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Char.ConvertToUtf32 Metoda


Konwertuje wartość pary zastępczej zakodowanej w formacie UTF-16 na punkt kodu Unicode.


ConvertToUtf32(Char, Char)

Konwertuje wartość pary zastępczej zakodowanej w formacie UTF-16 na punkt kodu Unicode.

ConvertToUtf32(String, Int32)

Konwertuje wartość znaku zakodowanego w formacie UTF-16 lub pary zastępczej w określonej pozycji w ciągu na punkt kodu Unicode.


W poniższym przykładzie kodu przedstawiono ConvertToUtf32 metody ConvertFromUtf32 i .

// This example demonstrates the Char.ConvertFromUtf32() method
//                           and Char.ConvertToUtf32() overloads.
using namespace System;
void Show( String^ s )
//   Console::Write( "0x{0:X}, 0x{1:X}", (int)s->get_Chars( 0 ), (int)s->get_Chars( 1 ) );
   Console::Write( "0x{0:X}, 0x{1:X}", (int)s[ 0 ], (int)s[ 1 ] );

int main()
   int music = 0x1D161; //U+1D161 = MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTEENTH NOTE

   String^ s1;
   String^ comment1a = "Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.";
   String^ comment1b = "Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string.";
   String^ comment1c = "Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point.";
   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   //  Convert the code point U+1D161 to UTF-16. The UTF-16 equivalent of 
   //  U+1D161 is a surrogate pair with hexadecimal values D834 and DD61.
   Console::WriteLine( comment1a );
   s1 = Char::ConvertFromUtf32( music );
   Console::Write( "    1a) 0x{0:X} => ", music );
   Show( s1 );
   //  Convert the surrogate pair in the string at index position 
   //  zero to a code point.
   Console::WriteLine( comment1b );
   music = Char::ConvertToUtf32( s1, 0 );
   Console::Write( "    1b) " );
   Show( s1 );
   Console::WriteLine( " => 0x{0:X}", music );
   //  Convert the high and low characters in the surrogate pair into a code point.
   Console::WriteLine( comment1c );
   music = Char::ConvertToUtf32( s1[ 0 ], s1[ 1 ] );
   Console::Write( "    1c) " );
   Show( s1 );
   Console::WriteLine( " => 0x{0:X}", music );

This example produces the following results:

Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.
    1a) 0x1D161 => 0xD834, 0xDD61
Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string.
    1b) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161
Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point.
    1c) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161

// This example demonstrates the Char.ConvertFromUtf32() method
//                           and Char.ConvertToUtf32() overloads.
using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    int letterA = 0x0041;  //U+00041 = LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
    int music   = 0x1D161; //U+1D161 = MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTEENTH NOTE
    string s1;
    string comment   = "Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.";
    string comment1b = "Create a code point from a UTF-16 encoded string.";
    string comment2b = "Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string.";
    string comment2c = "Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point.";

//  Convert code point U+0041 to UTF-16. The UTF-16 equivalent of
//  U+0041 is a Char with hexadecimal value 0041.

    s1 = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(letterA);
    Console.Write("    1a) 0x{0:X} => ", letterA);

//  Convert the lone UTF-16 character to a code point.

    letterA = Char.ConvertToUtf32(s1, 0);
    Console.Write("    1b) ");
    Console.WriteLine(" => 0x{0:X}", letterA);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

//  Convert the code point U+1D161 to UTF-16. The UTF-16 equivalent of
//  U+1D161 is a surrogate pair with hexadecimal values D834 and DD61.

    s1 = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(music);
    Console.Write("    2a) 0x{0:X} => ", music);

//  Convert the surrogate pair in the string at index position
//  zero to a code point.

    music = Char.ConvertToUtf32(s1, 0);
    Console.Write("    2b) ");
    Console.WriteLine(" => 0x{0:X}", music);

//  Convert the high and low characters in the surrogate pair into a code point.

    music = Char.ConvertToUtf32(s1[0], s1[1]);
    Console.Write("    2c) ");
    Console.WriteLine(" => 0x{0:X}", music);

    private static void Show(string s)
    for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++)
                       ((x == s.Length-1)? String.Empty : ", "));
This example produces the following results:

Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.
    1a) 0x41 => 0x41
Create a code point from a UTF-16 encoded string.
    1b) 0x41 => 0x41

Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.
    2a) 0x1D161 => 0xD834, 0xDD61
Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string.
    2b) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161
Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point.
    2c) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161

open System

let show (s: string) =
    for x = 0 to s.Length - 1 do
        printf $"""0x{int s[x]:X}{if x = s.Length - 1 then String.Empty else ", "}"""                    

let main _ =
    let letterA = 0x0041  //U+00041 = LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
    let music   = 0x1D161 //U+1D161 = MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTEENTH NOTE
    let comment   = "Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point."
    let comment1b = "Create a code point from a UTF-16 encoded string."
    let comment2b = "Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string."
    let comment2c = "Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point."

//  Convert code point U+0041 to UTF-16. The UTF-16 equivalent of
//  U+0041 is a Char with hexadecimal value 0041.

    printfn $"{comment}"
    let s1 = Char.ConvertFromUtf32 letterA
    printf $"    1a) 0x{letterA:X} => "
    show s1
    printfn ""

//  Convert the lone UTF-16 character to a code point.

    printfn $"{comment1b}"
    let letterA = Char.ConvertToUtf32(s1, 0)
    printf "    1b) "
    show s1
    printfn $" => 0x{letterA:X}"
    printfn ""

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

//  Convert the code point U+1D161 to UTF-16. The UTF-16 equivalent of
//  U+1D161 is a surrogate pair with hexadecimal values D834 and DD61.

    printfn $"{comment}"
    let s1 = Char.ConvertFromUtf32 music
    printf $"    2a) 0x{music:X} => "
    show s1
    printfn ""

//  Convert the surrogate pair in the string at index position
//  zero to a code point.

    printfn $"{comment2b}" 
    let music = Char.ConvertToUtf32(s1, 0)
    printf "    2b) "
    show s1
    printfn $" => 0x{music:X}"

//  Convert the high and low characters in the surrogate pair into a code point.

    printfn $"{comment2c}"
    let music = Char.ConvertToUtf32(s1[0], s1[1])
    printf "    2c) "
    show s1
    printfn $" => 0x{music:X}"


// This example produces the following results:
// Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.
//     1a) 0x41 => 0x41
// Create a code point from a UTF-16 encoded string.
//     1b) 0x41 => 0x41
// Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.
//     2a) 0x1D161 => 0xD834, 0xDD61
// Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string.
//     2b) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161
// Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point.
//     2c) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161
Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim letterA As Integer = &H41    'U+00041 = LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
      Dim music As Integer   = &H1D161 'U+1D161 = MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTEENTH NOTE
      Dim s1 As String
      Dim comment   As String = "Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point."
      Dim comment1b As String = "Create a code point from a UTF-16 encoded string."
      Dim comment2b As String = "Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string."
      Dim comment2c As String = "Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point."
      '  Convert code point U+0041 to UTF-16. The UTF-16 equivalent of 
      '  U+0041 is a Char with hexadecimal value 0041.

      s1 = [Char].ConvertFromUtf32(letterA)
      Console.Write("    1a) 0x{0:X} => ", letterA)
      '  Convert the lone UTF-16 character to a code point.

      letterA = [Char].ConvertToUtf32(s1, 0)
      Console.Write("    1b) ")
      Console.WriteLine(" => 0x{0:X}", letterA)
      ' -------------------------------------------------------------------

      '  Convert the code point U+1D161 to UTF-16. The UTF-16 equivalent of 
      '  U+1D161 is a surrogate pair with hexadecimal values D834 and DD61.

      s1 = [Char].ConvertFromUtf32(music)
      Console.Write("    2a) 0x{0:X} => ", music)
      '  Convert the surrogate pair in the string at index position 
      '  zero to a code point.

      music = [Char].ConvertToUtf32(s1, 0)
      Console.Write("    2b) ")
      Console.WriteLine(" => 0x{0:X}", music)
      '  Convert the high and low characters in the surrogate pair into a code point.

      music = [Char].ConvertToUtf32(s1.Chars(0), s1.Chars(1))
      Console.Write("    2c) ")
      Console.WriteLine(" => 0x{0:X}", music)
   End Sub
   Private Shared Sub Show(s As String)
      Dim x As Integer
      If s.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
      For x = 0 To s.Length - 1
         Console.Write("0x{0:X}{1}", _
                        AscW(s.Chars(x)), _
                        IIf(x = s.Length - 1, [String].Empty, ", "))
   End Sub 
End Class 
'This example produces the following results:
'Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.
'    1a) 0x41 => 0x41
'Create a code point from a UTF-16 encoded string.
'    1b) 0x41 => 0x41
'Create a UTF-16 encoded string from a code point.
'    2a) 0x1D161 => 0xD834, 0xDD61
'Create a code point from a surrogate pair at a certain position in a string.
'    2b) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161
'Create a code point from a high surrogate and a low surrogate code point.
'    2c) 0xD834, 0xDD61 => 0x1D161

ConvertToUtf32(Char, Char)

Konwertuje wartość pary zastępczej zakodowanej w formacie UTF-16 na punkt kodu Unicode.

 static int ConvertToUtf32(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate);
public static int ConvertToUtf32 (char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate);
static member ConvertToUtf32 : char * char -> int
Public Shared Function ConvertToUtf32 (highSurrogate As Char, lowSurrogate As Char) As Integer



Duża jednostka kodu zastępczego (czyli jednostka kodu od U+D800 do U+DBFF).


Mała jednostka kodu zastępczego (czyli jednostka kodu od U+DC00 do U+DFFF).



21-bitowy punkt kodu Unicode reprezentowany przez highSurrogate parametry lowSurrogate i .


highSurrogate nie należy do zakresu U + D800 do U + DBFF lub nie znajduje się w zakresie lowSurrogate U + DC00 do U + DFFF.


Ta metoda umożliwia przekonwertowanie pary zastępczej na 21-bitowy punkt kodu Unicode. Aby przekonwertować dane UTF-16 na dane UTF-32, użyj System.Text.UTF32Encoding klasy .

Zwykle kodowanie UTF-16 reprezentuje pojedynczy znak Unicode jako 16-bitową jednostkę kodu. Jednak obsługuje również pary zastępcze, które umożliwiają reprezentowanie pojedynczego znaku abstrakcyjnego jako dwóch 16-bitowych jednostek kodu. Te dwa obiekty muszą mieć jednostki kodu z zakresu od U+D800 do U+DBFF dla pierwszego (wysokiego) surogatu i od Char U+DC00 do U+DFFF dla drugiego (niskiego) zastępczego. Pary zastępcze są obsługiwane tylko przez kodowanie UTF-16. Ta metoda umożliwia konwertowanie znaku reprezentowanego przez parę surogatów UTF-16 na znak przy użyciu kodowania UTF-32.

Zobacz też


ConvertToUtf32(String, Int32)

Konwertuje wartość znaku zakodowanego w formacie UTF-16 lub pary zastępczej w określonej pozycji w ciągu na punkt kodu Unicode.

 static int ConvertToUtf32(System::String ^ s, int index);
public static int ConvertToUtf32 (string s, int index);
static member ConvertToUtf32 : string * int -> int
Public Shared Function ConvertToUtf32 (s As String, index As Integer) As Integer



Ciąg zawierający znak lub parę surogatów.


Pozycja indeksu pary znaków lub surogatów w s .



21-bitowy punkt kodu Unicode reprezentowany przez parę znaków lub surogatów na pozycji w s parametrze określonym przez index parametr .


index nie jest pozycją w obrębie s .

Określona pozycja indeksu zawiera parę surogatów i albo pierwszy znak w parze nie jest prawidłowym wysokim surogatem, albo drugi znak w parze nie jest prawidłowym niskim surogatem.


Ta metoda umożliwia przekonwertowanie znaku lub pary zastępczej na 21-bitowy punkt kodu Unicode. Aby przekonwertować dane UTF-16 na dane UTF-32, użyj System.Text.UTF32Encoding klasy .

Zobacz też
