccessRule(user, _
            RegistryRights.ChangePermissions, _
            InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit, _
            PropagationFlags.InheritOnly Or PropagationFlags.NoPropagateInherit, _

        ' Add a rule that denies the current user the right
        ' to set the name/value pairs in a key. This rule
        ' has no inheritance or propagation flags, so it 
        ' affects only the key itself.
        rule = New RegistryAccessRule(user, _
            RegistryRights.SetValue, _

        ' Display the rules in the security object.

        ' Create a rule that allows the current user  
        ' only read access to a key, with no inheritance 
        ' or propagation flags. ResetAccessRule removes
        ' all the existing rules for the current user, 
        ' replacing them with this rule.
        rule = New RegistryAccessRule(user, _
            RegistryRights.ReadKey, _

        ' Display the rules in the security object.

    End Sub 

    Private Shared Sub ShowSecurity(ByVal security As RegistrySecurity)
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Current access rules:" & vbCrLf)

        For Each ar As RegistryAccessRule In _
            security.GetAccessRules(True, True, GetType(NTAccount))

            Console.WriteLine("        User: {0}", ar.IdentityReference)
            Console.WriteLine("        Type: {0}", ar.AccessControlType)
            Console.WriteLine("      Rights: {0}", ar.RegistryRights)
            Console.WriteLine(" Inheritance: {0}", ar.InheritanceFlags)
            Console.WriteLine(" Propagation: {0}", ar.PropagationFlags)
            Console.WriteLine("   Inherited? {0}", ar.IsInherited)

    End Sub
End Class 

'This code example produces output similar to following:
'Current access rules:
'        User: TestDomain\TestUser
'        Type: Deny
'      Rights: SetValue
' Inheritance: None
' Propagation: None
'   Inherited? False
'        User: TestDomain\TestUser
'        Type: Allow
'      Rights: SetValue, CreateSubKey, Delete, ReadKey
' Inheritance: ContainerInherit
' Propagation: None
'   Inherited? False
'        User: TestDomain\TestUser
'        Type: Allow
'      Rights: ChangePermissions
' Inheritance: ContainerInherit
' Propagation: NoPropagateInherit, InheritOnly
'   Inherited? False
'Current access rules:
'        User: TestDomain\TestUser
'        Type: Allow
'      Rights: ReadKey
' Inheritance: None
' Propagation: None
'   Inherited? False


Jeśli nie ma reguł dostępu, których użytkownik pasuje do określonej reguły, rule zostanie dodany.
