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Wyliczenie lock_when

Określa odroczone blokowanie.


enum lock_when {


Po przekazaniu do elementu lock::lock określa, lock_later że blokada nie ma być wykonywana teraz.


W tym przykładzie użyto pojedynczego wystąpienia klasy w wielu wątkach. Klasa używa blokady w sobie, aby zapewnić spójność dostępu do danych wewnętrznych dla każdego wątku. Główny wątek aplikacji używa blokady w tym samym wystąpieniu klasy, aby okresowo sprawdzać, czy jakiekolwiek wątki robocze nadal istnieją, i czeka na zakończenie, aż wszystkie wątki robocze zakończyły swoje zadania.

// msl_lock_lock_when.cpp
// compile with: /clr
#include <msclr/lock.h>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace msclr;

ref class CounterClass {
   int Counter;

   property int ThreadCount;

   // function called by multiple threads, use lock to keep Counter consistent
   // for each thread
   void UseCounter() {
      try {
         lock l(this); // wait infinitely

         Console::WriteLine("In thread {0}, Counter = {1}", Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId,

         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

         Console::WriteLine("In thread {0}, Counter = {1}", Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId,

         Counter = 0;
         // lock is automatically released when it goes out of scope and its destructor is called
      catch (...) {
         Console::WriteLine("Couldn't acquire lock!");


int main() {
   // create a few threads to contend for access to the shared data
   CounterClass^ cc = gcnew CounterClass;
   array<Thread^>^ tarr = gcnew array<Thread^>(5);
   ThreadStart^ startDelegate = gcnew ThreadStart(cc, &CounterClass::UseCounter);
   for (int i = 0; i < tarr->Length; i++) {
      tarr[i] = gcnew Thread(startDelegate);

   // keep our main thread alive until all worker threads have completed
   lock l(cc, lock_later); // don't lock now, just create the object
   while (true) {
      if (l.try_acquire(50)) { // try to acquire lock, don't throw an exception if can't
         if (0 == cc->ThreadCount) {
            Console::WriteLine("All threads completed.");
            break; // all threads are gone, exit while
         else {
            Console::WriteLine("{0} threads exist, continue waiting...", cc->ThreadCount);
            l.release(); // some threads exist, let them do their work
In thread 3, Counter = 0
In thread 3, Counter = 10
In thread 5, Counter = 0
In thread 5, Counter = 10
In thread 7, Counter = 0
In thread 7, Counter = 10
In thread 4, Counter = 0
In thread 4, Counter = 10
In thread 6, Counter = 0
In thread 6, Counter = 10
All threads completed.


Plik<nagłówka msclr\lock.h>

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