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VsHierarchyPropID Enum



public enum class VsHierarchyPropID
public enum class VsHierarchyPropID
enum VsHierarchyPropID
public enum VsHierarchyPropID
type VsHierarchyPropID = 
Public Enum VsHierarchyPropID


AddItemTemplatesGuid -2070

An optional alternative project type GUID to use to get add item templates.

AllowEditInRunMode -2056

Indicates whether the compiler allows edits during run mode. This property is optional.

AltHierarchy -2019

An IVsHierarchy for SVsTrackSelectionEx. This property is optional

AltItemid -2020

An item identifier for SVsTrackSelectionEx. This property is optional.

AlwaysBuildOnDebugLaunch -2109

Indicates whether your project always builds on debug launch (F5) when the “Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run” Tools option is set. This property is optional.

AppContainer -2117

Indicates whether the project's output requires running in an app container or not. This property is optional. If true, the project’s output requires running in an app container. If false, the output des not require running in an app container.

AppTitleBarTopHierarchyName -2084

The hierarchy’s topmost name (solution or server) to put into the title bar of the application. This property is optional.

BrowseObject -2018

An IDispatch for property browsing. This property is optional.

BrowseObjectCATID -2068

An intrinsic extender category identifier (CATID) GUID of the BrowseObject(Object) for the given IVsHierarchy item identifier. For VSITEMID_ROOT, this corresponds to the object used to build the “Project.Properties” collection. This property is optional.

BuildDependencies -2106

A semicolon-separated list of projects required to build this project. This property is optional.

CanBuildFromMemory -2053

Indicates if a build can be done from memory. This property is optional.

Caption -2003

The full window caption.

CategoryGuid -2086

The GUID to identify the family/category of this non-Solution based Hierarchy (for example, Portfolio Project Hierarchy).

CfgBrowseObjectCATID -2069

An intrinsic extender category identifier (CATID) GUID of the configuration BrowseObject(Object) for the given IVsHierarchy item identifier. This property is optional.

CfgPropertyPagesCLSIDList -2066

A semicolon delimited list of class identifiers (CLSID) of the configuration-dependent property pages. This property is optional.

ChildrenEnumerated -2071

Indicates if children have been enumerated. This property is optional.

CmdUIGuid -2016

A GUID used to control visibility of toolbars and AutoVisible tool windows.

ConfigurationProvider -2036

Obsolete. Use the IVsGetCfgProvider interface instead.

Container -2081

Indicates if the item is a container. This property is optional.

DebuggeeProcessId -2073

The process identifier of debuggee (if known), otherwise zero.

DebuggerSourcePaths -2085

A semi-colon delimited list of paths in which the debugger looks for source. This property is optional.

DefaultEnableBuildProjectCfg -2063

Indicates whether "Build" should be initially checked by default in the solution configuration. This property is optional.

DefaultEnableDeployProjectCfg -2064

Indicates whether "Deploy" should be initially checked by default in the solution configuration. This property is optional.

DefaultNamespace -2049

A string representing the items folder-based namespace. This property is optional.

DemandLoadDependencies -2121

Indicates the demand load dependencies. This property is optional.

DescriptiveName -2108

A more descriptive name of the item. Replaces the running document table moniker in document windows tooltips or other parts of the UI. This property is optional.

DesignerFunctionVisibility -2061

The property that contains how designer functions are marked.

DesignerHiddenCodeGeneration -2079

The code that is supposed to go to the hidden designer file.

DesignerVariableNaming -2060

The case with which the variables are generated. This property is optional.

DesignTimeDependencies -2105

A semicolon-separated list of projects required to support design time features (Intellisense, Form designers, and so on). This property is optional.

DisableApplicationSettings -2087

Indicates whether Application Settings design time support in your project should be disabled. This property is optional.

EditLabel -2026

A string to be displayed for the in-place editing node caption. This property is optional.

EnableDataSourceWindow -2083

Indicates whether the Data Source Window for this project should be disabled. This property is optional.

ExcludeFromExportItemTemplate -2091

Indicates if the project item can be exported using the export item template. This property is optional.

Expandable -2006

Indicates if the Shell displays the “open-this-folder” plus sign.

ExpandByDefault -2011

Indicates if the Shell should expand this item.

Expanded -2035

Indicates if the node is currently expanded in the UIHierarchyWindow.

ExternalItem -2103

Indicates if this item is to be considered external to the solution. This property is optional.

ExtObject -2027

The ext.object for the ITEMID_ROOT item identifier of the project (Project). For other item identifiers, this property contains that item's ext object (ProjectItem), if any. This property is optional.

ExtObjectCATID -2067

The intrinsic extender category identifier (CATID) GUID of the ExtObject (Automation Object) for the given IVsHierarchy item identifier. For VSITEMID_ROOT this corresponds to the type of the “Project” object. This property is optional.

ExtSelectedItem -2028

A custom SelectedItem object for the given item identifier. This property is optional.

FaultMessage -2123

A localized message indicating the reason for a faulted project. This property is optional.

FirstChild -1001

The item identifier of the first child node (ITEMID_NIL if there are no children).

FirstVisibleChild -2041

Similar to FirstChild but the property specified by this member only walks items to be displayed in the UIHierarchyWindow. This property is optional. However, this property is required if the hierarchy supports multiple (subset or superset) views of its contents.

HandlesOwnReload -2031

Indicates if the project handles its own unload and reload. This property is optional.

HasEnumerationSideEffects -2062

Indicates if this hierarchy is to be enumerated for Find In Files and similar hierarchy enumerations. This property is optional.

IconHandle -2013

A handle of an icon; UIHierarchyWindow does not call DestroyIcon on it.

IconImgList -2004

A handle to an image list for an icon. Use only when itemid==VSITEMID_ROOT).

IconIndex -2005

An index for an icon.

ImplantHierarchy -2037

The IVsHierarchy implant for this hierarchy. This property is optional.

IntellisenseUnknown -2077

The IUnknown of the Intellisense compiler used by the project system. This property is optional.

IsFaulted -2122

Indicates if the project has encountered an error. This property is optional.

IsFindInFilesForegroundOnly -2052

Indicates where Find In Files runs. This property is optional.

IsHiddenItem -2043

Indicates if the item is not displayed in the current UIHierarchyWindow view. This property is optional. However, this property is required if your hierarchy supports multiple (subsetted) views of its contents.

IsLinkFile -2074

true if the file is a link file. This property is optional.

IsNewUnsavedItem -2057

Indicates if this is a new unsaved item. This property is optional.

IsNonLocalStorage -2045

Indicates if project storage is local. This property is optional.

IsNonMemberItem -2044

Indicates if an item is not considered a member of the hierarchy. This property is optional. However, it is required if your hierarchy supports superset views of its contents (for example, ShowAllFiles displaying files in a directory that are not members of the project).

IsNonSearchable -2051

Indicates if an item can be searched for or replaced using Find in Files or Replace in Files. This property is optional.

IsUpgradeRequired -2078

Indicates if an upgrade is required. This property is optional.

ItemDocCookie -2034

The document cookie (VSCOOKIE) of the hierarchy item. This property is optional.

ItemSubType -2047

A non-localized string representing the subtype of the item. This property is optional.

KeepAliveDocument -2075

Indicates if the document should be kept alive in the project regardless of its opened or closed state. This property is optional.

MinimumDesignTimeCompatVersion -2110

The minimum design time compatible version with which this project is compatible. This property is optional.

Name -2012

The name for the project (VSITEMID_ROOT) or item.

NextSibling -1002

The item identifier of the next sibling node (ITEMID_NIL if there are no more siblings).

NextVisibleSibling -2042

Similar to NextSibling but the property specified by this member only walks items to be displayed in UIHierarchyWindow. This property is optional. However, this property is required if your hierarchy supports multiple (subset or superset) views of its contents.

NIL -1
NoDefaultNestedHierSorting -2090

Indicates if the hierarchy does not want nested hierarchies sorted first and items after, and sorted alphabetically (like solution folders). This property is optional.

OpenFolderIconHandle -2014

The handle of an icon for an open folder; UIHierarchyWindow does not call DestroyIcon on it. This property is optional.

OpenFolderIconIndex -2015

The open folder’s icon index. This property is optional.

OutputType -2118

The output type for a project. This property is optional.

OverlayIconIndex -2048

The overlay for the item's main icon. This property is optional.

OwnerKey -2038

The owner key string that identifies the project GUID of the owning project. This property is optional.

Parent -1000

The item identifier of the parent node (ITEMID_NIL if no parent exists).

ParentHierarchy -2032

The IVsHierarchy that owns this hierarchy.

ParentHierarchyItemid -2033

The item identifier of this hierarchy in its parent hierarchy.

PreferredLanguageSID -2054

The preferred security identifier (SID) of the text editor language service for the project. This property is optional.

PriorityPropertyPagesCLSIDList -2089

A semicolon-delimited ordered list of class identifiers of the preferred property pages. This property is optional.

ProductBrandName -2099

The hierarchy branding used to replace the application name in the main window title. This property is optional.

ProjectCapabilities -2124

A space-delimited list of the project's capabilities. This property is optional.

ProjectDesignerEditor -2088

The GUID of the project designer editor the project uses to edit project properties (SupportsProjectDesigner should return VARIANT_TRUE if a project designer editor GUID is returned). This property is optional.

ProjectDir -2021

The full path to the project directory (for VSITEMID_ROOT only). This property is optional.

ProjectIDGuid -2059

A GUID that identifies a project across solutions. This property is optional.

ProjectName -2012

Obsolete. Use Name instead.

ProjectType -2030

Obsolete. Use TypeName instead.

ProjectUnloadStatus -2120

The unload status (UNLOADSTATUS_UnloadedByUser, UNLOADSTATUS_LoadPendingIfNeeded, and so on) from the _VSProjectUnloadStatus enumeration, and is implemented only by the stub hierarchy. This property is optional.

PropertyPagesCLSIDList -2065

A semicolon-delimited list of class identifiers of the configuration independent property pages. This property is optional.

ProvisionalViewingStatus -2112

The provisional viewing status for the item (from the __VSPROVISIONALVIEWINGSTATUS enumeration). This property is optional.

RefactorExtensions -2100

An array of service GUIDs that implement IVsRefactorNotify and for which this interface should be called for any refactoring operation in the project (only defined for VSITEMID_ROOT). This property is optional.

ReferenceManagerUser -2119

The implementation of IVsReferenceManagerUser for a project. This property is optional.

ReloadableProjectFile -2031

Obsolete. Use HandlesOwnReload instead.

RequiresReloadForExternalFileChange -2125

Indicates whether the file on disk was not last written by the project. This property is optional.

Root -1003

Obsolete. The item identifier of root must be VSITEMID_ROOT.

SaveName -2002

The name to be used during a save.

SelContainer -2017

An ISelectionContainer for property browsing. This property is optional.

ServiceReferenceSupported -2095

Indicates if the project supports service references. This property is optional.

ShowOnlyItemCaption -2058

Indicates if this is an item for which only the caption should be shown in the UI instead of the full moniker. This property is optional.

ShowProjInSolutionPage -2055

Indicates whether to filter the project when Visual Basic or C# calls the component picker for add-reference. This property is optional.

SortPriority -2022

The sort priority in UIHierarchyWindow. This property is optional.

StartupServices -2040

An IVsProjectStartupServices to add services to be started on the next project load (for VSITEMID_ROOT only).

StateIconIndex -2029

The state icon index.

StatusBarClientText -2072

The hierarchy scoped text for the Client Text field of the status bar.

StorageType -2046

A non-localized string representing the storage type. This property is optional.

SupportedMyApplicationTypes -2092

A semicolon-delimited list of application-types supported for project-systems that support My.Application. This property is optional.

SupportedOutputTypes -2113

A list of supported output types (specified as values used by the OutputTypeEx project property). This property is optional.

SupportsAspNetIntegration -2104

Indicates if your Web project supports being consumed by Silverlight. This property is optional.

SupportsHierarchicalUpdate -2096

Indicates whether to enable Hierarchical Update for this project. This property is optional.

SupportsLinqOverDataSet -2098

Indicates whether to enable LINQ to DataSet for this project. This property is optional.

SupportsNTierDesigner -2097

Indicates whether to enable the N-Tier designer for this project. This property is optional.

SupportsProjectDesigner -2076

Indicates if the project uses a Project Designer Editor instead of the property page frame to edit project properties. This property is optional.

SuppressOutOfDateMessageOnBuild -2080

Indicates whether the project participates in the “this configuration is out of date” message on Build (F5). This property is optional.

TargetFrameworkMoniker -2102

The format for the target framework moniker.

TargetFrameworkVersion -2093

The Target Framework version.

TargetPlatformIdentifier -2114

The Target Platform for a project type. This property is optional.

TargetPlatformVersion -2115

The version of the target platform (for example, “8.0”). This property is optional. However, it is required if TargetPlatformIdentifier is provided.

TargetRuntime -2116

The runtime the project targets (derived from the __VSPROJTARGETRUNTIME enumeration). This property is optional.

TypeGuid -1004

The GUID used to identify the type of node/hierarchy (search on GUID_ItemType).

TypeName -2030

The display name used to identify the type of node/hierarchy (used in the title bar).

UseInnerHierarchyIconList -2082

Indicates if the icon for an inner (nested) hierarchy root is to come from the inner hierarchy image list. This property is optional.

UserContext -2023

The IVsUserContext for the project/item. This property is optional.

WebReferenceSupported -2094

Indicates if the project supports Web references. This property is optional.

Applies to